93 research outputs found

    Desarrollo del equipo de soporte A.P.S.(Advance Planning Systems) De la Empresa Grupo ASSA para elevar la calidad del servicio IT en la PLanificación y distribución de la Producción a Nivel Global

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    Objetivo principal Este informe tiene como objetivo principal dar a conocer el proceso de investigación desarrollado para seleccionar la medida que logró elevar considerablemente la calidad del servicio IT en la planificación y distribución de la producción que la empresa grupo ASSA brinda a nivel global. Se demostrará además, el impacto económico que se le atribuye a esto. Herramientas de medición del cumplimiento del objetivo principal, La mejora en la calidad del servicio se reflejará en los cuadros estadísticos APS-TICKETS CREADOS POR USUARIOS, APS-TICKETS CERRADOS, APS-TICKETS SIN RESOLVER y principalmente APS-PERFORMANCE, indicadores obtenidos luego del comprobar la alineación de estos con los objetivos de la empresa. 1.2 Objetivos secundarios -Demostrar si hubo una reducción en los costos que se atribuyen al soporte IT de la planificación y distribución de la producción que brinda la empresa Grupo ASSA manteniendo un nivel de calidad adecuado. -Informar sobre la labor como consultor en sistemas avanzados de planificación de la empresa Grupo ASSA y como aplican los conocimientos/herramientas obtenidas durante la cursada de las materias correspondientes a la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Perlecan controls neurogenesis in the developing telencephalon

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    BACKGROUND: Perlecan is a proteoglycan expressed in the basal lamina of the neuroepithelium during development. Perlecan absence does not impair basal lamina assembly, although in the 55% of the mutants early disruptions of this lamina conducts to exencephaly, impairing brain development. The rest of perlecan-null brains complete its prenatal development, maintain basal lamina continuity interrupted by some isolated ectopias, and are microcephalic. Microcephaly consists of thinner cerebral walls and underdeveloped ganglionic eminences. We have studied the mechanisms that generate brain atrophy in telencephalic areas where basal lamina is intact. RESULTS: Brain atrophy in the absence of perlecan started in the ventral forebrain and extended to lateral and dorsal parts of the cortex in the following stages. First, the subpallial forebrain developed poorly in early perlecan-null embryos, because of a reduced cell proliferation: the number of cells in mitosis decreased since the early stages of development. This reduction resulted in a decreased tangential migration of interneurons to the cerebral cortex. Concomitant with the early hypoplasia observed in the medial ganglionic eminences, Sonic Hedgehog signal decreased in the perlecan-null floor plate basal lamina at E12.5. Second, neurogenesis in the pallial neuroepithelium was affected in perlecan deficient embryos. We found reductions of nearly 50% in the number of cells exiting the cell cycle at E12–E13. The labeling index, which was normal at this age, significantly decreased with advancing corticogenesis. Moreover, nestin(+ )or PCNA(+ )progenitors increased since E14.5, reaching up to about 150% of the proportion of PCNA(+ )cells in the wild-type at E17.5. Thus, labeling index reduction together with increased progenitor population, suggests that atrophy is the result of altered cell cycle progression in the cortical progenitors. Accordingly, less neurons populated the cortical plate and subplate of perlecan-null neocortex, as seen with the neuronal markers β-tubulin and Tbr1. CONCLUSION: As a component of the basal lamina, perlecan both maintains this structure and controls the response of the neuroepithelium to growth factors. Less mitotic cells in the early medial ganglionic eminences, and impaired cell cycle progression in the late neocortex, suggests insufficient recruitment and signaling by neurogenic morphogens, such as SHH or FGF2

    Systemic signalling and local effectors in developmental stability, body symmetry, and size

