61 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Tortuosity in Cemented Sand Using X-Ray Computed Microtomography

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    Cemented sand is a common way for soil stabilization or ground improvement. Tortuosity is an important parameter that has a significant impact on flow and transport characteristics of porous media and related to permeability and diffusion coefficient. This study aims to quantitatively investigate the tortuosity of the cemented sand with different cement content using X-ray computed tomography (CT) based random walk simulation. The cemented samples were scanned using microCT and converted to 3D pore space through image processing. Random walk simulation was applied to the reconstructed 3D pore space to calculate the tortuosity. Higher cement content gave an increase in tortuosity and a decrease in porosity. This indicates that the addition of cement makes pore space more tortuous and decreases both permeability and diffusion coefficient which are being treated as important parameters for durability of construction materials

    Understanding the Reactivity of Dicalcium Silicate by Density Functional Theory

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    Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is a mixture consisting of various phases. Because of mineralogical complexity, the relationship between chemical reactivity of the mixture and each individual phase is still unanswered question. In this study, computational method based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) was applied to investigate the chemical reactivity of different polymorphs of dicalcium silicate crystals. At first, computationally generated dicalcium silicate crystals were geometrically optimized to achieve targeted convergence criteria for computing the total internal energy, lattice parameters, and atomic arrangement at 0K. The simulations performed explain well the thermodynamic stability as well as the synthesis temperatures of the different polymorphs of dicalcium silicate

    Normal and Anomalous Self-Healing Mechanism of Crystalline Calcium Silicate Hydrates

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    The origin of different stability of crystalline calcium silicate hydrates was investigated. The tobermorite crystal has been used as an analog of cement hydrate that is being mostly manufactured material on earth. Normal tobermorite is thermally unstable and transforms to amorphous at low pressure. Meanwhile, anomalous tobermorite with high Al content does not significantly transform under high pressure or high temperature. Conducted X-ray absorption spectroscopy explains the weak stability of normal tobermorite which was originally hypothesized by the role of zeolitic Ca ions in the cavities of silicate chains. Atomic simulations reproduced the experimentally observed trend of pressure behavior once the ideal structures were modified to account for the Al content as well as the chain defects. The simulations also suggested that the stability of tobermorite under stress could be rationalized as a self-healing mechanism in which the structural instabilities were accommodated by a global sliding of the CaO layer.J.M. acknowledges support by a grant (20SCIP-C159063-01) from Construction Technology Research Program funded by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korean government. H.M. acknowledges the financial support from the Gobierno Vasco (project IT912-16). The work in San Sebasti ' an (R.D., J.S.D, A.A) was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with RTI2018-098554-B-I00, PID2019-105488GB-I00 and PCI2019-103657 research grants, the Gobierno Vasco UPV/EHU (Project No. IT-1246-19), and the European Commission from the NRG-STORAGE project (GA 870114). The Institute of Engineering Research in Seoul National University provided research facilities for this work. The Ca-XAS and HPXRD experiments were performed at XAFCA beamline in Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS) and 12.2.2 beamline in Advanced Light Source (ALS), respectively. The ALS supported by a DOE Office of Science User Facility under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences under NSF Cooperative Agreement EAR 1606856. The authors thank Prof. Simon M. Clark, Dr. Yonghua Du, and Dr. Shibo Xi for helpful discussions and beamline experimental supports

    Unlocking the Secrets of Al-tobermorite in Roman Seawater Concrete

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    Ancient Roman syntheses of Al-tobermorite in a 2000-year-old concrete block submerged in the Bay of Pozzuoli (Baianus Sinus), near Naples, have unique aluminum-rich and silica-poor compositions relative to hydrothermal geological occurrences. In relict lime clasts, the crystals have calcium contents that are similar to ideal tobermorite, 33 to 35 wt%, but the low-silica contents, 39 to 40 wt%, reflect Al3+ substitution for Si4+ in Q2 (1Al), Q3 (1Al), and Q3 (2 Al) tetrahedral chain and branching sites. The Al-tobermorite has a double silicate chain structure with long chain lengths in the b [020] crystallographic direction, and wide interlayer spacing, 11.49 Å. Na+ and K+ partially balance Al3+ substitution for Si4+. Poorly crystalline calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate (C-A-S-H) cementitious binder in the dissolved perimeter of relict lime clasts has Ca/(Si+Al) = 0.79, nearly identical to the Al-tobermorite, but nanoscale heterogeneities with aluminum in both tetrahedral and octahedral coordination. The concrete is about 45 vol% glassy zeolitic tuff and 55 vol% hydrated lime-volcanic ash mortar; lime formed wt% of the mix. Trace element studies confirm that the pyroclastic rock comes from Flegrean Fields volcanic district, as described in ancient Roman texts. An adiabatic thermal model of the 10 m2 by 5.7 m thick Baianus Sinus breakwater from heat evolved through hydration of lime and formation of C-A-S-H suggests maximum temperatures of 85 to 97 °C. Cooling to seawater temperatures occurred in two years. These elevated temperatures and the mineralizing effects of seawater and alkali- and alumina-rich volcanic ash appear to be critical to Al-tobermorite crystallization. The long-term stability of the Al-tobermorite provides a valuable context to improve future syntheses in innovative concretes with advanced properties using volcanic pozzolans

    Verification of the presence of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in fresh concrete : results of an interlaboratory study of RILEM TC 260-RSC

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    New methods are proposed for the verification of the presence of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in freshly mixed concrete and estimation of SAP quantity. The methods are in general based on flushing concrete with excess water. They allow separating the light, water-sorbed hydrogel particles from the mineral components in the fresh concrete and making these particles available for further tests. Two types of tests are proposed: Test 1 serves for a visual verification of the presence of SAP (qualitative test), while Test 2 enables quantifying the mass of the collected SAP as a proxy of their concentration in concrete (quantitative test). Different procedures are proposed for these two test methods and their performance is evaluated. The testing procedures were scrutinized in an interlaboratory study carried out by 14 participants from 12 countries. All participating groups detected the presence of SAP in the mix using the qualitative procedures (Test 1). Based on this outcome, we suggest that this method should be applied in the field. In contrast, while most participants obtained reasonably reliable results with the quantification procedure of Test 2, some participants reported large errors. Therefore, the quantification method needs to be further refined, starting from the experience gained in this interlaboratory study.Open Access funding provided by Lib4RI.http://link.springer.com/journal/11527Civil EngineeringSDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructur

    Testing superabsorbent polymer (SAP) sorption properties prior to implementation in concrete: results of a RILEM Round-Robin Test

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    This article presents the results of a round-robin test performed by 13 international research groups in the framework of the activities of the RILEM Technical Committee 260 RSC "Recommendations for use of superabsorbent polymers in concrete construction''. Two commercially available superabsorbent polymers (SAP) with different chemical compositions and gradings were tested in terms of their kinetics of absorption in different media; demineralized water, cement filtrate solution with a particular cement distributed to every participant and a local cement chosen by the participant. Two absorption test methods were considered; the tea-bag method and the filtration method. The absorption capacity was evaluated as a function of time. The results showed correspondence in behaviour of the SAPs among all participants, but also between the two test methods, even though high scatter was observed at early minutes of testing after immersion. The tea-bag method proved to be more practical in terms of time dependent study, whereby the filtration method showed less variation in the absorption capacity after 24 h. However, absorption followed by intrinsic, ionmediated desorption of a specific SAP sample in the course of time was not detected by the filtration method. This SAP-specific characteristic was only displayed by the tea-bag method. This demonstrates the practical applicability of both test methods, each one having their own strengths and weaknesses at distinct testing times

    Chloride Adsorption by Calcined Layered Double Hydroxides in Hardened Portland Cement Paste

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    This study investigated the feasibility of using calcined layered double hydroxides (CLDHs) to prevent chloride-induced deterioration in reinforced concrete. CLDHs not only adsorbed chloride ions in aqueous solution with a memory effect but also had a much higher binding capacity than the original layered double hydroxides (LDHs) in the cement matrix. We investigated this adsorption in hardened cement paste in batch cultures to determine adsorption isotherms. The measured and theoretical binding capacities (153 mg g−1 and 257 mg g−1, respectively) of the CLDHs were comparable to the theoretical capacity of Friedel's salt (2 mol mol−1 or 121 mg g−1), which belongs to the LDH family among cementitious phases. We simulated chloride adsorption by CLDHs through the cement matrix using the Fickian model and compared the simulation result to the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) chlorine map. Based on our results, it is proposed that the adsorption process is governed by the chloride transport through the cement matrix; this process differs from that in an aqueous solution. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that the CLDH rebuilds the layered structure in a cementitious environment, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of applying CLDHs to the cement and concrete industries.This publication was based on work supported in part by Award No. KUS-l1-004021 and No. KUS-C1-018-02, made by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). We acknowledge Sasol Company for a sample of Pural MG 63 HT

    Ozone treatment on the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in ultra-high performance concrete

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    This study aimed at investigating the effects of ozone treatment on the dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in aqueous solution and the resulting influence on the material properties of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC). The CNT suspension was fabricated by the ozone treatment and used to produce UHPC/CNT composites. Using spatially-resolved small angle X-ray scattering, the degree of dispersion of CNTs in UHPC matrix was quantitatively evaluated. It was confirmed that the ozone treatment enhanced the dispersion of CNTs in aqueous solution by formulating oxygenic and carboxylic groups on the surfaces of CNTs. Thus, interfacial interaction between the CNTs and UHPC was enhanced, leading to the higher nucleation effect at early ages. Ozone treatment did not significantly modify the hydration mechanism of UHPC. Instead, it provided multiple nucleation sites and double steric repulsion thorough the improved degree of dispersion of CNTs, which resulted in accelerated hydration at early ages and improved compressive strength at later ages. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Y

    Self-heating capacity of electrically conductive cement composites: Effects of curing conditions

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    The objective of this study was to examine the effects of curing conditions on the self-heating performance of electrically conductive cement composites (ECCCs), which are being developed for use in the accelerated curing of concrete. ECCC samples composed of the same mix proportion were cured under three different conditions (i.e., moisture, air, oven) with different temperature and humidity values to have varying thermal properties. The three curing conditions caused a variation in the thermal expansion of ECCCs, which seems to be attributed to different degrees of desiccation and change in pore structure; a drier curing condition induced a decrease in the amount of bound water as well as an increase in the porosity and average pore size. This phenomenon from a drier curing was deemed responsible for the reduction in thermal expansion, and it was favorable for the self-heating capability of ECCCs to be maintained for a longer period (at least 24 h). The improved self-heating performance of ECCCs due to a drier curing was confirmed by a higher maximum surface temperature of ECCCs, a longer duration at around the maximum surface temperature, and a smaller increase of electrical resistivity during the voltage application. Thus, curing in oven is considered best suitable for the fabrication of ECCC blocks that are designed to accelerate the curing of concrete