286 research outputs found

    El efecto del liderazgo auténtico y el tipo de establecimiento de metas sobre el desempeño y las respuestas actitudinales y afectivas de los seguidores : el rol modulador de las diferencias individuales

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    El papel que, en los últimos años, han jugado los líderes de organizaciones, tanto públicas como privadas, en el creciente número de escándalos que han sacudido la opinión pública internacional ha evidenciado la necesidad de un nuevo enfoque en el proceso de liderazgo. En este contexto, el liderazgo auténtico emerge como una alternativa post-heroica y post-autoritaria a los modelos de liderazgo basados en el carisma A pesar de que la investigación en liderazgo auténtico crece diariamente, aún es necesario explorar qué factores contextuales afectan a la influencia del líder auténtico sobre sus seguidores. En este contexto, el objetivo general de esta tesis es contribuir a la investigación sobre el liderazgo, especificando bajo qué condiciones aumenta o disminuye la influencia de un líder auténtico sobre los resultados actitudinales, afectivos y conductuales de los seguidores. Para esto, se analiza si dicha influencia se ve afectada por las características de los seguidores, o determinadas prácticas del líder que afectan a la motivación de los mismos, específicamente la manera en que se establecen las metas. Este objetivo general se desarrolla a través de cuatro estudios. El primer estudio evalúa el efecto interactivo del estilo de liderazgo (auténtico vs. transaccional) y el tipo de establecimiento de metas (“hazlo lo mejor que puedas”, directivo y participativo) sobre el rendimiento individual del seguidor, en una serie de tareas tanto de naturaleza intelectiva como generativa, y su nivel de satisfacción con el proceso de trabajo. El segundo y tercer estudio ponen a prueba el rol modulador de cuatro de los cinco grandes rasgos de la personalidad sobre la relación entre el estilo de liderazgo y los resultados actitudinales y afectivos en los seguidores, específicamente la lealtad hacia el líder y la satisfacción con el resultado del trabajo. Por último el cuarto estudio evalúa los efectos interactivos de las competencias emocionales y las prácticas del líder (más específicamente, el tipo de establecimiento de metas) sobre la confianza hacia el líder de sus seguidores. Para el desarrollo de estos cuatro estudios se diseñó un experimento longitudinal con una medida de “línea base” y dos sesiones de trabajo individual (con una separación de una semana entre sesión). Los participantes interactuaban con una interfaz informática diseñada exclusivamente para esta investigación, usando Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications. En el experimento se manipularon dos variables: el estilo de liderazgo (auténtico vs. transaccional) y el tipo de establecimiento de metas (“hazlo lo mejor que puedas”, directivo y participativo). Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren que tanto el tipo de establecimiento de metas como las características del seguidor determinan el grado de efectividad del líder. Por tanto, se constata que el seguidor no es un simple agente pasivo/a de la influencia del líder, sino que junto a éste y bajo la influencia de factores motivacionales, forma parte activa del proceso de liderazgo. Concretamente, los resultados indican que los efectos positivos del estilo de liderazgo auténtico, sobre el rendimiento y la satisfacción con el proceso de trabajo, se potencian cuando el líder establece las metas de una forma participativa. Además, se observa que este estilo de liderazgo es especialmente útil en aquellos seguidores con bajos niveles de afabilidad, tesón y estabilidad emocional, y un alto grado de extroversión. Por último, los resultados sugieren que, en los momentos iniciales de la relación entre el líder y el seguidor, las competencias emocionales del seguidor son especialmente relevantes para el desarrollo de la confianza en el líder. Sin embargo, tras un tiempo de trabajo conjunto, dichas competencias emocionales interactúan con el tipo de establecimiento de metas en la determinación de la confianza hacia él.The destructive role that many leaders played in both private and public scandals that shocked public opinion wordwide has evidenced the need for a new approach to leadership, understood as a process. In this context, authentic leadership has emerged as an post-heroic and post-authoritarian alternative to traditional charisma-based leadership styles. Even though that research on authentic leadership is growing consistently, scholars agree on the need to better explore which contextual factors affect the positive influence of this style their followers. In this context, the overall objective of the present dissertation is to specify which conditions enhance or diminish the effect of authentic leadership over their followers work-related behavioral, attitudinal and affective outcomes. To this end, drawing from different theoretical frameworks, we selected several individual differences and practices that influence their motivation, more specifically, the way leaders set goals. We conducted four studies to achieve this overall objective. The first study tests an interactive effect between leadership styles (authentic vs. transactional) and goal setting types (“Do your best”, directive and participative goal setting), over individual task performance in two types of task (intellective vs. generative), and their level of satisfaction with their work process. The second and third study test the moderator role of four followers’ personality traits over the relation between leadership styles and attitudinal and affective followers’ outcomes, more specifically follower’ loyalty towards the leader, and work result satisfaction. Finally, the fourth study explores the interactive effects of followers’ emotional competencies and leadership goal setting types over their trust in their leader. To perform these four studies we designed a multi-wave experiment with a line base measurement and two work sessions (with a week period between them). Participants worked in a user interphase specifically designed for this research project, in Microsoft Visual basic for applications ©. During the experiment we manipulated two variables, leadership style (authentic vs. transactional) and goal setting types (“Do your best”, directive and participative goal setting). The results show that both goal setting types and followers’ individual characteristics affect the effectiveness of a leader. In consequence, we support the notion that followers are not mere passive recipients of leader influence, but with the leader conform an active element of the leadership process. More specifically, the effects of an authentic leadership style over task performance and work process satisfaction are enhanced if matched with a participative goal setting type. In addition, we report that this leadership style is particularly useful with followers perceive themselves as low in agreeableness, conscientiousness and emotional stability, and high in extraversion. Finally, the results show that emotional competencies are especially important for the development of trust based leader-member relations, but after an initial link is established, directive goal setting may compensate for low level of these emotional skills

