153 research outputs found

    Capacidad de degradaci?n xenobi?tica por microorganismos de suelos arroceros tratados con plaguicidas en el Tolima.

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    85 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa industria produce gran cantidad de compuestos, con lo cual a largo plazo quedan remanentes de xenobi?ticos en el medio ambiente que pueden provocar cambios f?sicos, qu?micos y biol?gicos en el suelo. (Chong & Huang, 2012). Dentro de estos compuestos est? el fenol, el cual evidencia un efecto negativo al intervenir en el crecimiento de la biota y desarrollo de gran cantidad de organismos. No obstante, el medio ambiente tiene la capacidad de mitigar algunas afectaciones causadas por este compuesto, pero cuando se sobrepasa la capacidad de mitigaci?n es necesario dise?ar estrategias que disminuyan su carga en el ambiente. La biorremediaci?n es una t?cnica utiliza las enzimas producidas por los microorganismos para degradar compuestos xenobi?ticos. (Mohammad y Narjes 2011). En este estudio se aislaron 26 cepas bacterianas provenientes de suelos arroceros, de las cuales se seleccionaron, por su capacidad de crecer en medio l?quido, 12 microorganismos que se expusieron a tres concentraciones de fenol (125,250, 500 ppm) durante 48h. Utilizando el m?todo de McFarland se evalu? su crecimiento, la degradaci?n del fenol se cuantifico directamente y se realizaron espectros FTIR para evidenciar posibles cambios en la estructura del compuesto por la acci?n de las bacterias. Se encontr? que dos de ellas, (D4) Sphinngomona paucimobilis y 200(4) Bacillus subtilis, evidenciaron la mayor degradaci?n de fenol sin ning?n tipo de adaptaci?n, bajo las condiciones de ensayo. El FTIR dej? ver cambios en la estructura del fenol expuesto a las bacterias. Palabras claves: Xenobi?tico. Biodegradaci?n, Fenol, Sphinngomona paucimobilis. Bacillus subtilis, suelos arroceros.The industry produces a large number of compounds, which in the long term remain xenobiotic remnants in the environment that can cause physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil. (Chong & Huang, 2012). Among these compounds is phenol, which shows a negative effect when intervening in the growth of biota and development of large numbers of organisms. However, the environment has the capacity to mitigate some of the effects caused by this compound, but when the mitigation capacity is exceeded it is necessary to design strategies that reduce its load on the environment. Bioremediation is a technique used by enzymes produced by microorganisms to degrade xenobiotic compounds. (Mohammad and Narjes 2011). In this study, 26 bacterial strains from rice soils were isolated. Twelve microorganisms that were exposed to three concentrations of phenol (125,250,500 ppm) were selected for their capacity to grow in liquid medium for 48h. Using the McFarland method, its growth was evaluated, phenol degradation was quantified directly and FTIR spectra were performed to show possible changes in the structure of the compound by the action of bacteria. It was found that two of them, (D4) Sphinngomona paucimobilis and 200 (4) Bacillus subtilis, showed the highest degradation of phenol without any adaptation, under the test conditions. The FTIR showed changes in the structure of phenol exposed to bacteria. Keywords: Xenobiotic. Biodegradation, Phenol, Sphinngomona paucimobilis. Bacillus subtilis, rice soils

    An Effective Power Dispatch of Photovoltaic Generators in DC Networks via the Antlion Optimizer

