7,245 research outputs found

    Information structure and the referential status of bare plurals

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    The goal of this paper is to study the influence of information structure in the referential status of linguistic expressions such as bare plurals and indefinite NPs in Spanish. In particular, we will argue for the following claims: (a) Spanish bare plurals can receive a generic interpretation in object position and (b) Spanish bare plurals in object position can be topics in siru. We will focus on object position because of the well known semantic and syntactic constraints that affect preverbal subject bare plurals in Spanish

    Dinámica de sistemas y la curva medio ambiental de Kuznets en Perú (1990-2015)

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    This paper shows the importance of system dynamics as a complement for econometrics and its use for formulating economic policies through dynamic command tables. It explores the Environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis validity in Peru. Afterwards, the research models an influences diagram to describe the complex relationships between economy and environment. Finally, it offers a Forrester dynamic simulation for carbon dioxide (CO2), which combines Kaya s identity with the process of Peru s GDP formation, including renewable energy. This simulation model corroborates Kuznets results for CO2 and allows to design policies for the model s generating variables.Este artigo mostra a importância da dinâmica de sistemas como complemento da econometria e seu uso na formulação de políticas econômicas por meio de quadros dinâmicos de comando. Explora a validade da hipótese da Curva Ambiental de Kuznets no Peru. Posteriormente, modela um diagrama de influências para descrever as complexas relações entre a economia e o meio ambiente. Finalmente, mostra-se uma simulação dinâmica segundo Forrester para o dióxido de carbono (CO2) que combina a identidade de Kaya com o processo de formação do PIB do Peru, incluindo a energia renovável. Esse modelo de simulação corrobora os resultados de Kuznets para o CO2 e permite criar políticas para as variáveis geradoras do modelo.Este artículo muestra la importancia de la dinámica de sistemas como complemento de la econometría y su uso en la formulación de políticas económicas a través de cuadros dinámicos de mando. Explora la validez de la hipótesis de la Curva medio ambiental de Kuznets en Perú. Posteriormente modela un diagrama de influencias para describir las complejas relaciones entre la economía y el medio ambiente. Finalmente, se muestra una simulación dinámica según Forrester para el dióxido de carbono (CO2) que combina la identidad de Kaya con el proceso de formación del PIB de Perú, incluyendo la energía renovable. Este modelo de simulación corrobora los resultados de Kuznets para el CO2 y permite diseñar políticas para las variables generadoras del modelo

    Large-scale analysis of Zipf's law in English texts

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    Despite being a paradigm of quantitative linguistics, Zipf's law for words suffers from three main problems: its formulation is ambiguous, its validity has not been tested rigorously from a statistical point of view, and it has not been confronted to a representatively large number of texts. So, we can summarize the current support of Zipf's law in texts as anecdotic. We try to solve these issues by studying three different versions of Zipf's law and fitting them to all available English texts in the Project Gutenberg database (consisting of more than 30000 texts). To do so we use state-of-the art tools in fitting and goodness-of-fit tests, carefully tailored to the peculiarities of text statistics. Remarkably, one of the three versions of Zipf's law, consisting of a pure power-law form in the complementary cumulative distribution function of word frequencies, is able to fit more than 40% of the texts in the database (at the 0.05 significance level), for the whole domain of frequencies (from 1 to the maximum value) and with only one free parameter (the exponent)

    Regulatory reforms in selected EU network industries

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    In the course of the 1990s, the EU has embarked on an ambitious regulatory reform programme for a number of European network industries, such as telecommunications, energy and transport. This paper analyses the potential benefits of successful reforms in these sectors with a focus on the price effects of regulatory reforms. Following a review of the existing empirical literature in this field, the paper discusses the evolution of the current regulatory framework for network industries in the EU. An empirical analysis of the main determinants of recent price developments in these industries provides evidence that regulatory reform measures had a substantial downward impact on prices in the four sectors under review.Network Industries, Panel Data, Price effects, Regulatory Reforms.

