27,007 research outputs found

    Maximizing the hyperpolarizability of one-dimensional systems

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    Previous studies have used numerical methods to optimize the hyperpolarizability of a one-dimensional quantum system. These studies were used to suggest properties of one-dimensional organic molecules, such as the degree of modulation of conjugation, that could potentially be adjusted to improve the nonlinear-optical response. However, there were no conditions set on the optimized potential energy function to ensure that the resulting energies were consistent with what is observed in real molecules. Furthermore, the system was placed into a one-dimensional box with infinite walls, forcing the wavefunctions to vanish at the ends of the molecule. In the present work, the walls are separated by a distance much larger than the molecule's length; and, the variations of the potential energy function are restricted to levels that are more typical of a real molecule. In addition to being a more physically-reasonable model, our present approach better approximates the bound states and approximates the continuum states - which are usually ignored. We find that the same universal properties continue to be important for optimizing the nonlinear-optical response, though the details of the wavefunctions differ from previous result.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections in the SuperScaling model including quasielastic, pion production and meson-exchange contributions

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    Charged current inclusive neutrino-nucleus cross sections are evaluated using the superscaling model for quasielastic scattering and its extension to the pion production region. The contribution of two-particle-two-hole vector meson-exchange current excitations is also considered within a fully relativistic model tested against electron scattering data. The results are compared with the inclusive neutrino-nucleus data from the T2K and SciBooNE experiments. For experiments where Eν0.8\langle E_\nu \rangle \sim 0.8 GeV, the three mechanisms considered in this work provide good agreement with the data. However, when the neutrino energy is larger, effects from beyond the Δ\Delta also appear to be playing a role. The results show that processes induced by two-body currents play a minor role at the kinematics considered.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Fluctuating epidemics on adaptive networks

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    A model for epidemics on an adaptive network is considered. Nodes follow an SIRS (susceptible-infective-recovered-susceptible) pattern. Connections are rewired to break links from non-infected nodes to infected nodes and are reformed to connect to other non-infected nodes, as the nodes that are not infected try to avoid the infection. Monte Carlo simulation and numerical solution of a mean field model are employed. The introduction of rewiring affects both the network structure and the epidemic dynamics. Degree distributions are altered, and the average distance from a node to the nearest infective increases. The rewiring leads to regions of bistability where either an endemic or a disease-free steady state can exist. Fluctuations around the endemic state and the lifetime of the endemic state are considered. The fluctuations are found to exhibit power law behavior.Comment: Submitted to Phys Rev

    Close encounters involving RAVE stars beyond the 47 Tucanae tidal radius

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    The most accurate 6D phase-space information from the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) was used to integrate the orbits of 105 stars around the galactic globular cluster 47 Tucanae, to look for close encounters between them in the past, with a minimum distance approach less than the cluster tidal radius. The stars are currently over the distance range 3.0 kpc << d << 5.5 kpc. Using the uncertainties in the current position and velocity vector for both, star and cluster, 105 pairs of star-cluster orbits were generated in a Monte Carlo numerical scheme, integrated over 2 Gyr and considering an axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric Milky-Way-like Galactic potential, respectively. In this scheme, we identified 20 potential cluster members that had close encounters with the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, all of which have a relative velocity distribution (Vrel_{rel}) less than 200 km s1^{-1} at the minimum distance approach. Among these potential members, 9 had close encounters with the cluster with velocities less than the escape velocity of 47 Tucanae, therefore a scenario of tidal stripping seems likely. These stars have been classified with a 93\% confidence level, leading to the identification of extratidal cluster stars. For the other 11 stars, Vrel_{rel} exceeds the escape velocity of the cluster, therefore they were likely ejected or are unassociated interlopers.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    First-Order Electroweak Phase Transition in the Standard Model with a Low Cutoff

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    We study the possibility of a first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) due to a dimension-six operator in the effective Higgs potential. In contrast with previous attempts to make the EWPT strongly first-order as required by electroweak baryogenesis, we do not rely on large one-loop thermally generated cubic Higgs interactions. Instead, we augment the Standard Model (SM) effective theory with a dimension-six Higgs operator. This addition enables a strong first-order phase transition to develop even with a Higgs boson mass well above the current direct limit of 114 GeV. The phi^6 term can be generated for instance by strong dynamics at the TeV scale or by integrating out heavy particles like an additional singlet scalar field. We discuss conditions to comply with electroweak precision constraints, and point out how future experimental measurements of the Higgs self couplings could test the idea.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. v2: corrected typos, improved discussion of the case lambda<0 and added references. To be published in PR

    Quarkonia production with the Hera-B experiment

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    Measurements of the dependence of the J/Psi production cross section on its kinematic variables as well as on the target atomic numbers for 920 GeV/c protons incident on different targets have been made with the Hera-B detector. The large collected di-lepton sample allows to study the production ratio of Psi(2S) to J/Psi and of Chic to J/Psi . We also report on measurements of the b-bbar and Upsilon production cross section.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Correlated enhancement of Hc2 and Jc in carbon nanotube-doped MgB2

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    The use of MgB2 in superconducting applications still awaits for the development of a MgB2-based material where both current-carrying performance and critical magnetic field are optimized simultaneously. We achieved this by doping MgB2 with double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) as a source of carbon in polycrystalline samples. The optimum nominal DWCNT content for increasing the critical current density, Jc is in the range 2.5-10%at depending on field and temperature. Record values of the upper critical field, Hc2(4K) = 41.9 T (with extrapolated Hc2(0) ~ 44.4 T) are reached in a bulk sample with 10%at DWCNT content. The measured Hc2 vs T in all samples are successfully described using a theoretical model for a two-gap superconductor in the dirty limit first proposed by Gurevich et al.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure