6,021 research outputs found

    Um mapa conceitual para interações fundamentais

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    At first, the paper stresses a modern trend concerning the curriculum of high school and introductory college physics courses. According to this trend, the curriculum must be modernized by the introduction of contemporary physics topics and by teaching traditional classical physics topics from amodern point of view. Following this trend, a concept map for fundamental interactions of nature is presented focusing the topic "forces" from a unifying standpoint showing that the number of fundamental forces of nature is actually quite small. Finally, the question of contextual dependence of the meanings assigned to physical concepts is also discussed

    Diez años de la revista "Enseñanza de las ciencias" : de una ilusión a una realidad"

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    This paper is essentially the sequence of overhead transparencies used in tlie opening speech of the IV International Congress on Research in the Didactics of Science and Mathematics, held iri Barcelona, September 13-16, sponsored by the "Enseñanza de las Ciencias" journal. The theme of the speech was a critica1 analysis of the first ten years, 1983-1992, of this journal. Initially, the analysis focuses on general aspects of the journal such as its policies, its political positions, the language issue, the emphasis on research on teaching, the kiilds of papers published, and the subjects of these papers. Then, the focus moves to a critica1 view of the research papers concerning their theoretical and methodological bases

    Respiratory repercussions of sickle cell anemia

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL

    Conference Program

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    La V epistemológica aplicada a algunos enfoques en resolución de problemas

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    This paper includes a technique to apply a simplified Gowin’s Vee as a reference tool to analyse four different trends which are useful for research in Physics problem solving. They are: a) the strategy alternative; b) the problem solving in accordance with scientific methodology; c) the problem solving and its social environment and d) the problem solving in Science and Technology with a practical proposal. Its analysis shows the way it can be used for the classroom

    Física contemporánea en la escuela secundaria : una experiencia en el aula involucrando formación de profesores

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    In this paper we describe our experience in teaching two contemporary physics topics --elementary particles and superconductivity-- at high school level. The experience was developed in two years, including topic selection, preparation of instructional materials, teacher training, and classroom implementation

    La enseñanza de Física en una escuela militar ¿Una herencia behaviorista?

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    This case study consists of a classroom ethnography in which the daily basis of physics as a discipline in a classroom of students of the second year of high school, in a Brazilian military school, is described. It comprises a set of more comprehensive ethnographic studies in different types of schools as well as in the context of higher education teaching. It aims at investigating possible contributions of aspects related to the nature of science as a potentially useful strategy for the improvement of physics teaching. The observed physics teacher did not have in his schooling any formal study of epistemological disciplines, so that it was also the goal of this research the identification of his epistemological conceptions and of any feasible relationships between these conceptions and his teaching praxis. Research findings suggested a classroom reality and a school context that seemed to favor cross-examining the existence behaviorist legacy, although under a different disguise, as well as the need to reflect upon the extent to which this legacy can be considered harmful