2,169 research outputs found

    Quality of experience in affective pervasive environments

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    The confluence of miniaturised powerful devices, widespread communication networks and mass remote storage has caused a fundamental shift in the user interaction design paradigm. The distinction between system and user in pervasive environments is evolving into an increasingly integrated loop of interaction, raising a number of opportunities to provide enhanced and personalised experiences. We propose a platform, based on a smart architecture, to address the identified opportunities in pervasive computing. Smart systems aim at acting upon an environment for improving quality of experience: a subjective measure that has been defined as an emotional reaction to products or services. The inclusion of an emotional dimension allows us to measure individual user responses and deliver personalised services with the potential to influence experiences positively. The platform, Cloud2Bubble, leverages pervasive systems to aggregate user and environment data with the goal of addressing personal preferences and supra-functional requirements. This, combined with its societal implications, results in a set of design principles as a concrete fruition of design contractualism. In particular, this thesis describes: - a review of intelligent ubiquitous environments and relevant technologies, including a definition of user experience as a dynamic affective construct; - a specification of main components for personal data aggregation and service personalisation, without compromising privacy, security or usability; - the implementation of a software platform and a methodological procedure for its instantiation; - an evaluation of the developed platform and its benefits for urban mobility and public transport information systems; - a set of design principles for the design of ubiquitous systems, with an impact on individual experience and collective awareness. Cloud2Bubble contributes towards the development of affective intelligent ubiquitous systems with the potential to enhance user experience in pervasive environments. In addition, the platform aims at minimising the risk of user digital exposure while supporting collective action.Open Acces

    Technology Ethics in Qualitative Research: How to Be

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    This introductory note stems from the organization of a special edition of articles from the World Conference on Qualitative Research. Some researchers put forth criticisms about using software in qualitative data analysis, such as losing control in the coding process and leading researchers to use a particular method of analysis according to tool characteristics. Moreover, a number of the scientists believe that the advantages of using specific tools in data analysis are numerous, such as the analysis of an enormous amounts of data, but doing research involves personal or institutional aspects that enter the field of ethics. In the case of specific qualitative data analysis software, it would be possible to list a set of principles that would begin with the organization and importing of data, proceed with their interpretative and descriptive codification followed by questioning the data, up to exporting results to their written dissemination. Such principles could set the boundaries or define ethics in the use of software, referring to any research activity that touches what is right or wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral. This text is in line with the belief shared by others that work studies that can be performed on computational ethics will influence not only the use of Qualitative Data Analysis software but also their development

    Fatores preditivos de prognóstico em doentes submetidos a artrodese lombar transforaminal minimamente invasiva

