459 research outputs found

    Laboratorio remoto de Automática. Una solución de bajo coste basada en Raspberry PI y Arduino

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    Autorizado por el editor de las actas (Universidad de Granada)Este trabajo presenta un prototipo de laboratorio remoto construido a partir de componentes hardware de bajo coste y software open-source. El sistema propuesto tiene como objeto rebajar los costes necesarios para llevar a cabo prácticas de laboratorio en diversas asignaturas impartidas en el Dpto. de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática de la Universidad de Málaga. El prototipo se ha utilizado con éxito en una experiencia piloto realizada en la asignatura de Automática del Grado de Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Explotació dels mamífers i economia de les darreres comunitats caçadores-recol·lectores del vessant mediterrani ibèric durant la transició Tardiglacial-Holocé

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza el estudio zooarqueológico de los vertebrados terrestres explotados por los grupos humanos de los niveles tardiglaciares de los yacimientos de Santa Maira (boca Oeste) y Nerja (sala del Vestíbulo). A partir de los datos obtenidos para las facies culturales Magdaleniense / Epipaleolítico / Mesolítico se caracterizan las tendencias de cambio en los modelos económicos de las últimas comunidades cazadoras-recolectoras de la península ibérica. Estas secuencias se contextualizan así mismo en la zona biogeográfica mediterránea peninsular. Entre los resultados obtenidos cabe destacar la definición y caracterización de un modelo económico "tardiglaciar", donde el modelo definido para buena parte del Paleolítico superior mediterráneo peninsular (caza centrada en una taxón principal -la cabra montés o el ciervo, la preeminencia en los recuentos del conejo, y la presencia esporádica de otros taxones) empieza a sufrir una serie de transformaciones tendentes a la diversificación de los recursos. Así mismo, se define un modelo de gestión diferente que irrumpe con la facies cultural del Mesolítico, y que supone ahora sí, una solución de continuidad respecto a los modelos anteriores y que coincide con toda una serie de cambios que afectan de forma global a aspectos sociales y territoriales de estas últimas comunidades

    El Currículo de Educación General Básica y su Adaptación para los Procesos de Inclusión Educativa de la Escuela Agustín Albán del Cantón Pujilí, provincia de Cotopaxi durante el Período Lectivo 2014-2015

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    The main objective of the present investigation was adequate the Basic general education curriculum to achieve educative processes of inclusion into Agustin Albán School from Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi Province on academic year 2014 – 2015. This research represents the solution for the next investigative problem. How does curriculum of general education influence over educative inclusion processes on Agustin Albán School? The used methodology was; non experimental because no variables were managed; therefore natural phenomena was observed according its context. The conclusions were lack rights and duties practice on childhood, civil moments are not the integration space for students, neither sport and recreational practices do not contribute with the educative inclusion, sometimes conflicts are generated in the educative community. The contribution of this thesis is designing and systematization of educative inclusion strategies which ones let to generate equality conditions becoming the classroom into a place for integration and adequate for living.El objetivo general de esta investigación fue “adecuar el currículo de Educación General Básica para lograr procesos de Inclusión Educativa de la escuela Agustín Albán del cantón Pujilí, provincia de Cotopaxi durante el periodo lectivo 2014-2015”. Este trabajo es una respuesta al problema: ¿cómo incide el currículo de Educación General Básica en los procesos de Inclusión Educativa de la escuela Agustín Albán? La metodología utilizada fue: no experimental porque no se manipuló las variables; es decir se dedicó a la observación de fenómenos de acuerdo a su contexto natural. Las conclusiones de este estudio fueron la escasa práctica de los derechos y los deberes de la niñez; los momentos cívicos no son espacio de integración para los estudiantes, tampoco las prácticas deportivas y recreativas no promueven la inclusión educativa, a veces generan conflictos en la comunidad educativa. El aporte de esta tesis es el diseño y sistematización de estrategias de inclusión educativa que permitan generar oportunidades en igualdad de condiciones y el aula se convierta en espacios de integración y sana convivencia

    Sound Recognition System Using Spiking and MLP Neural Networks

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    In this paper, we explore the capabilities of a sound classification system that combines a Neuromorphic Auditory System for feature extraction and an artificial neural network for classification. Two models of neural network have been used: Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network and Spiking Neural Network. To compare their accuracies, both networks have been developed and trained to recognize pure tones in presence of white noise. The spiking neural network has been implemented in a FPGA device. The neuromorphic auditory system that is used in this work produces a form of representation that is analogous to the spike outputs of the biological cochlea. Both systems are able to distinguish the different sounds even in the presence of white noise. The recognition system based in a spiking neural networks has better accuracy, above 91 %, even when the sound has white noise with the same power.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-02Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    A theoretical approach of the ethanol adsorption on Au(100), Au(110) and Au(111) surfaces

