181 research outputs found

    Nivel de aceptación del discurso radiofónico del programa de Philip Butters en radio capital en los estudiantes del octavo ciclo del curso de taller de periodismo radial de la Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza, Lima, 2016

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    En la presente investigación se planteó el siguiente problema: ¿Cuál es el nivel de aceptación del discurso radiofónico del programa de Phillip Butters en Radio Capital en los estudiantes del octavo ciclo del curso de taller de periodismo radial de la Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza, Lima, 2016?Asimismo, se presentó el siguiente objetivo: Conocer el nivel de aceptación del discurso radiofónico del programa de Phillip Butters en Radio Capital en los estudiantes de octavo ciclo del curso de taller de periodismo radial de la Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza, Lima, 2016. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario con un factor de validación de de 85% y confiabilidad de 0,80 llegando a la siguiente conclusión: El nivel de aceptación del discurso radiofónico del programa de Phillip Butters en Radio Capital en los estudiantes del octavo ciclo del curso de taller de periodismo radial de la Universidad Jaime Bausate y Meza, Lima, 2016, es mediano

    Diagnóstico comunicacional para la Asociación Pepas de Oro de Pampamarca (AMAPOP)

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    El trabajo realizado es denominado “Diagnóstico comunicacional para la Asociación Pepas de Oro de Pampamarca (AMAPOP), cuyo propósito fue conocer los principales hábitos comunicacionales y las expectativas de sus integrantes sobre el futuro de su comunidad. Los resultados de dicha intervención estuvieron orientados a crear y difundir contenidos mejor direccionados a los mineros artesanales que en dicho momento se encontraban en un proceso de formalización minera. Se dispone de materiales fotográfico, audiovisuales y digitales de la intervención realizada. Las principales cualidades principales de este trabajo son: ¿ Innovación: Porque se exploraron nuevas formas de comunicar sobre aspectos de minería artesanal a una comunidad altamente dispuesta. ¿ Legitimidad social: Porque se obtuvo el permiso comunitario que permitió medir la demanda informativa que posteriormente se difundiría a los consumidores informativos. ¿ Escalabilidad cualitativa y cuantitativa: Porque el proceso integral de formalización minera es nacional, incrementando la posibilidad de que las implementaciones producto del presente trabajo sean exitosas por responder a intereses comunes para dicho segmento productivo de la economía.The work carried out is called "Communication diagnosis for Asociación Pepas de Oro de Pampamarca (AMAPOP), whose purpose was to know the main communication habits and the expectations of its members about the future of their community. The results of this intervention were oriented to create and disseminate contents better directed to artisanal miners who were in the process of mining formalization. Photographic, audiovisual and digital materials of the intervention are available. The main qualities of this work are: ¿ Innovation: Because new ways of communicating about artisanal mining aspects to a highly willing community were explored. ¿ Social legitimacy: Because community permission was obtained, which made it possible to measure the demand for information that would later be disseminated to information consumers. ¿ Qualitative and quantitative scalability: Because the integral process of mining formalization is national, increasing the possibility that the implementations resulting from this work will be successful as they respond to common interests for this productive segment of the economy

    Teachers' Perception of Grief in Primary and Secondary School Students in Spain: Children's Responses and Elements which Facilitate or Hinder the Grieving Process

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    Introduction: Children's experience of grief is influenced by many factors, such as the response of the school environment. The objective of this paper was to explore the grieving children's responses, as well as the factors that facilitate and hinder the grieving process from the teachers' perspective. Methods: A qualitative-descriptive study design was used, which included a semi-structured interview conducted with 63 teachers. A thematic analysis was conducted using Atlas.ti7.0. Results: Great variability was found between different children's reactions to death (decreased academic performance, isolation, etc.). The factors influencing the children's reactions were both child-specific and environmental. The teachers pointed to communication, emotional support, and spirituality as facilitating elements, but pointed to discomfort when talking about death as a factor which hinders the grieving process. Conclusions: In conclusion, although children can naturally adapt to a loss, both providing emotional support and training in providing such support are necessary. Nurses can help in the design and planning of specific programmes to help students cope with death and loss

