195 research outputs found

    Morphological and immunochemical characterization of the pollen grains of Chenopodium album L. (Chenopodiaceae) in a temperate urban area in Argentina

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    Chenopodium album es una hierba cosmopolita, anual, muy polimórfica, que crece en forma espontánea en baldíos con suelos modificados de los barrios periféricos de Bahía Blanca. En esta ciudad, el periodo de floración es principalmente entre febrero y marzo, que coincide con la mayor concentración de este tipo de polen en la atmósfera. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar morfológica e inmunoquímicamente a los granos de polen de Chenopodium album obtenidos en diferentes zonas del área urbana de la Bahía Blanca. Las muestras fueron colectadas en tres zonas de la ciudad. La estructura y la morfología de los granos fueron analizados con microscopía óptica y electrónica. Los perfiles proteicos y antigénicos fueron estudiados mediante Tricine-SDS-PAGE y western blot, empleando un suero policlonal obtenido en conejo. El análisis morfológico mostró diferencias significativas en relación al diámetro de los granos de polen en una de las áreas estudiadas. En esa misma área se encontraron diferencias en la expresión de proteínas, aunque el perfil antigénico fue conservado. Estas variaciones en la morfología y en el perfil proteico podrían ser causadas por los efectos de las condiciones ambientales sobre el polen y la presencia de contaminantes urbanos provenientes del tráfico vehicular.Chenopodium album is a very polymorphic, cosmopolitan, annual herb that grows spontaneously in modified soils in wasteland in the outlying urban zones of Bahía Blanca. In this city, the flowering period is mainly during February and March, which coincides with the highest concentrations of this pollen type in the atmosphere of the city. The objective of this study was to characterize the pollen grains of Chenopodium album, both morphologically and immunochemically, that were obtained from three different zones in the urban area of Bahía Blanca. Samples were collected from the three separate zones in the city that were far apart. The structure and morphology of the grains were analyzed using light and electron microscopy. The protein and antigenic profiles were studied with Tricine-SDS-PAGE and western blot with a polyclonal rabbit serum, respectively. The morphological analysis showed significant differences in relation to the diameters of the pollen grains in one of the studied areas. Differences in the protein expression were seen for the same area although the antigenic profile was conserved. The variations in the morphology and the protein profile may be caused by the effect of environmental conditions on the pollen, and the presence of urban contaminants from vehicular traffic.Fil: Bianchimano, Andrea Susana. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Laboratorio de Inmunología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Murray, María Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas y Biomédicas del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas y Biomédicas del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Aztiria, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Laboratorio de Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Montes, Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas y Biomédicas del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas y Biomédicas del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Calfuán, Melina Lorena. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Prat, María Inés. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Laboratorio de Inmunología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Theatre as a Social and Educational Experience: A Case Study With Homeless People in Spain

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    This paper focuses on the exploration of the possibilities of theatre with a group of homeless people. Using qualitative research procedures, the experience is described through the narratives of its participants, in order to explore the educational impact of the proposal. The results tell us about its strengths to deconstruct harmful stereotypes, to understand the complexity of vulnerability and to deepen into the value of theatre as a socio-educational tool. © 2022, Vilnius Pedagogical University. All rights reserved

    Test predictivos para intubación orotraqueal difícil en laringoscopia directa. Revisión sistemática

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    Antecedentes: La intubación difícil es un escenario clínicamente relevante en el campo de la salud, por el impacto de sus posibles consecuencias negativas. A pesar de la gran información sobre modelos y escalas de predicción para intubación difícil, no se ha realizado una síntesis de esta información. Objetivo: Determinar el rendimiento pronóstico de los diferentes test predictivos para identificar la existencia de intubación difícil en laringoscopia directa en adultos. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática, basada en las guías PRISMA, STARD y QUADAS de publicaciones en inglés y español, usando diferentes bases de datos como: LILACS, Pubmed, ClinicalKey, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Dynamed, Scielo, EMBASE, Medline, Springer Link, biblioteca virtual de salud, EBSCO, UpToDate, MEDION, Cochrane y Google académico de los últimos cinco años. Los estudios fueron: prospectivos, cohorte y analíticos e incluyeron población adulta sin malformaciones anatómicas de la vía aérea con intubación orotraqueal difícil ante laringoscopia directa. Se empleó medidas de resumen como: porcentajes, valor-p, riesgo relativo, ods ratio, sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivo y negativo. Resultados: En los 8 artículos analizados se encontró una diferencia significativa de los grados III/IV de Cormack-Lehane, con las pruebas: Mordida de labio superior (p=0,001), Escala de Wilson (p=0,001), Altura tiromentoniana (p=0,002), Mallampati (p=0.009). La mayoría los test predictivos obtuvieron resultados con poca sensibilidad para identificar intubación difícil, a excepción de las pruebas: altura tiromentoniana (84,95%) y Mallampati (S:72,16 %). Conclusiones: Los modelos predictivos aún son imperfectos al poseer una baja capacidad discriminativa. Las limitaciones para este estudio fueron: restringida accesibilidad a artículos por rubros económicos para ingreso. Gran variabilidad en poblaciones estudiadas, datos estadísticos por modelo no evidenciadas, poca información de modelos con relación a laringoscopia directa.Background: The difficult intubation is a clinically relevant scenario in the field of health, due to the impact of its possible negative consequences. Despite a great deal of information on models and prediction scales for difficult intubation, a synthesis of this information has not been carried out. Objective: To determine the prognostic performance of the different predictive tests to identify the existence of difficult intubation in direct laryngoscopy in adults. Materials and methods: A systematic review was carried out, based on the PRISMA, STARD and QUADAS guidelines of publications in English and Spanish, using different databases such as: LILACS, Pubmed, ClinicalKey, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Dynamed, Scielo, EMBASE, Medline , Springer Link, Virtual Health Library, EBSCO, UpToDate, MEDION, Cochrane, and Google Scholar for the past five years. The studies were: prosthetic, cohort and analytical and included an adult population without anatomical malformations of the airway with difficult orotracheal intubation before direct laryngoscopy. Summary measures were used such as: percentages, p-value, relative risk, ods ratio, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. Results: In the 8 articles analyzed, a significant difference was found in Cormack-Lehane grades III/IV, with the tests: upper lip bite (p=0.001), Wilson scale (p=0.001), thyromental height (p =0.002), Mallampati (p=0.009). Most of the predictive tests obtained results with little sensitivity to identify difficult intubation, except for the tests: thyromental height (84.95%) and Mallampati (S: 72.16%). Conclusions: Predictive models are still imperfect as they have a low discriminative capacity. The limitations for this study were: restricted accessibility to articles by economic items for admission. Great variability in studied populations, statistical data by model not evidenced, little information of models in relation to direct laryngoscopy.Especialista en AnestesiologíaCuenc

    Conciencia y valoración del habla andaluza en el sociolecto medio-alto de Utrera

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado Filológica Hispánic

    Las asociaciones de trabajadores autónomos, como espacio de empoderamiento ante el Estado y la sociedad. Estudio de caso de la Asociación Coco y Sabor

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    En el presente trabajo investigativo encuentro a las Asociaciones de Trabajadores Autónomos como un espacio de integración, interacción y lucha desde los trabajadores autónomos para con el Estado y la sociedad, para esto me valgo del estudio de caso de la Asociación Coco y Sabor. La investigación trabaja en integrar los relatos de las personas de las que busco representaciones proporcionadas por ellos mismos mediante testimonios y el uso de la oralidad resaltándolas con representaciones estatales y mediáticas, agregando teoría brindada desde la academia y tomando en cuenta que como investigadora poseo subjetividades propias, contribuye al uso de la oralidad dentro de la academia como herramienta metodológica y de construcción de saberes

    The Impact of Plant-Based Dietary Patterns on Cancer-Related Outcomes: A Rapid Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Dafina Petrova for her contributions in editing and proofreading the manuscript.Long-term cancer survivors represent a sizeable portion of the population. Plant-based foods may enhance the prevention of cancer-related outcomes in these patients. We aimed to synthesize the current evidence regarding the impact of plant-based dietary patterns (PBDPs) on cancer-related outcomes in the general population and in cancer survivors. Considered outcomes included overall cancer mortality, cancer-specific mortality, and cancer recurrence. A rapid review was conducted, whereby 2234 original articles related to the topic were identified via Pubmed/Medline. We selected 26 articles, which were classified into studies on PBDPs and cancer outcomes at pre-diagnosis: vegan/vegetarian diet (N = 5), provegetarian diet (N = 2), Mediterranean diet (N = 13), and studies considering the same at post-diagnosis (N = 6). Pooled estimates of the associations between the aforementioned PBDPs and the different cancer outcomes were obtained by applying random effects meta-analysis. The few studies available on the vegetarian diet failed to support its prevention potential against overall cancer mortality when compared with a non-vegetarian diet (e.g., pooled hazard ratio (HR) = 0.97; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.88–1.06). The insufficient number of studies evaluating provegetarian index scores in relation to cancer mortality did not permit a comprehensive assessment of this association. The association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and cancer mortality reached statistical significance (e.g., pooled HR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.79–0.89). However, no study considered the influence of prognostic factors on the associations. In contrast, post-diagnostic studies accounted for prognostic factors when assessing the chemoprevention potential of PBDPs, but also were inconclusive due to the limited number of studies on well-defined plant-based diets. Thus, whether plant-based diets before or after a cancer diagnosis prevent negative cancer-related outcomes needs to be researched further, in order to define dietary guidelines for cancer survivors.CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica CIBERES

