9,052 research outputs found

    A study of the influence of ethnicity on serology and clinical features in lupus

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to review the links between ethnicity, serology and clinical expression in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in a single cohort that was followed over a 36-year period. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with SLE treated at the University College London Hospitals (UCLHs) between January 1978 and December 2013 formed the cohort. We assessed the demographic, clinical and serological data. Standard methods were used for laboratory testing. The Student t test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for the continuous variables; the Fisher's exact test was used for the categorical variables. RESULTS: We studied 624 SLE patients: There were 571 women (91.5%), with a mean age at diagnosis of 29.0 ± 6.5 years; and 53 men (8.5%), with a mean age at diagnosis of 29.4 ± 15.3 years. Ethnically, 369 of the patients were European, 100 were Afro-Caribbean, 77 were East Asian, 56 were South Asian and 21 were of mixed ethnicity. The East Asian patients developed the disease at a younger age than the other ethnic groups (p < 0.0001). The Afro-Caribbean patients were less frequently associated with the presence of rash and photosensitivity, and the non-European patients were more likely to have alopecia and renal involvement. The South Asian patients were significantly associated with musculoskeletal and neurological involvement, serositis, Sicca syndrome and hematological features. The Afro-Caribbean patients had the highest prevalence of anti-Smith, anti-RNP, anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies. Anti-IgG anticardiolipin (aCL) antibodies were significantly associated with the non-East Asian groups; and hypocomplementemia was common in the East Asians. Rash, alopecia, mouth ulcers, serositis, neurological, joint and renal involvement were significantly associated with the presence of anti-Smith and anti-RNP antibodies in the Afro-Caribbean group. We also observed an association of joint involvement and the presence of anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies in this group. CONCLUSIONS: The East Asian patients developed their SLE disease at a younger age than the other ethnic groups. Cutaneous involvement was more frequent in those who were not Afro-Caribbean. Serositis, joint and neurological involvement were more frequently diagnosed in the South Asian patients. Anti-ENA antibodies were frequently associated with the Afro-Caribbean patients

    Portugaliae Monumenta Misericordiarum, Tradição e Modernidade: o período da Monarquia Constitucional (1834-1910)

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    Fiel à vocação de uma colectânea deste tipo, cuja amplitude cronológica tinha por objecto recolocar no tempo a realidade hospitaleira das Misericórdias no seu sentido mais vasto, os autores facultam aos interessados um estimulante quadro sobre a forte identidade das Misericórdias, “baluartes a assegurar” em tempos adversos, e a vontade sempre vincada dos seus responsáveis de preservar a sua independência e os seus princípios fundadores na vigência de uma monarquia constitucional

    Bridge aerodynamics in skew winds: Generalized buffeting load modelling and response analysis

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    PhD thesis in Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials ScienceThis thesis deals with the modelling of wind loads on bridges. When turbulent wind blows past a bridge deck, the deck experiences fluctuating loads, i.e., buffeting loads. Most buffeting theories concern straight bridge decks subjected to normal wind action, i.e., winds perpendicular to the bridge deck. This thesis initially reproduces the normal wind buffeting theory in a format that can be easily generalized to skew winds (i.e., non-perpendicular). The thesis then revises the state-of-the-art of the skew wind buffeting theory and proposes novel corrections, significant simplifications, and generalizations to that theory. Since the preferred skew wind load formulation requires the estimation of yaw- and inclination-angle-dependent aerodynamic coefficients, the thesis also provides a generalization and improvements to the traditional approach using only inclination-angle-dependent aerodynamic coefficients. Multiple challenges arise when putting into practice the skew wind buffeting theory. An ongoing floating bridge project, whose details are described in the thesis, is considered an ideal case for this application. The long, curved, continuous and flexible structure is planned to span a record 5000 m wide section of the Bjørnafjord in Norway, where it will be subjected to strong winds from multiple directions. Wind tunnel experiments were conducted by a third party, where a sectional model of the bridge girder was tested under skew winds for a large domain of yaw angles. Six aerodynamic coefficients are estimated for 30 combinations of yaw and inclination angles. Four different approaches to fit and extrapolate the coefficients are compared and discussed, enabling a 360-degree assessment of the skew wind buffeting response of the bridge. The proposed approach uses continuous and differentiable piecewise constrained bivariate polynomial functions covering the spherical domain of possible wind directions while respecting symmetries and imposing physical principles at certain angles. A simplified numerical model of the bridge is developed, whose properties, assembling process, modal analysis and sensitivity results are presented in the thesis. The numerical model is then used to assess the novel and the traditional buffeting load formulations. The bridge displacement response is compared for different fits of the aerodynamic coefficients and for different buffeting and quasi-steady motion-dependent force formulations. Both frequency- and time-domain analyses are performed to increase confidence in the results. Methods that neglect the three-dimensionality of the wind-structure interaction and only consider the two-dimensional normal-plane projection of the wind are shown to underestimate the bridge response under skew winds. The exceptionally long span of the case study makes it an equally good candidate for examining the wind field homogeneity assumption and its implications. A full long-term response analysis is performed considering all strong wind events in a 20-year-long wind field simulation period. Inhomogeneous (i.e., space-varying) wind speeds and directions were provided by a high-resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Inhomogeneous wind turbulence intensities are estimated using a hybrid method combining formulations given in a European standard with an artificial neural network, trained with five years of relevant measurement data. An analogous database of equivalent homogeneous wind fields is created to compare the associated bridge responses. The long-term response is analysed, demonstrating a varying accuracy of the homogeneity assumption. On average, the bridge response under inhomogeneous winds is larger than that under homogeneous winds, but to a different extent for different response components. Large underestimations and overestimations of the response are obtained for particular wind events. The use of a state-of-the-art skew wind formulation in combination with comprehensive wind tunnel tests and careful long-term inhomogeneous wind buffeting analyses is encouraged in the design of wind-sensitive bridges subjected to strong skew winds

