209 research outputs found

    VCAST: A Distance-Sensitive Scalable Information Dissemination Protocol

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    The future of intelligent transportation systems lies in dealing with safety and navigation of vehicles. Building a technology that provides the real-time information about the state of other vehicles like its location, speed and direction would help in developing a system that ensures safety along with navigation. However, the network limitations pose difficulty in obtaining the state information over multiple-hops, because of the bandwidth limitations and congestion in the shared wireless channel. Overcoming this challenge would yield an intelligent transportation system which gives information regarding the collisions, lane changes and merges, emergency vehicle approaching alerts, stopped vehicle alerts, etc., over larger distances. In my thesis I developed an algorithm VCAST that addresses this challenge by considering the grounds that the response time needed by vehicles at farther distances is more than that of at the smaller distances. This fact exploits the notion of distance sensitivity in information propagation, in which information is forwarded at a rate that decreases linearly with distance from source. The algorithm outputs traffic information with staleness, a measure of error in traffic information, bounded by O(dh 2), where dh is the single communication hop range. Also the communication rate per vehicle per unit time depends on the area of consideration but not on the density or number of vehicles in the region, which can be further reduced by considering the aggregated information over smaller regions. Thus, this technique would be able to supply timely information over large distances without compromising on data rates at smaller distances. Also, VCAST doesn\u27t need any special hardware or changes to the vehicular transmission standards. We evaluate the performance of VCAST by simulating a 4-lane highway of 5Kms occupied by 800 vehicles, wherein we vary the densities with and without fading apart from aggregated information propagation using the IEEE 802.11p communication model on NS-3

    Study report on Indian agriculture with IoT

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    Most of the population of our country are depends on agriculture for their survival. Agriculture plays an important role in our country economy. But since past few years production from agriculture sector is decreasing drastically. Agriculture sector saw a drastic downfall in its productivity from past few years, there are many reasons for this downfall. In this paper we will discuss about past, present and future of agriculture in our country, agricultural policies which are provided by government to improve the growth of agriculture and reasons why we are not able see the growth in agriculture. And also we will see how can we adopt automation into agriculture using various emerging technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), data mining, cloud computing and machine learning and some authors done some quality work previously on this topic we will discuss that also. Here we will see previous work done by various authors which can be useful to increase the productivity of agriculture secto

    Fluorescence energy transfer enhancement in aluminum nanoapertures

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    Zero-mode waveguides (ZMWs) are confining light into attoliter volumes, enabling single molecule fluorescence experiments at physiological micromolar concentrations. Among the fluorescence spectroscopy techniques that can be enhanced by ZMWs, F\"{o}rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is one of the most widely used in life sciences. Combining zero-mode waveguides with FRET provides new opportunities to investigate biochemical structures or follow interaction dynamics at micromolar concentration with single molecule resolution. However, prior to any quantitative FRET analysis on biological samples, it is crucial to establish first the influence of the ZMW on the FRET process. Here, we quantify the FRET rates and efficiencies between individual donor-acceptor fluorophore pairs diffusing in aluminum zero-mode waveguides. Aluminum ZMWs are important structures thanks to their commercial availability and the large literature describing their use for single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy. We also compare the results between ZMWs milled in gold and aluminum, and find that while gold has a stronger influence on the decay rates, the lower losses of aluminum in the green spectral region provide larger fluorescence brightness enhancement factors. For both aluminum and gold ZMWs, we observe that the FRET rate scales linearly with the isolated donor decay rate and the local density of optical states (LDOS). Detailed information about FRET in ZMWs unlocks their application as new devices for enhanced single molecule FRET at physiological concentrations

    Nanophotonic enhancement of the F\"orster resonance energy transfer rate on single DNA molecules

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    Nanophotonics achieves accurate control over the luminescence properties of a single quantum emitter by tailoring the light-matter interaction at the nanoscale and modifying the local density of optical states (LDOS). This paradigm could also benefit to F\"orster resonance energy transfer (FRET) by enhancing the near-field electromagnetic interaction between two fluorescent emitters. Despite the wide applications of FRET in nanosciences, using nanophotonics to enhance FRET remains a debated and complex challenge. Here, we demonstrate enhanced energy transfer within single donor-acceptor fluorophore pairs confined in gold nanoapertures. Experiments monitoring both the donor and the acceptor emission photodynamics at the single molecule level clearly establish a linear dependence of the FRET rate on the LDOS in nanoapertures. These findings are applied to enhance the FRET rate in nanoapertures up to six times, demonstrating that nanophotonics can be used to intensify the near-field energy transfer and improve the biophotonic applications of FRET

    Reconstruction of destruction – in vitro reconstitution methods in autophagy research

