739 research outputs found
Usando BSC em operações de TI : um estudo de caso
Orientador : Guilherme FredericoArtigo (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização MBA em Gestão EstratégicaInclui referênciasResumo : A área de operações Tecnologia da Informação (TI) deixou de ser uma simples área de suporte e se tornou uma área estratégica dentro das empresas. As empresas buscam alinhar as operações de TI com as estratégias organizacionais. O Balanced Scorecard (BSC) é uma ferramenta que permite o alinhamento estratégico dentro de quatro perspectivas, financeira, cliente, interna e de aprendizado e crescimento, e a medição da performance organizacional. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratório-qualitativa por meio de um estudo de caso que tem como objeto de estudo uma empresa de grande porte de tecnologia onde o BSC foi implantando a vários anos. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar como o BSC vem sendo utilizado e confrontar a teoria do BSC com a realidade da empresa
Immune thrombocytopenia: clinical features and analysis of risk factors to response to the treatment
Introduction: Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an acquired decrease of platelets, caused by autoantibodies against platelets, in the absence of an associated condition. ITP is associated to low morbidity and mortality, however there is reduced quality of life on the patients under treatment. This study has as objectives to describe the clinical features of the patients and the evaluation of risk factors related to the response to treatment. Methods: A retrospective analysis was achieved, regarding the medical records of 99 patients diagnosed with ITP and seen between May of 1992 and August of 2016 in a hospital.Results: 99 patients were analyzed, 71 female (71.7%). Mean age 39 years old to diagnosis (variation 2-84). 83.3% of the patients were chronic ITP and the mean follow up 49.2 months (0,1-289). 74.7% of patients presented bleeding to diagnosis. 76.7% of patients required treatment, and there was remission in 7 (30.4%) of the 23 patients who did not receive any treatment. 37 patients were submitted to splenectomy, 30 (81.1%) of those obtained partial or complete response and 18 (48.6%) presented loss of response. 30% of patients were submitted to posterior treatments. Only two patients had death related to ITP. In bivariate analysis of risk factors to response to the treatment, the only predictors of chronicity were initially the absence of corticosteroid dependence and absence of response to splenectomy, however in multivariate analysis those factors had their significance discarded. Conclusion: The presented results did not confirm a higher progression rate to chronicity in non corticosteroid-dependent patients and in those who did not present response to splenectomy. The clinical features, response pattern and survival of analyzed patients were similar to other studies reported. 
Brazilian scientific articles on “Spirituality, Religion and Health”
Abstract Background Studies on “Spirituality, religion and health” (R/S) have been increasing worldwide, including in Brazil. Mapping this production can help researchers to understand this field and also to identify gaps in the Brazilian R/S studies. Objective To analyze the Brazilian scientific articles on “Religion, Spirituality and Health” available on the main electronic databases using a bibliometric approach. Methods A comprehensive review of four major databases (PubMed, Scopus, BVS and Web of Science) was conducted. Three reviewers performed the data analysis. Off-topic articles, articles from Portugal, books and thesis were excluded. Articles were then classified by: Publication year, journal, Central focus in R/S, Academic Area, Main topic and Study Type. Results From 3,963 articles found, 686 studies were included in the final analysis (320 had central focus on R/S). There was an increase of articles in the last decade (most observational), with predominance of mental health issues, and from journals in the field of psychiatry, public health and nursing. Discussion This study enabled us to widen our understanding about how the field of “spirituality, religion and health” has been established and how this field is increasing in Brazil. These findings can help in the development of future Brazilian studies
Dental and maxillomandibular incidental findings in panoramic radiography among individuals with mucopolysaccharidosis: a cross-sectional study
Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) is a group of rare and inherited metabolic disorders caused by the accumulation of macromolecule glycosaminoglycans inside lysosomes. Affected individuals may have dental and craniofacial tissue alterations, facilitating the development of several oral diseases. Objectives: To assess, with panoramic radiographic images, the frequency of dental and maxillomandibular incidental findings among MPS individuals and compare them with non-MPS individuals. Methodology: A cross-sectional study evaluating a sample of 14 MPS individuals and 28 non-MPS individuals aged from 5 to 26 years was carried out. They were matched for sex and age on a 2:1 proportion. Panoramic radiographs were assessed for the presence/absence of the following dental and maxillomandibular alterations: dental anomalies of number (hypodontia/dental agenesis, supernumerary teeth); anomalies of form (microdontia, macrodontia, conoid teeth, taurodontism, and root dilaceration); anomalies of position (impacted tooth, inverted tooth, tooth migration, partially bony teeth, complete bony teeth); periapical alterations (furcation lesion, circumscribed bone rarefaction); other alterations (radiolucent bone lesions, radiopaque bone lesions, radiopacity in the maxillary sinus, condylar hypoplasia). Differences between groups were tested by the Fisher’s exact test and chi-square test (p<0.05). Results: For intrarater agreement, Kappa values were 0.76 to 0.85. The presence of supernumerary teeth (p=0.003); conoid teeth (p=0.009); taurodontism (p<0.001); impacted teeth (p<0.001); partial bony teeth (p=0.040); complete bony teeth (p=0.013); and root dilaceration (p=0.047) were statistically more frequent in MPS individuals compared to non-MPS individuals. Bone rarefaction/furcation lesions (p=0.032), condylar hypoplasia (p<0.001), radiolucent bone lesions (p=0.001), and dentigerous cysts (p=0.002) were also more frequent in MPS individuals. Conclusion: The presence of specific oral manifestations is more common in MPS individuals than non-MPS individuals
Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) with Bacterial Clinical Stomatitis
Background: Stomatitis is an infectious disease common in serpents and responsible for high mortality rates. It is characterized by the infection of the oral mucosa and neighboring tissues, related to the opportunistic character of bacteria present in the normal microbiota, pathogenic in stressful situations. Few studies have described the profile of sensibility of these agents in serpents of the Brazilian fauna. Therefore, this study has aimed at describing the isolation and identification of the infectious agents involved in the clinic stomatitis in a specimen of green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), and the profile of susceptibility to antimicrobial agents.Case: The serpent has been rescued in an urban environment, without previous records and featured erosive injuries in its oral cavity, with the presence of secretion. In a clinical evaluation, it has been assessed that the specimen had erosive injuries in its oral cavity, with hyperemic points in its mucosa and serous secretion. Then the specimen went through a collection of the secretion from its oral cavity for microbiological analysis. Typical colonies of Enterococcus, Citrobacter and Enterobacter were identified by the colony morphology and their typical odor. The results of these tests were able to confirm and identify the Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter spp. and Enterococcus spp. The profile of sensibility to antimicrobials of the isolated microorganisms has been determined through the method of diffusion in the disk of Kirby-Bauer. There was not any sensitive antimicrobial drug for the three agents.Discussion: Immunodepression, malnutrition, and temperatures and humidity outside the animal thermal comfort zone, are predisposing factors for the development of bacterial diseases in reptiles. Little information about pathogen agents affecting constrictor serpents in their native area is available. Most reports on stomatitis in serpents approach cases occurred in captive animals, differently from what has been presented in this case, which is about a free animal rescued when invading an urban area. The bacteria isolated from the oral cavity of the serpent here reported belong to the normal microbiota of the oral cavity of these animals. Notwithstanding, these bacteria may become pathogenic in certain circumstances. Conditions of undernutrition, stress and oral trauma are considered as predisposing factors to the occurrence of stomatitis in serpents, what can be correlated to the occurrence of the disease in this case. The gram-negative agents causing bacterial diseases in serpents are generally resistant to medicines of the most common spectrum used in the clinical routine of wild animals. This way, veterinarians often deal with these diseases in reptiles empirically, using a wide range of antibiotics. This practice might result in the development of resistant bacterial stumps, what stands out due to the potential that resistant bacteria have to generate infections and zoonoses in humans
Perfil dos pacientes atendidos em um Ambulatório Universitário de Cardiologia
As doenças cardiovasculares são as maiores causas de óbitos e incapacitação em todo o mundo. Considerando a importância epidemiológica do assunto, é necessário que estudos frequentes sejam realizados objetivando identificar o perfil de indivíduos mais expostos aos riscos das DCV, a fim de que sejam criadas estratégias de enfrentamento à problemática. Busca-se conhecer o perfil sócioepidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos pela especialidade de cardiologia no Ambulatório Universitário Central de Anápolis, caracterizar a população estudada de acordo com os fatores sociodemográficos, como sexo e renda familiar, e relacionar com os antecedentes patológicos, autoavaliação em saúde, medicamentos utilizados, fatores de risco cardiovascular, dados do exame físico e dos exames laboratoriais. Este é um estudo observacional, transversal, de centro único, tendo como instrumento um questionário a ser aplicado aos pacientes do Ambulatório de Cardiologia do Ambulatório Universitário Central. A coleta de dados será feita de modo sequencial, utilizando questionário estruturado com dados sobre o perfil sócio demográfico contendo idade, sexo, procedência, profissão, raça, religião, estado civil, renda familiar, escolaridade. Espera-se como resultado uma prevalência maior do sexo feminino - devido a uma maior procura do atendimento - em idades mais avançadas, com níveis de escolaridade mais baixos, e renda familiar de pequena monta, além de um predomínio da raça parda e afrodescendente. Dentre os fatores de risco pode-se prever que fatores como HAS, DM, dislipidemia, tabagismo e obesidade terão altos índices nos resultados obtidos, uma vez que se configuram como os principais fatores de risco mais prevalentes na população brasileira
Dermatopathy Caused by Enterobacter aerogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Boa constrictor amarali