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    This paper studies the problem regarding the optimal power dispatch of photovoltaic (PV) distributed generators (DGs) in Direct Current (DC) grid-connected and standalone networks. The mathematical model employed considers the reduction of operating costs, energy losses, and CO2 emissions as objective functions, and it integrates all technical and operating constraints implied by DC grids in a scenario of variable PV generation and power demand. As a solution methodology, a master–slave strategy was proposed, whose master stage employs Antlion Optimizer (ALO) for identifying the values of power to be dispatched by each PV-DG installed in the grid, whereas the slave stage uses a matrix hourly power flow method based on successive approximations to evaluate the objective functions and constraints associated with each solution proposed within the iterative process of the ALO. Two test scenarios were considered: a grid-connected network that considers the operating characteristics of the city of Medellín, Antioquia, and a standalone network that uses data from the municipality of Capurganá, Chocó, both of them located in Colombia. As comparison methods, five continuous optimization methods were used which were proposed in the specialized literature to solve optimal power flow problems in DC grids: the crow search algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm, the multiverse optimization algorithm, the salp swarm algorithm, and the vortex search algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated in terms of the solution, its repeatability, and its processing times, and it obtained the best results with respect to the comparison methods for both grid types. The simulation results obtained for both test systems evidenced that the proposed methodology obtained the best results with regard to the solution, with short processing times for all of the objective functions analyzed

    Carbon capture and flow in a sylvopastoral system of the Colombian Andean zone

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    A protocol was developed to measure carbon capture and monitor the flow of C as an environmental service provided by a sylvopastoril system (SSP) of Acacia decurrens + Pennisetum clandestinum in the Colombian Andes (2538 m latitude), employing two densities of sowing of trees: high (HD) and low (LD) (1111 and 407 trees/ha) and as the control treatment, areas of pasture only devoid of trees. In addition, the carbon flow between grazing Holstein cows and the soil was evaluated by measuring feces production resulting from consumption of the biomass system. Six years after establishment of the SSP, the total amount of C in trees, pasture plants and soil was estimated at 260 and 251 t/ha for HD and LD, respectively, as compared to 154t/ha for the control. The animal flow of C through animal feces was estimated as 0.50, 0.47, and 0.48 t per standard cow unit (600 kg liveweight) for HD, LD and control, respectively. Averaged across two years, the respective annual increases of C in the aerial part of the trees were 9.9 and 11.2 tC for HD and LD

    Application of the Multiverse Optimization Method to Solve the Optimal Power Flow Problem in Alternating Current Networks

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    In this paper, we solve the optimal power flow problem in alternating current networks to reduce power losses. For that purpose, we propose a master–slave methodology that combines the multiverse optimization algorithm (master stage) and the power flow method for alternating current networks based on successive approximation (slave stage). The master stage determines the level of active power to be injected by each distributed generator in the network, and the slave stage evaluates the impact of the proposed solution on each distributed generator in terms of the objective function and the constraints. For the simulations, we used the 10-, 33-, and 69-node radial test systems and the 10-node mesh test system with three levels of distributed generation penetration: 20%, 40%, and 60% of the power provided by the slack generator in a scenario without DGs. In order to validate the robustness and convergence of the proposed optimization algorithm, we compared it with four other optimization methods that have been reported in the specialized literature to solve the problem addressed here: Particle Swarm Optimization, the Continuous Genetic Algorithm, the Black Hole Optimization algorithm, and the Ant Lion Optimization algorithm. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed master–slave methodology can find the best solution (in terms of power loss reduction, repeatability, and technical conditions) for networks of any size while offering excellent performance in terms of computation time

    Optimal Power Dispatch of Distributed Generators in Direct Current Networks Using a Master–Slave Methodology that Combines the Salp Swarm Algorithm and the Successive Approximation Method

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    This paper addresses the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem in Direct Current (DC) networks by considering the integration of Distributed Generators (DGs). In order to model said problem, this study employs a mathematical formulation that has, as the objective function, the reduction in power losses associated with energy transport and that considers the set of constraints that compose DC networks in an environment of distributed generation. To solve this mathematical formulation, a master–slave methodology that combines the Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) and the Successive Approximations (SA) method was used here. The effectiveness, repeatability, and robustness of the proposed solution methodology was validated using two test systems (the 21- and 69-node systems), five other optimization methods reported in the specialized literature, and three different penetration levels of distributed generation: 20%, 40%, and 60% of the power provided by the slack node in the test systems in an environment with no DGs (base case). All simulations were executed 100 times for each solution methodology in the different test scenarios. The purpose of this was to evaluate the repeatability of the solutions provided by each technique by analyzing their minimum and average power losses and required processing times. The results show that the proposed solution methodology achieved the best trade-off between (minimum and average) power loss reduction and processing time for networks of any size