    Oxygen sensing by ion channels and chemotransduction in single glomus cells

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    We have monitored cytosolic [Ca2+] and dopamine release in intact fura-2-loaded glomus cells with microfluoroimetry and a polarized carbon fiber electrode. Exposure to low PO2 produced a rise of cytosolic [Ca2+] with two distinguishable phases: an initial period (with PO2 values between 150 and approximately 70 mm Hg) during which the increase of [Ca2+] is very small and never exceeds 150-200 nM, and a second phase (with PO2 below approximately 70 mm Hg) characterized by a sharp rise of cytosolic [Ca2+]. Secretion occurs once cytosolic [Ca2+] reaches a threshold value of 180 +/- 43 nM. The results demonstrate a characteristic relationship between PO2 and transmitter secretion at the cellular level that is comparable with the relation described for the input (O2 tension)output (afferent neural discharges) variables in the carotid body. Thus, the properties of single glomus cells can explain the sensory functions of the entire organ. In whole-cell, patch-clamped cells, we have found that in addition to O2-sensitive K+ channels, there are Ca2+ channels whose activity is also regulated by PO2. Ca2+ channel activity is inhibited by hpoxia, although in a strongly voltage-dependent manner. The average hypoxic inhibition of the calcium current in 30% +/- 10% at -20 mV but only 2% +/- 2% at +30 mV. The differential inhibition of K+ and Ca2+ channels by hypoxia helps to explain why the secretory response of the cells is displaced toward PO2 values (below approximately 70 mm Hg) within the range of those normally existing in arterial blood. These data provide a conceptual framework for understanding the cellular mechanisms of O2 chemotransduction in the carotid body

    El arrabal del Alcázar viejo de Córdoba: regeneración urbana, patrimonial y sostenible del casco histórico

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    La sostenibilidad comienza desde el planeamiento, la regeneración urbana de nuestros viejos cascos históricos requiere encontrar un equilibrio funcional entre los usos residencial y turístico, especialmente con el resto de la ciudad. Para construir sosteniblemente, tanto equipamientos como edificios residenciales, con el fin de repoblar los centros de nuestras grandes urbes se necesitan ordenanzas que no impongan imágenes idílicas que creen una realidad que nunca existió, pero que haga la ciudad atractiva para el turista. Repoblación, turismo e identidad patrimonial deben ir de la mano gracias al planeamiento. Esta tesis se ubica en el arrabal de El Alcázar Viejo de Córdoba, cuyo caserío tradicional, en buena parte conservado, de antiguas casas de patio de vecinos, son hoy viviendas unifamiliares revalorizadas por la reciente declaración de los Patios como Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad, que ha disparado el efecto turismo hasta el punto de poner en peligro el uso residencial. El vigente Plan Especial de Protección del Casco Histórico de Córdoba establece una única ordenanza de casa patio tradicional para todo su ámbito, que rompe la identidad popular del arrabal El Alcázar Viejo y no facilita el repoblamiento ni la construcción sostenible, puesto que pretende implantar una imagen histórica no adaptada a las necesidades de la sociedad del siglo XXI. Así, se pretende proponer mejoras para alcanzar una regeneración sostenible y eco-eficiente en el arrabal, en especial en el ámbito del planeamiento urbanístico, que favorezca su repoblación con equilibrio al desarrollo del uso turístico y sin perder su identidad patrimonial

    Curation Analysis System (CAS): A method for analysing digital media content curation

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    We present a method or system for the analysis and evaluation of content curation in the digital media, which we call the Curation Analysis System (CAS). The system comprises two main dimensions – namely, Curation and Content – which, in turn, are made up of a series of parameters and indicators to which we assign a score. Each parameter is described in detail under the following four headings: Definition, Explanation, Procedure, and Examples. Procedure includes a list of indicators, and for each of them an analytical question and its corresponding scoring system. In Examples, a set of good content curation practices for use in the digital media are presented, in this case, related to the same format, that of newsletters

    Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Disability Index in a Spanish Population and Its Association with Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases generate disability. We aimed to adapt and validate the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Disability Index in a Spanish population and to analyze the sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with disability in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Cultural adaptation and validation of psychometric properties in the index were done, along with an observational, cross-sectional, and analytical approach to determine associations with sociodemographic and clinical factors. Sociodemographic data, quality of life (using the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32), and indicators of disease activity were collected, among others. A total of 170 subjects participated. The index showed high internal consistency, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.869 and concurrent validity with the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32 (r = 0.723, p < 0.001). The average score of the index was -3.91. Greater degrees of disability were found in women (mean = -6.77) than in men (mean = -1.25) (p = 0.018), in patients with Crohn’s disease (mean = -5.94) rather than those with ulcerative colitis (mean = -0.94) (p = 0.028), and in patients in the moderately active disease phase (mean = -20.94) rather than those in the mildly active disease phase (mean = -2.65) and/or those in remission (mean = -1.40) (p < 0.001). The Disability Index is a valid tool for the Spanish population and is associated with sex, type of illness, and disease activity. It is a useful index in evaluating and monitoring disability in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

