350 research outputs found

    Historical fire records at the two ends of Iberian Central Mountain system: Estrela massif and Ayllon massif

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    The Iberian Peninsula has a long history of fire, as the Central Mountain System, from the Estrela massif in Portugal to the Ayllón massif in Spain, is a major fire-prone area. Despite being part of the same natural region, there are different environmental, political and socio-economic contexts at either end, which might have led to distinct human causes of wildfires and associated fire regimes. The hypothesis for this research lies in the historical long-term relationship between wildfire risks and fire use practices within a context of landscape dynamics. In addition to conducting an analysis of the statistical period, a spatial and temporal multiscale approach was taken by reconstructing the historical record of prestatistical fires and land management history at both ends of the Central Mountain System. The main result is the different structural causes of wildland fires at either end of the Central Mountain System, with human factors being more important than environmental factors in determining the fire regimes in both contexts. The study shows that the development of the fire regime was non-linear in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, due to broader local human context factors which led to a shift in fire-use practicesLa Península Ibérica cuenta con una larga historia de incendios forestales. Es el caso del Sistema Central, desde la Sierra de Estrela en Portugal a la Sierra de Ayllón en España, aunque las causas humanas y el régimen de incendios difieren en función del contexto ambiental, político y socioeconómico en uno y otro extremo de la cordillera. La validación de la hipótesis de trabajo, sobre la relación histórica entre el riesgo de incendios y el uso del fuego en las actividades humanas, se ha llevado a partir de la reconstrucción del registro histórico de incendios forestales y de la gestión del territorio, y mediante el análisis multiescalar espacio- temporal de los incendios históricos y estadísticos. Como principal resultado se han identificado las causas estructurales de incendios en las sierras de Estrela y Ayllón. Además, se ha demostrado la influencia mayor de los aspectos humanos que de los físicos en la evolución del régimen de fuego. En conclusión, este trabajo evidencia la evolución discontinua de los incendios forestales a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX debido a los factores contextuales humanos que influyen en el manejo tradicional del fuego a escala localinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of territorial variables on the performance of wildfire detection systems in the Iberian Peninsula

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    This article belongs to the Special issue: Fire use policies and practices in Europe: solving the Fire ParadoxWildfire detection systems planning is an essential component of national and regional wildfire management policies. The common resources usually used in wildfire detection are lookout towers, terrestrial mobile brigades, aerial reconnaissance and the general public. The objectives of this paper are (i) to analyse the relative importance of the different detection systems in Portugal and Spain, according to their spatial and temporal patterns, (ii) to assess the territorial variables related to the performance of fire detection systems in the Iberian Peninsula, and (iii) to develop an explanatory model aiming to inform fire detection policies. Pursuing this aim, a common wildfire and territorial database for the whole Iberian Peninsula was developed, thus enabling common cartographic and statistical analyses. Results show the importance of land cover variables and population density on the proportion of fire detections made by the different systems in both countries. Despite certain national specificities, many common features were found, allowing the identification of general patterns of fire detection distribution and performance for the Iberian Peninsula. Models developed at the regional and sub-regional levels indicate that high population density and high proportion of forestlands are associated with higher proportion of detection by population, whereas higher proportion of shrublands corresponds to higher proportions of detections by other systems, particularly lookout towers. The conclusions obtained and the approaches applied could be used with similar objectives in other countries and regions to inform policy decisions regarding the allocation of resources for wildfire detection

    Modelling adsorption isotherms of binary mixtures of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen

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    "A molecular-based approach for modelling mixtures adsorbed onto solid surfaces using the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory for Potentials of Variable Range (SAFT-VR) for three- and two-dimensional systems is presented in this work. The theory is used to describe the adsorption of binary mixtures of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen onto dry activated carbon, describing the overall adsorption phase diagram reported for these systems even at high pressures.

    Half-century changes in LULC and fire in two Iberian inner mountain areas

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    Wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula were large and frequent in the second half of the 20th century. Land use and land cover (LULC) also changed greatly. Our aim was to understand the relationship between LULC and fire in the western and eastern ends of the Iberian Central Mountain System. We compared two case study landscapes, the Estrela massif and the Ayllón massif, which are biophysically similar but with di erent social-ecological contexts. In both, fires were in general more likely in shrublands and pastures than in forests. Shrublands replaced forests after fires. Contrasting LULC in the two massifs, particularly pastures, likely explained the di erences in fire occurrence, and reflected di erent regional land use policies and history. Fire here is a social-ecological system, influenced by specific LULC and with implications from landscape to regional scales. Understanding how LULC changes interact with fire is powerful for improving landscape and regional planninginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The geometric complexity of special Lagrangian T2T^2-cones

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    We prove a number of results relating various measures (volume, Legendrian index, stability index, and spectral curve genus) of the geometric complexity of special Lagrangian T2T^2-cones. We explain how these results fit into a program to understand the "most common" three-dimensional isolated singularities of special Lagrangian submanifolds in almost Calabi-Yau manifolds.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in Inventiones Mathematicae. 46 pages, 2 tables. Reference added relating to Theorem B. Section 3.4.2, section 4.2 and Appendix B streamlined. Typographical errors corrected and references update

    Valoración del programa de mentorías universitarias GuíaMe-AC-UMA por parte del mentor y un profesional observador

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    El programa GuíaMe-AC-UMA es un programa de enriquecimiento extracurricular dirigido a estudiantes identificados con altas capacidades intelectuales (AACCII) entre 14 y 17 años, desde 3ª de ESO a 2º de Bachiller y Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio y Superior. Este programa está coordinado y evaluado por especialistas en Psicología y Educación. En este programa participan todos los centros educativos ya sean públicos, concertados o privados, coordinados desde la Universidad de Málaga con la Colaboración de la Delegación territorial de la Consejería de Educación. Los mentores son profesores de la UMA con grado de Doctor y con actividad investigadora de reconocida relevancia. En este estudio se presentan los datos correspondientes a la V edición (curso académico 2016-17) del programa GuíaMe. En esta edición participaron un total de 190 alumnos, 25 mentores y se ofertaron 30 talleres correspondientes a disciplinas como Ciencias, Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Matemáticas, Arquitectura, Geología, Física y Química e Informática. En el presente trabajo se analizan los resultados sobre el grado de acuerdo entre el Profesor Mentor (M) que imparte el taller y el miembro del Equipo Técnico o colaborador (ET) responsable del seguimiento y supervisión del taller. Para ello se ha diseñado un cuestionario ad hoc de seguimiento compuesto por 6 dimensiones con un número diferente de ítems. Por último, se presentan una serie de ítems que permiten realizar una valoración global del taller. . Se presentan y discuten los resultados encontrados, concluyendo que el grado de acuerdo entre el mentor y el profesional observador es muy alto así como la valoración global que realizan sobre el desarrollo del taller.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec