71 research outputs found

    The MEF2A isoform is required for striated muscle-specific expression of the insulin-responsive Glut4 glucose transporter

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    Previously, we have demonstrated that an MEF2 consensus sequence located between −473/−464 in the human GLUT4 gene was essential for both tissue-specific and hormonal/metabolic regulation of GLUT4 expression (Thai, M. V., Guruswamy, S., Cao, K. T., Pessin, J. E., and Olson, A. L. (1998)J. Biol. Chem. 273, 14285-14292). To identify the specific MEF2 isoform(s) responsible for GLUT4 expression, we studied the pattern of expression of the MEF2 isoforms in insulin-sensitive tissues. Both heart and skeletal muscle were found to express the MEF2A, MEF2C, and MEF2D isoforms but not MEF2B. However, only the MEF2A protein was selectively down-regulated in insulin-deficient diabetes. Co-immunoprecipitation with isoform-specific antibodies revealed that, in the basal state, essentially all of the MEF2A protein was presented as a MEF2A-MEF2D heterodimer without any detectable MEF2A-MEF2A homodimers or MEF2A-MEF2C and MEF2C-MEF2D heterodimers. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that nuclear extracts from diabetic animals had reduced binding to the MEF2 binding site compared with extracts from control or insulin-treated animals. Furthermore, immunodepletion of the MEF2A-MEF2D complex from control extracts abolished binding to the MEF2 element. However, addition of MEF2A to diabetic nuclear extracts fully restored binding activity to the MEF2 element. These data strongly suggest that the MEF2A-MEF2D heterodimer is selectively decreased in insulin-deficient diabetes and is responsible for hormonally regulated expression of the GLUT4 gene

    Cbl downreguation increases RBP4 expression in adipocytes of female mice

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    Obesity leads to adipose tissue dysfunction, insulin resistance and diabetes. Adipose tissue produces adipokines that contribute to regulate insulin sensitivity. In turn, insulin stimulates the production and release of some adipokines. Casitas-b-lymphoma proteins (c-Cbl, Cbl-b and Cbl3) are intracellular adaptor signalling proteins that are rapidly phosphorylated by activation of tyrosine kinase receptors. c-Cbl is rapidly phosphorylated by insulin in adipocytes. Here, we tested the hypothesis that Cbl signalling regulates adipokine expression in adipose tissue. We determined the adipokine profile of WAT of Cbl−/− and Cbl+/+ mice in the C57BL6 background. Female Cbl−/− mice exhibited altered expression of adiponectin, leptin and RBP4 in visceral adipose tissue, while no significant changes were seen in male mice. TNFα and IL6 levels were unaffected by Cbl depletion. RBP4 expression was unchanged in liver. Adipose tissue of Cbl−/− animals showed increased basal activation of extracellular regulated kinases (ERK1/2) compared to Cbl+/+. c-Cbl knockdown in 3T3L1 adipocytes also increased basal ERK phosphorylation and RBP4 expression. Inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation in Cbl-depleted 3T3L1 adipocytes or in adipose tissue explants of Cbl−/− mice reduced RBP4 mRNA. 17β-Estradiol increased RBP4 mRNA in adipocytes. Cbl depletion did not change ER expression but increased phosphorylation of ERα at S118, a target site for ERK1/2. ERK1/2 inhibition reduced phosphoER and RBP4 levels. These findings suggest that Cbl contributes to regulate RBP4 expression in adipose of female mice through ERK1/2-mediated activation of ERα. Since Cbl signalling is compromised in diabetes, these data highlight a novel mechanism that upregulates RBP4 locally

    Personalidad, sexo y comunicación mediada por ordenador a través de Internet

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    Previous research about computer-mediated communication (CMC) focused on variables as gender. There is little information about differences in CMC related to personality, most are speculations based on the assumption that introvertive traits are specially appropriate for CMC. Results of this study are consistent with this predictions, because introverted participants sent as messages to the Internet forums analysed as extroverted, and their messages contained more information. In relation with gender, it was found that men sent longer messages that women, but there was not more information in them.La investigación sobre diferencias individuales en  comunicación mediada por ordenador (CMO) se ha ocupado, hasta el momento, de variables personales como el sexo, y no hay practicamente información empírica relacionada con la personalidad. Sí que existen algunas especulaciones basadas en la presuposición de una buena adaptación de los rasgos propios de la personalidad introvertida a las características propias de la CMO. Los resultados de esta investigación coinciden en gran rnedida con las predicciones formuladas a partir de esas especulaciones. Las personas introvertidas encuentran en la CMO un entorno apropiado para la interacción social. En cuanto a diferencias entre los sexos, se encuentra, coincidiendo parcialmente con la literatura previa, una mayor extensión de los rnensajes de los varones, pero no una mayor cantidad de información en los misrnos

