2,181 research outputs found

    The Effects of Cross-cultural Experience on Travel Participants

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    The principal hypothesis of this study is that within a group of travel participants, individuals\u27 perceptions of the effects of the trip will differ, but at the same time there will be identifiable convergence of perception. The specific problem addressed is how the lives of Project Minnesota/Leon trip participants have been affected by visiting Nicaragua. The research methodology used was the speech communication theory of Symbolic Convergence and the data was examined by quantal analysis. Three distinct types of participants were found, supporting the validity of this theory and soundly defending the principal hypothesis. A corollary hypothesis is that cross-cultural experiential programs have the potential to promote multiculturalism required for effective leadership in today\u27s interdependent world. While the research design does not permit a quantified link between attitudes and experiences, trip participants exhibited mutuality with Nicaraguans as well as some understanding of cultural pluralism and diversity

    Football, modèles juridiques et marché: le dilemme des clubs en Amérique du Sud

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    El trabajo relaciona tres dimensiones que articulan las discusiones sobre el fútbol en América del Sur: hinchas, mercado y política interna. En primer lugar se presenta el debate desencadenado en torno al formato legal de las instituciones. Resulta necesario hacer esta primera escala sobre los clubes y sus modelos legales, para introducir de inmediato las formas de participación y organización que los actores involucrados encuentran en ésta área. Como las transformaciones económicas y políticas de los clubes no ocurren aisladamente, la segunda parte del trabajo explica las medidas que fueron incorporadas en el campo deportivo como parte de un proceso global de mercantilización. La tercera parte se centra en cómo los socios e hinchas expresan su descontento frente a las transformaciones estructurales y decisiones políticas tomadas por los dirigentes de los clubes.This paper links three dimensions articulated by the discussions on football in South America: fans, the market, and internal politics. First, the frenzied debate regarding the institutions’ legal format is presented. This first section on the clubs themselves and their legal models is necessary in order to later consider the different forms of participation and organization found by the actors involved in that sphere. Since the economic and political changes occurring in football clubs are not produced in isolation, the second part of this paper addresses those measures incorporated in the sporting realm as part of a global process of commercialization. The third section focuses on how club members and fans express their discontent regarding the structural transformations and decisions taken by club management.Ce travail met en rapport trois dimensions qui sont la base des débats sur le football en Amérique du Sud: supporters, marché et politique interne. En premier lieu, nous abordons le débat qui est déclenché par le format légal des institutions. Il faut passer par cette première étape sur les clubs et leurs modèles légaux pour introduire par la suite les formes de participation et d’organisation auxquelles les acteurs engagés se trouvent confrontés en la matière. Comme les modifications économiques et politiques des clubs n’ont pas lieu isolément, la seconde partie du travail se penche sur les mesures qui furent incorporées dans le domaine sportif comme partie d’un processus global de mercantilisation. La troisième partie porte sur la façon dont les associés et les supporters expriment leur mécontentement face aux modifications structurelles et aux décisions politiques prises par les dirigeants des clubs.Fil: Moreira, Maria Veronica Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentin

    Soccer, Violence and Politics: Relationship Networks in Argentina

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    La producción académica sobre los comportamientos de los hinchas que integran las llamadas “barras bravas”, a nivel nacional e internacional, particularmente en Latinoamérica,se ha especializado en el estudio de las prácticas de estos hinchas, lo que ha favorecido y profundizado la discusión teórica sobre la relación entre el fútbol, la violencia y el género. Nos proponemos analizar la relación entre el fútbol, la violencia y la política en Argentina, considerando que el cruce entre violencia y política es una dimensión complementaria del estudio, y partiendo del supuesto de que la violencia es un elemento emergente de una trama de relaciones e intercambios donde participan los hinchas y los agentes legítimos de los procesos políticos.Academic production regarding the behavior of the fans that make up the so-called barras bravas (tough soccer supporter groups), at the national and international levels and particularly in Latin America, has concentrated on the study of the practices of those fans, thus fostering and deepening theoretical discussion about the relationship among soccer, violence, and gender. Considering that the intersection between violence and politics complements such studies, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the relation among soccer, violence, and politics in Argentina, starting out from the assumption that violence is an emerging element within a network of relations and exchanges in which both fans and legitimate agents of political processes participate.Fil: Moreira, Maria Veronica Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Doing politics in the Club Juventud

