84 research outputs found

    QT interval prolongation related to psychoactive drug treatment: a comparison of monotherapy versus polytherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Several antipsychotic agents are known to prolong the QT interval in a dose dependent manner. Corrected QT interval (QTc) exceeding a threshold value of 450 ms may be associated with an increased risk of life threatening arrhythmias. Antipsychotic agents are often given in combination with other psychotropic drugs, such as antidepressants, that may also contribute to QT prolongation. This observational study compares the effects observed on QT interval between antipsychotic monotherapy and psychoactive polytherapy, which included an additional antidepressant or lithium treatment. METHOD: We examined two groups of hospitalized women with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Schizoaffective Disorder in a naturalistic setting. Group 1 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with antipsychotic monotherapy (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or clozapine) and Group 2 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with an antipsychotic (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or quetiapine) with an additional antidepressant (citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, mirtazapine, venlafaxine or clomipramine) or lithium. An Electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out before the beginning of the treatment for both groups and at a second time after four days of therapy at full dosage, when blood was also drawn for determination of serum levels of the antipsychotic. Statistical analysis included repeated measures ANOVA, Fisher Exact Test and Indipendent T Test. RESULTS: Mean QTc intervals significantly increased in Group 2 (24 ± 21 ms) however this was not the case in Group 1 (-1 ± 30 ms) (Repeated measures ANOVA p < 0,01). Furthermore we found a significant difference in the number of patients who exceeded the threshold of borderline QTc interval value (450 ms) between the two groups, with seven patients in Group 2 (38%) compared to one patient in Group 1 (7%) (Fisher Exact Text, p < 0,05). CONCLUSIONS: No significant prolongation of the QT interval was found following monotherapy with an antipsychotic agent, while combination of these drugs with antidepressants caused a significant QT prolongation. Careful monitoring of the QT interval is suggested in patients taking a combined treatment of antipsychotic and antidepressant agents

    Health impact of the emissions from a refinery: case-control study on the adult population living in two municipalities in Lomellina, Italy

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    Background: In the municipalities of Sannazzaro de’ Burgondi and Ferrer Erbognone (District of Lomellina, Pavia, Lombardy, Italy), an oil refinery is operating since 1963. In 2008, the company running the plant (eni S.p.A.) asked the competent bodies the permission for building a new facility (“EST”). The present work is aimed at evaluating the ante-operam health impacts of the existing facility refinery. Methods: A case-control study design was implemented. Cases were subjects admitted to hospital in 2002-2014 due to acute respiratory, cardiovascular or gastrointestinal conditions. Controls were selected among those who had not been hospitalised in that timespan. Cases and controls had to be alive at enrolment, aged 20-64 years, and were frequency-matched by age, gender and municipality. Data were extracted from the health insurance registry and from Hospital Discharge Records (ATS Pavia). Enrolled subjects were asked to complete a mailed survey. Environmental exposure was the fallout of refinery emissions (PM10) at participants’ homes, as predicted by an AERMOD model. Results: 541 respondents (125 cases, 416 controls) were included in the analyses. Response bias was excluded. Individual PM10 exposure was not significantly different between cases and controls, while it was significantly associated with municipality (being higher in Sannazzaro). The crude effect estimate of PM10 over case/control status indicated a not-significant excess of hospitalisation with the increase in PM10 exposure. Multivariate analyses confirmed those results. Conclusion: Findings indicate a possible excess of hospitalisation risk in most exposed people, but the effect is not statistically significant and may be affected by bias

    Prevalence of Influenza B/Yamagata Viruses From Season 2012/2013 to 2021/2022 in Italy as an Indication of a Potential Lineage Extinction

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    Background: Influenza B/Yamagata viruses exhibited weak antigenic selection in recent years, reducing their prevalence over time and requiring no update of the vaccine component since 2015. To date, no B/Yamagata viruses have been isolated or sequenced since March 2020. Methods: The antibody prevalence against the current B/Yamagata vaccine strain in Italy was investigated: For each influenza season from 2012/2013 to 2021/2022, 100 human serum samples were tested by haemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay against the vaccine strain B/Phuket/3073/2013. In addition, the sequences of 156 B/Yamagata strains isolated during the influenza surveillance activities were selected for analysis of the haemagglutinin genome segment. Results: About 61.9% of the human samples showed HAI antibodies, and 21.7% had protective antibody levels. The prevalence of antibodies at protective levels in the seasons between the isolation of the strain and its inclusion in the vaccine was between 11% and 25%, with no significant changes observed in subsequent years. A significant increase was observed in the 2020/2021 season, in line with the increase in influenza vaccine uptake during the pandemic. Sequence analysis showed that from 2014/2015 season onward, all B/Yamagata strains circulating in Italy were closely related to the B/Phuket/2013 vaccine strain, showing only limited amino acid variation. Conclusions: A consistent prevalence of antibodies to the current B/Yamagata vaccine strain in the general population was observed. The prolonged use of a well‐matched influenza vaccine and a low antigenic diversity of B/Yamagata viruses may have facilitated a strong reduction in B/Yamagata circulation, potentially contributing to the disappearance of this lineage