    Diseño de un método de asignación de ubicaciones que minimice el lead time de la operación en el centro de distribución Tittán Totto

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    Una de las actividades más costosas que componen el lead time en los centros de distribución de las organizaciones es el alistamiento de pedidos. Las decisiones de asignación de almacenamiento (slotting) tienen un impacto directo en la eficiencia de los procesos de alistamiento de pedidos, ya que las rutas de recolección se ven afectadas por la ubicación de los SKUs en la zona de picking. Por lo tanto, este documento presenta la metodología con la que se elaboró un aplicativo de asignación de ubicaciones (slotting) que disminuyó en 29% el lead time teórico de la operación para la zona de picking del centro de distribución Tittán Totto. Este proyecto abordó tres componentes clave del slotting: la estrategia de ordenamiento de los SKUs mediante métodos heurísticos como la estrategia de correlaciones y metaheurísticos como la búsqueda tabú y el algoritmo genético, el cálculo de la cantidad de slots que deben ser asignados a cada SKU, mediante un modelo matemático y, por último, la política de mantenimiento para actualizar el slotting a los requerimientos de la demanda. El resultado de los métodos desarrollados se evaluó y comparó con la solución de Totto, utilizando datos reales e hipotéticos de tres meses de operación. Finalmente, se discutieron los resultados obtenidos.One of the most expensive activities that make up lead time in warehouses is order picking. Storage allocation decisions (slotting) have a direct impact on the efficiency of order picking processes since the routes to collect items are affected by the location of the SKUs in the picking area. Therefore, this document presents the methodology with which a slotting application was developed. This application reduced the theoretical lead time of the operation by 29% for the picking area of the Tittan Totto warehouse. This project adressed three key components of slotting: the ordering strategy of SKUs, using heuristic methods such as the correlation strategy, and metaheuristics such as the taboo search and the genetic algorithm, the calculation of the number of slots that must be assigned to each SKU, using a mathematical model, and the maintenance policy to update the slotting according to the demand requirements. The solution given by the developed methods was evaluated and compared to the Totto solution, using real and hypothetical data from three months of operation. Finally, the results obtained were discussed.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Informe sobre la evolución de la asistencia psiquiátrica en la provincia de Alicante (1981-1988).

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    Hasta el año 1981, la asistencia psiquiátrica en la provincia, se reduce a un único dispositivo asistencial de características manicomiales y asilares: el Sanatorio Psiquiátrico Provincial que depende económica y administrativamente de la Diputación Provincial. A título orientativo, señalamos algunos datos que dan cuenta de su estructura y funcionamiento: Según el censo de primero de enero de ese año, eran 620 las camas ocupadas. Escasa dotación de personal asistencial (dos médicos psiquiatras a dedicación parcial)

    Informe sobre la evolución de la asistencia psiquiátrica en la provincia de Alicante (1981-1988).

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    Hasta el año 1981, la asistencia psiquiátrica en la provincia, se reduce a un único dispositivo asistencial de características manicomiales y asilares: el Sanatorio Psiquiátrico Provincial que depende económica y administrativamente de la Diputación Provincial. A título orientativo, señalamos algunos datos que dan cuenta de su estructura y funcionamiento: Según el censo de primero de enero de ese año, eran 620 las camas ocupadas. Escasa dotación de personal asistencial (dos médicos psiquiatras a dedicación parcial)

    Informe sobre la evolución de la asistencia psiquiátrica en la provincia de Alicante (1981-1988).

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    Hasta el año 1981, la asistencia psiquiátrica en la provincia, se reduce a un único dispositivo asistencial de características manicomiales y asilares: el Sanatorio Psiquiátrico Provincial que depende económica y administrativamente de la Diputación Provincial. A título orientativo, señalamos algunos datos que dan cuenta de su estructura y funcionamiento: Según el censo de primero de enero de ese año, eran 620 las camas ocupadas. Escasa dotación de personal asistencial (dos médicos psiquiatras a dedicación parcial)
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