16 research outputs found

    Asmens turtinės padėties kriterijus suteikiant valstybės garantuojamą teisinę pagalbą civilinio proceso tvarka nagrinėjamose bylose.

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    Legal aid provided by the state to the needy people is envisaged in laws and the means of fulfilling this aid, and the making of ways, investigating and deciding on cases of law of civil procedure, unavoidably becomes the positive responsibility of every democratic state. The granting of such aid is one of the guarantees, that ensures and implements the constitutional law of going to court, and helping the poor, the unable ones, to pay private lawyers for the granted aid, defending their rights, and the interests kept by law. This article unfolds the level of a person’s asset, which grants people to use legal aid guaranteed by the state, the theoretical and practical problems of Lithuania, figures and evaluations of the set state of a person’s assets to be granted legal aid by the state are shown, the adequacy of the criteria, ensuring the accessibility of it. The role of the court is discussing, when deciding on questions of the granting of legal aid by the state. Also this article contains propositions about extra criteria, determining the evaluation of the level of a person’s asset, when deciding on the granting of such aid, and changes in the code of civil procedure.Valstybės garantuojamos teisinės pagalbos (VGTP) nepasiturintiems asmenims numatymas įstatymuose ir šios pagalbos įgyvendinimą užtikrinančių priemonių ir būdų sukūrimas, nagrinėjant ir sprendžiant bylas civilinio proceso tvarka, neišvengiamai tampa kiekvienos demokratinės valstybės pozityvia pareiga. Šios pagalbos suteikimas yra vienas iš garantų, užtikrinančių konstitucinės teisės kreiptis į teismą įgyvendinimą ir padedančių neturtingiems, neišgalintiems susimokėti privatiems teisininkams už teikiamą teisinę pagalbą asmenims ginant savo teises ir įstatymais saugomus interesus. Šiame straipsnyje atskleidžiamos asmens turtinės padėties lygio, suteikiančio asmenims galimybę pasinaudoti valstybės garantuojama teisine pagalba Lietuvoje, teorinės ir praktinės problemos, pateikiami nustatyto turtinės padėties valstybės garantuojamai teisinei pagalbai gauti kriterijaus atitikties šios pagalbos poreikiui užtikrinant teisminės gynybos prieinamumą vertinimai. Aptariamas teismo vaidmuo sprendžiant valstybės garantuojamos teisinės pagalbos suteikimo klausimus. Taip pat straipsnyje pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl papildomų kriterijų, lemiančių turtinės padėties vertinimą sprendžiant šios pagalbos suteikimo klausimą, bei civilinio proceso kodekso pakeitimų

    Pacta de quota litis, kaip alternatyva valstybės garantuojamai teisinei pagalbai užtikrinti civilinėse bylose.

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    Pacta de quota litis is one of the agreements allowing to render legal aid on which the remuneration for legal services depends on the settlement of the case. The condition that the provider of legal aid is only paid if the case is won, makes litigation available to the needy and the poor who otherwise could not afford a lawyer, Therefore, such agreements could become a great alternative to legal aid. However, in Lithuania, as well as in other countries, such agreements are viewed as very controversial and are often forbidden. Most European countries forbid such form of payment for the help of a lawyer not because such agreements do not fit into the framework of civil law science, but because its inadequacy to public order. This article analyses the peculiarities of the application of pacta de quota litis in different countries. Its specificity in Lithuania, the positive and negative aspects of this agreement are revealed. Their compatibility with meeting the requirements, the principles of the professional ethics of a lawyer, and the practical adaptability problems are also analyzed. In this article, the results of the analyses show that legal provisions regulating the specifications of pacta de quota litis, as well as the lack of restraints of such agreements, aggravate the practical application of such agreements, allow the abuse of providers of aid, the insecurity of the legitimacy and the congruence to the public order and good morals. It also raises uncertainty about its acknowledgment as an effective alternative to legal aid. [...]Pacta de guotą litis - viena iŠ susitarimų dėl teisinės pagalbos teikimo rūšių, kuria remiantis teikėjo užmokestis priklauso nuo bylos baigties. Sąlyga, kad asmuo, siekiantis pasinaudoti teisine pagalba, teisinės pagalbos teikėjui sumoka tik tuo atveju, jeigu byla yra laimėta, sudaro galimybes šia pagalba pasinaudoti nepasiturintiems, neišgalintiems sumokėti advokatui už paslaugas, asmenims. Todėl tokie susitarimai galėtų tapti puikia alternatyva valstybės garantuojamai teisinei pagalbai, deja, tiek Lietuvoje, tiek kitose valstybėse jie vertinami labai kontraversiškai, o dažnai visiškai draudžiami. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojami pacta de guotą litis reglamentavimo ypatumai skirtingose valstybėse bei jo specifika Lietuvoje, atskleidžiami teigiami ir neigiami šių susitarimų aspektai, jų suderinamumas su sutartims keliamais reikalavimais, advokatų profesinės etikos principais, nagrinėjamos praktinio pritaikomumo problemos

