193 research outputs found

    Youth living arrangements and household employment deprivation: Evidence from Spain

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    Objective: We study the role of employment deprivation and severe poverty at the household level on youth living arrangements in Spain in three different business cycle periods. Background: Previous evidence has shown that recessions in Southern European countries make young individuals turn to their families for financial protection. Most analyses assume that these cohabiting decisions are only related to the young individual's employment status while other household members' employment deprivation is irrelevant. Method: We use information from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey between 2005 and 2017 and a very flexible indicator to measure the dimension of employment deprivation at the household level and estimate its role on the probability of being emancipated with a linear probability model. To avoid reverse causation, we also estimate two seemingly unrelated regressions of the probability of cohabiting with parents and the dimension of household employment deprivation. Results: Our results confirm that the Great Recession increased the probability of parental co-habitation, even if with some delay in relation to the business cycle. We reject the assumption about the irrelevance of other household member’s employment deprivation on youth cohabitation decisions because its dimension determines them. Conclusion: Policies aiming to improve emancipation should not only increase youth labour market opportunities but provide either more employment hours or more income transfers to those living in households where young individuals live

    El regalismo borbónico frente al poder Vaticano: acerca del estado de la iglesia en el Perú durante el primer tercio del siglo XVIII

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    This article studies some aspects of the difficult relations betwen Philip V and the Papacy through a double analysis: verifying the credibility of certain affirmations in a document previous to the «Noticias Secretas de América» as regards the irregular life of the Peruvian colonial clergy, and contextualizing both the author and contents of the said document in the early 18th Century.La comprobación de la verosimilitud de las afirmaciones contenidas en un documento anterior a las Noticias Secretas de América sobre el desorden en que vivía el clero colonial peruano, así como la contextualización de este testimonio y de su autor en el primer tercio del XVIII, sirven para analizar las dificultades que marcaron las difíciles relaciones entre Felipe V y el Papado

    Female generations and the path to gender labour equality in Spain

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    The female labour integration experienced in Spain between 1987 and 2020 has similarities with current changes in some developing countries. An in-depth analysis of this process can provide elements for understanding what could happen in countries moving out from a traditional model. We use a cohort-based model over the 1987–2020 period to disentangle the female labour force participation in Spain due to changes in patterns of participation over the life cycle (age effect), across generations (cohort effect) and the role of the economic cycle (period effect). We follow up the evolution of birth cohorts (1936–2000) using a “pseudo-panel” from synthetic cohorts from the Spanish labour force Survey (EPA). Our results confirm the age effect, with an increasing trend at the first part of the life course. However, female participation has not been associated with economic recessions or expansions. Spanish women born during the baby boom behave differently at the same age and have different age profiles than millennials (cohort effect). There are at least two aspects to be improved to avoid the setback of the achievements in gender equality: labour precariousness and sharing caregiving responsibilities. Spain still has the growing need to integrate employment and gender policy regulations

    La influencia del WhatsApp en emisoras de radio análoga

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    This article aims to determine the characteristics of use and impact of WhatsApp in radial processes of analogue stations in Manizales (Colombia). As an instrument for the descriptive and quantitative methodology followed by this research, a sample was formed with 58 participants (directors, producers, and directors) assigned to 45 radio programs of 10 analogue stations in Manizales. A survey with closed and open questions was applied, as well as a semi-structured interview to test the hypothesis. Among the main results it was found that, on a daily basis, 74% of the participants use WhatsApp for production, and 83% use it to interact with the listeners during the program. Interaction by telephone, letters, and email is ousted by interaction through digital social networks, as well as through texts, calls and voice notes in WhatsApp. It is concluded that WhatsApp has already been installed as a working tool in the radio production processes, and that it is beginning to displace the use of the reporter recorder to some extent. In addition to this digital application, social networks transformed the way of producing and performing radio programming, and above all, the way in which listeners participate.O objetivo deste artigo é determinar as características do uso e o impacto do WhatsApp em processos radiais de emissoras análogas de Manizales (Colômbia). Como instrumento para a metodologia descritiva e quantitativa que esta pesquisa seguiu, foi conformada uma amostra com 58 participantes (diretores, produtores e realizadores) vinculados a 45 programas de rádio de dez emissoras análogas de Manizales. Foi aplicado um questionário com perguntas fechadas e abertas, e uma entrevista semiestruturada para provar a hipótese. Entre os principais resultados, constatou-se que, diariamente, 74% dos participantes usam o WhatsApp para a produção e 83% para a interação com os ouvintes durante a realização do programa. A interação por telefone, cartas ou e-mail é substituída pela interação por meio das redes sociais digitais e dos textos, ligações e áudios do WhatsApp. Conclui-se que esse aplicativo já se estabeleceu como instrumento de trabalho nos processos de produção e realização radial e que, de alguma forma, começa a tomar o lugar do gravador nas reportagens. Além desse aplicativo digital, as redes sociais transformaram a maneira de produzir e realizar a programação radial e, principalmente, a forma de participação dos ouvintes.El objetivo del artículo es determinar las características del uso y el impacto del WhatsApp en procesos radiales de emisoras análogas de Manizales (Colombia). Como instrumento para la metodología descriptiva y cuantitativa que siguió esta investigación, se conformó una muestra con 58 participantes (directores, productores y realizadores) adscritos a 45 programas radiales de diez emisoras análogas de Manizales. Se aplicó una encuesta con preguntas cerradas y abiertas, y una entrevista semiestructurada para probar la hipótesis. Entre los principales resultados se encontró que, a diario, el 74% de los participantes usa WhatsApp para la producción, y un 83%, para interactuar con los oyentes durante la realización del programa. La interacción por teléfono, cartas y correo electrónico es desplazada por la interacción a través de redes sociales digitales y mediante los textos, las llamadas y las notas de voz del WhatsApp. Se concluye que el WhatsApp ya se instaló como instrumento de trabajo en los procesos de producción y realización radial y que, en alguna medida, empieza a desplazar el uso de la grabadora reportera. Además de esta aplicación digital, las redes sociales transformaron la manera de producir y realizar la programación radial y, sobre todo, la forma en que participan los oyentes.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/226