    Meta-estudo qualitativo sobre as experiências e gestão diárias em idosos com doenças crônicas

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    Objetivo: Describir la experiencia cultural, interpersonal y personal de los adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas e identificar las estrategias y redes de apoyo que utilizan en su entorno cotidiano para gestionar la enfermedad. Método: Se desarrolló un metaestudio tipo metaanálisis cualitativo. La estrategia metodológica constó de cuatro etapas: Búsqueda bibliográfica, Categorización de los estudios, Evaluación de la calidad metodológica y Análisis de resultados. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra bibliográfica de 22 estudios de naturaleza cualitativa. Los hallazgos se organizaron en 4 categorías: Compresión del padecimiento, Autogestión en el cotidiano, Percepción de los Servicios de Salud y Cotidiano del cuidador. Conclusiones: El esfuerzo de los adultos mayores por alcanzar un nuevo equilibrio social y personal se articula en las estrategias de autogestión que utilizan en su día a día para afrontar sus padecimientos. Las interrelaciones con los servicios de salud, familia y redes de apoyo son fundamentales para gestionar la cronicidad.Aims: To describe the cultural, interpersonal and personal experience of older adults with chronic diseases and to identify the strategies and support networks used by them in their daily environment for managing the disease. Methods: A qualitative meta-analitic study was developed in four stages: literature search, studies categorization, methodological quality assessment and results analysis. Results: A sample of 22 qualitative studies was obtained. The findings were organized into 4 categories: Compression of the condition, daily self-management, perception of health services and the caregiver´s daily life. Conclusions: The effort of older adults to achieve a new social and personal balance is articulated in self-management strategies that they use to face their sufferings. Interrelationships with health services, family and support networks are essential for chronicity management.Objetivo: Descreva a experiência cultural, interpessoal e pessoal dos idosos com doenças crônicas e identificar estratégias e redes de apoio que eles usam em seu ambiente todos os dias para controlar a doença. Método: Um tipo qualitativo meta-meta foi desenvolvido. A estratégia metodológica consistiuem quatro etapas: pesquisa bibliográfica, categorização dos estudos, avaliação da qualidade metodológica e análise dos resultados. Resultados: Uma amostra bibliográfica de 22 estudos qualitativos foi obtido. Os resultados foram organizados em quatro categorias: condição de compressão, a auto-gestão no cotidiano, Percepção dos Serviços de Saúde e cuidador Daily. Conclusões: O esforço de adultos mais velhos para alcançar um novo equilíbrio social e pessoal é dividido em estratégias de auto-gestão que eles usam no seu dia a cumprir as suas condições. Inter-relações com os serviços de saúde, redes de apoio à família são essenciais para a gestão crônica

    End of life care in nursing homes in Spain: exploratory analysis and evidences of validity of a new scale.

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    This document is the accepted manuscript version of the following article: Maria Remedios Sánchez-GarcÍa, Jose Antonio Gutiérrez-Romero, Manuel Fernández Alcántara, César Hueso-Montoro, Claire Goodman, and Rafael Montoya-Juárez, ‘End of life care in nursing homes in Spain: Exploratory analysis and evidences of validity of a new scale’, Applied Nursing Research, Vol. 37: 6-12, October 2017. Under embargo until 5 July 2018. The final, definite version is available online at DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2017.07.001.Quality end-of-life care is a central issue in nursing homes, requiring the assessment of individual and family needs by health professionals. Although previous instruments have been developed, they usually rely on family reports and have been adapted from other clinical contexts (hospital or primary care). It is important to consider how health care professionals working in nursing homes perceive what is necessary to achieve quality end-of-life care. In this study, the objective was to develop an instrument to assess quality of end-of-life care in the context of Spanish care homes. A 24 item scale Nursing Home End of Life Care Scale (NHEOLC) was developed through a systematic evaluation of existing tools combined with an iterative process of consultation with group experts in end of life care in long term care settings. A total of 307 health care professionals agreed to participate in the study and completed the scale. The scale was grouped in six dimensions: physical, psychological aspects and spiritual aspects of care, family care, bereavement, and patient/family preferences management. The results suggest an adequate factorial structure of the scale and good internal consistency for the total score and the subscales. In addition, the results showed significant differences depending on the size of the nursing home, the category of health professionals, and their own perceptions of his work regarding end-of-life care.Peer reviewe