5,526 research outputs found

    Sobreeducación en el mercado laboral urbano de Colombia para el año 2006

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    En este trabajo se analiza la sobreeducación en el mercado laboral de las Trece áreas Metropolitanas usando la información de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares del segundo trimestre de 2006 y el método estadístico para identificar a los sobreeducados. Los resultados señalan que aproximadamente el 13% de los trabajadores de las siete categorías ocupacionales analizadas se encontraban sobreeducado

    Análisis del consumo de cerveza en el área metropolitana de Monterrey: Un modelo de respuesta censurada

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    This study analyses the effect of household income and socioeconomic composition on household expenditure on beer. Tobit models are used in order to capture the response on the magnitude of beer purchases as well as the behavior of non-purchasing households. The results indicate, without regard to income segment, that household income and education of the household manager determine beer consumption and have a greater effect on potential consumers.

    Application of the liposuction techniques and principles in specific body areas and pathologies

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    The buttocks have been a symbol of attraction, sexuality and eroticism since ancient times and therefore, they have an important role in defining the posterior body contour. More and more people are talking about and understand the meaning and the role that buttocks play in modeling and physical beauty. The three dimensional gluteoplasty (3-DGP) is an innovative technique that allows us to change volume, shape and firmness, not only in the buttocks but also in the adjacent regions such as the thighs and trochanters, becoming an ideal tool to answer the frequent reasons of consultation of our patients about this particular area of the body: ..

    Galaxy interactions in IllustrisTNG-100, I: The power and limitations of visual identification

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    We present a sample of 446 galaxy pairs constructed using the cosmological simulation IllustrisTNG-100 at z = 0, with M_(FoF,dm)=10¹¹−10^(13.5) M⊙. We produce ideal mock SDSS g-band images of all pairs to test the reliability of visual classification schema employed to produce samples of interacting galaxies. We visually classify each image as interacting or not based on the presence of a close neighbour, the presence of stellar debris fields, disturbed discs, and/or tidal features. By inspecting the trajectories of the pairs, we determine that these indicators correctly identify interacting galaxies ∼45 per cent of the time. We subsequently split the sample into the visually identified interacting pairs (VIP; 38 pairs) and those which are interacting but are not visually identified (nonVIP; 47 pairs). We find that VIP have undergone a close passage nearly twice as recently as the non-VIP, and typically have higher stellar masses. Further, the VIP sit in dark matter haloes that are approximately 2.5 times as massive, in environments nearly 2 times as dense, and are almost a factor of 10 more affected by the tidal forces of their surroundings than the nonVIP. These factors conspire to increase the observability of tidal features and disturbed morphologies, making the VIP more likely to be identified. Thus, merger rate calculations which rely on stellar morphologies are likely to be significantly biased toward massive galaxy pairs which have recently undergone a close passage

    Culture conditions for zinc- and pH-regulated gene expression studies in Aspergillus fumigatus

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    In Aspergillus fumigatus, the regulation of zinc homeostasis is strongly influenced by environmental pH. Thus, the study of zinc-regulated gene expression in A. fumigatus requires controlling variations in culture pH, as this may affect zinc availability. However, depending on the nitrogen source, the pH of the culture can change dramatically over time. In addition, due to the ubiquitous distribution of zinc and that it is an essential micronutrient required in minute amounts for optimal fungal growth, neither buffering of the culture media to prevent pH variations nor the use of chelating agents is advisable if mycelium is to be used for expression analyses. In this work, the growth of A. fumigatus in several culture media was examined in order to determine the conditions yielding mycelia suitable for gene expression analyses in acid and neutral media, regardless of zinc availability. Our results showed that a zinc-limiting synthetic basal medium could be readily converted into a zinc-replete one and subsequently into acid or neutral medium by using, respectively, ammonium or nitrate as nitrogen source. [Int Microbiol 2007; 10(3):187-192

    Tamaño de planta y formación específica en el mercado laboral colombiano

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    Con base en la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida (ECV) de 2003 del DANE, en este trabajo se estudia la formación para el empleo (FPE) en el mercado laboral colombiano. Se encuentra una relación estrecha entre modernidad empresarial y FPE. Utilizando funciones mincerianas modificadas se encuentra que la rentabilidad de la FPE aumenta con el nivel de educación formal y el tamaño de las empresas

    Experimental evidence of the Poisson-like effect for flexural waves in thin metallic plates

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    [EN] This Letter reports the feasibility of a structure specifically designed for the control of flexural waves propagating in thin perforated plates. The structure, here denominated as a redirector device, consists of a square array of free holes that splits the impinging beam and transmits sideways their vibrational energy. This behavior is known as a Poisson-like effect, and it was theoretically described in different acoustic structures. This effect is experimentally demonstrated for flexural waves excited in an aluminum perforated plate, and it is explained in terms of a physical mechanism different to that reported for acoustic waves interacting with thin hollow cylinders embedded in water. In addition, a collimator device based also in free holes is designed and validated with the purpose of providing the beam impinging the redirector device. The measurements indicate that the amount of redirected energy is strongly enhanced when a barrier of two-beam resonators is added at the rear side of the redirector. All the designs are validated by an experimental setup employing 1¿mm thick aluminum plates.This research was partially supported by Grant No. PID2020112759GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe." J.S.-D. acknowledges the "Proyecto interno" supported by the Universitat Polite`cnica de Valencia. A.F. is supported through the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigaci~on y Desarrollo of the Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia under Grant Nos. PAID-01-20 and 21589. J.S.-D. and P.G. acknowledge useful conversations with Johan Christensen.Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J.; Gao, P.; Cervera Moreno, FS.; Broatch, A.; Garcia Tiscar, J.; Felgueroso-Rodríguez, A. (2022). Experimental evidence of the Poisson-like effect for flexural waves in thin metallic plates. Applied Physics Letters. 120(9). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0080450094102120

    Biobutanol as fuel: a sustainable alternative

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    El Biobutanol es un biocombustible producido a partir de la fermentación acetona-butanol-etanol (ABE). Este alcohol presenta varias ventajas con respecto al bioetanol, a saber, baja miscibilidad en el agua, baja volatilidad, menor corrosividad, mayor capacidad calorífica y además presenta la ventaja de sustituir directamente la gasolina sin necesidad de realizar modificaciones al motor. En este artículo de revisión se comparan las características químicas del butanol con la gasolina y el etanol. Dentro de las dificultades que tiene el biobutanol para realizar su producción a escala industrial, sobresale la ineficiencia en las etapas de separación y purificación. Por tanto, actualmente es imperiosa la necesidad de sustituir estos procesos, por otros más eficientes y compatibles ambientalmente. Es por ello, que en este artículo de revisión también se discutirán técnicas de separación que están bien sea en desarrollo o en auge, tales como: la pervaporación, el arrastre con gas, la extracción líquido-líquido, la adsorción y la osmosis inversa.Biobutanol is a biofuel produced from the acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation. This alcohol has several advantages over bioethanol, as it has low miscibility in water, low volatility, less corrosivity, greater heat capacity and also has the advantage of directly replacing gasoline without having to make modifications to the engine. This review article compares the chemical characteristics of butanol with gasoline and ethanol. Within the difficulties that biobutanol has to carry out its production on an industrial scale, the inefficiency in the stages of separation and purification stands out. Therefore, it is now imperative to replace these processes with more efficient and environmentally compatible ones. It is for this reason that this review article will also discuss separation techniques that are either developing or booming, such as: pervaporation, gas stripping, liquid-liquid extraction, adsorption and reverse osmosis.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale