185 research outputs found

    Sis poemes

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    Theatrical background in Xenophon's Ephesiaca

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    Xenophon of Ephesus is normally considered a less cultivated writer in comparison to other authors of Greek love novels. Nevertheless, in Ephesiaca many references to Ancient tragedy are to be found, as well as to other theatrical performances. This paper studies the dramatic background of the novel and the literary context in which it was written

    La felicitat humana segons Epíctet

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    ARRIGORI, Giampera (ed.). Le donne in Grecia

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    Obra ressenyada: Giampera ARRIGONI, Le donne in Grecia. Rotna-Bari: Larerza, 1985

    Philosophy for the Body, Food for the Mind

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    Ancient Greek philosophers stressed the importance of asceticism, in order to increase wisdom, sometimes reaching the point of starvation. Neglecting one’s own body by strict ascetic practices, which included a very poor and limited diet, led to a higher status at the philosophical level and was a way to ideal perfection. Food or rather the refusal of it played a crucial role in their philosophy. Ancient biographers tell us about this struggle against material needs, whereas at the same time some comic texts bear witness to the contrast with ordinary people’s way of eating. When Christianity took over ancient civilization and became the dominant ideology, the ideal of perfection focused on salvation and union with God. In order to attain this divine union, which recalled the original perfection before sin, all passions should be controlled, especially sex and food. Depriving the body from almost any nourishment was the safest way to attain a full development of the soul and a perfect knowledge of God. In the West, the ideal of perfection has changed throughout history up to the present, from ancient philosophy to spiritual salvation, purity or even aesthetic excellence, all of which are subjective concepts of perfection to be attained by individuals through despising material food, sometime to the point of starvation

    Philosophy for the body, food for the mind

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    Ancient Greek philosophers stressed the importance of asceticism, in order to increase wisdom, sometimes reaching the point of starvation. Neglecting one's own body by strict ascetic practices, which included a very poor and limited diet, led to a higher status at the philosophical level and was a way to ideal perfection. Food or rather the refusal of it played a crucial role in their philosophy. Ancient biographers tell us about this struggle against material needs, whereas at the same time some comic texts bear witness to the contrast with ordinary people's way of eating. When Christianity took over ancient civilization and became the dominant ideology, the ideal of perfection focused on salvation and union with God. In order to attain this divine union, which recalled the original perfection before sin, all passions should be controlled, especially sex and food. Depriving the body from almost any nourishment was the safest way to attain a full development of the soul and a perfect knowledge of God. In the West, the ideal of perfection has changed throughout history up to the present, from ancient philosophy to spiritual salvation, purity or even aesthetic excellence, all of which are subjective concepts of perfection to be attained by individuals through despising material food, sometime to the point of starvation

    A Catalan Mephistopheles: the Theater of Vicenç Baruta Valls

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    Un autor català del segle xix, Vicenç Baruta Valls, escriví Mefistòfeles, una obra en vers que era una paròdia del Faust de Gounod, i que s’estrenà a Barcelona el 1877. Baruta estrenà altres composicions teatrals amb èxit i participà en revistes literàries. L’exposició cultural de Viena de 1892 es fa ressò de la importància del teatre català i esmenta, entre altres, aquest autor.A 19th century Catalan author, Vicenç Baruta Valls, wrote Mefistòfeles, a play in verse and a parody of Gounod’s Faust. It was performed in Barcelona in 1877. Baruta wrote other successful plays and participated in many literary journals. In Vienna’s 1892 Cultural Exhibition, where the importance of Catalan theatre is made apparent, this author is mentioned, among others.Humanidade

    Thinking about the Political Situation in Catalonia

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    Catalan Separatism is, above all, a peaceful movement for self-government, defending the capacity for taking decisions as a nation, as a State, in an inclusive way. It defends sovereignty in all aspects, including income generated in Catalonia, and the distribution of wealth. The Spanish transition after 1975 failed to encourage the construction of a pluralist State, and the autonomic framework has proved to be unsatisfactory. The reluctance of some parties in the government to give more autonomy to Catalonia, especially in the last ten years, and to recognise it as a nation, has led to a significant increase in Catalan independence supporters. Extreme right-wing movements have emerged recently, defending the unity of Spain and attacking democracy, not only in Catalonia, and their sometimes violent riots are tolerated more permissively by Spanish authorities than actions in favour of Catalan prisoners on remand. The conflict is a challenge to the idea of Spain as it is now and also an occasion to think about what kind of political framework Europe offers to its members. Europe should perhaps offer more flexibility to communities having different languages and cultures, and therefore, the Catalan crisis is an opportunity to imagine a new European order

    La sabiduría de las mujeres: magia y medicina

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    This paper analyses the constant intersection between magic and medicine in Ancient Greek women's knowledge. This kind of wisdom fits into popular knowledge and can be already found in mythology with characters like Circe, Medea or Pasifae. All these women belong to Helios' family and they are closer to the divine world than to the human one, witches that know magic potions and healing remedies. These feminine activities stand beyond the city religion and their field of activity is restricted to family and acquaintances, to the domestic ambit. On the other hand, their most requested services must have been love potions but also everything related to birth and feminine health.El artículo analiza la constante intersección entre magia y medicina en la sabiduría de las mujeres de la Grecia antigua. Este tipo de conocimiento se enmarca dentro de la sabiduría popular y está presente ya en la mitología con personajes como Circe, Medea o Pasífae. Son mujeres que pertenecen a la familia de Helios y están más cerca del mundo divino que del humano, hechiceras que conocen filtros mágicos y remedios curativos. Estas actividades femeninas quedan fuera de la religión ciudadana y su radio de acción se limita a familia y conocidos, confinado al ámbito doméstico. Por otro lado, los servicios más solicitados a las hechiceras debían ser los filtros de amor pero también todo lo relacionado con el parto y la salud femenina
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