43 research outputs found

    Baixa percepção de risco entre adolescentes espanhóis em relação ao consumo de ålcool

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    SegĂșn los estudios recientes, los adolescentes españoles muestran una baja percepciĂłn del riesgo asociado al consumo de alcohol. El objetivo de la presente investigaciĂłn es analizar los factores que favorecen esta baja percepciĂłn a partir de la opiniĂłn de un grupo de 32 profesionales/expertos en adolescencia, familia, escuela, medios de comunicaciĂłn y polĂ­ticas locales. Se utilizĂł una metodologĂ­a cualitativa, fundamentada en Grounded Theory, a partir de la informaciĂłn obtenida mediante 5 grupos de discusiĂłn guiados por entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se identificaron 12 factores o subcategorĂ­as agrupados en 4 categorĂ­as generales: riesgo a corto plazo, inmediatez y percepciĂłn de invulnerabilidad (categorĂ­a Âżpensamiento adolescenteÂż); concepciĂłn benĂ©vola del alcohol, normalizaciĂłn del consumo y binomio alcohol-diversiĂłn (categorĂ­a Âżnormas socialesÂż); consumo habitual en los padres, inconsistencia verbal-no verbal en el modelado parental, consumo sin riesgo en los medios, consumo con resultados positivos en los medios (categorĂ­a Âżmodelos socialesÂż); excesivo contenido sanitario, riesgo a largo plazo (categorĂ­a Âżdiscurso preventivoÂż). Tras discutir los resultados en el contexto de la literatura cientĂ­fica actual, se realizan varias propuestas con el objetivo de aumentar la percepciĂłn del riesgo en los adolescentes: incidir con mayor fuerza en contenidos sobre los riesgos a corto plazo del alcohol; orientar las estrategias educativas dirigidas al adolescente, tambiĂ©n hacia los agentes de socializaciĂłn, especialmente los padres; incidir en polĂ­ticas centradas en la sustancia y en reducir la oferta.According to recent studies, Spanish adolescents show low perception of risk in alcohol consumption. The current study aims to analyze the factors that favor this low perception based on the opinion of a group of 32 professional experts on adolescence, family, school, mass media, and local policies. A qualitative methodology was used, based on Grounded Theory, using information from 5 focus groups guided by semi-structured interviews. Twelve factors or subcategories were identified, grouped in 4 general categories: short-term risk, immediacy, and perception of invulnerability (Âżadolescent thinkingÂż category); benevolent view of alcohol, normalization of consumption, and alcohol-entertainment binomial (Âżsocial normsÂż category); parentsÂż habitual consumption, verbal/non-verbal inconsistency in parental model, risk-free consumption depicted in the mass media, consumption with positive results in the media (Âżsocial modelsÂż category); and excessive health content, long-term risk (Âżpreventive discourseÂż category). After discussing the results in the context of the current scientific literature, the article offers various proposals for increasing risk perception in adolescents: stronger impact of contents on short-term risks of alcohol; educational strategies targeted to adolescents to include agents of socialization, especially parents; and policies centered on the substance and reduction of supply.De acordo com estudos recentes, os adolescentes espanhĂłis mostram baixa percepção de risco em relação ao consumo de ĂĄlcool. O estudo tem como objetivo analisar os fatores associados com a baixa percepção de risco, com base nas opiniĂ”es de um grupo de 32 especialistas em adolescĂȘncia, famĂ­lia, escola, mĂ­dia e polĂ­ticas locais. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, baseada na Teoria Fundamentada, usando informaçÔes de cinco grupos focais orientados por entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Foram identificados 12 fatores ou subcategorias, agrupados em quatro categorias gerais: risco no curto prazo, imediatismo e percepção de invulnerabilidade (categoria de Âżpensamento adolescenteÂż); visĂŁo benevolente em relação ao ĂĄlcool, normalização do consumo e binĂŽmio ĂĄlcool-entretenimento (categoria de Âżnormas sociaisÂż); consumo habitual pelos pais, inconsistĂȘncia na comunicação verbal versus nĂŁo verbal no modelo representado pelos pais, consumo isento de risco retratado pela mĂ­dia, consumo com resultados positivos na mĂ­dia (categoria de Âżmodelos sociaisÂż) e excesso de conteĂșdo relacionado Ă  saĂșde, risco no longo prazo (categoria de Âżdiscurso preventivoÂż). Depois de discutir os resultados no contexto da literatura cientĂ­fica atual, o artigo oferece vĂĄrias propostas para aumentar a percepção de risco entre os adolescentes: impacto mais forte de conteĂșdos sobre os riscos do ĂĄlcool no curto prazo; estratĂ©gias educativas orientadas aos adolescentes para incluir os agentes da socialização, especialmente os pais, alĂ©m de polĂ­ticas centradas na substĂąncia e na redução da oferta.Departamento de EducaciĂłn y PsicologĂ­a SocialVersiĂłn del edito

    Alcohol consumption and risky sexual practices: the pattern of nursing students from the Spanish University

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    OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of substance abuse and unsafe sexual practices and to analyze the relationship between them, in nursing students at the University of Seville. METHOD: quantitative methodological approach with a descriptive cross-sectional design. The population was composed of first year nursing students in the University of Seville, during the academic year 2010-2011 (N=510), with consecutive opportunistic sampling composed of students who attended class on the scheduled day (n=291). RESULTS: a high prevalence of alcohol consumption, and increased likelihood of not using protective measures during sexual practices when alcohol had been consumed, was present. CONCLUSION: these findings are consistent with those obtained in the same population in Brazil, and highlight the need to strengthen in the nursing curriculum, the transverse axis related to the prevention of substance abuse, especially alcohol

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Meeting abstrac

    Update on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a guide to the guidelines

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common inherited cardiovascular disorder, affecting 1 in 500 individuals worldwide. Existing epidemiological studies might have underestimated the prevalence of HCM, however, owing to limited inclusion of individuals with early, incomplete phenotypic expression. Clinical manifestations of HCM include diastolic dysfunction, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, ischaemia, atrial fibrillation, abnormal vascular responses and, in 5% of patients, progression to a 'burnt-out' phase characterized by systolic impairment. Disease-related mortality is most often attributable to sudden cardiac death, heart failure, and embolic stroke. The majority of individuals with HCM, however, have normal or near-normal life expectancy, owing in part to contemporary management strategies including family screening, risk stratification, thromboembolic prophylaxis, and implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators. The clinical guidelines for HCM issued by the ACC Foundation/AHA and the ESC facilitate evaluation and management of the disease. In this Review, we aim to assist clinicians in navigating the guidelines by highlighting important updates, current gaps in knowledge, differences in the recommendations, and challenges in implementing them, including aids and pitfalls in clinical and pathological evaluation. We also discuss the advances in genetics, imaging, and molecular research that will underpin future developments in diagnosis and therapy for HCM