    Sudden Unexpected Deaths and Vaccinations during the First Two Years of Life in Italy: A Case Series Study

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    Background The signal of an association between vaccination in the second year of life with a hexavalent vaccine and sudden unexpected deaths (SUD) in the two days following vaccination was reported in Germany in 2003. A study to establish whether the immunisation with hexavalent vaccines increased the short term risk of SUD in infants was conducted in Italy. Methodology/Principal Findings The reference population comprises around 3 million infants vaccinated in Italy in the study period 1999–2004 (1.5 million received hexavalent vaccines). Events of SUD in infants aged 1–23 months were identified through the death certificates. Vaccination history was retrieved from immunisation registries. Association between immunisation and death was assessed adopting a case series design focusing on the risk periods 0–1, 0–7, and 0–14 days after immunisation. Among the 604 infants who died of SUD, 244 (40%) had received at least one vaccination. Four deaths occurred within two days from vaccination with the hexavalent vaccines (RR = 1.5; 95% CI 0.6 to 4.2). The RRs for the risk periods 0–7 and 0–14 were 2.0 (95% CI 1.2 to 3.5) and 1.5 (95% CI 0.9 to 2.4). The increased risk was limited to the first dose (RR = 2.2; 95% CI 1.1 to 4.4), whereas no increase was observed for the second and third doses combined. Conclusions The RRs of SUD for any vaccines and any risk periods, even when greater than 1, were almost an order of magnitude lower than the estimates in Germany. The limited increase in RRs found in Italy appears confined to the first dose and may be partly explained by a residual uncontrolled confounding effect of age

    SARS-CoV-2-spike antibody and T-cell responses elicited by a homologous third mRNA COVID-19 dose in hemodialysis and kidney transplant recipients

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    This article belongs to the Section Medical Microbiology.The effect of a third vaccine dose (3D) of homologous mRNA vaccine on blood levels of SARS-CoV-2-receptor binding domain (RBD)-total antibodies was assessed in 40 hemodialysis patients (HD) and 21 kidney transplant recipients (KTR) at a median of 46 days after 3D. Anti-RBD antibodies were detected in 39/40 HD and 19/21 KTR. Overall, 3D boosted anti-RBD antibody levels (median: 58-fold increase). Neutralizing antibodies (NtAb) against the Wuhan-Hu-1, Delta, and Omicron variants were detected in 14, 13, and 11 out of 14 HD patients, and in 5, 5, and 4 out of 8 KTR patients, respectively. The median fold increase in NtAb titers in HD patients was 77, 28, and 5 and 56, 37, and 9 in KTR patients for each respective variant. SARS-CoV-2-S S-IFN-γ-producing CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell responses were detected in the majority of HD (35 and 36/37, respectively) and all KTR (16/16) patients at 3D. Overall, the administration of 3D boosted T-cell levels in both population groups. In conclusion, a homologous mRNA COVID-19 vaccine 3D exerts a booster effect on anti-RBD antibodies, NtAb binding to Wuhan-Hu-1, Delta, and Omicron variants, and SARS-CoV-2-S-IFN-γ-producing T cells in both HD and KTR patients. The magnitude of the effect was more marked in HD than KTR patients.This research work was supported by funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain (FIS, PI21/00563) to DN and by funding from the European Commission NextGenerationEU fund (EU 2020/2094), through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global), to RG, and funding from the Valencian Society of Neprology. The project received the Isabel Burches grant from the Valencian Society of Nephrology (2/2/21).Peer reviewe

    2015/16 seasonal vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation with influenza a(H1N1)pdm09 and B among elderly people in Europe: Results from the I-MOVE+ project