    Navigating "hybrid threats" inside the UNSC: The Russian use of the legal and diplomacy domains towards the post-Arab Spring war in Syria

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    Hybrid threats became a growing object of study in the field of International Relations, due to its multifaceted nature. However, the use of its legal and diplomacy domains within multilateral organizations to advance political objectives is still an understudied topic. A potential “normalization” of the phenomenon impacts the legitimacy of those organizations, and the rule of law in democratic societies. Countering those threats requires comprehensive strategies for mitigation and coordinated, multilevel collaboration and information sharing. This study contributes to understanding the implications that the use of hybrid threats poses to the legitimacy of the international legal system, through examining its existence and main motivations inside the UN. Based on Giannopoulos, et al., ed. (2021) framework, it will be examined if and why Russia, in its role as a UNSC permanent member, is using the legal and diplomacy domains of Hybrid Threats inside the UNSC, towards the war in Syria (2011-current). It will be tested the hypothesis of a potential causal effect between Russia´s domestic and foreign policy, built on its post-soviet identity project, with the goal of enhancing its own political objectives. The research suggests that Russia is using international law and diplomacy in an abusive way to promote its political objectives, that may be framed as hybrid threat. It is argued that Russia is taking opportunity of its role in the UNSC to promote counter-hegemonic moves, motivated by geostrategic objectives, but also by its identity project, intersecting security, and power relations.As ameaças híbridas tornaram-se um objeto de estudo crescente no campo das relações internacionais, devido à sua natureza multifacetada. No entanto, a utilização dos seus domínios jurídico e diplomático no âmbito de organizações multilaterais para promoção de objetivos políticos é ainda um tema pouco estudado. Uma potencial “normalização” deste fenómeno impacta a legitimidade destas organizações e do Estado de Direito em sociedades democráticas. Combater essas ameaças exige estratégias abrangentes de mitigação, colaboração coordenada e partilha de informações. Este estudo contribui para a compreensão das implicações que o uso de ameaças híbridas representa para a legitimidade do sistema jurídico internacional, através do exame da sua existência e principais motivações no contexto da ONU. Com base no modelo de análise de Giannopoulos et al., ed. (2021), será examinado se e por que razão a Rússia, enquanto membro permanente do CSNU, utiliza os domínios jurídicos e diplomáticos das ameaças híbridas dentro desse órgão, no contexto da guerra na Síria (2011 - atual). Será testada a hipótese de um efeito causal entre a política interna e externa da Rússia, construída a partir do seu projeto de identidade pós-soviético, com o objetivo alavancar objetivos políticos. A investigação sugere que a Rússia utiliza o direito internacional e a diplomacia de forma abusiva para promover objetivos próprios, podendo essa atuação ser enquadrada como ameaça híbrida. Argumenta-se que a Rússia tira proveito do seu papel no CSNU para promover movimentos contra-hegemónicos, motivada por objetivos geoestratégicos, mas também pelo seu projeto de identidade, intersetando segurança e relações de poder

    Bioecologia da vespa-das-galhas-do-castanheiro, (Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu) e combate biológico com Torymus sinensis Kamijo