Background: Bacterial diseases are the main cause of the high mortality rates of snakes, especially those caused by gramnegative agents. However, studies on dermatopathy caused by these bacterial agents in snakes are scarce; and no reports have been found on Enterobacter aerogenes as causative agent of dermatopathy in snake species. Thus, the objective of this study was to describe the clinical signs, and lesion evolution of a dermatopathy in a male snake (Boa constrictor amarali) specimen of approximately seven years old; and to describe the isolation and identification of the Enterobacter aerogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa agents involved in the cause of this disease.Case: The Boa constrictor amarali evaluated presented blackened cutaneous lesions in the dorsal, snout-vent and tail regions; and well-defined subcutaneous nodules of 2.0-3.0 cm diameter, with soft consistency, reddish color, cutaneous flaccidity, and areas of scale ulceration in the dorsolateral region. The clinical evaluation of the animal showed dehydration signs and pale mucous membranes. The blackened lesions were subjected to mycological analysis - after procedure of deep scale scraping - which showed presence of septate hyphae. The nodule was punctured for microbiological and biochemical analysis. The sample was collected with a sterilized alginate cotton tip swab, and was stored in a plastic tube containing a semi-solid Stuart transport medium, for microbiological analysis. Then, this sample was incubated in a bacteriological oven at 37°C for 24 h. Typical colonies of Pseudomonas and Enterobacter grew on MacConkey agar medium; these bacteria were identified by the colony morphology and their typical odor. The colonies grown in MacConkey agar were also identified through biochemical tests in the mediums: Phenol red, Lysine, Phenylalanine, Citrate, Urea and SIM (Sulfide, Indole, Motility). The results of these tests were able to confirm and identify the P. aeruginosa and E. aerogenes species. The animal died within 36 h, before the identification of the causative agents of the disease, thus, no pharmacological interference was possible.Discussion: Immunodepression, malnutrition, and temperatures and humidity outside the animal thermal comfort zone, are predisposing factors for the development of bacterial diseases in reptiles. Little information about pathogen agents affecting Boa constrictor specimens in their native area is available; however, captive snakes are subject to a wide variety of diseases - most of which caused or intensified by the captivity conditions. Among the bacteria involved in reptile diseases, few are primary causative agents. In general, clinical bacterial infections tend to be secondary to viral infections. The bacterial agents found in this study are commonly described in scientific literature with location in the oral cavity, differently from the results found in this study. Moreover, the bacterium E. aerogenes has not yet been described in other studies as a causative agent of dermatopathy. Reptiles are considered reservoirs of important zoonotic microorganisms, such as P. aeruginosa, which can be transmitted by fecal contact, bites and wounds. However, the little information on P. aeruginosa in captive reptiles indicates the need for further studies to establish its zoonotic potential. A most adequate management conditions for the snake species could have decreased the severity of the lesions. The occurrence of P. aeruginosa and E. aerogenes found in this work may alert professionals for future clinical suspicions and adequate therapeutic management
O artigo registra as apresentações do evento Congresso internacional de inovação tecnológica nas ciências da saúde: a sustentabilidade das práticas integrativas à agroecologia, mais especificamente a apresentação: Tratando em casa: cartilha informativa sobre feridas crônicas para profissionais e usuários da atenção básica. O artigo versa sobre o tratamento continuado das feridas crônicas em domicílio. O evento aconteceu de 15 a 18 de novembro de 2017 no IFBA SAJ sob a direção da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia.
Palavras-chave: Cuidado domiciliar. Cartilha Informativa. Saúde. 
Filamentous Fungi as Promising Agents for the Biodegradation of Biosolids Compounds
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) generate pasty wastes, known biosolids, which can be toxic and recalcitrant, motivating studies aiming at their degradation. Filamentous fungi were investigated to degradation of biosolids from a WWTP in the Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. All grew in the presence of biosolids, being inhibited by increase in concentration, except SXS629, which increased proportionally to the concentration. All grew in the middle with biosolids at the original pH (10.5), although the correction (6.8) provided higher growth. Except SXS90, the others (SXS37, SXS615 and SXS628) degraded the biosolid, growing in medium containing biosolids as the only source of carbon; highlighting SXS628, whose growth in the biosolids exceeded the control. All evaluated isolates synthesize at least two prospected enzymes, especially SXS630 and SXS634, which synthesize all (carboxymethyl cellulase, tannase, polyphenoloxidase). This shows the potential use of these isolates (combined or not) in biotechnological processes aiming at the degradation of biosolids, especially SXS37.Estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETEs) geram resíduo pastoso, conhecido como biossólido, podendo ser tóxico e recalcitrante, o que motiva estudos visando sua degradação ou aproveitamento seguro. Foram investigados fungos filamentosos na degradação do biossólido de uma ETE de Goiânia/Goiás. Todos cresceram na presença do biossólido, sendo inibidos pelo aumento da concentração, exceto SXS629, que cresceu proporcionalmente à concentração. Todos cresceram no meio com biossólido no pH original (10.5), mas a correção (6.8) proporcionou maior crescimento. Exceto SXS90, os demais (SXS37, SXS615 e SXS628) degradaram o biossólido, crescendo em meio contendo-o como única fonte de carbono; destaque para SXS628, cujo crescimento no biossólido superou o do controle. Todos isolados avaliados sintetizam pelo menos duas enzimas prospectadas, destaque para SXS630 e SXS634, que sintetizam todas (carboximetilcelulase, tanase, polifenoloxidase). Isso mostra o potencial para utilização desses isolados (combinados ou não) em processos biotecnológicos visando à degradação do biossólido, com destaque para SXS37
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