    Guía de arquitectura y urbanismo. Guía de construcción

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    Emotion, gesture and “action”: laughter in “Ab Vrbe Condita” (II)

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    En la primera parte de este trabajo ("Talia dixit" 5, 2010, 1-24), analizamos las características generales de aquellos pasajes en los que Livio utiliza la risa como tema prioritario o de fondo, partiendo de una selección de terminos ("risus /ridere; inridere/-risus //arridere"), cuya aplicación, más o menos recurrente, permitiera deducir la concepción general de esta emoción y su “gestualidad” a lo largo del AVC. Examinada tal perspectiva, lo prioritario en este trabajo no era solo revisar esas peculiaridades ligadas a esa ‘emoción’ primaria, enmarcándolas en la obra en su conjunto, sino descender al detalle de cada uno de los textos para poner de relieve cómo Livio maneja la situación y a sus personajes, orquestando una determinada actio dramatica en beneficio de su proyecto histórico-literario. Sólo un análisis detenido como el que hemos intentado realizar en esta segunda parte del trabajo permite observar la riqueza de matices con la que trabaja el historiador de Padua: como modificando y aplicando los supuestos teóricos de la normativa retorica logra efectos nuevos; cómo a través de esa selección de tópicos, bien elegidos y ajustados en cada caso según el propósito específico, consigue que algunos de sus personajes se singularicen en el recuerdo de los oyentes o lectores; y, por supuesto, como es capaz con determinadas formulas de enlazar pasajes de contextos y libros diferentes para evocar en el destinatario de la obra el eco pretendido y sugerir la imagen buscada. Y todo ello con más matices de lo esperado, porque, a diferencia de lo que siempre se supone, el encomio de Roma no deja de tener algún importante claroscuro.In the first part of this paper (Talia dixit 5, 2010, 1-24), we analysed the general features of those passages in which Livy used laughter as a main or underlying theme, on the basis of a series of terms (risus /ridere; inridere/risus // arridere) whose application could allow us to infer the general concept of this particular emotion and gesture in AVC. Once this aspect has been examined, the main goal of this paper is not only the revision of those characteristics concerning this primary “emotion” within the context of the author’s work itself, but also the comprehensive study of such texts in order to highlight the way in which Livy set both the situation and the characters, creating a certain dramatic actio from which his historiographical and literary project benefitted. Only such an analysis helps us observe the rich spectrum of nuances used by the Paduan historian. Thus, we have intended to show in this paper how Livy obtained new effects by modifying and applying rhetorical theory; how he managed to make some of his characters singularly remembered by hearers or readers thanks to a selection of topics which fitted each of his particular purposes; and finally, how he was able to relate passages in different books and contexts through specific formulas that evoked in the recipient of his work the echo and image sought. Therefore, this paper will show a number of nuances higher than previously expected, since against presumptions, the encomium (praise) in Rome still generated lights and shadows

    Lo fantástico en el Ballet Coppélia : una adaptación de "El hombre de arena" de E.T.A. Hoffmann

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    El ballet Coppélia es una adaptación del cuento literario del escritor alemán E.T.A. Hoffmann, El hombre de arena (1816). El presente trabajo pretende arrojar luz acerca de la relación existente entre dos disciplinas artísticas -el ballet y la literatura- y, más concretamente, entre la obra literaria de Hoffmann y la obra coreográfica de Petipa. Para ello, trataremos de explicar el proceso a través del cual, el texto literario se transforma en uno de los ballets más reconocidos y destacados a nivel internacional, exponiendo de la forma más clara posible, las convergencias y divergencias existentes entre estas dos obras, pertenecientes a disciplinas artísticas distintas.The ballet Coppelia is an adaptation of the short story «The sandman» (1816) by the German writer E.T.A. Hoffmann. This paper aims to show the relationship between two artistic disciplines -ballet and literature- and, more specifically, between Hoffmann's literary work and Petipa's choreographic work. We will try to explain the process through which the literary text becomes one of the most internationally recognized and prominent ballets, exposing as clearly as possible the convergences and divergences between these two works, which come from different artistic disciplines