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    Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, mais conhecida como vespa-das-galhas-do- castanheiro, é considerada, a nível mundial, uma praga-chave do castanheiro (EFSA 2010). Esta praga de origem asiática (China) dispersou-se rapidamente pelo mundo, estabelecendo-se primeiramente em países como o Japão e a Coreia do Sul, passando pelos Estados Unidos da América e chegando por fim à Europa. A vespa-das-galhas-do- castanheiro ataca os gomos do castanheiro, induzindo a formação de galhas que por sua vez impedem o desenvolvimento do castanheiro, resultando numa redução significativa do crescimento e da produção. Na Europa os primeiros casos de ataque de D. kuriphilus foram registados em Itália no ano de 2002, dispersando-se rapidamente nos anos seguintes por países como a França, Suiça e mais tarde (2014) referenciada pela primeira vez em Espanha. Em Portugal, esta praga foi regista por primeira vez em 2014, dispersando-se rapidamente no território continental e nos arquipélagos, causando grande alarmismo e alguns estragos e prejuízos. Para grande preocupação dos agricultores, esta praga tem uma grande capacidade de dispersão e adaptação, com a parte mais sensível do seu ciclo biológico a ocorrer no interior dos gomos e galhas, dificultando assim o combate convencional através da aplicação de inseticidas. Este inseto tem sido objeto de múltiplos estudos nos países onde já se encontra estabelecido. D. kuriphilus é considerada pela EFSA (2010) a praga mais importante associada ao castanheiro. Sendo a região de Trás-os-Montes, uma das mais importantes zonas de produção de castanha em Portugal, considerou-se necessário conhecer melhor a bioecologia do inseto, os parasitoides autóctones e as possibilidades do combate biológico. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o propósito de estudar o ciclo biológico da vespa-das-galhas-do-castanheiro e a avaliação do controlo biológico da praga, com recurso ao parasitoide exótico Torymus sinensis Kamijo. O trabalho compreende a colheita e dissecação de gomos/galhas do castanheiro para estudo do ciclo biológico da praga, a monitorização do parasitoide T. sinensis e a identificação de parasitoides autóctones emergidos de galhas de inverno (do ano anterior). Foi possível observar que a altitudes de 770 metros os adultos de D. kuriphilus apareceram um mês mais cedo do que nas galhas colhidas a 890 metros de altitude. A mesma tendência verificou-se também no aparecimento de pupas e larvas L3. Os resultados obtidos no ensaio de emergência de T. sinensis em condições naturais, mostram um pico de emergência em finais de março, sendo que as primeiras galhas foram observadas apenas em início de maio. Em média, emergiram mais T. sinensis nas amostras das largadas do ano de 2021. Os pontos de monitorização de largadas realizadas no ano de 2022 apresentaram uma taxa de parasitismo média elevada, com valores situados entre 3,13% e 36,81%, com seis das Freguesias com taxas de parasitismo abaixo dos 10%. Na monitorização dos parasitoides autóctones foram identificados indivíduos pertencentes à superfamília Chalcidoidea e às superfamílias Ichneumonoidea e Ceraphronoidea. O período de emergência destes parasitoides foi registado entre final de março e início de maio, tendo sido identificados em maior número parasitoides pertencentes à espécie Eupelmus uruzonus Nees e ao género Mesopolobus sp.Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, better known as the chestnut gall wasp, is considered a key pest of chestnut trees worldwide (EFSA 2010). This pest of Asian origin (China) has spread rapidly around the world, first establishing itself in countries such as Japan and South Korea, passing through the United States of America and finally arriving in Europe. The chestnut gall wasp attacks the buds of the chestnut tree, inducing the formation of galls which in turn prevent the chestnut tree from developing, resulting in a significant reduction in growth and production. In Europe, the first cases of D. kuriphilus attacks were recorded in Italy in 2002, spreading rapidly in the following years to countries such as France, Switzerland and later (2014) it was reported for the first time in Spain. In Portugal, this pest was recorded for the first time in 2014, spreading rapidly across the mainland and the archipelagos, causing great alarm and some damage. To the great concern of farmers, this pest has a great capacity for dispersal and adaptation, with the most sensitive part of its biological cycle occurring inside the buds and galls, therefore making it difficult to combat conventionally by applying insecticides. This insect has been the subject of multiple studies in the countries where it is already established. D. kuriphilus is considered by EFSA (2010) to be the most important pest associated with the chestnut tree, and as the Trás-os-Montes region is one of the most important chestnut production areas in Portugal, it was considered necessary to learn more about the insect's bioecology, native parasitoids and the possibilities of biological combat. This work was carried out with the aim of studying the biological cycle of the chestnut gall wasp and evaluating the biological control of the pest by using the exotic parasitoid Torymus sinensis Kamijo. The work included the collection and dissection of chestnut buds/galls to study the biological cycle of the pest, the monitoring of the parasitoid T. sinensis and the identification of native parasitoids that emerged from winter galls (from the previous year). At altitudes of 770 metres, D. kuriphilus adults appeared a month earlier than on galls collected at 890 metres. The same was observed for the appearance of pupae and L3 larvae. The results obtained in the T. sinensis emergence test under natural conditions show a peak in emergence at the end of March, with the first galls only being observed at the beginning of May. On average, more T. sinensis emerged in the samples from the 2021 releases. The monitoring points for releases carried out in 2022 showed a high average parasitism rate, with values ranging from 3.13 per cent to 36.81 per cent, with six of the locations having parasitism rates below 10 per cent. When monitoring native parasitoids, individuals belonging to the superfamily Chalcidoidea and the superfamilies Ichneumonoidea and Ceraphronoidea were identified. The period of emergence of these parasitoids was recorded between the end of March and the beginning of May, with the highest number of parasitoids identified belonging to the species Eupelmus uruzonus Nees and the genus Mesopolobus sp