71 research outputs found

    El endorracismo como categoría de análisis para un antirracismo crítico

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         Given the current expressions of racism, it is useful to consider that anti-racism requires a renewed theoretical and conceptual framework that critically reviews its foundations. Therefore, the implicit explanatory models of racism are exposed. Likewise, new coordinates of the problem are evident, recomposing the premises of old racism, new racism and race studies in Latin America. The aim is to advance conceptually towards the phenomenon of endoracism, placing it in the current theoretical debate and proposing it as a key concept to understand the reproduction of racism within subaltern groups, underlining the relevant analytical categories. Ante las expresiones actuales del racismo es útil considerar que el antirracismo requiere un renovado armazón teórico y conceptual que revise de manera crítica sus basamentos. Por lo anterior, se exponen los modelos implícitos explicativos del racismo. Asimismo, se evidencian nuevas coordenadas del problema, recomponiendo las premisas del viejo racismo, nuevo racismo y los estudios de raza en Latinoamérica. El fin es avanzar conceptualmente hacia el fenómeno del endorracismo, situándolo en el debate teórico actual y proponiéndolo como un concepto clave para entender la reproducción del racismo al interior de los grupos subalternos, subrayando las categorías analíticas relevantes

    Structural analysis of an agroforestry area in a portion of the xeric shrubland of northeast of Mexico

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    Antecedentes y Objetivos: Los estudios de comunidades vegetales permiten conocer los impactos causados por las actividades agrícolas y pecuarias, especialmente en las zonas áridas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue contrastar la diversidad, composición y estructura de los estratos arbóreo y arbustivo de tres áreas (Agroforestal, Regenerada y Referencia) del matorral xerófilo. Métodos: Se establecieron tres áreas con cuatro sitios de muestreo de 1600 m2 cada una, elegidos al azar, en donde se censaron y registraron los individuos arbóreos y arbustivos. En cada área se calcularon parámetros ecológicos, así como los índices de Shannon y Margalef. Resultados clave: Considerando las tres áreas, se registró un total de 25 especies de plantas vasculares pertenecientes a 22 géneros y 15 familias. Fabaceae fue la familia mejor representada con nueve especies, siendo el género Acacia el que tuvo un mayor número (tres). Los valores de riqueza de especies, el índice de Shannon, índice de Margalef y abundancia, entre el área Referencia y Agroforestal, fueron similares, y en ambos los resultados fueron significativamente mayores que los valores del área Regenerada. El área Agroforestal presentó menor abundancia pero mayor dominancia comparada con las otras dos áreas estudiadas y fue el área que alcanzó el mayor porcentaje de similitud con el área de Referencia. Conclusiones: La actividad Agroforestal contribuye en cierta manera con el mantenimiento de la diversidad y la composición de plantas vasculares del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco estudiado; y dicha actividad no permite cambiar en gran medida la composición y estructura de este tipo de vegetación.Background and Aims: The studies of plant communities allow to know the impacts caused by the agricultural and livestock activities, especially in arid zones. The objective of this work was to contrast the diversity, composition and structure of the arboreal and shrub strata of three areas (Agroforestry, Regenerated and Reference) of the xerophilous scrub. Methods: In each area four sampling sites of 1600 m2 each one were established randomly, where all arboreal and shrubby individuals were registered and censused. In each area, ecological parameters were calculated, as well as the Shannon and Margalef indices. Key results: In the three areas, a total of 25 species of vascular plants belonging to 22 genera and 15 families were registered. The best represented family was Fabaceae with nine species, being the genus Acacia the one that presented the largest species number (three). The observed values of species richness, the Shannon index, Margalef index and abundance between the Reference and Agroforestry area were similar, and both were significantly higher than the values of the Regenerated area. The Agroforestry area presented lower abundance but greater dominance compared with the other two areas studied, and it was the area that reached the highest percentage of similarity with the Reference area. Conclusions: The Agroforestry activity contributes in a certain way in the maintenance of the diversity and composition of vascular plants of the Tamaulipan thorn scrub studied; and this activity does not allow to change to a large extent the composition and structure of this type of vegetation.Este estudio fue apoyado parcialmente por el proyecto PROMEP/103.5/12/3585

