1,226 research outputs found

    Long term perspectives of TV convergence towards 5G: Mobile and fixed applications

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    The third generation partnership project (3GPP) has defined in Release 14 the new evolved version of Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service system, whose characteristics are well aligned to the technical requirements coming from the broadcast sector for TV services. This paves the way to allow broadcasters and content aggregators to deliver mobile TV content over cooperative broadcast high power high tower and mobile low power low tower network infrastructures, using a converging broadcast 3GPP technology. In a longer term perspective, in the 2020 decade, might this full-IP convergent technology become a candidate successor of DVB-T2 (ATSC or ISDB-T) also for digital terrestrial television home services? Is there a technical and business case for converging fixed and mobile TV on the same networks and technologies? The study investigates the performance of 3GPP Release 14 in theoretical, regular networks and in a real area around Turin (Italy), trying to give a technical background to answer the above strategic questions

    Advanced techniques for spectrally efficient DVB-S2X systems

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    We investigate different techniques to improve the spectral efficiency of systems based on the DVB-S2 standard, when the transmitted signal bandwidth cannot be increased because it has already been optimized to the maximum value allowed by transponder filters. We will investigate and compare several techniques to involve different sections of the transceiver scheme. The techniques that will be considered include the use of advanced detection algorithms, the adoption of time packing, and the optimization of the constellation and shaping pulses. The LDPC codes recently proposed for the evolution of the DVB-S2 standard will be considered, as well as the adoption of iterative detection and decoding. Information theoretical analysis will be followed by the study of practical modulation and coding schemes

    The artificial retina processor for track reconstruction at the LHC crossing rate

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    We present results of an R&D study for a specialized processor capable of precisely reconstructing, in pixel detectors, hundreds of charged-particle tracks from high-energy collisions at 40 MHz rate. We apply a highly parallel pattern-recognition algorithm, inspired by studies of the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature, and describe in detail an efficient hardware implementation in high-speed, high-bandwidth FPGA devices. This is the first detailed demonstration of reconstruction of offline-quality tracks at 40 MHz and makes the device suitable for processing Large Hadron Collider events at the full crossing frequency.Comment: 4th draft of WIT proceedings modified according to JINST referee's comments. 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    High density lipoprotein cholesterol increasing therapy: the unmet cardiovascular need

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    Despite aggressive strategies are now available to reduce LDL-cholesterol, the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease remains substantial. Several preclinical and clinical studies have shown that drug therapy ultimately leads to a regression of the angiographic lesions but also results in a reduction in cardiovascular events. The dramatic failure of clinical trials evaluating the cholesterol ester transfer protein (CEPT) inhibitors, torcetrapib and dalcetrapib, has led to considerable doubt about the value of the current strategy to raise high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) as a treatment for cardiovascular disease. These clinical results, as well as animal studies, have revealed the complexity of HDL metabolism, assessing a more important role of functional quality compared to circulating quantity of HDL. As a result, HDL-based therapeutic interventions that maintain or enhance HDL functionality, such as improving its main property, the reverse cholesterol transport, require closer investigation. In this review, we will discuss HDL metabolism and function, clinical-trial data available for HDL-raising agents, and potential strategies for future HDL-based therapies

    Korištenje povlačne podvodne kamere za procjene škampa, hlapića i morskog pera u Jadranskom moru

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    Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is of great commercial importance throughout the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean, where it lives in burrows within muddy sediments. In several European countries it is assessed by means of towed underwater TV techniques. These are particularly suited to N. norvegicus because, for a number of reasons, the application of common fishery-dependent stock-assessment methods is not thorough for this species. The TV-based methodology relies on the fact that a known surface area of seabed is visually assessed and the number of N. norvegicus burrows, whose features are distinct, can be counted and their inhabitants quantified. It follows that, in theory, the same can be done for other organisms or key ecological features which appear on the footage. This study reports the results of the underwater television surveys (2009 and 2010) carried out jointly by Italy and Croatia in the Pomo/Jabuka pits, an area of the Adriatic Sea important for its N. norvegicus fishery and its hake nursery grounds. The obtained footage allowed quantification of the density of N. norvegicus in the area and the acquisition of estimates of the abundances of the squat lobster, Munida rutllanti and the sea pen Funiculina quadrangularis. The concurrent quantification of trawling activity from the footage has allowed us to place our results in the context of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management.Škamp ( Nephrops norvegicus ) je izuzetno važna gospodarska vrsta koja obitava u rupama u muljevitom sedimentu diljem sjeverno-istočnog Atlantika i Mediterana. Obzirom da uobičajene metode procjene bioloških resursa koje se zasnivaju na ribolovu nisu u potpunosti pogodne za ovu vrstu, nekoliko Europskih zemalja procjene populacije škampa obavlja korištenjem povlačne podvodne kamere. Ova metodologija bazira se na činjenici da škamp u sedimentu iskapa rupe karakterističnog izgleda koje se determiniraju i prebrojavaju vizualnim pregledom snimke dobivene povlačenjem podvodne kamere preko određene površine morskog dna. Teoretski, ova metodologija se može primijeniti i za procjene drugih vrsta ili ekoloških parametara koji su zabilježeni na snimkama. Ova studija iznosi rezultate istraživanja podvodnom kamerom (2009. i 2010. godine) koje su zajednički proveli Italija i Hrvatska na području Jabučke kotline u Jadranskom moru. Ovo područje koje se intenzivno gospodarski iskorištava značajno je kao glavno mrijestilište i rastilište većeg broja pridnenih vrsta, posebno škampa i oslića ( Merluccius merluccius ) Na osnovu dobivenih snimki izrađena je procjena brojnosti i biomase škampa, kao i procjena brojnosti hlapića ( Munida rutllanti ) i morskog pera ( Funiculina quadrangularis ). Istodobna procjena tragova koćarenja zabilježenih na snimkama omogućila nam je da ove rezultate stavimo u kontekst ekosustavnog pristupa gospodarenju bioloških resursa mora