    BAPNE as A Mediation and Conflict Resolution tool in Education Methodological Introduction

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    The main objective of this research article is to propose a new model for educational mediation, based on the use of a fourth involved party (the whole group within a classroom) whom, with the use of Bapne methodology through music, rhythm and body percussion, becomes a necessary tool in conflict resolution. Our aim is to give new mediation-specific tools and strategies to university students of pre-school, primary and secondary education, in order for them to use them when they perform as teachers. We will look at and analyse why the principal studies and theorists on the topic, such as Sara Cobb, William Ury and Baruch and Folger propose 3 parties, exclusively, for conflict resolution: 2 confronted parties and a mediator. We will then justify our proposal for a fourth party: the group, the community. The strategy to be carried out is the reiterated practise of BAPNE activities within the classroom and with those parties in conflict in order to generate reengagement, satisfaction, empathy, inclusion work and coexistence with a double aim: to tackle existing conflicts and to prevent those that might arise in the future

    Labour Market Intermittency and Its Effect on Gender Wage Gap in Spain

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    Cet article analyse les différences de genre dans les épisodes d´abandon de l´emploi salarié dans les itinéraires de travail des individus, ainsi que leur répercussion sur les salaires perçus dans le dernier emploi. L´analyse est fondée sur les données de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales, des années 2005 à 2010. Cette base de données permet de construire un indicateur composé des aspects les plus importants touchant les interruptions de travail. Cet indicateur est utilisé pour décrire la relation entre les itinéraires ou trajectoires de travail et la situation sur le marché du travail des hommes et des femmes, ainsi que pour mesurer son influence sur le salaire. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les interruptions dans l´emploi ont un impact négatif et significatif sur les revenus salariaux et expliquent en partie les différences observées entre les hommes et les femmes.The current economic crisis is having a profound impact from a gender perspective on the traditional Spanish labour market model, as women are currently assuming a more active role in comparison to their male counterparts. Nevertheless important gender differences still remain, especially in wages. The objective of this paper is to analyze how gender differences in labour market interruptions explain gender wage gap in Spain. We use the information from the Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (CSWL), from years 2005 to 2010. With this source of data it is possible to define an index to control for the whole information from any type of employment interruption. This index is used to describe the relationship between trajectories and situation in labour market, and also to assess their influence on earnings. Our main findings show that interruptions of employment have a negative impact on wages and they explain part of the observed differences in gender wage gap

    Youth living arrangements and household employment deprivation: evidence from Spain

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    We study the role of employment deprivation and severe poverty at the household level on youth living arrangements in Spain in three different business cycle periods. Previous evidence has shown that recessions in Southern European countries make young individuals turn to their families for financial protection. Most analyses assume that these cohabiting decisions are only related to the young individual's employment status while other household members' employment deprivation is irrelevant. We use information from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey between 2005 and 2017 and a very flexible indicator to measure the dimension of employment deprivation at the household level and estimate its role on the probability of being emancipated with a linear probability model. To avoid reverse causation, we also estimate two seemingly unrelated regressions of the probability of cohabiting with parents and the dimension of household employment deprivation. Our results confirm that the Great Recession increased the probability of parental co-habitation, even if with some delay in relation to the business cycle. We reject the assumption about the irrelevance of other household member's employment deprivation on youth cohabitation decisions because its dimension determines them. Policies aiming to improve emancipation should not only increase youth labour market opportunities but provide either more employment hours or more income transfers to those living in households where young individuals live