    Infective Endocarditis: Inflammatory Response, Genetic Susceptibility, Oxidative Stress, and Multiple Organ Failure

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    Infective endocarditis is defined by a focus of infection within the heart. Despite the optimal care, the mortality approaches 30% at 1 year, so the care for this type of patients represents a challenge to improve the result in your care. The challenges in this clinical entity have several aspects such as the diversity of germs that cause endocarditis, and the most important epidemiologically has generated resistance to antimicrobial treatment along with the possibility of apoptosis in their host-germ interaction. The immunogenetic susceptibility to host infection is discussed, which represents a deep area of research. Inflammation, local and systemic, is complex, with the genesis of reactive oxygen species, which are harmful when the antioxidant defenses are exceeded, causing the break in the mitochondrial electron transport chain with the fall in energy genesis, multiple organ failure, and death. Both at the cellular level and in the mitochondria, possible therapeutic targets are also commented

    Loss of Complexity of the Cardiac Bioelectrical Signal as an Expression of Patient Outcomes

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    The loss of complexity of the cardiac bioelectrical signal, measured with tools of nonlinear dynamics (NLD), is studied in patients with very different pathologies. Two types of scenarios are studied: (a) patients who enter the critical care unit and recover from their condition; (b) severe patients whose condition worsen and finally die. It is shown that as the severity of the patients increases, the complexity of their cardiac bioelectric signal decreases. On the other hand, if patients, despite being severe, manage to recover, the cardiac bioelectric signal recovers its complexity

    Coffee maturity classification using convolutional neural networks and transfer learning

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    This work presents a framework for coffee maturity classification from multispectral image data based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The system leverages the use of multispectral image acquisition systems that generate large amounts of data, by taking advantage of the ability of CNNs to extract meaningful patterns from very high-dimensional data. We validated the use of five different popular CNN architectures on the classification of cherry coffee fruits according to their ripening stage. The different models were trained on a training dataset balanced in different ways, which resulted in a top accuracy higher than 98% when applied to the classification of 600 coffee fruits in 5 different stages of ripening. This work has the potential of providing the farmer with a high-quality, optimized, accurate and viable method for classifying coffee fruits. In order to foster future research in this area, the data used in this work, which was acquired with a custom-developed multispectral image acquisition system, have been released

    Estructura y diversidad del matorral submontano contiguo al área metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