    Personalidad, sexo y comunicación mediada por ordenador

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    Previous research about computer-mediated communication (CMC) focused on variables as gender. There is little information about differences in CMC related to personality, most are speculations based on the assumption that introvertive traits are specially appropriate for CMC. Results of this study are consistent with this predictions, because introverted participants sent as messages to the Internet forums analysed as extroverted, and their messages contained more information. In relation with gender, it was found that men sent longer messages that women, but there was not more information in the

    Evaluation of macrophage plasticity in brown and white adipose tissue

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    There are still questions about whether macrophage differentiation is predetermined or is induced in response to tissue microenvironments. C2D macrophage cells reside early in the macrophage lineage in vitro, but differentiate to a more mature phenotype after adoptive transfer to the peritoneal cavity (PEC-C2D). Since C2D macrophage cells also traffic to adipose tissue after adoptive transfer, we explored the impact of white adipose tissue (WAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT) and in vitro cultured adipocytes on C2D macrophage cells. When PEC-C2D macrophage cells were cultured with preadipocytes the cells stretched out and CD11b and Mac-2 expression was lower compared to PEC-C2D macrophage cells placed in vitro alone. In contrast, PEC-C2D cells co-cultured with adipocytes maintained smaller, round morphology and more cells expressed Mac-2 compared to PEC-C2D co-cultured with preadipocytes. After intraperitoneal injection, C2D macrophage cells migrated into both WAT and BAT. A higher percentage of C2D macrophage cells isolated from WAT (WAT-C2D) expressed Ly-6C (33%), CD11b (11%), Mac-2 (11%) and F4/80 (29%) compared to C2D macrophage cells isolated from BAT (BAT-C2D). Overall, BAT-C2D macrophage cells had reduced expression of many cytokine, chemokine and receptor gene transcripts when compared to in vitro grown C2D macrophages, while WAT-C2D macrophage cells and PEC-C2D up-regulated many of these gene transcripts. These data suggest that the C2D macrophage phenotype can change rapidly and distinct phenotypes are induced by different microenvironments

    The Insulin receptor catalyzes the tyrosine phosphorylation o Caveolin 1

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    Our previous studies revealed that insulin stimulates the tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin in 3T3L1 adipocytes. To explore the mechanisms involved in this event, we evaluated the association of the insulin receptor with caveolin. The receptor was detected in a Triton-insoluble low density fraction, co-sedimenting with caveolin and flotillin on sucrose density gradients. We also detected the receptor in caveolin-enriched rosette structures by immunohistochemical analysis of plasma membrane sheets from 3T3L1 adipocytes. Insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of caveolin-1 on Tyr14. This effect of the hormone was not blocked by overexpression of mutant forms of the Cbl-associated protein that block the translocation of phospho-Cbl to the caveolin-enriched, lipid raft microdomains. Moreover, this phosphorylation event was also unaffected by inhibitors of the MAPK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways. Although previous studies demonstrated that the Src family kinase Fyn was highly enriched in caveolae, an inhibitor of this kinase had no effect on insulin-stimulated caveolin phosphorylation. Interestingly, overexpression of a mutant form of caveolin that failed to interact with the insulin receptor did not undergo phosphorylation. Taken together, these data indicate that the insulin receptor directly catalyzes the tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin. Previous article in issu

    The MEF2A and MEF2D isoforms are differentially regulated in muscle and adipose tissue during states of insulin deficiency

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    Previously we have demonstrated that striated muscle GLUT4 gene expression decreased following streptozotocin-induced diabetes due to a loss of MEF2A transcription factor expression without any significant effect on the MEF2D isoform (Mora, S. and J. E. Pessin (2000) J Biol Chem, 275:16323-16328). In contrast to both cardiac and skeletal muscle, adipose tissue displays a selective decrease in MEF2D expression in diabetes without any significant alteration in MEF2A protein content. Adipose tissue also expresses very low levels of the MEF2 transcription factors and nuclear extracts from white adipose tissue exhibit poor in vitro binding to the MEF2 element. However, addition of in vitro synthesized MEF2A to adipose nuclear extracts results in the formation of the expected MEF2/DNA complex. More importantly, binding to the MEF2 element was also compromised in the diabetic condition. Furthermore, in vivo overexpression of MEF2A selectively in adipose tissue did not affect GLUT4 or MEF2D expression and was not sufficient to prevent GLUT4 down-regulation that occurred in insulin-deficient states

    Which projects design and which difficulties express on Project-Based Learning Secondary Education teachers. Analysis of 87 project proposals