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    La asociación que surge cuando decimos fútbol y política reenvía rápidamente a la idea sobre la participación en los clubes de individuos que provienen del ámbito de la política tradicional. Esto es, la participación de políticos que son ajenos a tales instituciones, que suelen actuar cotidianamente como funcionarios o legisladores del Estado municipal, provincial o nacional; como líderes de algún sindicato; o como referentes de partidos o agrupaciones. En algunos casos, la presencia de ellos es más evidente y directa, y en otros, más nominal. Un funcionario del poder nacional se identifica públicamente como ferviente fanático de un club, mientras que otro se identifica como fanático y, además, se involucra activamente en la trama institucional de la entidad. En ambos casos, la simpatía futbolística de los políticos, muchas veces, juega a favor de los clubes por el envío de ayudas y préstamos.La relación entre fútbol y política puede comprenderse desde múltiples perspectivas. Elegimos, en esta oportunidad, hacerlo a partir de la participación de los individuos, representativos de otros espacios, que ingresan a la trama de la política institucional de una entidad deportiva; y observar la particularidad que esta situación genera para el desarrollo de una articulación entre los distintos espacios: el club, el poder político municipal y la política sindical. Considerando este marco, el trabajo también analiza las prácticas y las estrategias que los individuos politizados producen con el fin de ganar los puestos directivos en el club en el tiempo signado por las elecciones.The relationship between "football and politics" can be understood from multiple perspectives. We chose, this time, to do it from the participation of individuals, representatives of other areas, entering the plot of the institutional politics of a sports club; and see the difference that this situation makes towards the development of an interface between different spaces: the club, the political power of the town hall, and labor union politics. Given this framework, the paper also analyzes the practices and strategies that politicized individuals develop to gain executive positions in the club at election times.Fil: Moreira, Maria Veronica Elizabeth. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Problem-Based Learning to improve the speaking skill in EFL

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    The following research aims to determine the improvements that can be obtained thanks to the application of the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) methodology, in addition to identifying the impact it generates on speech skills in students at level A1 of the English proficiency program belonging to the Technical University of Cotopaxi Extension "La Maná" where different difficulties have constantly been presented in the language teaching-learning process. One of the most notorious problems during English classes is the low participation in classes, in addition to the lack of interest and fear that students present, so the implementation of the PBL Methodology is sought, accompanied by tools such as surveys to determine the effectiveness of itself. After applying a pre-test online and after having analyzed the results, an understanding is reached of a significant incidence both in errors that occur in the grammatical structure, such as the lack of a basic and necessary vocabulary for the assigned level and also the level necessary to improve pronunciation. This research has a quantitative-qualitative, quasi-experimental, descriptive and explanatory approach with deductive, synthetic and analytic methods. The teacher has the responsibility of applying an appropriate methodology for the group of students, otherwise the teaching-learning process will not be carried out correctly, based on this premise, the proposal of a brochure with 5 units is presented where the methodology of PBL (Learning Based in Problems) and later, after having obtained results, they will be compared with the results previously acquired through the Pre-test. If an improvement in their speech skills is determined, thus improving the problems raised, it can be assumed that students will be able to cope in different situations of daily and professional life with a meaningful learning and a large vocabulary.La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar las mejoras que se pueden obtener gracias a la aplicación de la metodología ABP (Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas), además de identificar el efecto que genera en las habilidades del habla en los estudiantes del nivel A1 del programa de suficiencia de inglés perteneciente a la Universidad Técnica de Extensión Cotopaxi 'La Maná' donde constantemente se han presentado diferentes dificultades en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de idiomas. Uno de los problemas más notorios durante las clases de inglés es la baja participación en la impartición de la materia, además de la falta de interés y miedo que presentan los estudiantes, por lo que se busca la implementación de la Metodología ABP, acompañada de herramientas como encuestas para determinar la efectividad de la misma. Tras aplicar un pre-test online y tras haber analizado los resultados, se llega a comprender una incidencia significativa tanto en los errores que se producen en la estructura gramatical, como en la falta de un vocabulario básico y necesario para el nivel asignado y también el nivel necesario para mejorar la pronunciación. Esta investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo-cualitativo, cuasi-experimental, descriptivo y exploratorio con métodos deductivos e inductivo, sintético y analítico. El docente tiene la responsabilidad de aplicar una metodología apropiada para el grupo de estudiantes caso contrario el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje no será llevado a cabo correctamente, en base a esta premisa, se presenta la propuesta de un folleto con 5 unidades donde se presenta la metodología de PBL (Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas) y posteriormente, una vez obtenidos los resultados, se compararán con los obtenidos previamente a través del Pre-test. Si se determina una mejora en las habilidades del habla, mejorando así los problemas planteados, se puede suponer que los estudiantes serán capaces de afrontar diferentes situaciones de la vida diaria y profesional con un aprendizaje significativo y un amplio vocabulari