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    In this study the structure and diversity of the piedmont scrub that abuts the western portion of the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico, were examined. Vegetation composition and diversity were assessed by sampling vegetation in 41 plots of 100 m2 each. All trees and shrubs with a basal diameter (d0.10) ≥0.5 cm were counted, including succulents. In addition, the crown diameter (dcrown) for each species was recorded. Species richness was assessed by means of the Margalef index (DMg), while Shannon’s index (H’) was used to assess species diversity. A total of 45 species, 39 genera and 18 families were recorded. Fabaceae was the most important family with the highest species richness (12), followed by Cactaceae (5), Euphorbiacae, Rhamnaceae, Rutaceae and Verbenaceae (3); these families accounted for 64.44% of the entire flora recorded in the area. As for dominance (Dr), Fabaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae and Verbenaceae accounted for 64.08% of the Importance Value Index (IVI) in the community. The scrub presented a density of 3629 ind./ha-1 and a total crown cover of 6629 m2/ha-1. Acacia amentacea and Zanthoxylum fagara were the most important species, since they accounted for 25.87% of the IVI values in the locality. The rank/abundance curve for species fitted best to a log-normal function, which is characteristic of mature communities. The present study shows that the studied community is characterized by a high diversity and species richness in comparison to other arid and semi-arid climate vegetation in Northeast Mexico. Structural and diversity attributes documented in this study indicated that the piedmont scrub neighboring Monterrey is a well-preserved community in a mature successional stage; hence, it is urgent to develop strategies aimed at its conservation.En este estudio se evaluaron la estructura y la diversidad del matorral submontano limítrofe con la porción occidental del área metropolitana de Monterrey, México. Se determinó la composición y la diversidad de la vegetación mediante el establecimiento de 41 parcelas de 100 m2 cada una. Se censaron todos los árboles y arbustos con un diámetro basal (d0.10) ≥0.5 cm, incluyendo a las plantas suculentas; además, se midió el diámetro de copa (dcopa), para cada especie. Se calcularon los índices de Margalef (DMg) y de Shannon (H´) para determinar la riqueza y la diversidad de especies, respectivamente. Se registraron 45 especies, 39 géneros y 18 familias. La familia Fabaceae fue la que presentó más taxones (12), seguida de Cactaceae (5), Euphorbiacae, Rhamnaceae, Rutaceae y Verbenaceae (3), las cuales constituyen en conjunto 64.44% de la flora registrada para la zona de estudio. En cuanto a la dominancia (Dr); las Fabaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae y Verbenaceae sumaron 64.08% de los valores del Índice de Valor de Importancia (IVI) en la comunidad. Este matorral presenta una densidad de 3629 ind./ha-1 y una cobertura de copas de 6629 m2/ha-1. Acacia amentacea y Zanthoxylum fagara fueron las más importantes al acumular entre ellas 25.87% de los valores del IVI en la localidad. La curva de rango/abundancia de especies se ajustó a una función log-normal, característica de la vegetación madura. La comunidad estudiada presenta una alta diversidad y riqueza de especies en comparación con otras asociaciones vegetales de climas áridos y semiáridos del noreste de México. Los atributos de estructura y diversidad documentados en este estudio indican que el matorral submontano contiguo a la ciudad de Monterrey está bien conservado y en una fase de sucesión madura, por lo que es urgente proponer estrategias para su conservación

    Overexpression of CYB5R3 and NQO1, Two NAD\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e-Producing Enzymes, Mimics Aspects of Caloric Restriction

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    Calorie restriction (CR) is one of the most robust means to improve health and survival in model organisms. CR imposes a metabolic program that leads to increased stress resistance and delayed onset of chronic diseases, including cancer. In rodents, CR induces the upregulation of two NADH‐dehydrogenases, namely NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (Nqo1) and cytochrome b5 reductase 3 (Cyb5r3), which provide electrons for energy metabolism. It has been proposed that this upregulation may be responsible for some of the beneficial effects of CR, and defects in their activity are linked to aging and several age‐associated diseases. However, it is unclear whether changes in metabolic homeostasis solely through upregulation of these NADH‐dehydrogenases have a positive impact on health and survival. We generated a mouse that overexpresses both metabolic enzymes leading to phenotypes that resemble aspects of CR including a modest increase in lifespan, greater physical performance, a decrease in chronic inflammation, and, importantly, protection against carcinogenesis, one of the main hallmarks of CR. Furthermore, these animals showed an enhancement of metabolic flexibility and a significant upregulation of the NAD+/sirtuin pathway. The results highlight the importance of these NAD+ producers for the promotion of health and extended lifespan

    Cov-caldas: A new COVID-19 chest X-Ray dataset from state of Caldas-Colombia

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    The emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic forced researchers worldwide in various disciplines to investigate and propose efficient strategies and/or technologies to prevent COVID-19 from further spreading. One of the main challenges to be overcome is the fast and efficient detection of COVID-19 using deep learning approaches and medical images such as Chest Computed Tomography (CT) and Chest X-ray images. In order to contribute to this challenge, a new dataset was collected in collaboration with “S.E.S Hospital Universitario de Caldas” (https://hospitaldecaldas.com/) from Colombia and organized following the Medical Imaging Data Structure (MIDS) format. The dataset contains 7,307 chest X-ray images divided into 3,077 and 4,230 COVID-19 positive and negative images. Images were subjected to a selection and anonymization process to allow the scientific community to use them freely. Finally, different convolutional neural networks were used to perform technical validation. This dataset contributes to the scientific community by tackling significant limitations regarding data quality and availability for the detection of COVID-19. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Composition and spatial structure of five associations of forests of Pinus durangensis

