142 research outputs found

    Prevalence and extent of coral diseases in shallow and mesophotic reefs of the Southwestern Atlantic

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    Coral reef ecology has advanced in many fields, but disease patterns across depth gradients remain unclear. By comparing the prevalence and extent of bleaching and diseases in 160 colonies of Siderastrea stellata between shallow and mesophotic reefs, we observed that prevalence was high (75%) regardless of depth, but the extent was about two times greater in mesophotic than shallow reefs (14.4% vs. 6.6% of colony area, respectively). Across the shallow reefs, where S. stellata co-occurred with Montastraea cavernosa, M. cavernosa showed lower prevalence (27% of 30 colonies) and extent (1.8% of colony area) compared to S. stellata. Besides bleaching, five coral diseases afflicted S. stellata and two affected M. cavernosa. Because diseases are spread over the entire gradient of depth, any attempt of managing the diseases should consider both shallow and deep reefs to be effective

    Hot spots of bleaching in massive Porites coral colonies

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    Coral bleaching events have become more frequent and severe due to ocean warming. While the large-scale impacts of bleaching events are well-known, there is growing recognition of the importance of small-scale spatial variation in bleaching and survival probability of individual coral colonies. By quantifying bleaching in 108 massive Porites colonies spread across Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, during the 2016 bleaching event, we investigated how hydrodynamic exposure levels and colony size contribute to local variability in bleaching prevalence and extent. Our results revealed that exposed locations were the least impacted by bleaching, while lagoonal areas exhibited the highest prevalence of bleaching and colony-level bleaching extents. Such patterns of bleaching could be due to prolonged exposure to warm water in the lagoon. These findings highlight the importance of considering location-specific factors when assessing coral health and emphasize the vulnerability of corals in lagoonal habitats to rapid and/or prolonged elevated temperatures

    On the fate of dead coral colonies

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    Carbonate budgets dynamically balance production and loss of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) on coral reefs. To sustain or expand the coral reef framework, CaCO3 production by calcifying organisms must be higher than erosion. However, global climate change has been negatively impacting carbonate production, with bleaching events causing widespread coral mortality. Although bleaching and coral mortality are well documented, the fate of coral colonies after their death, including their erosion rates, are still poorly known. We followed the fate of 143 recently dead individual coral colonies with complex growth forms (arborescent, caespitose, corymbose, digitate and tabular), whose mortality was triggered by two consecutive bleaching events. These colonies, spread over 16 km2 of the Lizard Island reef complex, were tracked for up to 5 years, allowing detailed examination of erosion rates and post-mortality structural persistence. We also tested how variables that are commonly used in coral reef erosion studies relate to spatial and temporal variability in the erosion rates of dead coral colonies. We revealed rapid erosion of dead coral colonies, with an average of 79.7% of dead colonies completely disintegrating within 60 months. The predicted half-life of a dead coral colony was 40 months, with limited variation among wave exposure levels. Remarkably, we found no effect of estimated parrotfish bioerosion, wave exposure, nor coral growth form, on observed erosion rates. Our results suggest that our understanding of the erosion of dead corals may be more limited than previously thought. The rapid loss of coral colonies on our study sites calls for a re-evaluation of the role of corals with complex growth forms in reef growth and of parrotfishes in reef erosion

    A global synthesis of the current knowledge on the taxonomic and geographic distribution of major coral diseases

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    Although knowledge on the diseases affecting corals has been accumulating exponentially since the 2000s, even more effort is required to summarize and guide further investigation. Here, we used the Web of Science database to review 226 studies published, between 2000 and 2020, to identify the major geographic and taxonomic gaps in the literature, and propose future directions for the study of coral diseases. We classified the studies according to the ocean, ecoregion, coral species, disease types, approach (e.g., observational or experimental), and depth. In total, 22 types of diseases were reported for 165 coral species. Acropora spp. was the most studied taxa with 12 types of diseases and 8.2% of the records. Black band, white plague, white syndromes, skeletal eroding, dark spot, and yellow band were the six most common diseases, accounting together for 76.8% of the records. As expected, most studies were conducted in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific (34.0% and 28.7%, respectively), but only in 44 of the 141 global ecoregions that harbour corals. Observational approaches were the most frequent (75.6% of the records), while experimental approaches accounted for 19.9% and were mainly done on Acropora. The vast majority of studies (∼98%) were performed in shallow waters (<30 m depth). We conclude that over the past two decades, coral diseases have been assessed on a very small fraction of coral species, in very few locations around the globe, and at a limited range of their depth distribution. While monitoring bleaching is mandatory for reef ecology and conservation, the ecoepidemiology of coral diseases deserves more space in the research agenda of reef ecosystems

