383 research outputs found

    Diseño y Desarrollo de un Índice Basado en Hiperplanos para Búsqueda en Espacios Métricos

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    109 p.La constante evolución de los datos en los últimos tiempos ha provocado que organizar la información con los métodos tradicionales se vuelva muy dificultoso. Es por esto que la investigación en esta área ha crecido bastante. Uno de los problemas más importantes al momento de administrar bases de datos con los métodos tradicionales, es que existen algunos conjuntos de datos donde la búsqueda exacta no tiene mayor sentido. En estos casos es necesario considerar la búsqueda por proximidad o similitud. Para enfrentar este nuevo problema los datos se pueden modelar como un espacio métrico (EM), que se de ne como el par (X; d), en que X denota el universo de objetos válidos y d una función de distancia (no negativa) entre cualquier par de objetos, que generalmente es costosa de calcular. Es por esta última razón que los EM se indexan con estructuras que permiten reducir el número de cálculos de distancia al momento de realizar búsquedas por similitud. Existen índices que permiten resolver consultas por similitud de forma exacta. Sin embargo, hay varios espacios métricos de interés práctico donde el rendimiento de estos índices decae. En estos casos existen alternativas no exactas, como por ejemplo el índice basado en permutantes (IBP). Este índice permite cambiar el espacio del problema a uno en donde es más barato calcular la distancia y de esta forma de finir un orden de revisión promisorio al momento de resolver las búsquedas. En esta memoria se proponen dos índices no exactos que utilizan una estrategia basada en el particionado por hiperplanos. En ellos cada elemento se representa con una firma binaria que es una secuencia de bits que se calcula a partir de los elementos que constituyen los hiperplanos. Similar al caso del IBP, al representar los elementos con firmas binarias se puede definir un orden promisorio de revisión. Una característica importante de este trabajo es la utilización de poco espacio de memoria. Para evaluar los índices propuestos, se realiza una comparación de rendimiento a mismo espacio de memoria utilizada con respecto al IBP. Los resultados obtenidos para el primer índice muestran un mejor comportamiento al momento de realizar búsquedas. Por su parte, aún cuando el segundo índice no logró superar a los permutantes es importante continuar con su investigación, ya que podría ser útil para categorizar a los elementos

    Influencia de las levaduras en los procesos de fermentación y conservación de vinos blancos sobre polifenoles, polialcoholes y azúcares

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    Aislamiento y caracterización del esquema secuencial de las levaduras que realizan la fermentación de los mostos de uva de las variedades verdejo y jerez. Estudio de la microflora residual de levaduras durante la conservación de vinos blancos sometidos a diversos tratamientos de estabilización. Estudio de compuestos fenólicos de bajo peso molecular polialcoholes y azúcares en mostos de las variedades verdejo y jerez, en los fermentados obtenidos con distintos modelos fermentativos y confirmación de las variaciones debidas a éstos. Así, como en vinos elaborados industrialmente y tratados con anhídrido sulfuroso, o con enzimas pectolíticos o con los ácidos cítrico y ascórbico. Comprobación de la influencia que la madera ejerce sobre compuestos fenólicos de bajo peso molecular, polialcoholes y azúcare

    Metabolic risk score indexes validation in overweight healthy people

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    The constellation of adverse cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic risk factors, including elevated abdominal obesity, blood pressure (BP), glucose, and triglycerides (TG) and lowered high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), has been termed the metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) [1]. A number of different definitions have been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) [2], the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) [3], the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR) [4] and, most recently, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) [5]. Since there is no universal definition of the Metabolic Syndrome, several authors have derived different risk scores to represent the clustering of its components [6-11]

    Scientific approach for ozone absorption in blood during systemic indirect endovenous ozonetherapy