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    The adsorption of ethanol on Au(100), Au(110) and Au(111) surfaces was studied using electronic structure calculations under the scheme of the density functional theory (DFT) with van der Waals corrections, vdW-DF2 and PBE functionals, using numerical atomic orbitals (NAO) basis set implemented in the SIESTA code and plane-waves basis set in the CASTEP code. The lowest physisorption energies using the plane-wave basis set in neutral media were observed at the TOP position in all the surfaces, with values in between -53.35¿kJ.mol-1 and -61.80¿kJ.mol-1. Structurally, the method based on linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) using NAO as basis set gives the best result respect to the ideal bulk. However, the relaxation of the slab is better defined by the plane-wave scheme. Band structure has shown no change in the sp-like bands and the 5d occupied bands with and without the ethanol molecule adsorbed. However, a slight variation was obtained in the unoccupied bands due to the interaction with the lone pair of electrons from the oxygen (non-bonding orbitals)

    Hierarchical habitat-use by an endangered steppe bird in fragmented landscapes is associated with large connected patches and high food availability

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    Multidimensional approaches must be employed when addressing habitat use patterns. In this study, we aim to elucidate the hierarchical nature of space use by species inhabiting fragmented landscapes, using the threatened Dupont’s lark (Chersophilus duponti). The intensity of space use by Dupont’s lark was estimated using the Kernel Density Function on territory locations in 2015. We measured descriptors of habitat quality at metapopulation (connectivity and patch size), landscape (land-use types and anthropogenic disturbance) and microhabitat-scale (plant structure and composition, herbivore abundance and food availability) at 37 sampling stations. We fitted a Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) which yielded two components, accounting for 81% of total variance. Metapopulation-scale factors had the greatest explanatory power (32%), followed by microhabitat (17%) landscape (10%) and spatial predictors (3.6%). Connectivity and patch size were key factors explaining habitat use, and wind farms had a negative effect. At microhabitat-scale, space use was positively associated with Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Araneae and Diptera biomass, but negatively with Formicidae and Blattodea biomass, the cover of Stipa spp, Koeleria vallesiana and moss. This research highlights the hierarchical nature of habitat use in fragmented landscapes. Therefore, conservation measures should ensure connectivity, guarantee a minimum patch size, and improve habitat quality within patchesWe wish to thank Luis M. Carrascal for the help with statistical analysis. In addition, we are grateful to Álvaro Ortega, Jonathan Pereira and Carlos Talabante for their help with arthropods identification, and to Iris Calleja, Rodrigo A. Martínez, Laura Aylagas and Jaqueline Boldt for their help during fieldwork. We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments that helped to improve the manuscript. This study was supported by Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León, the European Commission (Life-Ricotí project LIFE15-NAT-ES-000802) and the BBVA Foundation (BBVA-Dron Ricotí project). This paper contributes to project REMEDINAL-3 from CAM

    A Protocol Generator Tool for Automatic In-Vitro HPV Robotic Analysis

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    Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) could develop precancerous lesions and invasive cancer, as it is the main cause of nearly all cases of cervical cancer. There are many strains of HPV and current vaccines can only protect against some of them. This makes the detection and genotyping of HPV a research area of utmost importance. Several biomedical systems can detect HPV in DNA samples; however, most of them do not have a procedure as fast, automatic or precise as it is actually needed in this field. This manuscript presents a novel XML-based hierarchical protocol architecture for biomedical robots to describe each protocol step and execute it sequentially, along with a robust and automatic robotic system for HPV DNA detection capable of processing from 1 to 24 samples simultaneously in a fast (from 45 to 162 min), efficient (100% markers effectiveness) and precise (able to detect 36 different HPV genotypes) way. It includes an efficient artificial vision process as the last step of the diagnostic.FIDETIA P055-12/E03Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida TEC2016-77785-

    Breast Cancer Automatic Diagnosis System using Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Breast cancer is one of the most frequent causes of mortality in women. For the early detection of breast cancer, the mammography is used as the most efficient technique to identify abnormalities such as tumors. Automatic detection of tumors in mammograms has become a big challenge and can play a crucial role to assist doctors in order to achieve an accurate diagnosis. State-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms such as Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks are able to determine the presence of an object and also its position inside the image in a reduced computation time. In this work, we evaluate these algorithms to detect tumors in mammogram images and propose a detection system that contains: (1) a preprocessing step performed on mammograms taken from the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) and (2) the Neural Network model, which performs feature extraction over the mammograms in order to locate tumors within each image and classify them as malignant or benign. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm has an accuracy of 97.375%. These results show that the system could be very useful for aiding physicians when detecting tumors from mammogram images.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-