    Crowd, game and dispute: Practices between football supporters in Argentina

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    Este artículo analiza un aspecto singular del fútbol contemporáneo: las prácticas de aliento que desarrollan los hinchas durante la contienda deportiva. Allí, ellos desencadenan una serie de estrategias que tienden a producir una victoria simbólica sobre los rivales circunstanciales. Esta competencia es singular porque conjuga simultáneamente elementos identificados con una dimensión trágica y con una dimensión cómica. Ambas dimensiones conviven y se mezclan para dar forma a las manifestaciones de los hinchas. Éstas últimas, a su vez, se desarrollan en sintonía con distintos aspectos de lo lúdico, en razón de su virtud creadora, espontánea y liberadora. No obstante, las acciones de los hinchas, que se desplazan entre la codificación y la improvisación, están basadas en una cosmovisión signada por una masculinidad que valora positivamente el coraje, el poder, fuerza y la agresividad. Los datos que sustenta el análisis surgieron de la observación participante y registros audiovisuales de 15 hinchadas de clubes de distintas divisiones deportivas. Dicho relevamiento, que comenzó en 2009 con un trabajo de campo con la hinchada de San Lorenzo, finalizó en 2013. Asimismo, la evidencia se completa con los datos construidos durante el trabajo de campo en el Club Atlético Independiente entre los años 2000 y 2008.In this article we discuss a unique aspect of modern football: the practices of "aliento" developed by sports fans during the match. During the game, they trigger a series of strategies with the objective to obtain a symbolic victory over the rival. This social competition is unique because it combines elements identified simultaneously with a tragic dimension and a comic dimension. Both coexist and blend to shape the expression of the fans. The latter, in turn, develop in harmony with different aspects of play, because of its creative, spontaneous and liberating quality. However, the action of the fans, that moves between coding and improvisation, are based on a worldview marked by a kind of masculinity. The fans defend a male model that appreciates the courage, power, strength and aggressiveness. This model has practical implications in terms of the expression of violence in contemporary football. The data underlying the analysis emerged from a participant's observation and audiovisual records from 15 different sport club divisions. This survey, which began in 2009 included intensive fieldwork with the fans of Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro, has now been completed with the fieldwork done in the Club Atlético Independiente between 2000 and 2008.Fil: Moreira, Maria Veronica Elizabeth. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bundio, Javier Sebastian. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Efectos en los mercados financieros internacionales de la derogatoria en 1999 de la Ley Glass Steagall de los EE.UU. (Tema Central)