    Assessment of phenolic herbicide toxicity and mode of action by different assays

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    A phytotoxicity assay based on seed germination/root elongation has been optimized and used to evaluate the toxic effects of some phenolic herbicides. The method has been improved by investigating the influence of experimental conditions. Lepidium sativum was chosen as the most suitable species, showing high germinability, good repeatability of root length measurements, and low sensitivity to seed pretreatment. DMSO was the most appropriate solvent carrier for less water-soluble compounds. Three dinitrophenols and three hydroxybenzonitriles were tested: dinoterb, DNOC, 2,4-dinitrophenol, chloroxynil, bromoxynil, and ioxynil. Toxicity was also determined using the Vibrio fischeri MicrotoxA (R) test, and a highly significant correlation was found between EC50 values obtained by the two assays. Dinoterb was the most toxic compound. The toxicity of hydroxybenzonitriles followed the order: ioxynil > bromoxynil > chloroxynil; L. sativum exhibited a slightly higher sensitivity than V. fischeri to these compounds. A QSAR analysis highlighted the importance of hydrophobic, electronic, and hydrogen-bonding interactions, in accordance with a mechanism of toxic action based on protonophoric uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. The results suggest that the seed germination/root elongation assay with L. sativum is a valid tool for the assessment of xenobiotic toxicity and can be recommended as part of a test battery

    Criteria of a person‘s asset, which grants legal aid guaranteed by the state on cases of law of civil procedure

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    Legal aid provided by the state to the needy people is envisaged in laws and the means of fulfilling this aid, and the making of ways, investigating and deciding on cases of law of civil procedure, unavoidably becomes the positive responsibility of every democratic state. The granting of such aid is one of the guarantees, that ensures and implements the constitutional law of going to court, and helping the poor, the unable ones, to pay private lawyers for the granted aid, defending their rights, and the interests kept by law. This article unfolds the level of a persons asset, which grants people to use legal aid guaranteed by the state, the theoretical and practical problems of Lithuania, figures and evaluations of the set state of a persons assets to be granted legal aid by the state are shown, the adequacy of the criteria, ensuring the accessibility of it. The role of the court is discussing, when deciding on questions of the granting of legal aid by the state. Also this article contains propositions about extra criteria, determining the evaluation of the level of a persons asset, when deciding on the granting of such aid, and changes in the code of civil procedure

    Pacta de quota litis, as an alternative to ensure state legal aid in civil cases

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    Pacta de quota litis is one of the agreements allowing to render legal aid on which the remuneration for legal services depends on the settlement of the case. The condition that the provider of legal aid is only paid if the case is won, makes litigation available to the needy and the poor who otherwise could not afford a lawyer. Therefore, such agreements could become a great alternative to legal aid. However, in Lithuania, as well as in other countries, such agreements are viewed as very controversial and are often forbidden. Most European countries forbid such form of payment for the help of a lawyer not because such agreements do not fit into the framework of civil law science, but because its inadequacy to public order. This article analyses the peculiarities of the application of pacta de quota litis in different countries. Its specificity in Lithuania, the positive and negative aspects of this agreement are revealed. Their compatibility with meeting the requirements, the principles of the professional ethics of a lawyer, and the practical adaptability problems are also analyzed. In this article, the results of the analyses show that legal provisions regulating the specifications of pacta de quota litis, as well as the lack of restraints of such agreements, aggravate the practical application of such agreements, allow the abuse of providers of aid, the insecurity of the legitimacy and the congruence to the public order and good morals. It also raises uncertainty about its acknowledgment as an effective alternative to legal aid.This article also reveals the problem of court expenses in case of pacta de quota litis agreements. Arguments are presented that such an agreement cannot be the basis to award the expenses of a lawyer by a court from the losing party. It is not possible to claim for a compensation for the legal costs under agreements to remunerate the lawyer according to the sale price of the property after a judgment of the court, also when representation in court is a way of legal aid, remuneration for which depends on a positive result for the client. Therefore the proposals are made to include special provisions in the law of civil procedure, which would provide for the possibility to adjudge the costs of the legal aid in the case of pacta de quota litis. Such proposals would allow not only a remuneration to the lawyer who provided the legal aid, but would somewhat compensate the costs of legal aid of the winning party, and would motivate the formation of such agreements for the needy

