18 research outputs found

    Diseño y simulación de un micro eyector basado en nitinol

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    Este artículo describe el diseño y simulación de un eyector de pico-volúmenes cuyo sistema de actuación está basado en la memoria de forma de dos membranas de Nitinol. El volumen de las gotas eyectadas es de 12pL. El micro eyector  opera a temperaturas entre 30°C y 64°C, a un voltaje de 12 V y una energía de eyección de 26µJ por gota. Este tipo de eyectores puede tener aplicaciones en la fabricación con tintas conductoras, lubricación y el enfriamiento de dispositivos electrónicos.This paper describes pico-droplet ejector design and simulation. The actuation system was based on two interconnected nitinol membranes’ shape memory effect. Ejected volume was 12pL and it operated at 30°C to 64°C. Ejecting excitation voltage was 12V and the ejecting energy required by actuator operation was 26µJ per drop. These pico-liter ejectors could have applications in making, lubricating and cooling integrated circuits

    The importance of research in the institutional educational project

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    El presente artículo se enfoca en el proyecto educativo, que de manera flexible permita la articulación de la investigación con el diseño curricular de la IEDR de Ricaurte. Los referentes teóricos de Duque (2016), Mejía (2013), Cuevas et. al. (2016), proponen que la investigación ejerce un impacto vinculante entre la práctica pedagógica y la teoría, brindándoles a los estudiantes la posibilidad de apropiarse de la lógica del conocimiento y de herramientas propias de la ciencia. Se asume un abordaje cualitativo, se tomó como muestra (40) estudiantes de diferentes grados. Dentro de los hallazgos encontrados, existe gran afinidad entre los estudiantes y las actividades investigativas, lo cual indica que el proyecto tiene un alto nivel de aceptación, sin embargo, se hace necesaria la resignificación del PEI para obtener resultados significativos.This article focuses on the educational project, which in a flexible way allows the articulation of the research with the curricular design of the IEDR of Ricaurte. The theoretical references of Duque (2016), Mejia (2013), Cuevas et. to the. (2016), propose that research exerts a binding impact between pedagogical practice and theory, giving students the possibility of appropriating the logic of knowledge and tools of science. A qualitative approach is assumed; 40 students of different grades were taken as sample. Among the findings found, there is great affinity between the students and the research activities, which indicates that the project has a high level of acceptance, however, it is necessary to resignify the PEI to obtain significant results

    Readout interface for strip detectors with spectrometry applications

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    In the present paper a preliminary design and implementation of a readout interface for strip detectors, using Applied Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) is discussed. Key issues are the parameters and features of the main constituent parts of the system: strip detectors, ASICs and driving electronics, as well as the preliminary test-results. The readout interface is intended to be used as a means to investigate the scope of strip detectors employed as spectroscopes in the area of experimental physics and their dynamic properties

    Diseño de un micro-dosificador para el control de micro-volúmenes de sustancias densas

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    Magíster en Ingeniería Electrónica y de ComputadoresMaestrí

    Hybridní detektory ionizujícího záření

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    V posledních letech se polovodičové detektory ukázaly jako vynikající nástroje pro měření ionizujícího záření. Hybridní pixelové detektory, nejnovější vývojový stupeň polovodičových detektorů, vzhledem k jejich vysokým nákladům na plochu a typicky malé jednotkové velikosti, nejsou obvykle používány pro aplikace ve velkém měřítku. Zde stripové detektory, technologie před pixely, poskytují levnější způsob sledování, počítání částic, a s poslední generací ASIC čipů také spektroskopii a časová měření. Další výhodou je, že front-end ASIC je umístěn vedle senzoru, kde může být snadno chráněn před primárním ozářením. Obvykle také neexistuje žádný přenos tepla mezi senzorem a ASIC a v případě poškození lze senzor nebo ASIC jednoduše vyměnit. Cílem této práce bylo zkoumat schopnosti stripových detektorů jako spektroskopů měřením tradičních zdrojů ionizujících částic, jako jsou fotony nebo alfa-částice, které mají dobře definovanou energii. K tomuto účelu byl vyvinut 128 stripový nízko šumový měřící systém založený na FPGA, společně s potřebným programovým vybavením, připojený ke křemíkovému stripovému detektoru. Kromě toho byly vyvinuty adekvátní metody vyrovnání různých hladin šumu a kalibrace tak, aby se dosáhlo rovnoměrnější odezvy z kanálů a tím i lepšího rozlišení energie. Aby bylo možné číst všech 128 kanálů použitého snímače, musely být použity 4 nezávislé ASIC čipy, z nichž každý obsahoval 32 kanálů. V průběhu měření bylo získáno sigma 1.6 keV pro průměr všech kanálů v energetickém rozsahu 15-60 keV, které překonaly srovnatelné Si hybridní pixelové detektory typicky mající sigma 2.3 keV [1]. Pomocí 6-sigma vzdálenosti k elektronické hladině šumu bylo stále dosaženo systémové prahové úrovně 3 keV. Tento výzkum poskytuje cenné informace pro více aplikací, ve kterých by mohly být stripové detektory efektivně použity jako náhrada hybridních pixelových detektorů.ObhájenoIn recent years semiconductor detectors have proven to be excellent tools to measure ionizing radiation. Hybrid pixel detectors, latest development stage of semiconductor detectors, due to their high cost per area and the typically small unit size, are usually not employed for large scale applications. Here strip detectors, technology before pixel, provide a cheaper way of particle tracking, counting, and with the latest generation of ASICs also spectroscopy and timing. Additional advantage is that the front-end ASIC by design is located next to the sensor, where it can be shielded from primary irradiation easily. Also there is typically no mentionable heat transfer between sensor and ASIC and, in case of damage, the sensor or ASICs can simply be exchanged. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the performance of strip detectors as spectroscopes by measuring typical sources of ionizing particles, such as photons or alpha-particles, having a well-defined energy. To this end a 128-strip low noise FPGA-based readout system was fabricated alongside a corresponding dedicated software tool and connected to a Si strip sensor. In addition, adequate equalization and calibration methods were developed in order to get a more uniform response from the channels and hence better energy resolution. In order to read all 128 channels of the sensor employed, 4 independent readout ASICs, featuring 32 channels each, had to be used. In the current investigation a sigma of 1.6 keV was obtained for the mean of all channels within the energy range of 15-60 keV, outperforming comparable Si hybrid-pixel detectors typically having a sigma of 2.3 keV [1]. Using a 6-sigma distance to the electronic noise level it was still obtained a system threshold level of 3 keV. This research provides valuable information for multiple applications in which strip detectors could be used efficiently to replace hybrid-pixel detectors

