263 research outputs found

    Two-Phase Flow Simulations for PTS Investigation by Means of Neptune_CFD Code

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    Two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations of pressurized thermal shock (PTS) phenomena through Neptune_CFD module are presented aiming at two-phase models validation against experimental data. Because of PTS complexity, only some thermal-hydraulic aspects were considered. Two different flow configurations were studied, occurring when emergency core cooling (ECC) water is injected in an uncovered cold leg of a pressurized water reactor (PWR)—a plunging water jet entering a free surface, and a stratified steam-water flow. Some standard and new implemented models were tested: modified turbulent - models with turbulence production induced by interfacial friction, models for the drag coefficient, and interfacial heat transfer models. Quite good agreement with experimental data was achieved with best performing models for both test cases, even if a further improvement in phase change modelling would be suitable for nuclear technology applications

    Propuesta de un sistema de seguridad e higiene Industrial para la empresa Eddy García, S.A., ubicada en el Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana, Año 2016

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    Tesis de grado para optar por el título de Ingeniero Industrial.El trabajo de grado presentado abarca como principal objetivo el diseño de un sistema de seguridad e higiene industrial para la empresa Eddy García S.A, encargada de la importación de piezas de vehículos para su posterior distribución a nivel nacional. El diseño de dicho sistema busca especificar las normas que deben seguir los empleados de la empresa durante el desarrollo de sus actividades dentro de las instalaciones de la misma, con el fin de mitigar la ocurrencia de accidentes y promover la salud. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se realizó un análisis de la situación actual de la empresa, evaluando las condiciones a la que están sometidos los empleados; para esto se realizaron visitas a las instalaciones, recopilando información por parte de los empleados y directivos, a través de encuestas, observaciones y fotografías, identificando así las necesidades de mejoras a realizar. El trabajo de campo realizado permitió observar el desarrollo de actividades del personal; dichas actividades permitieron determinar las falencias de la empresa en materia de seguridad e higiene. Se identificaron riesgos químicos, locativos ergonómicos y físicos en gran proporción. Con la identificación clara y detallada de los riesgos ocupacionales, se han propuesto medidas para eliminar los riesgos encontrados; buscando así el beneficio de los empleados, reduciendo la probabilidad de la ocurrencia de incidentes y accidentes y tomando decisiones inteligentes para mejorar la ejecución de las tareas en materia de seguridad laboral. Las medidas plasmadas y las recomendaciones propuestas pretenden ayudar eficazmente a esta empresa. Como resultado de este trabajo se obtuvo un manual que brinda información sobre seguridad e higiene industrial, organizando dentro de éste los procedimientos a cumplir, de manera práctica y adaptada a las funciones de la empresa para facilitar el entendimiento y cumplimiento de éste por parte de todos los implicados

    Basal levels of inorganic elements, genetic damages, and hematological values in captive Falco peregrinus

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    It is essential to determine the basal pattern of different biomarkers for future evaluation of animal health and biomonitoring studies. Due to their great displacement capacity and to being at the top of their food chains, birds of prey are suitable for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, some birds of prey are adapted to using resources in urban places, providing information about this environment. Thus, this study determined the basal frequency of micronuclei and other nuclear alterations in peripheral blood erythrocytes of Falco peregrinus. Hematological and inorganic elements analysis were also performed. For this purpose, 13 individuals (7 females and 6 males) were sampled in private breeding grounds. Micronucleus, nuclear buds, nucleoplasmic bridges, notched nuclei, binucleated cells and nuclear tails were quantified. Inorganic elements detected included the macro-elements Ca, P, Mg, Na, Cl, S and K as well as the micro-elements Fe, Al and Zn. Our study found similar values compared to previous studies determining the reference ranges of hematologic parameters in falcons. The only different value was observed in the relative number of monocytes. Thus, this study is the first approach to obtaining reference values of cytogenetic damage in this species and could be useful for future comparisons in biomonitoring studies

    Lifetime Effects in Color Superconductivity at Weak Coupling

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    Present computations of the gap of color superconductivity in weak coupling assume that the quarks which participate in the condensation process are infinitely long-lived. However, the quasiparticles in a plasma are characterized by having a finite lifetime. In this article we take into account this fact to evaluate its effect in the computation of the color gap. By first considering the Schwinger-Dyson equations in weak coupling, when one-loop self-energy corrections are included, a general gap equation is written in terms of the spectral densities of the quasiparticles. To evaluate lifetime effects, we then model the spectral density by a Lorentzian function. We argue that the decay of the quasiparticles limits their efficiency to condense. The value of the gap at the Fermi surface is then reduced. To leading order, these lifetime effects can be taken into account by replacing the coupling constant of the gap equation by a reduced effective one.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures; explanations on the role of the Meissner effect added; 2 references added; accepted for publication in PR

    Relação entre adubação potássica e severidade de brusone nas panículas em arroz de sequeiro

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    The influence of K2O (0, 40, 80, 120 kg ha-1) at varying rates of N application (0, 30, 60 kg ha-1) at planting, on panicle blast (Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc.) was studied in a field experiment conducted during three consecutive years with the upland rice cultivar Douradão. Panicle blast severity decreased with increasing rates of potassium in the absence of nitrogen (N0). The relationship between panicle blast and K rates was quadratic at 30 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. Significant response to K fertilization was not obtained at 60 kg ha-1 of nitrogen in relation to panicle blast severity.Estudou-se a influência da adubação potássica (0, 40, 80, 120 kg ha-1 de K2O) e da adubação nitrogenada (0, 30, 60 kg ha-1) no plantio sobre a ocorrência de brusone (Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc.) nas panículas de arroz de sequeiro, em um experimento de campo realizado durante três anos consecutivos, utilizando a cultivar Douradão. A severidade de brusone nas panículas diminuiu com o aumento das doses de potássio quando não se adubou com nitrogênio (N0). A relação entre brusone nas panículas e doses de K2O foi quadrática na dose de 30 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio. Não houve resposta significativa à adubação com potássio em relação à severidade de brusone na dose de 60 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio