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    Introduction. Reading reference ozone books from Dra. Menendez, Dra. Viebhan, Dra. Borrelli and Dr. Bocci, proper timing for mixing ozone in blood during autohemotherapy is not calculated in a scientific way, having only an estimation of it based on changes in the blood color, more related to oxygen absorption than on ozone itself. Material and methods. We decided to reproduce a reduced model of great autohemotherapy or recently renamed as systemic indirect endovenous ozonotherapy (SIEVO) by the World Federation of Ozone Therapy ? WFOT, using syringes to simplify the experiment. Our model consisted of a 20 mL syringe filled with 10 mL of blood withdrawn from healthy volunteers and mixed it gently but in controlled way with 10 mL medical ozone at different concentrations; after 5 and 8 seconds, the remaining gas was analyzed by an spectrophotometer based ozone detector to check the amount of ozone. Data were analyzed using a linear regression model. Results. Results show that even for 60 mcgr/mL ozone concentration, 8 seconds is enough to let all ozone absorbed in blood. Discussion and Conclusions. The experiment shows how quick ozone reacts with blood and claims for a trial with real SIEVO devices to achieve a real timing

    Metal-responsive RNA polymerase extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors

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    In order to survive, bacteria must adapt to multiple fluctuations in their environment, including coping with changes in metal concentrations. Many metals are essential for viability, since they act as cofactors of indispensable enzymes. But on the other hand, they are potentially toxic because they generate reactive oxygen species or displace other metals from proteins, turning them inactive. This dual effect of metals forces cells to maintain homeostasis using a variety of systems to import and export them. These systems are usually inducible, and their expression is regulated by metal sensors and signal-transduction mechanisms, one of which is mediated by extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors. In this review, we have focused on the metalresponsive ECF sigma factors, several of which are activated by iron depletion (FecI, FpvI and PvdS), while others are activated by excess of metals such as nickel and cobalt (CnrH), copper (CarQ and CorE) or cadmium and zinc (CorE2). We focus particularly on their physiological roles, mechanisms of action and signal transduction pathways.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government, grant BFU2016-75425-P to Aurelio Moraleda-Muñoz (70% funded by FEDER)

    Emotional intelligence vs. general intelligence: Aspects to consider in teaching

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the way in which emotional competencies (EI) in students are linked to general intelligence (IQ), and how the crossing of the two measurements determines their academic performance. To conduct this research, two tests were applied. First, the TEIQue (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire) assessment was administered and, secondly, the R scale of the PMA Test (Primary Mental Abilities). The sample consisted of 58 university students between 18 and 51 years old, of which 76% are women and 24% are men. The results show that there is no direct relationship between emotional intelligence and general intelligence. However, it is important to consider the size of the sample, since it presents limitations when interpreting the results. Nonetheless, an interesting finding is the interaction discovered between a performance indicator, such as the selectivity score, and the overall EI score. These results are in line with those found by Schutte et al. (1998). This result is even more significant, if possible, when realizing the selectivity score showed a negative correlation (inverse relationship) with the score on the PMA- R (Reasoning) test.--------------------Inteligencia emocional vs. inteligencia general: Aspectos a considerar en la docenciaResumenLa presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo analizar el modo en el que las competencias emocionales (IE) de los estudiantes se vinculan con su inteligencia general (IQ) y cómo del cruce de ambas medidas determinan su rendimiento académico. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se suministraron dos cuestionarios a estudiantes de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Concretamente, los estudiantes cumplimentaron el cuestionario TEIQue (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire) para la medición de la Inteligencia emocional y la escala R del Test PMA (Primary Mental Abilities) para la valoración del factor de razonamiento. La muestra está compuesta por 58 alumnos universitarios con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 51 años, de los cuales el 76% son mujeres y el 24% son hombres. Los resultados de esta investigación, aunque no han permitido establecer una vinculación clara entre Inteligencia Emocional e Inteligencia General, han permitido vislumbrar algunas tendencias que relacionan las sub-escalas del cuestionario TEIQue con el factor razonamiento de los estudiantes. A través de esta relación, se han podido establecer perfiles y, a partir de ellos, se han identificado las metodologías docentes más adecuadas para mejorar los resultados académicos de los estudiantes.DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v4i1.199PDF document contains both the original in Spanish and an English translation