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    Symmetric growth and the origins of fluctuating asymmetry are unresolved phenomena of biology. Small, and sometimes noticeable, deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry reflect the vulnerability of development to perturbations. The degree of asymmetry is related to the magnitude of the perturbations and the ability of an individual to cope with them. As the left and right sides of an individual were presumed to be genetically identical, deviations of symmetry were traditionally attributed to non-genetic effects such as environmental and developmental noise. In this review, we draw attention to other possible sources of variability, especially to somatic mutations and transposons. Mutations are a major source of phenotypic variability and recent genomic data have highlighted somatic mutations as ubiquitous, even in phenotypically normal individuals. We discuss the importance of factors that are responsible for buffering and stabilizing the genome and for maintaining size robustness and quality through elimination of less-fit or damaged cells. However, the important question that arises from these studies is whether this self-correcting capacity and intrinsic organ size controls are sufficient to explain how symmetric structures can reach an identical size and shape. Indeed, recent discoveries in the fruit fly have uncovered a conserved hormone of the insulin/IGF/relaxin family, Dilp8, that is responsible for stabilizing body size and symmetry in the face of growth perturbations. Dilp8 alarm signals periphery growth status to the brain, where it acts on its receptor Lgr3. Loss of Dilp8-Lgr3 signaling renders flies incapable of detecting growth perturbations and thus maintaining a stable size and symmetry. These findings help to understand how size and symmetry of somatic tissues remain undeterred in noisy environments, after injury or illnesses, and in the presence of accumulated somatic mutations

    Analysis of the coffee production chain in the Amazonas Region in 2023

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    Analyzing the local value chain in coffee-producing regions can help identify obstacles and opportunities for economic development and growth. Faced with this, the objective of the study was to analyze the value chain in the Amazon region. For which, the survey was used to collect information from producers and those involved in the value chain. To map the chain, the GIZ Value Links methodology was used; the study population was 34 producers and representatives of organizations and institutions. The coffee value chain in the Amazon region is made up of producers as the first link, after them the local collectors such as associations and cooperatives are present and in turn free trade who are the intermediary buyers. Government institutions. The main international export markets are Canada, the United States, and Germany. The main difficulty for producers is the constant coffee pests that prevent good production, along with the lack of irrigation in the plots

    Diseño y análisis de un Centro de Transmisiones Táctico de una Brigada

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    Según los propósitos del concepto “Brigada 2035” que indica la forma de actuar de las unidades del Ejército de Tierra en el futuro año 2035, llevándose a cabo su fase de experimentación en la Brigada “Rey Alfonso XIII’’ II de La Legión, me propongo la realización del diseño de un Centro de Transmisiones Táctico que de apoyo a una Brigada. Dicho prototipo se puso a prueba durante las maniobras del día 4 de octubre al 8 de octubre del 2019 en el Campo de Maniobras y Tiro “Álvarez de Sotomayor”, en Almería. Actualmente el Ejército de tierra cuenta con un limitado nivel logístico y de personal lo que conlleva no poder utilizar de forma simultánea todos los medios disponibles. La solución que en este TFG se propone para evitar dicho problema es el uso de un Centro de Transmisiones que reduzca considerablemente dichas carencias y que de apoyo a la Brigada durante un ejercicio hasta un máximo de 48 horas. Esta limitación temporal se debe a que el Centro de Transmisiones Táctico aquí propuesto va enfocado a maniobras tácticas, en las cuales el asentamiento de la unidad no es fijo y que varía según el propósito y estimación del mando. Analizados los Centros de Transmisiones actuales, sus puntos débiles y sus fortalezas, además de la información aportada por el personal experto con el que cuenta la Compañía de Transmisiones de La Legión, el Centro de Transmisiones Táctico propuesto cuenta con un número menor de estaciones, aumentando su flexibilidad, facilidad de despliegue y repliegue, modularidad, maniobrabilidad y selectividad. Con objeto de poder dotar a una Compañía de Transmisiones de dicho prototipo, se ha aportado por parte del personal experto toda la información necesaria acerca de las características, facilidades y problemas que aportan las estaciones que actualmente se tienen en dotación con el fin de, tras un estudio de éstas, poder elegir aquellas que se adecuen más a la maniobra. Así mismo, se han analizado los puntos débiles que presentan los Centros de Transmisiones actuales, con el objetivo de, tras un riguroso análisis, poder priorizar su solución y puesta en funcionamiento. La implementación del Centro de Transmisiones Táctico llevado a cabo en este trabajo, tiene la posibilidad de su implementación en el resto de Brigadas del Ejército de Tierra, ya que se ha realizado con materiales que se encuentran actualmente en dotación, teniendo las pruebas realizadas durante las maniobras un resultado satisfactorio. <br /