    Leptin induces the generation of procoagulant, tissue factor bearing microparticles by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    Obesity is linked to increased thrombotic risk. Circulating leptin concentration correlates with body mass index. Microparticles are small (.05-1μm) vesicles shed by activated and apoptotic cells, involved in numerous pathophysiologically relevant phenomena including blood coagulation and thrombosis. We tested the hypothesis that leptin induces the shedding of procoagulant, tissue factor bearing microparticles by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and investigated the intracellular mechanisms leading to microparticle release upon incubation with leptin

    COBA-Cohort : a prospective cohort of HIV-negative men who have sex with men, attending community-based HIV testing services in five European countries (a study protocol)

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA, European Commission); grant number 2013-11-01-613233.Community-based voluntary counselling and testing (CBVCT) services for men who have sex with men (MSM) can reach those most-at-risk and provide an environment for gay men that is likely to be non-stigmatising. Longitudinal data on the behaviour of HIV-negative MSM are scarce in Europe. The aim of this protocol, developed during the Euro HIV Early Diagnosis And Treatment (EDAT) project, is to implement a multicentre community-based cohort of HIV-negative MSM attending 15 CBVCT services in 5 European countries. (1) To describe the patterns of CBVCT use, (2) to estimate HIV incidence, and to identify determinants of (3) HIV seroconversion and (4) HIV and/or sexually transmitted infection (STI) test-seeking behaviour. All MSM aged 18 years or over and who had a negative HIV test result are invited to participate in the COmmunity-BAsed Cohort (COBA-Cohort). Study enrolment started in February 2015, and is due to continue for at least 12 months at each study site. Follow-up frequency depends on the testing recommendations in each country (at least 1 test per year). Sociodemographic data are collected at baseline; baseline and follow-up questionnaires both gather data on attitudes and perceptions, discrimination, HIV/STI testing history, sexual behaviour, condom use, and pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis. Descriptive, exploratory and multivariate analyses will be performed to address the main research objectives of this study, using appropriate statistical tests and models. These analyses will be performed on the whole cohort data and stratified by study site or country. The study was approved by the Public Health authorities of each country where the study is being implemented. Findings from the COBA-Cohort study will be summarised in a report to the European Commission, and in leaflets to be distributed to study participants. Articles and conference abstracts will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals and conferences

    Atributos químicos de um Latossolo espacialmente relacionados com a produtividade e componentes de produção do feijão em Selvíria (MS)

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    The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) stands out in the eating habits of Latin Americans for having great importance in providing the nutritional diet of protein, iron and carbohydrates, with Brazil being the largest producer of the vegetable. In the season 2006/2007, in Selvíria, MS , located in the Brazilian Cerrado, we evaluated the spatial variability of bean, depending on the chemical properties of Oxisol using a minimum tillage system, irrigated with center pivot. The objective of this work was to select the soil attributes that have the best spatial and linear correlation, to explain the variability of common bean grain yield. A geostatistical grid, with 117 sampling points, was installed to collect the soil and plant data in an area of 2,025 m2 with homogeneous slope of 0.055 m m-1. The common bean grain yield (GY), number of haricot per plant (NHP), number of grains per haricot (NGH), number of grains per plant (NGP) and weight of one hundred grains (DHG), represented the attributes of the plants, while P, OM, pH, were the soil chemical attributes collected at three depths (0.00-0.10 m, 0.10-0,20 m e 0.20-0.30 m). The average common bean grain yield was a consequence of lower plant population provided by that the system, this may have been caused by a decrease in organic matter content.O feijão-comum (Phaeseolus vulgaris L.) destaca-se nos hábitos alimentares dos países latino-americanos por possuir grande importância na dieta nutricional no provimento de proteínas, ferro e carboidratos, sendo o Brasil o maior produtor mundial deste legume. Na safra agrícola 2006/2007, no município de Selvíria, MS, localizado no Cerrado Brasileiro, foi avaliada a variabilidade espacial do feijoeiro, em função dos atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico pelo sistema de cultivo mínimo, irrigado com pivô central. Objetivou-se selecionar, entre os atributos do solo pesquisado, aquele com a melhor correlação, linear e espacial, para explicar a variabilidade da produtividade do feijoeiro. Foi instalada uma malha geoestatística para a coleta de dados do solo e das plantas, com 117 pontos amostrais, em uma área de 2.025 m2 com declive homogêneo de 0,055 m m-1. A produtividade de grãos de feijão (PRG), número de vagens por planta (NVP), número de grãos por vagem (NGV), número de grãos por planta (NGP) e massa de cem grãos (MCG), representaram os atributos da planta, enquanto que P, MO e pH, representaram os atributos químicos solo coletados em três profundidades (0,00-0,10 m, 0,10-0,20 m e 0,20-0,30 m). A média produtividade de grãos do feijoeiro foi consequência de uma menor população de plantas que esse sistema proporcionou, o que pode ter sido causado pela diminuição do conteúdo de matéria orgânica

    Relatório Final de Estágio

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    Relatório Final de Estágio Supervisionado, agregando os resultados das disciplinas de ESI, ESII e ESIII, apresentado como requisito à obtençao do titulo de licenciado em Letras - Espanhol, na modalidade a distância, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), realizado no Colégio Estadual Jorge Schimmelpfeng