1,991 research outputs found

    Estudio cultura Organizacional en el Hospital San Jorge ESE de Pereira personal de planta

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    El presente trabajo logró adelantar un estudio investigativo sobre la cultura organizacional actual existente en la ESE Hospital Universitario San Jorge de la ciudad de Pereira, que a la vez nos sirvió como trabajo de grado para optar el título correspondiente a Ingeniería Industrial y Licenciatura en Etnoeducación y Desarrollo Comunitario. La idea fundamental fue la experiencia práctica existente en la institución de la referencia, y los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos en ambos programas, de tal manera que se estableció un panorama que permitió proponer procesos de intervención positiva para el mejoramiento de la productividad, competitividad, innovación y sostenibilidad de la organización. En el proyecto se logró identificar el tipo de cultura existente al interior del Hospital como producto de la interacción cotidiana de sus integrantes, y a partir de esta lectura integral proponemos estrategias de intervención que puedan ser llevadas a cabo para el fortalecimiento, modificación o mejoramiento de determinados aspectos

    Synthesis of Curved Surface Plasmon Fields through Thin Metal Films in a Tandem Array

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    We describe the generation of plasmonic modes that propagate in a curved trajectory inducing magnetic properties. This is performed by masking a metal surface with two screens containing a randomly distributed set of holes that follow a Gaussian statistic. The diameter of the holes is less than the wavelength of the illuminating plane wave. By implementing scaling and rotations on each screen, we control the correlation trajectory and generate long-range curved plasmonic modes. Using the evanescent character of the electric field, the study is implemented for the transmission of a plasmonic mode propagating in a tandem array of thin metal films offering the possibility to generate localization effects

    Spin glass or random anisotropy?: The origin of magnetically glassy behavior in nanostructured GdAl\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e

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    Initially crystalline GdAl2 was mechanically milled for long times to produce a highly chemically disordered phase with approximately 8-nm grains. Analysis of dc magnetization measurements using an Arrott plot and the approach to saturation suggest the presence of significant random anisotropy. ac susceptibility measurements showed that the shift in the peak temperature with frequency usually seen in magnetically glassy and superparamagnetic systems was virtually undetectable in the 10–1000-Hz frequency range. Based on these results, we believe that this material represents an interacting system with random anisotropy, where the anisotropy is the result of surface and interface asymmetries. ©2005 American Institute of Physic

    Inequalities in the Information and Knowledge Society: From the Digital Divide to Digital Inequality

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    Depto. de Sociología AplicadaFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitivadpu

    Surface anisotropy and magnetic freezing of MnO nanoparticles

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    Nanoparticles of bulk antiferromagnets often exhibit ferromagnetic behavior due to uncompensated surface spins. The peak temperature in the zero-field-cooled magnetization of MnO—in contrast to other antiferromagnetic nanoparticles—has anomalous behavior, shifting to higher temperatures with decreasing nanoparticle size. We attribute this behavior to surface anisotropy enhanced by the specific occupancy of 3d levels in Mn, which produces a high-spin–low-spin transition not present in NiO nanoparticles

    Agreement between dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and quantitative ultrasound to evaluate bone health in adolescents: The PRO-BONE study

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    Purpose: The present study aims to investigate the association between dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative ultrasound (QUS) parameters and the intermethods agreement in active males. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, bone health (by DXA and calcaneal QUS), physical activity (by accelerometers), and anthropometrics measurements were assessed in 117 active adolescents (12–14 y old). Bivariate correlation coefficients were calculated to assess the relationships between DXA standard regions of interest and QUS parameters. Intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland–Altman plots were used to assess the level of agreement between bone mineral content regions derived from DXA and stiffness index. The measurements were z score transformed for comparison. Results: Most QUS parameters were positive and significantly correlated with DXA outcomes (stiffness index: r = .43–.52; broadband ultrasound attenuation: r = .50–.58; speed of sound: r = .25–.27) with the hip showing the highest correlations. Moreover, the present study found fair to good intraclass correlation coefficients of agreement (.60–.68) between DXA and QUS to assess bone health. The Bland–Altman analysis showed a limited percentage of outliers (3.2%–8.6%). Conclusion: QUS device could represent an acceptable alternative method to assess bone health in active adolescent males

    Flexible and robust laser-induced graphene heaters photothermally scribed on bare polyimide substrates

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    We demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating cost-effective and robust laser-induced graphene (LIG) flexible heaters with an innovative technique based on the photothermal production of graphene with a foam-like morphology. The produced devices are precisely defined on a bare polyimide substrate without the need of photomasks by employing a computer numerical control (CNC) driven laser diode. The electrical properties of the LIG-based heaters can be tailored by adjusting the laser power. The resulting conductive material exhibits electrical and chemical properties which are similar to the ones for graphene such as a negative temperature coefficient of −0.46 m°C−1 and a maximum operating temperature of around 400 °C. The developed heaters can outperform the existing emerging technologies showing a very rapid and stable response up to 225 °C with the extra features of flexibility, biocompatibility, and environmental friendliness

    Pretreatment of Real Wastewater from the Chocolate Manufacturing Industry through an Integrated Process of Electrocoagulation and Sand Filtration