    The role of the brain in financial decisions : a viewpoint on neuroeconomics

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    In this article, we explain the important role neuroscience plays in economic and financial environments. Hence, we present neuroeconomics as a way to describe how decision-making processes affect brain activity, focusing especially on the importance of economic and financial decisions. We answer some questions regarding the role of emotions in finance, the psychological factors present in financial markets, and how neuropsychological stimuli affect our economic decisions. We conclude by citing the main research in the area of neuroscience in financial decision-making processes, and highlight further research projects in these areas

    Un nou enfocament en el lideratge del segle XXI

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    La noció segons la qual algunes persones poden ser primus inter pares (primer/a entre iguals) és potser el pilar fonamental de la nostra societat actual. La pregunta sobre qui hauria de ser el primer ha estat font de curiositat i inspiració per a religions, filòsofs i artistes. Malgrat això, la veritable pregunta no és tan sols qui ha de ser el primer, sinó també quines qualitats, valors o creences permeten que algú es destaque sobre els altres per guiar-los. En aquest treball desenvolupem teòricament certes característiques dels líders i de les organitzacions i l'impacte que tenen en la salut psicològica dels individus, i tot seguit presentem alternatives teòriques en funció dels avanços en la literatura acadèmica, específicament el model del lideratge autènticThe notion that some people may be primus inter pares (first among peers) is perhaps the cornerstone of our society. The question of who should be the first has been source of curiosity and inspiration for religions, philosophers and artists. However, the real question is not only who should be first, but which qualities, values or beliefs allow someone leading people. This paper theoretically develop certain characteristics of leaders and organizations and their impact on the psychological health of individuals, and then present theoretical alternatives based on developments in the academic literature, specifically the model of authentic leadership

    Blending mindfulness practices and character strengths increases employee well‐being : a second‐order meta‐analysis and a follow‐up field experiment

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    Abstract: This study summarises the existing literature on Mindfulness‐Based Interventions (MBIs) and their effect on employee well‐being criteria and extends it by testing MBIs against a Mindfulness‐Strengths‐Based Intervention (MSBI). Given that extant MBIs focus on restoring well‐being, our first hypothesis was that MBIs would perform better on reducing negative emotional states than on promoting wellbeing. To test our first hypothesis, we conducted a secondorder meta‐analysis, which summarised 13 first‐order meta‐analyses (k = 311). MBIs had stronger effects on reducing negative emotions (g = −0.74) than on increasing well‐being (g = 0.58). Then, we conducted a follow‐up field experiment, comparing how an MSBI performed against an MBI on employee well‐being criteria..