    Development versus predation: Transcriptomic changes during the lifecycle of Myxococcus xanthus

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    Myxococcus xanthus is a multicellular bacterium with a complex lifecycle. It is a soil-dwelling predator that preys on a wide variety of microorganisms by using a group and collaborative epibiotic strategy. In the absence of nutrients this myxobacterium enters in a unique developmental program by using sophisticated and complex regulatory systems where more than 1,400 genes are transcriptional regulated to guide the community to aggregate into macroscopic fruiting bodies filled of environmentally resistant myxospores. Herein, we analyze the predatosome of M. xanthus, that is, the transcriptomic changes that the predator undergoes when encounters a prey. This study has been carried out using as a prey Sinorhizobium meliloti, a nitrogen fixing bacteria very important for the fertility of soils. The transcriptional changes include upregulation of genes that help the cells to detect, kill, lyse, and consume the prey, but also downregulation of genes not required for the predatory process. Our results have shown that, as expected, many genes encoding hydrolytic enzymes and enzymes involved in biosynthesis of secondary metabolites increase their expression levels. Moreover, it has been found that the predator modifies its lipid composition and overproduces siderophores to take up iron. Comparison with developmental transcriptome reveals that M. xanthus downregulates the expression of a significant number of genes coding for regulatory elements, many of which have been demonstrated to be key elements during development. This study shows for the first time a global view of the M. xanthus lifecycle from a transcriptome perspective.Grant PID2020-112634GB-I0 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033FEDER funds (grant A-BIO-126-UGR20

    Two-Color Pyrometer for Process Temperature Measurement During Machining

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    A fast fiber-optic two-color pyrometer operating on the optical communication bands is designed for temperature measurements in machining processes. Off-the-shelf low-loss fiber-optic demultiplexers and optoelectronics equipment are used in order to obtain a cost-effective sensing solution while reducing both the temperature measurement error and the minimum measurable temperature. The system is capable of measuring highly localized temperatures without using collimation lens. The designed pyrom-eter allows measuring temperature in the range from 300 to 650 °C, achieving a full-scale temperature error as low as 4%. Factors in-fluencing the temperature measurements are studied in order to identify the sensor limitations, such as a possible damage on the end of the optical fiber, the spectral loss attenuation and responsivity, or the distance between the fiber end and the target. Finally, this pyrometer is applied in a turning process, using a fiber-optic sensor embedded on a standard tool holder. Temperature measurements on the Inconel 718 are reported showing a good agreement with the simulations.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economía y Competitividad under Grants TEC2012-37983-C03-02, P2013/MIT-2790, and DPI2014-56137-C2-2-R.Publicad

    Temperature Measurement and Numerical Prediction in Machining Inconel 718

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    Thermal issues are critical when machining Ni-based superalloy components designed for high temperature applications. The low thermal conductivity and extreme strain hardening of this family of materials results in elevated temperatures around the cutting area. This elevated temperature could lead to machining-induced damage such as phase changes and residual stresses, resulting in reduced service life of the component. Measurement of temperature during machining is crucial in order to control the cutting process, avoiding workpiece damage. On the other hand, the development of predictive tools based on numerical models helps in the definition of machining processes and the obtainment of difficult to measure parameters such as the penetration of the heated layer. However, the validation of numerical models strongly depends on the accurate measurement of physical parameters such as temperature, ensuring the calibration of the model. This paper focuses on the measurement and prediction of temperature during the machining of Ni-based superalloys. The temperature sensor was based on a fiber-optic two-color pyrometer developed for localized temperature measurements in turning of Inconel 718. The sensor is capable of measuring temperature in the range of 250 to 1200 °C. Temperature evolution is recorded in a lathe at different feed rates and cutting speeds. Measurements were used to calibrate a simplified numerical model for prediction of temperature fields during turning.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER program under grants TEC2015-63826-C3-2-R and DPI2014-56137-C2-2-R, and from Comunidad de Madrid under grant S2013/MIT-2790