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    Actualmente la profunda crisis del sistema financiero internacional, similar a la que vivió Estados Unidos en los años treinta, es el punto más importante de discusión en todo el mundo. Por ello, se consideró importante realizar un análisis de la Ley Glass Steagall Act, promulgada en el año 1933, justamente como una salida a la crisis financiera estadounidense, de aquella época, precisando cuáles son sus principales características, y sobre todo los efectos que su derogatoria (en 1999) trajo consigo en el sistema financiero mundial, pues como veremos, para muchos la actual crisis es producto de la inadecuada mezcla de regulación y libertad que se produjo con la promulgación de la Ley Gramm Leach Bliley Act, mediante la cual los bancos comerciales empezaron a incursionar en operaciones bursátiles, actividades que anteriormente estaban vetadas, y por tanto existían garantías suficientes para los depositantes.Currently, the profound crisis in the international financial system similar to the one the United States lived in the 1930s is the most important point of discussion throughout the world. Therefore, we believe it is important to analyze the Glass Steagall Act promulgated in 1933 as a way out of the U. S. financial crisis and point out its main characteristics and, above all, the effects its derogation (in 1999) brought about in the global financial system since as we shall see for many the current crisis is a product of the inappropriate combination of regulation and freedom produced by the promulgation of the Gramm Leach Bliley Act in which commercial banks started to enter stock market operations. In the past, these activities were not allowed and, therefore, there were sufficient guaranties for depositors

    Hybrid PSO Algorithm with Iterated Local Search Operator for Equality Constraints Problems

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    This paper presents a hybrid PSO algorithm (Par-ticle Swarm Optimization) with an ILS (Iterated Local Search) operator for handling equality constraints problems in mono-objective optimization problems. The ILS can be used to locally search around the best solutions in some generations, exploring the attraction basins in small portions of the feasible set. This process can compensate the difficulty of the evolutionary algorithm to generate good solutions in zero-volume regions. The greatest advantage of the operator is the simple implementation. Experiments performed on benchmark problems shows improvement in accuracy, reducing the gap for the tested problems

    Estudo preliminar sobre indicadores de comorbidade entre transtorno de déficit de atençao / hiperatividade e uso de drogas a partir da adolescencia

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    Orientador: Egidio José RomanelliDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Psicologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografia e anexosÁrea de concentraçao: Psicologia da infância e adolescenciaResumo: Foi em 1994, que o Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM-IV), denominou o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDA-H), e estabeleceu critérios para o seu diagnóstico internacionalmente, apresentando-o sob três formas prevalentes: forma "hiperativa/impulsiva", forma "desatenta" e forma "combinada". As características nucleares deste transtorno são a desatenção, a hiperatividade e a impulsividade, afetando de maneira importante o desempenho acadêmico, os relacionamentos familiares e sociais, o ajustamento psicossocial e a vida laborativa dos portadores. O objetivo desta pesquisa, foi investigar os índices do TDA-H, em uma amostragem da população de Curitiba, os índices das três formas prevalentes do transtorno e uma possível comorbidade com uso de drogas a partir da adolescência. As pesquisas internacionais apontam para índices gerais do TDA-H, extremamente variáveis, abrangendo de 1% a 7%, variando conforme autores e pesquisas. Nesta pesquisa, o índice de prevalência do TDA-H foi de 9,3%. Sendo a forma prevalente com um maior índice encontrado a "desatenta" (14,4%), seguida pela forma hiperativa/impulsiva (9%) e com menor índice a forma "combinada" (4,5%). O índice de comorbidade entre TDA-H e uso de drogas, ficou em 3,3% desta amostragem. A pesquisa foi realizada com 113 indivíduos, em uma população natural, oriunda de escolas públicas e de uma clínica de neurologia. A idade dos participantes variou entre 13 e 54 anos, com a média de 20,69 anos. Para o levantamento desses dados, utilizou-se de um questionário, baseado no DSM-IV, acrescido da sintomatologia citada por outros autores. Este instrumento foi submetido a testes de estatísticas, garantindo a validade de seus resultados.Abstract: In 1994, the Statistical and Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders DSM-IV named the Hyperactivity/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), and set the criteria for its international diagnosis, dividing it into 3 prevalent types: "hyperactive/impulsive", "distracted" and "combined". The nuclear features of the disorder are inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness, significantly affecting the academic performance, social and family integration, psycho-social fitness and the working life of the people who have it. The objective of this paper was to investigate the presence of ADHD in a sample of the population of Curitiba, the presence of the 3 different types of the disorder and a possible co-morbidity with drug abuse beginning in early adolescence. International research shows general ADHD presence as extremely variable, from 1% to 7%, depending on the author and the research. In this study, the prevalence of ADHD was of 9.3%; and the prevalent type, most commonly found was the "distracted" (14.4%), followed by the hyperactive/impulsive (9%) and the less commonly found "combined" (4.5%). The comorbidity between ADHD and drug abuse was of 3.3% in this sample. The research involved 113 individuals, in a natural population, from state schools and a neurology clinic. The age ranged from 13 to 54 years, average of 20.69 years. To collect the data, a questionnaire was used, based on the DSM-IV, and the symptoms described by other authors. This tool was submitted to statistical tests in order to guarantee the validity of its results

