114 research outputs found

    Estimación de la severidad de una cartera de préstamos hipotecarios

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    Artículo de revistaEl trabajo pretende establecer una metodología practica y rigurosa para estimar la (las) E(LGD) de una cartera de préstamos bancarios hipotecarios a particulares. Dicha metodología se aplica a una cartera hipotecaria joven y diversificada, tanto por garantías como geográficamente. A partir de una muestra pequeña, se obtiene una estimación puntual, basada en la media muestral, para E(LGD) del 12,65%. Incluye gráficos y cuatro anexos: 1) Pérdida media en un intervalo de tiempo. 2) Aproximaciones analíticas basadas en mixturas de distribuciones. 3) Función de distribución empírica y 4) Tipos del impuesto sobre transmisiones patrimoniales. (ad

    Nutrient Release Dynamics in Argentinean Pampean Soils Amended with Composts under Laboratory Conditions

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    Composted manure is the greatest nitrogen (N) source in organic agriculture, where the use of chemical fertilizers, except the use of rock phosphate as P source, is not allowed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the soil type and compost characteristics on the potential rates of mineralization and on the kinetics of the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) release patterns. For this, an aerobic incubation study was conducted over the course of 119 days at 25 °C using two different composts as amendments: a compost from biosolids and wood shavings (CRUB), and a compost from poultry manure with wheat straw (CSP). The composts were incorporated into two different soils of contrasting texture, sandy loam (S1) and silty clay loam (S2), at the dose of 160 kg N ha−1. Samples were collected eight times during the incubation period. The N and C dynamics were studied separately according to the different soil type. In both soils, a predominance of the nitrification process immediately after compost application was observed, showing a higher mineralization in the sandy loam soil, this trend being followed by a decrease and even an immobilization process, associated with stable organic materials such as compost. Moreover, both composts presented high contents of available P, but without exceeding 50 mg P kg−1, due to the slow release from the stable organic P fractions present in compost. The results obtained showed that despite the initial mineralization, both composts showed a significant period of N immobilization after their application into the pampean soils, which makes it necessary to anticipate their incorporation to avoid this lack period for crops. Furthermore, the application of these composts to the pampean soils implied an incorporation of available P, but with a slow release that avoided overfertilization, but also reducing N:P ratio and producing a relative deficit of N. Therefore, the results obtained suggested that it is necessary to study nutrient mineralization processes of the amendments prior to their use, according to the edaphoclimatic condition of each crop, in order to predict the release dynamics on soils and the fertilization potential to minimize potential environmental impacts.EEA Hilario AscasubiFil: Orden, Luciano. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Orden, Luciano. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Iocoli, Gastón Alejandro. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Bustamante, María Ángeles. Miguel Hernández University. Department of Agrochemistry and Environment; EspañaFil: Moral, Raúl. Miguel Hernández University. Department of Agrochemistry and Environment; EspañaFil: Rodríguez, Roberto A. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentin

    Effect of Pharmaceutical Intervention in Pharmacologically Treated Hypertensive Patients—A Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial: AFPRES-CLM Study

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    Background: Evaluate the effect of a community pharmaceutical intervention on the control of blood pressure in hypertensive patients treated pharmacologically.Methods: A cluster-randomized clinical trial of 6 months was carried out. It was conducted in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Sixty-three community pharmacies and 347 patients completed the study. Intervention patients received the community pharmaceutical intervention based on a protocol that addresses the individual needs of each patient related to the control of their blood pressure, which included Health Education, Pharmacotherapy Follow-up and 24 h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement. Control patients received usual care in the community pharmacy.Results: The pharmaceutical intervention resulted in better control of blood pressure (85.8% vs. 66.3% p < 0.001), lower use of emergencies (p = 0.002) and improvement trends in the physical components of quality of life, measured by SF-36 questionnaire, after 6 months of pharmaceutical intervention. No significant changes were observed for any of these variables in the control group. There were also detected 354 negative medication-related outcomes that were satisfactorily resolved in a 74.9% of the cases and 330 healthcare education interventions and 29 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitorings were performed in order to increase adherence to pharmacological treatment and minimize Negative Outcomes associated with Medication and prevent medication-related problems.Conclusions: Community pharmaceutical intervention can increase hypertensive patients with controlled blood pressure, after 6 months, compared with usual care.General Council of Official Associations of Pharmacist

    Capital regulatorio y capital económico : el efecto de la calidad crediticia y del ajuste por vencimiento

