2,536 research outputs found

    Accurate control of a Bose-Einstein condensate by managing the atomic interaction

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    We exploit the variation of the atomic interaction in order to move ultra-cold atoms across an AC-driven periodic lattice. By breaking relevant symmetries, a gathering of atoms is achieved. Accurate control of the gathered atoms positions can be demonstrated via the control of the atomic localization process. The localization process is analyzed with the help of the nonlinear Floquet states where the Landau-Zener tunneling between states is observed and controlled. Transport effects in the presence of disorder are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 Figures, PACS numbers: 03.75.Lm, 05.60.-k, 63.20.P

    Inhomogeneous soliton ratchets under two ac forces

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    We extend our previous work on soliton ratchet devices [L. Morales-Molina et al., Eur. Phys. J. B 37, 79 (2004)] to consider the joint effect of two ac forces including non-harmonic drivings, as proposed for particle ratchets by Savele'v et al. [Europhys. Lett. 67}, 179 (2004); Phys. Rev. E {\bf 70} 066109 (2004)]. Current reversals due to the interplay between the phases, frequencies and amplitudes of the harmonics are obtained. An analysis of the effect of the damping coefficient on the dynamics is presented. We show that solitons give rise to non-trivial differences in the phenomenology reported for particle systems that arise from their extended character. A comparison with soliton ratchets in homogeneous systems with biharmonic forces is also presented. This ratchet device may be an ideal candidate for Josephson junction ratchets with intrinsic large damping

    Ratchet behavior in nonlinear Klein-Gordon systems with point-like inhomogeneities

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    We investigate the ratchet dynamics of nonlinear Klein-Gordon kinks in a periodic, asymmetric lattice of point-like inhomogeneities. We explain the underlying rectification mechanism within a collective coordinate framework, which shows that such system behaves as a rocking ratchet for point particles. Careful attention is given to the kink width dynamics and its role in the transport. We also analyze the robustness of our kink rocking ratchet in the presence of noise. We show that the noise activates unidirectional motion in a parameter range where such motion is not observed in the noiseless case. This is subsequently corroborated by the collective variable theory. An explanation for this new phenomenom is given

    Current and entanglement in a Bose-Hubbard lattice

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    We study the generation of entanglement for interacting cold atoms in an optical lattice. The entanglement is generated by managing the interaction between two distinct atomic species. It is found that the current of one of the species can be used as a good indicator of entanglement generation. The thermalization process between the species is also shown to be closely related to the evolution of the current.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Optimization of soliton ratchets in inhomogeneous sine-Gordon systems

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    Unidirectional motion of solitons can take place, although the applied force has zero average in time, when the spatial symmetry is broken by introducing a potential V(x)V(x), which consists of periodically repeated cells with each cell containing an asymmetric array of strongly localized inhomogeneities at positions xix_{i}. A collective coordinate approach shows that the positions, heights and widths of the inhomogeneities (in that order) are the crucial parameters so as to obtain an optimal effective potential UoptU_{opt} that yields a maximal average soliton velocity. UoptU_{opt} essentially exhibits two features: double peaks consisting of a positive and a negative peak, and long flat regions between the double peaks. Such a potential can be obtained by choosing inhomogeneities with opposite signs (e.g., microresistors and microshorts in the case of long Josephson junctions) that are positioned close to each other, while the distance between each peak pair is rather large. These results of the collective variables theory are confirmed by full simulations for the inhomogeneous sine-Gordon system

    Resonant ratcheting of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the rectification process of interacting quantum particles in a periodic potential exposed to the action of an external ac driving. The breaking of spatio-temporal symmetries leads to directed motion already in the absence of interactions. A hallmark of quantum ratcheting is the appearance of resonant enhancement of the current (Europhys. Lett. 79 (2007) 10007 and Phys. Rev. A 75 (2007) 063424). Here we study the fate of these resonances within a Gross-Pitaevskii equation which describes a mean field interaction between many particles. We find, that the resonance is i) not destroyed by interactions, ii) shifting its location with increasing interaction strength. We trace the Floquet states of the linear equations into the nonlinear domain, and show that the resonance gives rise to an instability and thus to the appearance of new nonlinear Floquet states, whose transport properties differ strongly as compared to the case of noninteracting particles

    Periodically driven Quantum Ratchets: Symmetries and Resonances

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    We study the quantum version of a tilting and flashing Hamiltonian ratchets, consisting of a periodic potential and a time-periodic driving field. The system dynamics is governed by a Floquet evolution matrix bearing the symmetry of the corresponding Hamiltonian. The dc-current appears due to the desymmetrization of Floquet eigenstates, which become transporting when all the relevant symmetries are violated. Those eigenstates which mostly contribute to a directed transport reside in phase space regions corresponding to classical resonances. Quantum dynamics leads to the dependence of the average velocity on the initial phase of the ac-field. A resonant enhancement (or suppression) of the dc-current, due to avoided crossings between different Floquet states takes place upon tuning some control parameters. Our studies are predominantly aimed at experimental realizations of ac-driven quantum ratchets with cold atoms

    Analytical approach to soliton ratchets in asymmetric potentials

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    We use soliton perturbation theory and collective coordinate ansatz to investigate the mechanism of soliton ratchets in a driven and damped asymmetric double sine-Gordon equation. We show that, at the second order of the perturbation scheme, the soliton internal vibrations can couple {\it effectively}, in presence of damping, to the motion of the center of mass, giving rise to transport. An analytical expression for the mean velocity of the soliton is derived. The results of our analysis confirm the internal mode mechanism of soliton ratchets proposed in [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 65} 025602(R) (2002)].Comment: 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.