    Job Stability and Gender Perspectives: Application of a Logistic Regression Model

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    Several changes have been taking place in the labour market since the 1970s that have created the right climate to spur organisations and workers to demand greater flexibility in employment. In this context, temporary employment has been the focus of many research papers and temporary contracts have been used as a tool to achieve labour flexibility. In order to understand the situation in Andalusia (Spain), this paper aims to identify the decisive factors in permanent employment. To this end, starting hypotheses will be defined about the decisive factors in permanent employment and the positive or negative significance of their influence; the starting hypotheses will then be tested empirically using a logistic regression model on a sample population of wage earners in Andalusia. In the second stage, given that the ratio of temporary contracts is much higher among women, the variable ‘gender’ is likely to be decisive in the construction of the regression model, therefore the decisive factors for permanent employment in Andalusia will be evaluated separately for men and women, in order to calibrate the impact of gender on job stability. Finally, based on the estimated probabilities of having a permanent job depending on gender, the degree of labour discrimination faced by women in the Andalusian labour market will be analysed

    Plan de mejora en la empresa ADUINSA

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    Presenta la elaboración de un plan de mejora en el proceso del área operativa de la agencia aduanera ADUINSA tomando como referencia aspectos de la calidad total. El estudio permite la retroalimentación del plan de mejora del proceso operativo, así como mejorar estratégicamente en el desarrollo de la dirección, cultura organizacional, los procesos, el análisis, medición y seguimiento de la mejora continua


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    Didymo es una diatomea invasora de la que aún no se conocen métodos para su control. Se presenta su distribución en el Parque Nacional Los Glaciares, y se discute sobre su dispersiónEl alga didymo fue declarada “Especie Exótica Invasora” para la Argentina. En Santa Cruz, se detectó en 2014 en el Río de las Vueltas en cercanías del Lago del Desierto y, en 2016, dentro de la jurisdicción del Parque Nacional Los Glaciares. Para evaluar su distribución y avance, se establecieron 39 estaciones fijas de muestreo de perifíton en distintas cuencas, que semestralmente se analizan bajo microscopio óptico. Actualmente, su expansión afecta a dos cuencas muy importantes y a un sector de la costa del Lago Argentino. Se discute sobre los agentes de dispersión hacia otros cuerpos y cursos de agua

    Characterizing Meat- and Milk/Dairy-like Vegetarian Foods and Their Counterparts Based on Nutrient Profiling and Food Labels

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    Vegetarian foods are plant-based (PB) foods, often perceived as healthier foods than animalbased (AB) foods. The objective of this study was to analyze the nutritional quality of a set of PB foods (meat, milk and dairy products) marketed in Spain, and to compare their nutrient profiles with respect to some AB counterparts. Nutritional information per 100 g or mL, ingredients, and nutritional declarations, as well as the Nutri-Score, NOVA, and Eco-Score of each food were collected from Open Food Facts. Differences in the nutrient compositions between PB foods and their counterparts, and between the different groups of PB foods, were assessed at a 5% significance level. A total of 544 PB foods and 373 AB foods were identified. Overall, PB foods had a higher median content of fiber and carbohydrates, but a lower amount of proteins (except PB “meat” analogues: 14 g) and saturated fats (except PB “cheese alternatives”: 12.5 g), than the AB counterparts (p < 0.05). PB “milk alternatives”, particularly oat “milk”, showed a higher median content of total carbohydrates (8 g) and sugars (5.5 g) compared to cow milks (4.7 g carbohydrates/sugars, on average; p < 0.001). PB “meat alternatives” also had a significantly higher value of carbohydrates (9 g) than AB meats (2 g, on average; p < 0.001). PB foods were mostly classified as Nutri-Score A and B (86%). However, more than half of them were of NOVA groups 3 and 4. Thus, there is a great diversity of PB meat and milk/dairy product alternatives on the Spanish market. Despite being products of good nutritional quality compared to AB foods, they also carry drawbacks that could have an impact on nutritional health