    Trajetórias de mulheres campesinas: a luta pela educação

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    ABSTRACT. This article is a reinterpretation of the research implemented in the doctoral process in which the social representations of ‘writing’ of undergraduate students in the rural education was studied. Curso Linguagens e Códigos da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). In the thesis, narrative interviews were conducted with a group of 15 undergraduates in order to understand their relationships/conceptions of writing. Then, it was possible to notice the importance of the female figure in the fight for a free, high quality rural education. Mothers, wives, girlfriends, were widely mentioned as having decisive roles in students entering as well as their remaining in the undergraduate course. Thus, it was from the narrative interviews that a question has been posed, and has, in the space of this article, an opportunity for reflection. If women are the ones encouraging their partners, children, brothers, to further their studies, how do such women organize themselves so that they too can study? What is the necessary support so that such women can ‘leave home’? From a methodological point of view, two testimonies from young women coming from different backgrounds were selected. ABSTRACT. This article is a reinterpretation of the research implemented in the doctoral process in which the social representations of ‘writing’ of undergraduate students in the rural education was studied. Curso Linguagens e Códigos da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). In the thesis, narrative interviews were conducted with a group of 15 undergraduates in order to understand their relationships/conceptions of writing. Then, it was possible to notice the importance of the female figure in the fight for a free, high quality rural education. Mothers, wives, girlfriends, were widely mentioned as having decisive roles in students entering as well as their remaining in the undergraduate course. Thus, it was from the narrative interviews that a question has been posed, and has, in the space of this article, an opportunity for reflection. If women are the ones encouraging their partners, children, brothers, to further their studies, how do such women organize themselves so that they too can study? What is the necessary support so that such women can ‘leave home’? From a methodological point of view, two testimonies from young women coming from different backgrounds were selected.   RESUMEN. Este artículo es una reinterpretación de la investigación realizada en el proceso de doctorado en la que se trabajaron las representaciones sociales de la escritura de estudiantes de pregrado en educación de campo - Curso de Idiomas y Códigos de la Universidad Federal de los Valles de Jequitinhonha y Mucuri. En la tesis, se realizaron entrevistas narrativas con 15 estudiantes universitarios con el fin de comprender sus relaciones/concepciones de la escritura. En esa investigación se evidenció la importancia de la figura femenina en la lucha por una educación pública, gratuita y de calidad. La voz 'actual' entre todos los entrevistados fue el aporte decisivo de la figura femenina para el ingreso/permanencia de estos estudiantes en la carrera de grado. Fue a partir de las entrevistas narrativas que se le planteó una pregunta al investigador, teniendo en este artículo una oportunidad de reflexión. Si las mujeres son el principal incentivo de sus parejas, para el acceso y la continuidad de los estudios, ¿cómo se organizan para su propia participación? ¿Cuáles son los apoyos necesarios para "salir de casa"? Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se seleccionaron los testimonios de dos mujeres jóvenes, que representan caminos diferentes.ABSTRACT. This article is a reinterpretation of the research implemented in the doctoral process in which the social representations of ‘writing’ of undergraduate students in the rural education was studied. Curso Linguagens e Códigos da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). In the thesis, narrative interviews were conducted with a group of 15 undergraduates in order to understand their relationships/conceptions of writing. Then, it was possible to notice the importance of the female figure in the fight for a free, high quality rural education. Mothers, wives, girlfriends, were widely mentioned as having decisive roles in students entering as well as their remaining in the undergraduate course. Thus, it was from the narrative interviews