1,237 research outputs found

    Working fictions of money: the making of currency (dis)trust in Argentina (1880-2020)

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    Why is it that money works best when it can be taken for granted? Moreover, why do we stop trusting money? This dissertation delves into the social, political, and institutional processes that support trust in contemporary fiat money and argues that, in contemporary capitalist economies, trust in money is grounded in working fictions of money. Popular fictions of money convey a false image of what money is and how it works; they depict money as a commodity that possesses an intrinsic value that lasts over time. However, the image of money created by these fictions is false. Contemporary money is fiat, and therefore it is not supported by any material asset. This study shows that monetary crises reveal the fictionality of money’s working fictions, and in doing so, they cause trust in money to morph into distrust. Monetary crises cast a spotlight on the institutional reality and the inner workings of contemporary money and show there is nothing behind fiat currencies, no substance that supports their value. Through this analysis, the thesis exposes the paradox of modern money: that once people are aware of money’s true nature, they do no longer trust it. The dissertation studies trust in money through the analysis of a specific case. It shows how recurrent monetary crises in Argentina have caused trust in money to morph into distrust. After an in-depth analysis of the many crises Argentina experienced between 1880 and 2015, the study analyses the Argentine central bank’s most recent attempt to recover trust in money: implementing inflation targeting between 2016 and 2018. However, once again, the policy did not work. This failure showed that people’s lack of trust in the national currency has become a significant limitation to the Argentine state’s ability to recover control of its national currency. The flip side of this lack of trust in the peso is that the Argentine currency has stopped performing some of its essential functions and was replaced, de facto, by the US dollar. The dissertation concludes that distrust in money is self-reinforcing and fosters a monetary dynamic in which monetary crises are chronic and recurrent. It also highlights how the institutional constraints imposed by money’s international hierarchical architecture intensify Argentina’s monetary problems and make the country’s economy even more prone to monetary upheavals

    Senior Recital: Guadalupe Moreno, Oboe

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    Kemp Recital Hall November 3, 2018 Saturday Afternoon 4:30p.m

    Potenciar la educación: un currículum transversal de formación para la investigación

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    Dos supuestos fundamentales se constituyen en punto de partida de este trabajo: por una parte, la convicción de que es posible alcanzar mejores logros educativos en todas las etapas escolares, no necesariamente por la vía de la incorporación de nuevos materiales, tecnologías o planes de estudio; y por otra, la certeza de que la formación para la investigación es, en sí misma, un objetivo de tal relevancia, que amerita ser considerado como foco de un currículum transversal presente en todos los niveles educativos. Tal propuesta se hace con base en un perfil de habilidades investigativas construido por la autora y sus colaboradores como producto de investigaciones previas, el cual puede y necesita ser desarrollado desde la educación básica hasta el posgrado

    Pemex y Petrobras: historias de gestión petrolera con rumbos diferentes

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    Se presenta un análisis de las condiciones financieras y productivas que han marcado, en los años recientes, las estrategias de gestión en las empresas Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) y Petróleo Brasileiro (Petrobras). Esto es relevante en la medida en que, para justificar una nueva ronda de reformas al marco regulatorio de la industria energética nacional, se ha citado reiteradamente la importancia de considerar, entre otros referentes, el modelo petrolero brasileño. Sin embargo, los datos apuntan a que una reforma para modernizar Pemex tendría que iniciarse resolviendo los problemas de endeudamiento y de atraso tecnológico que administraciones poco eficientes le han provocado.In this paper is presented an analysis related with the financial and productive conditions that have marked, in recent years, the management strategies in Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) y Petróleo Brasileiro (Petrobras). This is relevant in so far as to justify a new round of reforms to the regulatory framework of the domestic energy industry, has been cited repeatedly the importance of considering, among other references, the Brazilian oil model. However, the data suggest that a reform to modernize Pemex would have to start solving the debt problems and technological backwardness that have been caused by inefficient administrations

    A Timeline of Discovery and Current Research on Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma and Emergence of Potentially Permanent Treatment Solutions

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    This research examines the timeline of the discovery and research of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG). By reviewing the literature on genetic and molecular mechanisms, we aim to emphasize a long-term treatment solution (iSTENT) to mitigate intraocular pressure (IOP) related to POAG etiology and disease progression. POAG is a multifactorial, autosomal dominant, adult-onset eye disease wherein the optic nerve cells become damaged due to a buildup of excess aqueous humor, resulting in increased IOP. Consequently, POAG leads to progressive loss of peripheral vision and is the leading cause of blindness in the US. Due to the multifactorial nature of glaucoma’s inheritance pattern and disease pathology, over 20 disease-associated loci have been implicated with POAG and its mechanisms remain relatively obscure. POAG remains a hotbed for multifactorial genetic research and the relationships between heterogeneity and environmental/genetic factors. To develop a more permanent solution for Glaucoma, we highlight a surgical insertion of a stent in the trabecular meshwork providing long-lasting dilation to the blocked drainage channels implicated with increased IOP and POAG progression. This procedure would allow for aqueous humor outflow from the eye and subsequent reduction of pressure-induced retinal ganglion cell damage. POAG’s progressive loss of vision due to polygenic inheritance and environmental factors is currently experienced by over 2.25 million Americans and will continue to grow as POAG-associated genes are maintained in subsequent generations. Therefore, a complete understanding of the history, etiology, and genetic mechanisms is critical for the development of effective and long-lasting treatment options