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    Introdução: A artrodese lombar transforaminal minimamente invasiva (MI-TLIF) é uma técnica cada vez mais utilizada. Apesar de os resultados a longo prazo serem semelhantes aos da técnica clássica, diminui a lesão de tecidos moles e hemorragia intraoperatória, dor no período pós-operatório e tempo de internamento. No entanto, não é claro que fatores podem contribuir para a ocorrência de maus resultados nestes pacientes. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar retrospetivamente uma coorte de pacientes submetidos a MI-TLIF e tentar identificar fatores que podem estar associados a um pior desfecho cirúrgico. Métodos: A avaliação clínica pós-operatória foi feita através de um questionário que incluiu dados pessoais e instrumentos métricos validados como os critérios de Odom. Todas as restantes variáveis foram obtidas através dos registos clínicos hospitalares dos pacientes. Resultados: Um total de 283 pacientes foram incluídos. As principais variáveis associadas a pior prognóstico ("mau" de acordo com os critérios de Odom) foram: um período de baixa médica superior a 3 meses antes da cirurgia (Chi-square, p=0.001; Phi=0.210), idade inferior a 50 anos (Chi-square, p<0.001; Phi=0.29), espondilolistese lítica (Chi-square, p=0.030; Phi=0.14), fusão de L5-S1 (Chi-square, p=0.023; Phi=0.15) e ocorrência de complicações (Chi-square, p=0.030; Phi=0.14). Estas cinco condições foram incluídas numa análise de regressão logística binária (Chi-Square, p<0.001), e três delas foram independentemente associadas a piores resultados: complicações cirúrgicas (OR: 3.26), idade inferior a 50 anos (OR: 3.93) e baixa médica superior a 3 meses antes da cirurgia (OR: 2.75). Conclusões: Variáveis pré-operatórias foram identificadas como preditoras de mau prognóstico após MI-TLIF, sugerindo que o prognóstico da fusão lombar pode ser mais limitado em pacientes mais jovens e naqueles com baixa médica superior a 3 meses. Além disso, a existência de complicações cirúrgicas pode diminuir a probabilidade de melhoria.Background: Minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MI-TLIF) has become an increasingly popular method of lumbar arthrodesis. While having similar long-term outcomes when compared to the open TLIF, it decreases the amount of intraoperative blood loss and iatrogenic muscle damage, the intensity of postoperative pain and the duration of hospital stays. However, uncertainty remains about which factors contribute to poor outcomes in these patients. Objective: The purpose of this study was to retrospectively analyze a cohort of patients submitted to MI-TLIF and try to identify factors that can be associated with a worse surgical outcome. Methods: Postoperative clinical outcome was assessed through a questionnaire that included personal data and validated outcome scores such as Odom's criteria. All the other variables were obtained through the patients' clinical records. Results: A total of 283 patients were included. The main variables associated with worse prognosis ("poor" class according to Odom's criteria) were: a period of sick leave longer than 3 months before the surgery (Chi-square, p=0.001; Phi=0.210), age under 50 years (Chi-square, p<0.001; Phi=0.29), lytic spondylolisthesis (Chi-square, p=0.030; Phi=0.14), L5-S1 fusion (Chi-square, p=0.023; Phi=0.15) and occurrence of complications (Chi-square, p=0.030; Phi=0.14). These five conditions were included in a binomial logistic regression analysis (Chi-Square, p<0.001), and three of them were independently associated to poor outcome: operative complications (OR: 3.26), age under 50 years (OR: 3.93) and sick leave longer than 3 months before surgery (OR: 2.75). Conclusions: Preoperative variables were identified as predictors of poor surgical outcome after MI-TLIF, suggesting that the result of lumbar fusion can be more limited in younger patients and those with sick leave for more than 3 months. Also, the existence of operative complications can decrease the likelihood of improvement

    Multiple manipulators path planning using double A∗

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    Streamlining automated processes is currently undertaken by developing optimization methods and algorithms for robotic manipulators. This paper aims to present a new approach to improve streamlining of automatic processes. This new approach allows for multiple robotic manipulators commonly found in the industrial environment to handle different scenarios, thus providing a high-flexibility solution to automated processes. Design/methodology/approach - The developed system is based on a spatial discretization methodology capable of describing the surrounding environment of the robot, followed by a novel path-planning algorithm. Gazebo was the simulation engine chosen, and the robotic manipulator used was the Universal Robot 5 (UR5). The proposed system was tested using the premises of two robotic challenges: EuRoC and Amazon Picking Challenge. Findings - The developed system was able to identify and describe the influence of each joint in the Cartesian space, and it was possible to control multiple robotic manipulators safely regardless of any obstacles in a given scene. Practical implications - This new system was tested in both real and simulated environments, and data collected showed that this new system performed well in real-life scenarios, such as EuRoC and Amazon Picking Challenge. Originality/value - The new proposed approach can be valuable in the robotics field with applications in various industrial scenarios, as it provides a flexible solution for multiple robotic manipulator path and motion planning.The research leading to these results has received funding from the project "NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020" which is nanced by the North Portugal Re- gional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The strange critical endpoint and isentropic trajectories in an Extended PNJL Model with Eight Quark Interactions

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    In this work, we explore the possible existence of several critical endpoints in the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter using an extended PNJL model with 't Hooft determinant and eight quark interactions in the up, down and strange sectors. Besides, we also study the isentropic trajectories crossing both (light and strange) chiral phase transitions and around the critical endpoint in both the crossover and first-order transition regions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Phase diagram for strongly interacting matter in the presence of a magnetic field using the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with magnetic field dependent coupling strengths