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    We conducted a multicentre test-negative caseâ\u80\u93control study in 27 hospitals of 11 European countries to measure 2015/16 influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) against hospitalised influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and B among people aged â\u89¥ 65 years. Patients swabbed within 7 days after onset of symptoms compatible with severe acute respiratory infection were included. Information on demographics, vaccination and underlying conditions was collected. Using logistic regression, we measured IVE adjusted for potential confounders. We included 355 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases, 110 influenza B cases, and 1,274 controls. Adjusted IVE against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 was 42% (95% confidence interval (CI): 22 to 57). It was 59% (95% CI: 23 to 78), 48% (95% CI: 5 to 71), 43% (95% CI: 8 to 65) and 39% (95% CI: 7 to 60) in patients with diabetes mellitus, cancer, lung and heart disease, respectively. Adjusted IVE against influenza B was 52% (95% CI: 24 to 70). It was 62% (95% CI: 5 to 85), 60% (95% CI: 18 to 80) and 36% (95% CI: -23 to 67) in patients with diabetes mellitus, lung and heart disease, respectively. 2015/16 IVE estimates against hospitalised influenza in elderly people was moderate against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and B, including among those with diabetes mellitus, cancer, lung or heart diseases

    Studio sul rilascio di istamina e triptasi da cisatracurio in pazienti allergici e non

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    Diversi studi concordano sulla pericolosità ed imprevedibilità delle reazioni di ipersensibilità ad alcuni farmaci in anestesia. Nonostante la letteratura riporti lo shock anafilattico, l’evento più drammatico di una reazione allergica, come un fenomeno raro, molti autori concordano come questo sia in parte ancora sottovalutato e sottostimato. Non esistono particolari fattori di rischio predittivi lo scatenarsi di una reazione immunitaria, ad eccezione di un rischio generalmente aumentato nei pazienti aventi ipersensibilità accertate. I farmaci più comunemente responsabili di possibili reazioni allergiche, anche se non tutti gli studi concordano, risultano essere i miorilassanti ed in particolar modo i bloccanti neuromuscolari non depolarizzanti. Il nostro studio avrà la finalità di indagare il fenomeno, in particolare analizzando il cisatracurio, uno degli ultimi farmaci introdotti in commercio ed uno dei più utilizzati in sala operatoria. Abbiamo analizzato i livelli plasmatici di istamina e triptasi di 22 pazienti sottoposti ad interventi in anestesia generale, tramite tre prelievi: il primo, valore basale, effettuato prima della somministrazione di farmaci; il secondo dopo l’induzione con proprofol e fentanyl ed il terzo dopo somministrazione del curaro. I pazienti erano stati selezionati in modo di averne 11, che riferivano una storia personale di allergia ed 11 privi di atopie; questa suddivisione ci ha dato la possibilità di eseguire uno studio comparativo. Nei soggetti analizzati non c’è stato nessun rilascio di istamina; comparando le due classi, i risultati non dimostrano grandi variazioni, tenuto conto di un valore delle triptasi sia basale che dopo somministrazione di farmaci, generalmente più elevato nei pazienti allergici; valori comunque non associabili ad una reazione immunitaria. In un caso, una donna di 38 aa, con anamnesi positiva per allergie e sottoposta a ripetuti interventi di laparocele post-colecistectomia ( 4-5 vv), abbiamo riscontrato un’istaminemia dopo somministrazione di curaro 4 volte superiore rispetto al proprio valore basale e 6 volte superiore rispetto all’induzione con il propofol e fentanest. Il valore è ragguardevole tenuto conto che la paziente era sottoposta ad una terapia per asma, che includeva farmaci antistaminici. Il dato può far supporre una reazione di ipersensibilità al cisatracurio. Questa non è stata accompagnata a manifestazioni cliniche evidenti mentre si è notato una lieve riduzione della pressione arteriosa sistemica durante il monitoraggio intraoperatorio. Pare che le reazioni allergiche subcliniche,che restano misconosciute,potrebbero avere una percentuale considerevole,visto che noi ne abbiamo isolata 1 su 11 casi

    The burden of influenza and the role of influenza vaccination in adults aged 50-64 years: A summary of available evidence

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    Influenza is a vaccine-preventable disease and a global public health problem. Although most national influenza vaccination recommendations focus on subjects aged &amp; GE;65 years, an extensive burden of influenza has also been reported in those aged &amp; GE;50 years and is exacerbated by immune system aging. The main purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the burden of influenza and its potential prevention within the 50-64 age-group. These subjects account for a large proportion of the workforce, and play a central economic and social role. Individuals aged 50-64 years had a 3-times higher rate of hospitalization and a 9-fold higher mortality rate attributable to influenza than those aged 18-49-years, generating higher influenza-related hospitalization costs. Available data suggest that including healthy subjects aged 50-64 years in influenza vaccination recommendations would allow a broader population to be reached, reducing the economic and social burden of influenza