    Managing in the new normal: Positive management practices elicit higher goal attainment, goal commitment, and perceived task efficacy than traditional management practices in remote work settings. An experimental study

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    The COVID-19 global pandemic will likely change how organizations conduct business. For example, a white paper from McKinsey claims that flexible and remote work arrangements (e.g., “working-from-home”) will become increasingly frequent in the “new normal” that will follow the COVID-19 pandemic. Our work is motivated by the premise that in a post-pandemic workplace, traditional management practices like unilaterally assigning goals and displaying contingent rewarding behaviors will likely be replaced by positive management practices. In this context, positive management practices include allowing employees to self-set their goals and displaying authentic leadership behaviors while managing them. However, whether these positive management practices are more efficient in sustaining performance is unknown. Our study benchmarked positive management practices against traditional management practices in a remote work environment, using three individual performance metrics: goal attainment, goal commitment, and perceived task efficacy. In a panel laboratory experiment consisting of a baseline measurement and two work sessions, we randomly assigned participants to an authentic vs. transactional leadership condition (amateur actor recording) and one of three possible goal-setting types (assigned, self-set, “do-your-best”). Our results show that participants in the authentic leadership × self-set goals condition outperformed all other experimental conditions. Further, a post hoc analysis revealed a serial mediation effect of (a) goal attainment and (b) goal commitment at time 1 on perceived task efficacy reports at time 2

    Coping in the final frontier: An intervention to reduce spaceflight-induced stress

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    Research in human spaceflight has extensively documented how microgravity environments, such as spaceflight across Low Earth Orbit (LEO), affects astronauts’ and Spaceflight Participants’ emotions. However, a more refined understanding of this topic will become especially relevant as national and international space agencies increase the duration of manned space missions, and as the private sector fully enters the aerospace arena. In this paper, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the four main types of interventions for dealing with the stressors associated with human spaceflight (i.e., ergonomic, physiological, psychological, and psychosocial), and then elaborate on a psychosocial intervention grounded on evidence-based interventions across several fields of psychological research. Among the components of such interventions, we recommend adopting advanced stress coping strategies, developing emotional and intercultural competencies and crafting a shared social identity among crew members. Our proposed intervention aims to enhance the efficacy of social support as a key coping mechanism and applies to crewmembers and spaceflight participants of diverse cultural backgrounds who, most likely, will work using computer-mediated communication (CMC).Investigações em voos espaciais tripulados documentaram extensivamente como os ambientes de microgravidade, como voos espaciais pela órbita baixa da Terra (OBT), afetam as emoções dos astronautas e dos participantes do Voo Espacial. No entanto, um entendimento mais refinado deste tópico tornar-se-á especialmente relevante, à medida que as agências espaciais nacionais e internacionais aumentem a duração das missões espaciais tripuladas e que o setor privado entre totalmente na arena aeroespacial. Neste artigo, analisamos os pontos fortes e fracos dos quatro principais tipos de intervenções para lidar com os stressores associados ao voo espacial humano (ergonómico, fisiológico, psicológico e psicossocial) e depois desenhamos uma intervenção psicossocial sustentada em intervenções baseadas em evidências realizadas em vários campos da investigação psicológica. Entre os componentes de tais intervenções, recomendamos a adoção de estratégias avançadas para lidar com o stresse, o desenvolvimento de competências emocionais e interculturais e a criação de uma identidade social partilhada entre os membros da tripulação. A nossa proposta de intervenção visa aumentar a eficácia do apoio social como um mecanismo chave para lidar com o stresse e aplica-se a tripulantes e participantes de voos espaciais de diversas origens culturais que, muito provavelmente, irão trabalhar usando comunicação mediada por computador (CMC)

    Lidando com o stresse na fronteira final: uma intervenção para reduzir o stresse induzido por voos espaciais