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    We study the phase diagram for strongly interacting matter using the 't Hooft determinant extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with a Polyakov loop in the light and strange quark sectors (\emph{up}, \emph{down} and \emph{strange}) focusing on the effect of a magnetic field dependence of the coupling strengths of these interactions. This dependence was obtained so as to reproduce recent lattice QCD results for the magnetic field dependence of the quarks dynamical masses. A finite magnetic field is known to induce several additional first-order phase transition lines with the respective Critical End Points (CEP) in the temperature-quark chemical potential phase diagram when compared to the zero magnetic field case. A study of the magnetic field dependence in the range eB=00.6 GeV2eB=0-0.6~\mathrm{GeV}^2 of the location of these CEPs reveals that the initial one as well as several of the new ones only survive up to a critical magnetic field. Only two remain in the upper limit of the studied magnetic field strength. A comparison of the results obtained with versions of the model with and without Polyakov loop is also done. We also found that the inclusion of the magnetic field dependence on the coupling strengths, while not changing the qualitative features of the phase diagram, affects the location of these CEPs. The comparison of results with and without a regularization cutoff in the medium part of the integrals does not show a significant change.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, EPJA Topical Issue on The QCD Phase Diagram in Strong Magnetic Field

    Cable robot for non-standard architecture and construction: A dynamic positioning system

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    In the past few years, cable-driven robots have received some attention by the scientific community and the industry. They have special characteristics that made them very reliable to operate with the level of safeness that is required by different environments, such as, handling of hazardous materials in construction sites. This paper presents a cable-driven robot called SPIDERobot, that was developed for automated construction of architectural projects. This robot has a rotating claw and it is controlled by a set of 4 cables that allow 4 degrees of freedom. In addition to the robot, this paper introduces a Dynamic Control System (DCS) that controls the positioning of the robot and assures that the length of cables is always within a safe value. Results show that traditional force-feasible approaches are more influenced by the pulling forces or the geometric arrangement of all cables and their positioning is significantly less accurate than the DCS. Therefore, the architecture of the SPIDERobot is designed to enable an easily scaling up of the solution to higher dimensions for operating in realistic environments.This work is partly funded by the project PTDC/ATPAQI/ 5124/2012 - Robotic Technologies for Non-Standard Design and Construction in Architecture. This work is also financed by the ERDF European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within project ”FCOMP - 01-0124-FEDER-022701”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas

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    Esta comunicação apresenta as características e funcionalidades do Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas (SARC) desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP), refletindo sobre o potencial de um serviço de alojamento de revistas científicas no aumento da visibilidade, acessibilidade e difusão da produção das revistas científicas nacionais. Considerando o baixo número de periódicos científicos portugueses disponibilizados em acesso aberto, o SARC tem um elevado potencial de adesão assim como um custo/benefício percebido pela equipa de gestão do projeto RCAAP para o lançamento deste serviço que alarga o portfólio de serviços disponibilizados pelo RCAAP no domínio das revistas científicas portuguesas e tem por objetivos apoiar as revistas científicas nacionais a realizarem a transição para a publicação em acesso aberto, tornando mais eficiente o ciclo editorial e de publicação dos conteúdos através da disponibilização de ferramentas para o efeito. Volvido pouco mais de meio ano após o lançamento do Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas (SARC) do RCAAP confirma-se que o mesmo veio colmatar uma lacuna do portfólio de serviços de gestão da ciência a nível nacional, isto é, a disponibilização de uma plataforma integrada de gestão do ciclo de vida editorial de uma revista científica. O sistema integra numa única plataforma todo o ciclo de vida editorial e de divulgação da revista e o modelo de serviço SaaS (Software as a Service) é adequado na medida em que liberta os responsáveis pelas revistas científicas das tarefas de gestão das infraestruturas e software aplicacional, permitindo-lhes assim dedicarem-se exclusivamente às suas atividades nucleares – a gestão da revista

    Portal Cavernoma Cholangiopathy Secondary to Polycythemia Vera: Case Report and Echoendoscopic Findings

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