    A dinâmica do crédito no Brasil entre 1990-2006.

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    This article discusses, in a context of financial globalisation, the dynamics and recent development of the financial market and credit in Brazil. It is shown that the dynamics of the credit was marked by three distinct phases between 1990 and 2003. Moreover, it is shown that after the implementation of the Plan Real was a great effort by the Brazilian government to restructure and strengthen the National Financial System, and that the observed current economic climate in Brazil is much more conducive to the growth of the relationship credit / GDP that at the beginning of the decade of 2000.Este artigo aborda, dentro de um contexto de globalização financeira, a dinâmica e o desenvolvimento recente do mercado financeiro e de crédito no Brasil. É mostrado que a dinâmica do crédito se caracterizou por três fases distintas entre 1990 e 2003. Além disso, é mostrado que após a implantação do Plano Real houve um grande esforço por parte do governo brasileiro em reestruturar e reforçar o Sistema Financeiro Nacional e que a conjuntura econômica observada atualmente no Brasil é bem mais favorável ao crescimento da relação crédito/PIB que no início da década de 2000


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    We analyze the relationship between the Selic and the three main types of credit destined to companies in Brazil seeking to distinguish this relationship during periods of high and low in the Selic rate. They were considered the interest rates of the following types of credit: Working Capital, Overdraft and Overdraft. The study period was between September 2011 and April 2014, which began with a drop in the Selic rate until February 2013 followed by high until April 2014. The results indicated that there is no significant downward rigidity for the Working Capital mode . For Overdraft mode found a stiffness up also not significant. For the Overdraft mode we found a significant stiffness up during the period.Foi analisada a relação entre a Selic e as três principais modalidades de crédito destinadas à pessoa jurídica no Brasil buscando distinguir essa relação durante períodos de alta e baixa na taxa Selic. Foram consideradas as taxas de juros das seguintes modalidades de crédito: Capital de Giro, Conta Garantida e Cheque Especial. O período analisado foi entre setembro de 2011 e abril de 2014, o qual iniciou com uma queda na Selic até fevereiro de 2013 seguido de alta até abril de 2014. Os resultados indicaram que há uma rigidez para baixo não significativa para a modalidade Capital de Giro. Para a modalidade Conta Garantida encontrou-se uma rigidez para cima também não significativa. Para a modalidade de Cheque Especial encontrou-se uma rigidez significativa para cima durante o período

    Dangerous demographics in post-bleach corals reveal boom-bust versus protracted declines

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    Thermal-stress events have changed the structure, biodiversity, and functioning of coral reefs. But how these disturbances affect the dynamics of individual coral colonies remains unclear. By tracking the fate of 1069 individual Acropora and massive Porites coral colonies for up to 5 years, spanning three bleaching events, we reveal striking genus-level differences in their demographic response to bleaching (mortality, growth, and recruitment). Although Acropora colonies were locally extirpated, substantial local recruitment and fast growth revealed a marked capacity for apparent recovery. By contrast, almost all massive Porites colonies survived and the majority grew in area; yet no new colonies were detected over the 5 years. Our results highlight contrasting dynamics of boom-and-bust vs. protracted declines in two major coral groups. These dangerous demographics emphasise the need for caution when documenting the susceptibility and perceived resistance or recovery of corals to disturbances