    Designing and simulating a nitinol-based micro ejector

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    This paper describes pico-droplet ejector design and simulation. The actuation system was based on two interconnected nitinol membranes’ shape memory effect. Ejected volume was 12pL and it operated at 30°C to 64°C. Ejecting excitation voltage was 12V and the ejecting energy required by actuator operation was 26µJ per drop. These pico-liter ejectors could have applications in making, lubricating and cooling integrated circuits

    Designing and simulating a nitinol-based micro ejector

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    This paper describes pico-droplet ejector design and simulation. The actuation system was based on two interconnected nitinol membranes’ shape memory effect. Ejected volume was 12pL and it operated at 30°C to 64°C. Ejecting excitation voltage was 12V and the ejecting energy required by actuator operation was 26µJ per drop. These pico-liter ejectors could have applications in making, lubricating and cooling integrated circuits.Este artículo describe el diseño y simulación de un eyector de pico-volúmenes cuyo sistema de actuación está basado en la memoria de forma de dos membranas de Nitinol. El volumen de las gotas eyectadas es de 12pL. El micro eyector  opera a temperaturas entre 30°C y 64°C, a un voltaje de 12 V y una energía de eyección de 26µJ por gota. Este tipo de eyectores puede tener aplicaciones en la fabricación con tintas conductoras, lubricación y el enfriamiento de dispositivos electrónicos

    j-Pix — a multiplatform acquisition package for Timepix3

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    We present a newly developed modular and multiplatform acquisition and control package dedicated for high performance Timepix3 pixel detector. The software package was originally developed for operation at ATLAS experiment. Afterwards, it was further extended as an independent package for general purpose measurements and online visualization with Timepix3. Timepix3 detector is a semiconductor detector of 256 x 256 square pixels providing information about energy and time of arrival with time resolution less than 2 ns, which generate a high amount of data to be processed in real time with the data acquisition package. The processed data stream from the detector can be stored on a hard drive and also displayed online using graphical interface with capability to control several number of acquisitions and display measured data using variable modules. Moreover, due to the architecture it can be further extended using external libraries working independently on the software. The architecture of the acquisition package enables online processing and visualization and it is designed as cross-compatible software (supportingWindows, Linux, MacOS, etc.). All peaks in data transmission can be further balanced by several buffers in the pipelined architecture. The size of buffers is configurable and allows scalable tuning according to the available resources. The pipelined architecture exploits all advantages of multithreading

    A synchronization and data acquisition system for silicon detectors

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    A dedicated synchronization bus has been developed and integrated into the FITPix COMBO device. It can be used as Timepix read-out (involving back-side-pulse acquisition) or as a simple spectrometer device—Spectrig (when an external single pad sensor is connected, e.g. Δ E detector). The synchronization bus permits the implementation of a system of up to 32 distinct devices running in clock locked mode while the absolute value of the timestamp is distributed to all devices in the system. Any combination of Timepix or spectrometer devices (up to 32) can be connected-up to create a final measurement set-up. The synchronization bus has also been designed to control a trigger signal and busy signal to allow an effective filtration of unpaired events when coincidence measurement is performed. The system has been tested with a Δ E− E telescope consisting of a thin detector and Timepix. The thin detector has been used for Δ E and the Timepix detector for E measurements. The Δ E detector has an area of 10×10 mm2 and a thickness of 12 μm with non-uniformity of 8%. The area and thickness of Timepix are 14×14 mm2 and 300 μm, respectively. The detection system can provide simultaneous information about position, energy, time and type of registered particles with high synchronization accuracy. Test measurements have been carried out with an alpha particle source (Ra-226) in a vacuum and the results of these measurements are presented in this paper

    Timepix3 detector network for nuclear waste monitoring

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    In the framework of the MICADO project we proposed an active long-term nuclear waste monitoring system based on Timepix3 technology. Particle detectors based on Timepix3 are capable of particle type discrimination and provide spectrometric information in combination with precise timing information. To maximize the versatility of the setup, the Timepix3 detectors employed are equipped with a range of different sensors. To enable measurement of neutrons, two quadrants of the detectors are covered by neutron converters, allowing detection of thermal neutron by capture in 6Li, as well as detection of fast neutrons through recoil protons generated in a polyethylene converter. Within this project a new housing for the detector unit and the readout was developed, with the network currently comprising of 9 such detectors. A specifically developed in-house software handles simultaneous operation of all devices, cluster analysis and data visualization. Energy calibration was performed using an X-ray tube with several fluorescence foils as well as photons from an 241Am source. The neutron and gamma/X-ray detection efficiency calibration was carried out at the Czech Metrology Institute and the results are presented here. Tests on simultaneous operation of all 9 devices were performed using uraninite and 241Am sources