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    Research in human spaceflight has extensively documented how microgravity environments, such as spaceflight across Low Earth Orbit (LEO), affects astronauts’ and Spaceflight Participants’ emotions. However, a more refined understanding of this topic will become especially relevant as national and international space agencies increase the duration of manned space missions, and as the private sector fully enters the aerospace arena. In this paper, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the four main types of interventions for dealing with the stressors associated with human spaceflight (i.e., ergonomic, physiological, psychological, and psychosocial), and then elaborate on a psychosocial intervention grounded on evidence-based interventions across several fields of psychological research. Among the components of such interventions, we recommend adopting advanced stress coping strategies, developing emotional and intercultural competencies and crafting a shared social identity among crew members. Our proposed intervention aims to enhance the efficacy of social support as a key coping mechanism and applies to crewmembers and spaceflight participants of diverse cultural backgrounds who, most likely, will work using computer-mediated communication (CMC).Investigações em voos espaciais tripulados documentaram extensivamente como os ambientes de microgravidade, como voos espaciais pela órbita baixa da Terra (OBT), afetam as emoções dos astronautas e dos participantes do Voo Espacial. No entanto, um entendimento mais refinado deste tópico tornar-se-á especialmente relevante, à medida que as agências espaciais nacionais e internacionais aumentem a duração das missões espaciais tripuladas e que o setor privado entre totalmente na arena aeroespacial. Neste artigo, analisamos os pontos fortes e fracos dos quatro principais tipos de intervenções para lidar com os stressores associados ao voo espacial humano (ergonómico, fisiológico, psicológico e psicossocial) e depois desenhamos uma intervenção psicossocial sustentada em intervenções baseadas em evidências realizadas em vários campos da investigação psicológica. Entre os componentes de tais intervenções, recomendamos a adoção de estratégias avançadas para lidar com o stresse, o desenvolvimento de competências emocionais e interculturais e a criação de uma identidade social partilhada entre os membros da tripulação. A nossa proposta de intervenção visa aumentar a eficácia do apoio social como um mecanismo chave para lidar com o stresse e aplica-se a tripulantes e participantes de voos espaciais de diversas origens culturais que, muito provavelmente, irão trabalhar usando comunicação mediada por computador (CMC)

    Reducing the Cost of Being the Boss : Authentic Leadership Suppresses the Effect of Role Stereotype Conflict on Antisocial Behaviors in Leaders and Entrepreneurs

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    What drives entrepreneurs to engage in antisocial economic behaviors? Without dismissing entrepreneurs' agency in their decision-making processes, our study aims to answer this question by proposing that antisocial economic behaviors are a dysfunctional coping mechanism to reduce the psychological tension that entrepreneurs face in their day-to-day activities. Further, given the overlap between the male gender role stereotype and both leader and entrepreneur role stereotypes, this psychological tension should be stronger in female entrepreneurs (or any person who identifies with the female gender role). We argue that besides the well-established female gender role - leader role incongruence, female entrepreneurs also suffer a female gender role - entrepreneur role incongruence. Thus, we predicted that men (or those identifying with the male gender role) or entrepreneurs (regardless of their gender identity) that embrace these roles stereotypes to an extreme, are more likely to engage in antisocial economic behaviors. In this context, the term antisocial economic behaviors refers to cheating or trying to harm competitors' businesses. Finally, we predicted that embracing an authentic leadership style might mitigate this effect. We tested our predictions in two laboratory studies (Phase 1 and 2). For Phase 1 we recruited a sample of French Business school students (N = 82). For Phase 2 we recruited a sample of Costa Rican male and female entrepreneurs, using male and female managers as reference groups (N = 64). Our results show that authentic leadership reduced the likelihood of entrepreneurs and men of engaging in antisocial economic behaviors such as trying to harm one's competition or seeking an unfair advantage

    Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations

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    Innovation is considered essential for today's organizations to survive and thrive. Researchers have also stressed the importance of leadership as a driver of followers' innovative work behavior (FIB). Yet, despite a large amount of research, three areas remain understudied: (a) The relative importance of different forms of leadership for FIB; (b) the mechanisms through which leadership impacts FIB; and (c) the degree to which relationships between leadership and FIB are generalizable across cultures. To address these lacunae, we propose an integrated model connecting four types of positive leadership behaviors, two types of identification (as mediating variables), and FIB. We tested our model in a global data set comprising responses of N = 7,225 participants from 23 countries, grouped into nine cultural clusters. Our results indicate that perceived LMX quality was the strongest relative predictor of FIB. Furthermore, the relationships between both perceived LMX quality and identity leadership with FIB were mediated by social identification. The indirect effect of LMX on FIB via social identification was stable across clusters, whereas the indirect effects of the other forms of leadership on FIB via social identification were stronger in countries high versus low on collectivism. Power distance did not influence the relations