    SIRT1/2 orchestrate acquisition of DNA methylation and loss of histone H3 activating marks to prevent premature activation of inflammatory genes in macrophages

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    Sirtuins 1 and 2 (SIRT1/2) are two NAD-dependent deacetylases with major roles in inflammation. In addition to deacetylating histones and other proteins, SIRT1/2-mediated regulation is coupled with other epigenetic enzymes. Here, we investigate the links between SIRT1/2 activity and DNA methylation in macrophage differentiation due to their relevance in myeloid cells. SIRT1/2 display drastic upregulation during macrophage differentiation and their inhibition impacts the expression of many inflammation-related genes. In this context, SIRT1/2 inhibition abrogates DNA methylation gains, but does not affect demethylation. Inhibition of hypermethylation occurs at many inflammatory loci, which results in more drastic upregulation of their expression upon macrophage polarization following bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge. SIRT1/2-mediated gains of methylation concur with decreases in activating histone marks, and their inhibition revert these histone marks to resemble an open chromatin. Remarkably, specific inhibition of DNA methyltransferases is sufficient to upregulate inflammatory genes that are maintained in a silent state by SIRT1/2. Both SIRT1 and SIRT2 directly interact with DNMT3B, and their binding to proinflammatory genes is lost upon exposure to LPS or through pharmacological inhibition of their activity. In all, we describe a novel role for SIRT1/2 to restrict premature activation of proinflammatory genes

    SIRT1/2 orchestrate acquisition of DNA methylation and loss of histone H3 activating marks to prevent premature activation of inflammatory genes in macrophages

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya; [...].Sirtuins 1 and 2 (SIRT1/2) are two NAD-dependent deacetylases with major roles in inflammation. In addition to deacetylating histones and other proteins, SIRT1/2-mediated regulation is coupled with other epigenetic enzymes. Here, we investigate the links between SIRT1/2 activity and DNA methylation in macrophage differentiation due to their relevance in myeloid cells. SIRT1/2 display drastic upregulation during macrophage differentiation and their inhibition impacts the expression of many inflammation-related genes. In this context, SIRT1/2 inhibition abrogates DNA methylation gains, but does not affect demethylation. Inhibition of hypermethylation occurs at many inflammatory loci, which results in more drastic upregulation of their expression upon macrophage polarization following bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge. SIRT1/2-mediated gains of methylation concur with decreases in activating histone marks, and their inhibition revert these histone marks to resemble an open chromatin. Remarkably, specific inhibition of DNA methyltransferases is sufficient to upregulate inflammatory genes that are maintained in a silent state by SIRT1/2. Both SIRT1 and SIRT2 directly interact with DNMT3B, and their binding to proinflammatory genes is lost upon exposure to LPS or through pharmacological inhibition of their activity. In all, we describe a novel role for SIRT1/2 to restrict premature activation of proinflammatory genes

    Metodología para la medición de diferentes manifestaciones de velocidad específica en el voleibol mediante fotocélulas: Sistema DSD Laser System

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    Se muestra el método utilizado para realizar mediciones de velocidad en diferentes movimientos de voleibol, a través del sistema DSD Laser System. Se diseña un protocolo experimental para medir, con fotocélulas, el tiempo de movimiento y la velocidad de desplazamiento en situaciones específicas de defensa en campo en voleibo