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    El movimiento educativo STEM persigue incrementar las vocaciones científico-tecnológicas y conecta distintas herramientas, perspectivas y metodologías didácticas. El aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) es una metodología privilegiada para la concreción de los objetivos STEM. Se ha llevado a cabo una formación a 82 docentes de secundaria (especialidades de Ciencias, Matemáticas, Tecnología) sobre ABP STEM, estructurada en dos módulos: presentación de buenas prácticas y diseño de propuestas con la ayuda de mentores. Se han analizado 87 proyectos diseñados por los participantes en relación a distintas componentes didácticas (Contexto, Conflicto, Discurso, Contenidos, Apertura, Interdisciplinariedad) y se han identificado 4 tipos principales de proyectos. Se analizan y discuten las percepciones del profesorado sobre las estrategias formativas y sus percepciones sobre dificultades y potencialidades de la metodología ABP en el despliegue STEM.The STEM proposal aims to promote Science and Technology careers and connects with several pedagogic tools, perspectives and methodologies. Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a candidate methodology for STEM development. We have set a training activity on PBL applied to STEM for 82 in-service teachers (Science, Technology and Mathematics teachers). This program has been structured in two modules: presentation of good practices and design of new projects with several scaffolds (canvas, mentoring). We have analysed 87 PBL proposals designed by the participants according several didactic components (Context, Conflict, Discourse, Contents, Openness, Interdisciplinary) and identified 4 main kinds of projects. We analyse and discuss perceptions of teachers on PBL applied to STEM and teacher-training strategies

    Atypical Protein Kinase C (PKCλ/ζ) is a convergent downstream target of the insulin stimulated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and TC10 signalling pathways

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    Insulin stimulation of adipocytes resulted in the recruitment of atypical PKC (PKCζ/λ) to plasma membrane lipid raft microdomains. This redistribution of PKCζ/λ was prevented by Clostridium difficile toxin B and by cholesterol depletion, but was unaffected by inhibition of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase activity. Expression of the constitutively active GTP-bound form of TC10 (TC10Q/75L), but not the inactive GDP-bound mutant (TC10/T31N), targeted PKCζ/λ to the plasma membrane through an indirect association with the Par6-Par3 protein complex. In parallel, insulin stimulation as well as TC10/Q75L resulted in the activation loop phosphorylation of PKCζ. Although PI 3-kinase activation also resulted in PKCζ/λ phosphorylation, it was not recruited to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, insulin-induced GSK-3β phosphorylation was mediated by both PI 3-kinase-PKB and the TC10-Par6-atypical PKC signaling pathways. Together, these data demonstrate that PKCζ/λ can serve as a convergent downstream target for both the PI 3-kinase and TC10 signaling pathways, but only the TC10 pathway induces a spatially restricted targeting to the plasma membrane

    Intracellular trafficking and secretion of adiponectin is dependent on GGA coated vesicles

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    Adiponectin (Acrp30) is an insulin-sensitizing hormone produced and secreted exclusively by adipose tissue. Confocal fluorescent microscopy demonstrated the colocalization of adiponectin with the Golgi membrane markers p115, β-COP, and the trans-Golgi network marker, syntaxin 6. Treatment of cells with brefeldin A redistributed adiponectin to the endoplasmic reticulum where it colocalized with the chaperone protein BIP and inhibited secretion of adiponectin demonstrating a requirement for a functional Golgi apparatus for adiponectin release. Confocal fluorescent microscopy also demonstrated a colocalization of endogenous adiponectin with that of expressed GGA1myc (Golgi-localizing γ-adaptin ear homology ARF-binding protein) but with no significant overlap between adiponectin and the GGA2myc or GGA3myc isoforms. Consistent with confocal fluorescent microscopy, transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the colocalization of GGA1 with adiponectin. Although GGA1 did not directly interact with the adiponectin protein, the adiponectin enriched membrane compartments of adipocyte were precipitated by a GST-GGA1 cargo binding domain (VHS) fusion protein but not with a GST-GGA2 VHS or GST-GGA3 VHS fusion proteins. Moreover, co-expression of adiponectin with a GGA1 dominant-interfering mutant (GGA1-VHS GAT domain) resulted in a marked inhibition of adiponectin secretion in both 3T3L1 adipocytes and HEK293 cells, whereas no inhibition was detected with the truncated mutants GGA2-VHSGAT or GGA3-VHSGAT. Moreover, co-expression of wild type GGA1 with adiponectin enhanced secretion of adiponectin. Interestingly, leptin secretion was unaffected by neither the wild type form or GGA1 mutant. Taken together these data demonstrate that the trafficking of adiponectin through its secretory pathway is dependent on GGA-coated vesicles
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