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    En este artículo se analizó el efecto de un proceso acoplado de electrocoagulación y filtración, para remover partículas suspendidas en un agua residual procedente de una industria de chocolates.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of removal of suspended solids in terms of turbidity, color, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) when integrating the electrocoagulation process using aluminum sacrificial anodes and the sand filtration process as a pretreatment of wastewater from the chocolate manufacturing plant in Toluca, México. Wastewater from the chocolate manufacturing industry used in this study is classified as nontoxic, but is characterized as having a high content of color (5952 ± 76 Pt-Co), turbidity (1648 ± 49 FAU), and COD (3608 ± 250 mg/L). Therefore, enhanced performance could be achieved by combining pretreatment techniques to increase the efficiencies of the physical, chemical, and biological treatments. In the integrated process, there was a turbidity reduction of 96.1 ± 0.2% and an increase in dissolved oxygen from 3.8 ± 0.05 mg/L (inlet sand filtration) to 6.05 ± 0.03 mg/L (outlet sand filtration) after 120 min of treatment. These results indicate good water quality necessary for all forms of elemental life. Color and COD removals were 98.2 ± 0.2% and 39.02 ± 2.2%, respectively, during the electrocoagulation process (0.2915 mA/cm2 current density and 120 min of treatment). The proposed integrated process could be an attractive alternative of pretreatment of real wastewater to increase water quality of conventional treatments

    Agreement Between Standard Body Composition Methods to Estimate Percentage of Body Fat in Young Male Athletes.

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    This is author's accepted manuscript.Final version available from Human Kinetics via the DOI in this record.PURPOSE: To examine the intermethods agreement of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to assess the percentage of body fat (%BF) in young male athletes using air-displacement plethysmography (ADP) as the reference method. METHODS: Standard measurement protocols were carried out in 104 athletes (40 swimmers, 37 footballers, and 27 cyclists, aged 12-14 y). RESULTS: Age-adjusted %BF ADP and %BF BIA were significantly higher in swimmers than footballers. ADP correlates better with DXA than with BIA (r = .84 vs r = .60, P < .001). %BF was lower when measured by DXA and BIA than ADP (P < .001), and the bias was higher when comparing ADP versus BIA than ADP versus DXA. The intraclass correlation coefficients between DXA and ADP showed a good to excellent agreement (r = .67-.79), though it was poor when BIA was compared with ADP (r = .26-.49). The ranges of agreement were wider when comparing BIA with ADP than DXA with ADP. CONCLUSION: DXA and BIA seem to underestimate %BF in young male athletes compared with ADP. Furthermore, the bias significantly increases with %BF in the BIA measurements. At the individual level, BIA and DXA do not seem to predict %BF precisely compared with ADP in young athletic populations.This work was done as part of the PRO-BONE study. It has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. PCIG13-GA-2013-618496. M.V.N-F. received a PhD Student Internships Abroad scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq; process: 200340/2015-8) and a Brazilian PhD Student scholarship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP; process. 2016/18436-8 and 2017/11732-3). E.U-G. received a PhD scholarship from Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2014/10340). A.C.F.M. received a postdoctoral scholarship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP; process: 2014/13367-2 and 2015/14319-4)

    Caracterización de los procesos en el beneficio del cacao (Theobroma cacao L) en producciones a pequeña escala en el municipio de Guamal del Piedemonte llanero colombiano

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    Cocoa production is one of the productive alternatives in the Piedemonte Llanero region, the process of cultivation and processing of cocoa is essential for farming families and is carried out in a traditional way, in rural areas of producing municipalities in the region there is evidence of the use of different traditional systems, cocoa cultivation plays a key role in the resilience of small cocoa farmers, from the social and economic point of view, however, there is little research on the processes of cocoa processing on a small scale. The objective of this research was to characterize the process of cocoa processing in small-scale production in the municipality of Guamal, Meta, Colombia, taking into account the stages of harvesting, fermentation, drying and storage. The information was collected through the application of semi-structured interviews, which were carried out in the productive units of the rural area of the municipality with a cocoa crop of less than 4 hectares, called small producers. The main results showed that small farmers have mixtures of varieties in their crops, identifying a total of eight varieties or clones. Additionally, two fermentation systems were found: wooden boxes (82 %) and plastic sheets (18 %). Three drying systems were also identified: shade structures (64 %), Elba house (29 %), and plastic sheets (7 %). It was also found that the labor force relies on older adults and women, and some productive units carry out processing of cocoa derivatives such as alcoholic beverages, cocoa nibs, table chocolate, and composting. There is no evidence of concern for the final quality of the beans, as there is no differential price for implementing good post-harvest practices.La producción de cacao es una de las alternativas productivas en la región del Piedemonte llanero. El proceso de cultivo y beneficio del cacao es fundamental para las familias campesinas, el cual se realiza de manera tradicional. En zonas rurales de municipios productores de la región se evidencia el uso de diferentes sistemas tradicionales, donde el cultivo del cacao cumple un rol fundamental en la resiliencia de los pequeños cacaocultores, desde el punto de vista social y económico. Sin embargo, son escasas las investigaciones sobre los procesos de beneficio de cacao en pequeña escala. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue caracterizar el proceso de beneficio del cacao en producción a pequeña escala del municipio de Guamal, en el Piedemonte llanero de Colombia, teniendo en cuenta las etapas de: cosecha, fermentación, secado y almacenamiento. La información se recolectó mediante la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas, las cuales se llevaron a cabo en las unidades productivas de la zona rural del municipio con un cultivo de cacao menor a cuatro hectáreas, denominados pequeños productores. Los principales resultados mostraron que los pequeños agricultores cuentan con mezclas de variedades en sus cultivos, identificándose un total de ocho variedades o clones; se encontró, además, dos sistemas de fermentación: cajón de madera (82 %) y lona plástica (18 %); tres sistemas de secado: marquesina (64 %), casa Elba (29 %) y lona plástica (7 %). Asimismo, se halló que la fuerza laboral recae sobre los adultos mayores y las mujeres, y en algunas unidades productivas realizan procesos de trasformación de derivados del cacao como: bebidas alcohólicas, nibs de cacao, chocolate de mesa y compostaje. No se evidencia preocupación por la calidad final del grano, debido a que no existe un precio diferencial por implementar buenas prácticas poscosecha