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    La estructura espacial refleja el patrón de disposición de los árboles sobre el terreno y es un elemento básico para entender la dinámica de los ecosistemas forestales. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar las características estructurales bivariadas de cinco asociaciones diferentes de bosques de Pinus durangensis, identificando las similitudes y diferencias en la distribución bivariada de uniformidad de ángulos, dominancia y mezcla. Los datos provienen de cinco sitios cuadrados con superficie de 2500 m2, establecidos cada uno en diferentes bosques de P. durangensis en la Sierra Madre Occidental. Para cada sitio se determinó altura promedio, diámetro promedio y cobertura de copa, así como índices de mezcla de especies, uniformidad de ángulos y dominancia. Los índices se combinaron dos a dos para obtener tres distribuciones bivariantes. El bosque puro de P. durangensis presentó los individuos con mayor altura, mientras que el mayor diámetro fue para la asociación con P. teocote. El índice de mezcla (Mi) indica que solo en el bosque puro existe una baja mezcla de especies. El índice de uniformidad de ángulos (Wi) muestra que los árboles, de manera general, tienen una distribución aleatoria. Los valores de dominancia (Ui) muestran que en todos los sitios existen todas las clases sociales representadas de manera equitativa. Los índices y sus combinaciones describen adecuadamente la distribución espacial de los árboles y su relación con sus vecinos más cercanos. La información obtenida de la combinación de las variables estructurales contribuye a mejorar la comprensión de la estructura espacial del bosque y contribuye a la regulación de la intensidad de corta y garantizar una gestión sostenible.The spatial structure reflects the pattern of arrangement of trees on the ground and is a basic element to understand the dynamics of forest ecosystems. The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the bivariate structural characteristics of five different associations of Pinus durangensis forests, identifying the similarities and differences in the bivariate distribution of uniformity of angles, dominance and mingling. The data comes from five quadrate sites with an area of 2500 m2, each established in different forests of P. durangensis in the Sierra Madre Occidental. For each site, the average height, average diameter and crown coverage were determined, as well as the species mingling index, angle uniformity and dominance indexes. The indices were combined two to two to obtain three bivariate distributions. The pure forest of P. durangensis presented individuals with higher height, while the largest diameter was found in the association with P. teocote. The mingling index (Mi) indicates that only in the pure forest there is a low species mingling. The uniformity angle index (Wi) shows that trees generally present a random distribution. The values of dominance (Ui) show that in all the sites there are all the social classes represented in an equitable way. The indexes and their combinations adequately describe the spatial distribution of the trees and their relationship with their closest neighbors. The information obtained from the combination of the structural variables contribute to improve the understanding of the spatial structure of the forest, and in addition to contributing to the regulation of cutting intensity and ensuring sustainable management

    Selecciones del blog de AEMET 2022

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    Contiene: ¿Física de fluidos o cabañuelas? / Delia Gutiérrez Rubio -- ¿Qué podemos contarte en AEMET sobre la sequía? / Delia Gutiérrez Rubio -- Patrones sinópticos en la península ibérica y Baleares y su relación con los incendios forestales / Peio Oria Iriarte -- ¿Temperaturas al sol y a la sombra? ¿Cómo se mide la temperatura en una estación meteorológica? / Ricardo Torrijo Murciano, Alejandro Lomas González y José Antonio López Díaz -- Verano de 2022: el más cálido en España hasta finales de julio / José Ángel Núñez Mora y Rubén del Campo Hernández -- El invierno nuclear / Benito José Fuentes López -- ¿Cómo se mueven los océanos y cómo influye esto en el clima? / Enrique Fernández Barrera