905 research outputs found

    Energy Optimization for Distributed Energy Resources Scheduling with Enhancements in Voltage Stability Margin

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    The need for developing new methodologies in order to improve power system stability has increased due to the recent growth of distributed energy resources. In this paper, the inclusion of a voltage stability index in distributed energy resources scheduling is proposed. Two techniques were used to evaluate the resultingmultiobjective optimization problem: the sum-weighted Pareto front and an adapted goal programmingmethodology.With this newmethodology, the systemoperators can consider both the costs and voltage stability. Priority can be assigned to one objective function according to the operating scenario. Additionally, it is possible to evaluate the impact of the distributed generation and the electric vehicles in the management of voltage stability in the future electric networks.One detailed case study considering a distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources is presented to analyse the proposed methodology. Additionally, the methodology is tested in a real distribution network.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A luta dentro da luta: geografia do empoderamento das mulheres camponesas no assentamento Contestado - Lapa (PR

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    Orientador: Prof.º Dr.º Adilar Antonio CigoliniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Terra, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia. Defesa : Curitiba, 12/04/2018Inclui referências: p.138-144Resumo: Essa pesquisa procura compreender os processos de empoderamento de mulheres camponesas assentadas do Assentamento Contestado (Lapa - PR), através da existência de seu Coletivo de Mulheres. A partir das questões trazidas pela Geografia de Gênero e Feminista, foi possível geografar os fenômenos relacionados à luta de gênero dentro da luta de classes do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra. Partindo da construção do feminismo camponês popular e do feminismo comunitário no âmbito do Coletivo de Mulheres e da metodologia participante das reuniões do referido Coletivo, elaboramos um caminho para entender como são tratadas as questões de gênero dentro do MST. Com o auxílio da Geografia agraria, compreende-se a estrutura do campo que deu origem ao MST e outros movimentos de luta pela terra. Através do conceito de empoderamento e poder, analisou-se a construção do Coletivo de Mulheres do Contestado, a partir das reuniões do mesmo e os debates travados naqueles encontros. Palavras-chave: Geografia de Gênero, feminismo camponês, feminismo comunitário, MST, empoderamento.Abstract: This research seeks to comprehend the processes of peasant women empowerment settled in the Assentamento Contestado (Lapa - PR), through the existence of the Women's Collective of said settlement. From the questions brought by the Gender Geography and Feminist Geography, it was possible to geographize the phenomena related to the gender struggle within the class struggle of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra. Starting from the construction of popular peasant feminism and community feminism within the context of the Women's Collective and the participative methodology of the meetings of this Collective, we have a way to understand how gender issues are treated inside the MST. With the help of agrarian geography, the field structure that gave rise to the MST and other land-fighting movements is understood. Through the concept of empowerment and power, the construction of the Women's Collective of Contestado was analyzed, based on its meetings and the debates held at those meetings. Key Words: Gender Geography, peasant feminism, community feminism, MST, empowerment

    Imaging ischemic and reperfusion injury in acute myocardial infarction putting the pieces together with CMR

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    rom the a Department of Imaging and Pathology, KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; b Lab on Cardiovascular Imaging and Dynamics, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; c Life and Health Sciences Research Institute/Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics Research Group — Portugal Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal; d Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal; and the e Medical Imaging Research Center, ESAT-PSI, Processing Speech and Images (PSI), Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Dr. Morais has received funding for his PhD scholarship (FCT — Fundacão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, for funding support through the Programa Operacional Capital Humano in the scope of the PhD grant SFRH/BD/95438/2013). All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Memory, Identity and Peasantry: weaving Today’s and Yesterday’s Geographies on Land

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    This paper aims to explain the value of the memory and identity studies to Geography, focusing on the making peasantry as a class with an own identity, built along fights. Employing historians and anthropologists’ works, we search to conceptualize memory and identity to discuss peasantry and their relations, especially in the struggle for land and territory

    Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus e marketing religioso

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    Several studies have show that the decline in Catholic Church attendance, as a result of its ongoing stagnant policy that does not attempt to win back or retain its flock, apart from its general neglect as to the financial situation, may have in­fluenced the rise of new religious institutions. But the reasons behind the growing number of evangelicals, especially followers of the Universal Church of the King­dom of God have yet to be seriously studied. Could it be that the leaders of this denomination have been using conventional marketing tools to support its expan­sion? And what would such tools be? Within this scarcely investigated context, the object of the present study has to propose a methodology and an instrument to appraise the profile of the followers’ entry and permanence.Estudos têm apontado que o decaimento da Igreja Católica, por manter uma po­lítica estagnada que não possui um movimento de reconquista e manutenção de seus adeptos e pelo descaso quanto à situação financeira desses adeptos, pode ter influenciado o surgimento de novas instituições religiosas. O questionamento dos motivos para o crescimento tão elevado do número de evangélicos e, em especial, dos adeptos da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) continua ainda pouco es­tudado. Estariam os dirigentes dessa ordem utilizando ferramentas do marketing convencional para sua expansão? E quais seriam essas ferramentas? O objetivo do presente artigo é, a partir do estudo das características operacionais da IURD e das ferramentas mercadológicas por ela utilizadas, propor uma metodologia de avaliação do perfil de ingresso e permanência dos adeptos. Para tanto, estudou-se a bibliografia nacional sobre os temas, coletaram-se dados de ingressantes na IURD e realizaram-se oito visitas a suas igrejas

    Hydrodynamic conditions affect the proteomic profile of marine biofilms formed by filamentous cyanobacterium

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    Proteomic studies on cyanobacterial biofilms can be an effective approach to unravel metabolic pathways involved in biofilm formation and, consequently, obtain more efficient biofouling control strategies. Biofilm development by the filamentous cyanobacterium Toxifilum sp. LEGE 06021 was evaluated on different surfaces, glass and perspex, and at two significant shear rates for marine environments (4 s(-1) and 40 s(-1)). Higher biofilm development was observed at 4 s(-1). Overall, about 1877 proteins were identified, and differences in proteome were more noticeable between hydrodynamic conditions than those found between surfaces. Twenty Differentially Expressed Proteins (DEPs) were found between 4 s(-1) vs. 40 s(-1). On glass, some of these DEPs include phage tail proteins, a carotenoid protein, cyanophynase glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase, and the MoaD/ThiS family protein, while on perspex, DEPs include transketolase, dihydroxy-acid dehydratase, iron ABC transporter substrate-binding protein and protein NusG. This study contributes to developing a standardized protocol for proteomic analysis of filamentous cyanobacterial biofilms. This kind of proteomic analysis can also be useful for different research fields, given the broad spectrum of promising secondary metabolites and added-value compounds produced by cyanobacteria, as well as for the development of new antibiofilm strategies

    Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus e marketing religioso

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    Several studies have show that the decline in Catholic Church attendance, as a result of its ongoing stagnant policy that does not attempt to win back or retain its flock, apart from its general neglect as to the financial situation, may have in­fluenced the rise of new religious institutions. But the reasons behind the growing number of evangelicals, especially followers of the Universal Church of the King­dom of God have yet to be seriously studied. Could it be that the leaders of this denomination have been using conventional marketing tools to support its expan­sion? And what would such tools be? Within this scarcely investigated context, the object of the present study has to propose a methodology and an instrument to appraise the profile of the followers’ entry and permanence.Estudos têm apontado que o decaimento da Igreja Católica, por manter uma po­lítica estagnada que não possui um movimento de reconquista e manutenção de seus adeptos e pelo descaso quanto à situação financeira desses adeptos, pode ter influenciado o surgimento de novas instituições religiosas. O questionamento dos motivos para o crescimento tão elevado do número de evangélicos e, em especial, dos adeptos da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) continua ainda pouco es­tudado. Estariam os dirigentes dessa ordem utilizando ferramentas do marketing convencional para sua expansão? E quais seriam essas ferramentas? O objetivo do presente artigo é, a partir do estudo das características operacionais da IURD e das ferramentas mercadológicas por ela utilizadas, propor uma metodologia de avaliação do perfil de ingresso e permanência dos adeptos. Para tanto, estudou-se a bibliografia nacional sobre os temas, coletaram-se dados de ingressantes na IURD e realizaram-se oito visitas a suas igrejas