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    Artículo de revistaUno de los principales objetivos de la propuesta de reforma del Acuerdo de Capital actualmente en vigor es acercar el capital regulatorio por riesgo de crédito al capital económico que las entidades más avanzadas están calculando internamente. El Documento Consultivo publicado en enero del 2001 por el Comité de Supervisión Bancaria de Basilea (en adelante, el Documento Consultivo), sin admitir que los modelos internos de cálculo de capital económico sean adecuados para determinar el capital regulatorio, sí acepta la posibilidad de calcular el capital regulatorio a partir de determinados resultados de estos modelos. Así, tanto en el denominado IRB básico como en el IRB avanzado, se calcula el capital mínimo necesario en función, entre otros parámetros, de las probabilidades de impago de las contrapartidas estimadas internamente por las entidades. Estos procedimientos calculan el capital regulatorio total de la cartera como la suma de los capitales individuales asociados a cada una de las operaciones con riesgo de crédito

    Geochemical Fingerprinting of Rising Deep Endogenous Gases in an Active Hypogenic Karst System

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    The hydrothermal caves linked to active faulting can potentially harbour subterranean atmospheres with a distinctive gaseous composition with deep endogenous gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). In this study, we provide insight into the sourcing, mixing, and biogeochemical processes involved in the dynamic of deep endogenous gas formation in an exceptionally dynamic hypogenic karst system (Vapour Cave, southern Spain) associated with active faulting. The cave environment is characterized by a prevailing combination of rising warm air with large CO2 outgassing (>1%) and highly diluted CH4 with an endogenous origin. The δ13CCO2 data, which ranges from −4.5 to −7.5‰, point to a mantle-rooted CO2 that is likely generated by the thermal decarbonation of underlying marine carbonates, combined with degassing from CO2-rich groundwater. A pooled analysis of δ13CCO2 data from exterior, cave, and soil indicates that the upwelling of geogenic CO2 has a clear influence on soil air, which further suggests a potential for the release of CO2 along fractured carbonates. CH4 molar fractions and their δD and δ13C values (ranging from −77 to −48‰ and from −52 to −30‰, respectively) suggest that the methane reaching Vapour Cave is the remnant of a larger source of CH4, which was likely generated by microbial reduction of carbonates. This CH4 has been affected by a postgenetic microbial oxidation, such that the gas samples have changed in both molecular and isotopic composition after formation and during migration through the cave environment. Yet, in the deepest cave locations (i.e., 30m below the surface), measured concentration values of deep endogenous CH4 are higher than in atmospheric with lighter δ13C values with respect to those found in the local atmosphere, which indicates that Vapour Cave may occasionally act as a net source of CH4 to the open atmosphere

    Desarrollar la conciencia histórica a través del patrimonio en el Grado en Educación Primaria

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    This article inspects the scientific results obtained in a teaching intervention that was specifically designed and implemented aimed at improving the quality of the teaching in Social Sciences contents. More particularly, this intervention sought to check the advantages of using heritage evidence and technological assets for the teaching of history. In order to carry out this research, a questionnaire was drafted consisting of 21 open-ended and closed-ended questions in order to collect the students? opinions and perceptions toward the innovation. About seventy percent of the population (46) considered that they have developed their historical awareness after carrying out the teaching activity

    Estudio de las emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero en un suelo enmendado con residuos orgánicos frescos y compostados I: evaluación durante un cultivo de trigo

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    La incorporación de enmiendas orgánicas al suelo supone una importante mejora de la calidad del mismo, al mejorar sus propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas

    Diseño pedagógico y técnico de un soporte hipermedia para el uso didáctico de recursos audiovisuales

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    Se enuncian una serie de fases a seguir en el diseño de un entorno hipermedia orientado al aprendizaje: análisis, diseño instructivo e interactivo, desarrollo, producción, implementación y evaluación, y por último revisión. Entre los elementos claves que inciden en el diseño de hipermedia caben destacarse: los recursos implicados en el proceso de interacción que hacen posible el intercambio de información entre los usuarios y el sistema; el interfaz de usuario, donde se describirán las metáforas y el sistema de navegación adoptado en el entorno diseñado en tanto herramienta para el uso didáctico de los recursos audiovisuales en el contexto educativo.There are several phases to follow when designing an hypermedia context oriented to learning processes, such as the following ones: Analysis Interactive and educational design Development, production, implementation and evolution and finally, revision Among the key elements which are involved in hypermedia design are the following: The resources implied in the interactive process which enables the information exchange between the users and the system itself. The user interface where metaphors and browser system are designed as a tool for didactic use of audiovisual resources within an educative context