    Changes in macrophytes and fish communities in the cooler of Ignalina nuclear power plant (1988–2008) / Makrofitų ir žuvų rūšinė kaita drūkšių ežere – Ignalinos atominės elektrinės aušinimo baseine (1988–2008) /

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    On the basis of long-term studies of the radionuclide and heavy metals accumulation and scatter in biotic and abiotic components of Drūkšiai Lake as well as of water and bottom sediments toxicity and genotoxicity, radioactive, chemical and thermal pollution potential impacts on macrophytes and fish communities of Drūkšiai Lake were evaluated. Before starting exploitation of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) 95 species of macrophytes were found in Drūkšiai Lake. Since the start-up of the second nuclear reactor of INPP (1987), significant alternations in macrophytes species composition and biomass in Drūkšiai Lake were especially observed to 1989. Resistant to the pollution macrophytes species began to dominate in the Lake. In 2007–2008 in the main part of the Lake, in which INPP sewage entered, only resistant to anthropogenic impacts macrophytes species were found. Fish species composition also has changed. The varietal diversity of the fish in the Lake significantly decreased from 23–26 (before INPP start-up) species to 14 ones. Considering the findings of our study, it can be assumed that changes in macrophytes species and fish varietal diversity in Drūkšiai Lake could be induced by total chemical, thermal and radioactive pollution, which had a negative impact on aquatic organisms. It can be predicted that new ecological conditions will appear in Drūkšiai Lake after INPP closing in 2009, notably after the changes of thermal water regime. However, the chemical and radioactive pollution in the Lake will be over a long period of INPP dismantling works. In addition, the great challenge for the ecosystem of Drūkšiai Lake will be a new nuclear power plant construction near the closed INPP. Santrauka Remiantis radionuklidų bei sunkiųjų metalų akumuliacijos ir sklaidos Drūkšių ežero biotiniuose ir abiotiniuose sanduose bei ilgalaikiais vandens ir dugno nuosėdų toksiškumo bei genotoksiškumo tyrimais, buvo įvertintas galimas radioaktyviosios, cheminės ir šiluminės taršos poveikis Drūkšių ežero makrofitams ir žuvims. Prieš pradedant veikti Ignalinos atominei elektrinei (IAE) buvo rasta 95 makrofitų rūšys. 1987 m. pradėjus veikti Ignalinos atominės elektrinės (IAE)antrajam energoblokui, ypač iki 1989m., nustatyta žymi makrofitų Drūkšių ežere rūšinės sudėties ir biomasės kaita. ėmė vyrauti taršos poveikiui atsparios makrofitų rūšys. 2007–2008 m. pagrindinėje ežero dalyje, į kurią patenka IAE nuotekos, rasta tik atsparios antropogeninių veiksnių poveikiui makrofitų rūšys, pasikeitė ir žuvų rūšinė sudėtis. Ežere žymiaisumažėjo žuvų rūšinė įvairovė: nuo 23–26 (prieš IAE paleidimą) iki 14 žuvų rūšių. Apibendrinant duomenis galima teigti,kad Drūkšių ežero augalijos ir gyvūnijos pokyčiai galėjo būti indukuoti suminės – cheminės, šiluminės ir radioaktyviosios taršos. Galima prognozuoti, kad uždarius IAE (2009-12-31.) Drūkšių ežere susiformuos naujos ekologinės sąlygos, ypač – pasikeitus terminiam vandens režimui, tačiau dugno nuosėdų cheminė ir radioaktyvioji tarša išliks. Per ilgą IAE išmontavimo periodą tarša gali dar padidėti. Be to, didelis išbandymas Drūkšių ežerui bus šalia uždarytos IAE numatoma naujos AE statyba. Резюме На основании многолетних данных, полученных при изучении аккумуляции и миграции радионуклидов и тя желых металлов в биотических и абиотических компонентах озера Друкшяй, а также токсического и геноток сического действия воды и донных отложений на тесторганизмы, было оценено возможное действие теплового, химического и радиоактивного загрязнения на видовой состав макрофитов и рыб. До пуска Игналинской атомной электростанции (ИАЭС) в озере Друкшяй было установлено 95 видов макрофитов. В 1987 г. после пуска 2го энергоблока ИАЭС, особенно до 1989 г., в оз. Друкшяй было отмечено изменение видового состава и биомассы макрофитов. В озере стали бурно развиваться более устойчивые к действию антропогенных факторов среды виды макрофитов. В 2007–2008 гг. в основной части озера, в которую поступают сточные воды ИАЭС, были найдены лишь те виды макрофитов, которые наиболее устойчивы к действию различных загрязнителей. В озере также отмечено изменение видового состава рыб. Из 23–26 видов, установленных до пуска ИАЭС, осталось лишь 14 видов рыб. На основании полученных данных можно предположить, что изменения, происходящие в видовом составе макрофитов в оз. Друкшяй, были индуцированы совместным действием химического, теплового и радиоактивного факторов среды, которые могли представлять особую опасность и для других видов гидробионтов. Можно прогнозировать, что после закрытия ИАЭС в 2009 г. в оз. Друкшяй будут формироваться новые экологические условия, особенно связанные с изменениями термического режима воды. Однако химическое и радиоактивное загрязнение озера будет существовать долгие годы во время демонтирования ИАЭС. Кроме того,рядом с ИАЭС намечается строительство новой АЭС, что будет новым вызовом для оз.Друкшяй. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Drūkšių ežeras, Ignalinos atominė elektrinė, radioaktyvioji, cheminė ir terminė tarša, vanduo, dugno nuosėdos, toksinis irgenotoksinis poveikis, makrofitai, žuvys Ключевые слова: озеро Друкшяй, ИАЭС, радиоактивное, химическое и термическое загрязнение, вода, донные осадки, токсическое и генотоксическое действие, макрофиты, рыб