    Eficácia do hidratante Regenèr emulsão em pacientes diabéticos

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Regenèr Emulsion moisturizer in the process of regeneration and maintenance of skin health in the lower limbs of patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Qualitative, exploratory, case-study research, carried out in a public hospital in Greater Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, between August and October 2020. The results reported by the patients were the reduction of dryness of the skin on the legs and/or feet or xerosis, improvement in skin color related to diabetic dermopathy lesions, improvement in skin sensitivity and resistance, reduction of itching, reduction of skin discomfort and discomfort, as well as improvement in the skin and its color, when compared to the initial day and the day end of treatment. It is concluded that the study has great relevance for the field of nursing, it presents an approach to preventive care and effective hydration for maintaining the quality of the skin of the lower limbs of diabetic patients.Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia do hidratante Regenèr emulsão no processo de regeneração e manutenção da saúde da pele dos membros inferiores de pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus. Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, tipo estudo de caso, realizada em uma instituição hospitalar pública na Grande Florianópolis em Santa Catarina, entre agosto e outubro de 2020.   Os resultados relatados pelos pacientes foram à redução do ressecamento da pele das pernas e/ou pés ou xerose, melhora da coloração da pele referente às lesões da dermopatia diabética, melhora da sensibilidade e resistência da pele, redução do prurido, diminuição do incômodo e desconforto da pele assim como a melhora na pele e sua coloração, quando comparada ao dia inicial e o dia final do tratamento.  Conclui-se que o estudo possui grande relevância para a área da enfermagem, apresenta uma abordagem sobre os cuidados preventivos e de hidratação eficaz para a manutenção da qualidade da pele de membros inferiores dos pacientes diabéticos

    Eficácia do hidratante Regenèr emulsão em pacientes diabéticos

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Regenèr Emulsion moisturizer in the process of regeneration and maintenance of skin health in the lower limbs of patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Qualitative, exploratory, case-study research, carried out in a public hospital in Greater Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, between August and October 2020. The results reported by the patients were the reduction of dryness of the skin on the legs and/or feet or xerosis, improvement in skin color related to diabetic dermopathy lesions, improvement in skin sensitivity and resistance, reduction of itching, reduction of skin discomfort and discomfort, as well as improvement in the skin and its color, when compared to the initial day and the day end of treatment. It is concluded that the study has great relevance for the field of nursing, it presents an approach to preventive care and effective hydration for maintaining the quality of the skin of the lower limbs of diabetic patients.Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia do hidratante Regenèr emulsão no processo de regeneração e manutenção da saúde da pele dos membros inferiores de pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus. Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, tipo estudo de caso, realizada em uma instituição hospitalar pública na Grande Florianópolis em Santa Catarina, entre agosto e outubro de 2020.   Os resultados relatados pelos pacientes foram à redução do ressecamento da pele das pernas e/ou pés ou xerose, melhora da coloração da pele referente às lesões da dermopatia diabética, melhora da sensibilidade e resistência da pele, redução do prurido, diminuição do incômodo e desconforto da pele assim como a melhora na pele e sua coloração, quando comparada ao dia inicial e o dia final do tratamento.  Conclui-se que o estudo possui grande relevância para a área da enfermagem, apresenta uma abordagem sobre os cuidados preventivos e de hidratação eficaz para a manutenção da qualidade da pele de membros inferiores dos pacientes diabéticos

    A Estabilidade da Dívida Pública Brasileira: Análise Recente e Projeções

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar a estabilidade da razão entre dívida pública e PIB brasileiro no período 2007 a 2018. Há um consenso, na literatura econômica, da necessidade em se manter a relação dívida pública/PIB equilibrada, haja vista que os déficits públicos são recorrentemente utilizados como mecanismos para acelerar o crescimento ou para enfrentar recessões econômicas. Deste modo, a partir da metodologia que abarca o modelo de Escolano (2010), a pesquisa impetrou resultados sugestivos do superávit primário, crescimento do PIB e da taxa real de juros como necessários para manter a magnitude da dívida pública com relação ao PIB estável no período. No triênio mais recente, de 2014 a 2017, não haveriam condições para o setor público obter os superávits necessários para manter a relação dívida pública/PIB constante por causa da elevada taxa de juros implícita e o baixo crescimento econômico. Por fim, apresenta-se uma discussão, a partir da análise da conjuntura econômica brasileira, das condições para a estabilidade da relação dívida pública/PIB no Brasil