    El apoyo formal a la familia como cuidadora natural

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    El artículo que se presenta es la síntesis del trabajo y de la reflexión de todos los profesionales de la Red Provincial de Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de la Diputación de Huelva. Fruto del trabajo diario con las familias de nuestra provincia, de elaboraciones técnicas, como se refleja en la publicación del Programa de Convivencia y Reinserción en 1999, y del análisis, debate y propuestas de mejoras de distintas comisiones técnicas de trabajo. La atención a la dependencia actualmente, está siendo objeto de muchos debates, análisis y propuestas de servicios para atenderla, en este artículo se aborda la intervención que desde de los Servicios Sociales Comunitarios se lleva a cabo en los procesos de ayuda a la familia como cuidadora principal de estas personas dependientes, la necesidad de apoyo y de atención que también tienen los cuidadores por el estrés y la sobrecarga que esta función conlleva. Supone un reto importante del sistema de Protección Social el garantizar la atención a la Dependencia como un Derecho Social Universal.The present essay is the synthesis of the research made by the professionals who work at the County Network for Communitarian Social Services of the Huelva Council. It is the result of a daily work with the peoples who live in this county, of much technical elaboration—as proved by the publication of the 1999 Coexistence and Reintegration Program—and of the analysis, debate and proposals for improvement of the different technical commissions. Nowadays, the question of assistance in dependence is being subject to much debate and analysis. This essay studies the work of the Communitarian Social Services concerning both the support provided to the family as the main assistant of dependent people, and the need of support and attention required to diminish the emotional stress and overload of these families. Guaranteeing assistance to dependence as a Universal Social Right is an important challenge to the Social Protection Syste

    Emotion, gesture and actio: laughter in "Ab Vrbe Condita" (I)

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    “Ab Vrbe Condita” puede ser leida como un conjunto de reglas sobre las responsabilidades públicas de los ciudadanos del s. I a.C. Livio tiene en cuenta los parametros de “dignitas, gravitas, urbanitas”, y todas las bien conocidas y tradicionales virtudes del mundo aristocrático y conservador, que rigen la vida de sus hombres y mujeres. Sus emociones y sus gestos deben adecuarse al comportamiento que “conviene” a quienes son los dueños del orbe. Este artículo trata sobre las emociones en AVC, y, en particular, sobre la risa, una de las más primarias formas de expresividad humana, precisamente la que parece haber recibido menos atención en el relato liviano. Son pocos los pasajes en que se alude a ella (ridere/-sus // inridere/-risus // arridere). Apenas hay “hilaridad”―sólo entre los griegos y en una fiesta que poco después acabara dramáticamente (40.7.1-3). Y nunca nadie “ríe a carcajadas”, como sí ocurre en la biografía suetoniana. Los héroes livianos no ríen demasiado, sólo lo hacen en ciertas circunstancias. Definirlas y analizarlas permite observar en detalle su planteamiento didáctico-ideológico, su dominio de las tradicionales técnicas retóricas bien combinadas y ajustadas a sus diferentes intereses en cada uno de los casos.“Ab Vrbe Condita” can be read as a set of rules for political and public responsibilities of the Roman citizen of the 1 st Century B.C. Livy stresses the fixed parameters of “dignitas, gravitas and urbanitas”, and all the traditional virtues of the aristocratic and conservative world that rule the lives of men and women. Those people’s emotions and gestures should abide by the conduct norms which are “convenient” to the world masters. This article deals with the emotions in the AVC, and in particular with laughter, one of the most primary forms of human expression, and, ironically, one which seems to have received little attention in Livy’s account. It is mentioned in but a few passages (ridere/-sus// inridere/-risus // arridere). There is almost no “hilarity” there; we only find it in a scene that describes some Greeks in a party which ends up dramatically shortly afterwards (40.7.1-3). And, unlike in Suetonius’ biography, no one ever bursts out laughing in the AVC. Livy’s heroes do not laugh much, and they do so only in certain circumstances. This scarcity allows us to analyze in detail the general characteristics and the dramatic construction of these passages, highlighting the historian’s ability to modify wellknown rhetorical topics, to alter solutions and to adapt forms, in order to get new effects. The analysis also underlines Livy’s didactic and ideological approach and his master use of the traditional techniques of rhetori