    The profound effect of harmful cyanobacterial blooms: From food-web and management perspectives

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    Sustainable and effective water management plans must have a reliable risk assessment strategies for harmful cyanobacterial blooms (HABs) that would enable timely decisions to be made, thus avoiding the trespassing of ecological thresholds, leading to the collapse of ecosystem structure and function. Such strategies are usually based on cyanobacterial biomass and/or on the monitoring of known toxins, which may, however, in many cases, under- or over-represent the actual toxicity of the HAB. Therefore, in this study, by the application of growth-inhibition assays using different bacteria, algae, zooplankton and fish species, we assessed the toxicological potential of two cyanobacterial blooms that differed in total cyanobacterial biomass, species composition and cyanopeptide profiles. We demonstrated that neither cyanobacterial community composition nor its relative abundance, nor indeed concentrations of known toxins reflected the potential risk of HAB based on growth-inhibition assays. We discuss our findings in the context of food-web dynamics and ecosystem management, and suggest that toxicological tests should constitute a key element in the routine monitoring of water bodies so as to prevent under-/over-estimation of potential HAB risk for both ecosystem and public health

    Interactions of semiconductor Cd-based quantum dots and Cd2+ with gut bacteria isolated from wild Salmo trutta fry

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    With the rapid development of nanotechnology, more and more nanoproducts are being released into the environment where they may both pose ecological risks and be toxic to living organisms. The ecotoxicological impact of quantum dots (QDs), a class of nanoparticles (NPs), on aquatic organisms is becoming an emerging issue, this due to their nano-specific properties, to the physico-chemical transformation in the environment and to the possible release of toxic metals from their structure such as Cd. Methods In this work, (i) spectroscopic measurements of commercially available Cd-based QDs (CdSe/ZnS-COOH) were made at various pH values (5.0 and 7.0) to study their interactions (at a concentration of 4 nm) with various strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative gut bacteria after short-term exposure and (ii) the antibacterial efficacy of QDs and Cd2+ (at a concentration 0.09–3.56 mM) against gut bacteria isolated from wild freshwater Salmo trutta fry was studied at different temperatures (15 °C and 25 °C) and pH values (5.0 and 7.0) by applying a well-established disc diffusion assay


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    The aim of the study is to investigate the specific activity levels of 137Cs and 40K (a chemical analogue of 137Cs) in macrophytes, soiland sediment and to estimate the areal and vertical distribution of 137Cs in the sediment of the Nemunas River and Curonian Lagoonand in soil of water-meadows. An analysis of the surface soil layer data show that in one of the all investigated points can be identifieda barrier zone of 137Cs accumulations. Two barrier zones of 137Cs accumulations were revealing based on upper layer of bottomsediments data. Data from this study are important in the evaluation of 137Cs pollution levels in the Nemunas and the Curonian Lagoon;this is especially important if the project of NPP construction will be implemented near the Nemunas River in Kaliningradoblast.KEY WORDS: the Nemunas, Curonian Lagoon, soil, bottom sediment, macrophytes, 137Cs, 40K