that a question has been posed, and has, in the space of this article, an opportunity for reflection. If women are the ones encouraging their partners, children, brothers, to further their studies, how do such women organize themselves so that they too can study? What is the necessary support so that such women can ‘leave home’? From a methodological point of view, two testimonies from young women coming from different backgrounds were selected. Este artigo é uma releitura da pesquisa realizada no processo de doutoramento em que se trabalhou com as representações sociais de escrita dos estudantes da licenciatura em educação do campo – Curso Linguagens e Códigos da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). Na tese, foram feitas entrevistas narrativas com 15 graduandos com o objetivo de entender suas relações/concepções de escrita. Naquela pesquisa, ficou evidente a importância da figura feminina na luta por uma educação do campo pública, gratuita e de qualidade. Foi voz ‘corrente’ entre todos/as os/as entrevistados/as a decisiva contribuição de mães, esposas, enfim da figura feminina para a entrada/permanência desses estudantes no curso de graduação. Foi a partir das entrevistas narrativas que uma questão vem se colocando para a pesquisadora, tendo neste artigo, oportunidade para reflexão. Se as mulheres são as principais incentivadoras de seus companheiros, filhos, irmãos, para o acesso e continuidade dos estudos, como elas se organizam para a própria participação? Quais são os suportes necessários para a ‘saída de casa’ dessas mulheres? Do ponto de vista metodológico, foram selecionados depoimentos de duas mulheres jovens, representativas de percursos diferentes. Palavras-chave: mulheres e educação do campo, educação como direito, narrativas femininas.   Trajectories of peasant women: the struggle for education        ABSTRACT. This article is a reinterpretation of the research implemented in the doctoral process in which the social representations of ‘writing’ of undergraduate students in the rural education was studied. Curso Linguagens e Códigos da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). In the thesis, narrative interviews were conducted with a group of 15 undergraduates in order to understand their relationships/conceptions of writing. Then, it was possible to notice the importance of the female figure in the fight for a free, high quality rural education. Mothers, wives, girlfriends, were widely mentioned as having decisive roles in students entering as well as their remaining in the undergraduate course. Thus, it was from the narrative interviews that a question has been posed, and has, in the space of this article, an opportunity for reflection. If women are the ones encouraging their partners, children, brothers, to further their studies, how do such women organize themselves so that they too can study? What is the necessary support so that such women can ‘leave home’? From a methodological point of view, two testimonies from young women coming from different backgrounds were selected.  Keywords: women and rural education, education as a right, female narratives.   Trayectorias de la mujer campesina: la lucha por la educación RESUMEN. Este artículo es una reinterpretación de la investigación realizada en el proceso de doctorado en la que se trabajaron las representaciones sociales de la escritura de estudiantes de pregrado en educación de campo - Curso de Idiomas y Códigos de la Universidad Federal de los Valles de Jequitinhonha y Mucuri. En la tesis, se realizaron entrevistas narrativas con 15 estudiantes universitarios con el fin de comprender sus relaciones/concepciones de la escritura. En esa investigación se evidenció la importancia de la figura femenina en la lucha por una educación pública, gratuita y de calidad. La voz 'actual' entre todos los entrevistados fue el aporte decisivo de la figura femenina para el ingreso/permanencia de estos estudiantes en la carrera de grado. Fue a partir de las entrevistas narrativas que se le planteó una pregunta al investigador, teniendo en este artículo una oportunidad de reflexión. Si las mujeres son el principal incentivo de sus parejas, para el acceso y la continuidad de los estudios, ¿cómo se organizan para su propia participación? ¿Cuáles son los apoyos necesarios para "salir de casa"? Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se seleccionaron los testimonios de dos mujeres jóvenes, que representan caminos diferentes. Palabras clave: mujeres y educación rural, educación como derecho, narrativas femeninas