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    International audienceAutophagy is one of the most elaborative membrane remodeling systems in eukaryotic cells. Its major function is to recycle cytoplasmic material by delivering it to lysosomes for degradation. To achieve this, a membrane cisterna is formed that gradually captures cargo such as organelles or protein aggregates. The diversity of cargo requires autophagy to be highly versatile to adapt the shape of the phagophore to its substrate. Upon closure of the phagophore, a double-membrane-surrounded autophagosome is formed that eventually fuses with lysosomes. In response to environmental cues such as cytotoxicity or starvation, bulk cytoplasm can be captured and delivered to lysosomes. Autophagy thus supports cellular survival under adverse conditions. During the past decades, groundbreaking genetic and cell biological studies have identified the core machinery involved in the process. In this Review, we are focusing on in vitro reconstitution approaches to decipher the details and spatiotemporal control of autophagy, and how such studies contributed to our current understanding of the pathways in yeast and mammals. We highlight studies that revealed the function of the autophagy machinery at a molecular level with respect to its capacity to remodel membranes

    Plasmonic antennas and zero mode waveguides to enhance single molecule fluorescence detection and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy towards physiological concentrations

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    Single-molecule approaches to biology offer a powerful new vision to elucidate the mechanisms that underpin the functioning of living cells. However, conventional optical single molecule spectroscopy techniques such as F\"orster fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) are limited by diffraction to the nanomolar concentration range, far below the physiological micromolar concentration range where most biological reaction occur. To breach the diffraction limit, zero mode waveguides and plasmonic antennas exploit the surface plasmon resonances to confine and enhance light down to the nanometre scale. The ability of plasmonics to achieve extreme light concentration unlocks an enormous potential to enhance fluorescence detection, FRET and FCS. Single molecule spectroscopy techniques greatly benefit from zero mode waveguides and plasmonic antennas to enter a new dimension of molecular concentration reaching physiological conditions. The application of nano-optics to biological problems with FRET and FCS is an emerging and exciting field, and is promising to reveal new insights on biological functions and dynamics.Comment: WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 201

    An Enhanced Bayesian Decision Tree Model for Defect Detection on Complex SDLC Defect Data

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    In this paper, we explore the multi-defect prediction model on complex metric data using hybrid Bayesian network.Traditional software metrics are used to estimate the effect of defects for decision making. Extensive study has been carried out to find the defect patterns using one or two software phase metrics.However, the effect of traditional models is influenced by redundant and irrelevant features.Also, as the number of software metrics increases, then the relationship between the new metrics with the traditional metric becomes too complex for decision making. In this proposed work, a preprocessed based hybrid Bayesian network was implemented to handle large number of metrics for multi-defect decision patterns. Experimental results show that proposed model has high precision and low false positive rate compared to traditional Bayesian models

    Homologous protein subunits from Escherichia coli NADH:quinone oxidoreductase can functionally replace MrpA and MrpD in Bacillus subtilis

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    AbstractThe complex I subunits NuoL, NuoM and NuoN are homologous to two proteins, MrpA and MrpD, from one particular class of Na+/H+ antiporters. In many bacteria MrpA and MrpD are encoded by an operon comprising 6–7 conserved genes. In complex I these protein subunits are prime candidates for harboring important parts of the proton pumping machinery. Deletion of either mrpA or mrpD from the Bacillus subtilis chromosome resulted in a Na+ and pH sensitive growth phenotype. The deletion strains could be complemented in trans by their respective Mrp protein, but expression of MrpA in the B. subtilis ΔmrpD strain and vice versa did not improve growth at pH 7.4. This corroborates that the two proteins have unique specific functions. Under the same conditions NuoL could rescue B. subtilis ΔmrpA, but improved the growth of B. subtilis ΔmrpD only slightly. NuoN could restore the wild type properties of B. subtilis ΔmrpD, but had no effect on the ΔmrpA strain. Expression of NuoM did not result in any growth improvement under these conditions. This reveals that the complex I subunits NuoL, NuoM and NuoN also demonstrate functional specializations. The simplest explanation that accounts for all previous and current observations is that the five homologous proteins are single ion transporters. Presumably, MrpA transports Na+ whereas MrpD transports H+ in opposite directions, resulting in antiporter activity. This hypothesis has implications for the complex I functional mechanism, suggesting that one Na+ channel, NuoL, and two H+ channels, NuoM and NuoN, are present

    An Approach Ahead Product Counterfeiting Identification for BIRTHMARKS in Light of DYKIS

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    Programming skin pigmentation will be an exceptional trademark of a project. Thus, thinking about the birthmarks between those plaintiff What's more respondent projects gives a compelling methodology for programming counterfeiting identification. However, programming skin pigmentation era appearances two principle challenges: the non attendance of source book What's more different code confusion systems that endeavour should shroud the aspects of a system. We recommend another sort for product skin pigmentation known as progressive magic direction book grouping (DYKIS) that might a chance to be concentrated from an executable without the have for source book. Those counterfeiting identification calculation In view of our new birthmarks will be versatile to both powerless confusion strategies for example, compiler optimizations and solid confusion systems executed clinched alongside instruments for example, such that sand mark, allatori What's more upx. We recommended an instrument known as DYKIS-PD (DYKIS counterfeiting identification tool) Furthermore require on direct examinations ahead vast number about double projects
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