21 research outputs found

    Estudio metodológico para el diseño de interfeces entre el PC y el usuario utilizando ISDB.Tb y Middleware Ginga

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    El Estudio Metodológico para el diseño de interfaces entre el Pc y el usuario utilizando ISDB-Tb y midleware Ginga fue desarrollado pensando en la necesidad de brindar a la comunidad politécnica un entorno de interactividad mediante el cual pueda acceder de forma rápida y didáctica a diferente información de nuestra institución. En el desarrollo investigativo de ese sistema se utilizó el entorno integrado (IDE) Eclipse para la creación de archivos ncl, igualmente que el midleware Ginga-NCL el mismo que provee una infraestructura de presentación para aplicaciones interactivas de tipo declarativas escritas en el lenguaje NCL (Nested Context Languaje). Además se utilizó para la implementación de esta aplicación un computador con los siguientes requerimientos de HW : RAM de 2,5 GB, Procesador Dual-core 1.73 GHz , disco duro de 120 GB. En el cual se instaló los softwares : VMWare Player 3.1 , maquina virtual de Ginga y los asistentes para cargar los archivos NCL como es ECLIPSE 3.2. Como resultado de este proyecto se logró la obtención del primer programa interactivo de la ESPOCH, denominado INFO-ESPOCH . Además a través de este proyecto se logró posesionar a la ESPOCH como precursor en el desarrollo de la TV interactiva. Por lo cual se recomienda, realizar nuevas investigaciones y aplicaciones, que ayuden a la ESPOCH a ser un miembro activo de la comunidad latinoamericana en este campo, ya que de esta manera construiremos una base solida para que esta nueva tecnología tenga el impacto que se espera en nuestro país y en Latinoamérica

    Chemical profiling and cholinesterase inhibitory activity of five Phaedranassa Herb. (Amaryllidaceae) species from Ecuador

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    It is estimated that 50 million people in the world live with dementia, 60-70% of whom suffer from Alzheimer's disease (AD). Different factors are involved in the development of AD, including a reduction in the cholinergic neurotransmission level. The Amaryllidaceae plant family contains an exclusive, large, and still understudied alkaloid group characterized by a singular skeleton arrangement and a broad spectrum of biological activities. The chemistry and biodiversity of Ecuadorian representatives of the Phaedranassa genus (Amaryllidaceae) have not been widely studied. In this work, five Ecuadorian Phaedranassa species were examined in vitro for their activity towards the enzymes acetyl- (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), and the alkaloid profile of bulb extracts was analyzed by GC-MS. The species Phaedranassa cuencana and Phaedranassa dubia showed the most AChE and BuChE inhibitory activity, respectively. To obtain insight into the potential role of the identified alkaloids in these inhibitory effects, docking experiments were carried out, and cantabricine showed in silico inhibitory activity against both cholinesterase structures. Our results show that Amaryllidaceae species from Ecuador are a potential source of new drugs for the palliative treatment of AD

    Effect of mouthwashes on the integrity of composite resin and resin modified glass ionomer : in vitro study

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    The constant search for an improved esthetic dental material has led investigators to realize that its performance depends on the conditions where the material is used. It has been probed that the contact with mouth rinses triggers alterations, reason why the aim of this study was to identify their possible effects of it on the integrity of nanohybrid composite resin and resin modified glass ionomer. A total of 144 samples were manufactured with two nanohybrid composite resins and two resin modified glass ionomer restorative materials. The specimens were immersed in one of the three mouthwashes used in the study, for a total of 1092 minutes, with intervals of contact with artificial saliva. This strategy simulates three years of constant use of mouthwashes. The samples weight and surface roughness measurement was recorded with a precision scale and profilometer, at different stages: At the beginning of the study, after 546 minutes (simulating one and a half year), and after 1092 minutes (simulating three years). The collected data on surface roughness and weight were submitted to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), with repeated measures of three factors. The results determined shifts in values in terms of weight and roughness in all the samples. The composite resin ?Grandio? group was the one that showed bigger shifts, while the glass ionomer group ?Vitremer? showed stability on its structure. The evaluated mouthwashes displayed similar behavior between each other. The use of mouthwashes triggered changes on the structure of both dental materials: composite resin and resin modified glass ionomer mostly associated with surface roughness

    Estimación del Stock de Capital para la economía ecuatoriana en dolarización

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    El stock de capital es una variable fundamental en el análisis económico, en especial para el estudio de crecimiento económico. El nivel de stock de capital, junto con mediciones del mano de obra (trabajo), constituyen los factores que permiten analizar la función de producción de una economía; así como determinar los patrones de crecimiento de largo plazo de la misma. En este trabajo se calcula el stock de capital fijo en dólares para el Ecuador en el período 1965-2005, teniendo como referencia el marco central de la Contabilidad Nacional vigente, es decir el Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales 1993. Para el cálculo se utiliza metodología planteada por la Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo (OCDE), en específico el método del inventario permanente; y se introduce la función simétrica de Winfrey para la estimación de la función de mortalidad de los activos. Entre los resultados obtenidos se observa que la dolarización, al implicar un cambio de unidad monetaria, no tuvo mucha implicación en el total del stock de capital en términos reales; sin embargo, es importante observar las tasas de crecimiento del mismo, las cuales se mantienen a un nivel del 1% en promedio. Sería importante analizar el impacto de esas tasas en el stock futuro, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que el patrón de retiros (o mortalidad) prevé retiros considerables en los años futuros

    Quito'S Urban Imaginaries: Between Conserved and Intervened Green Spaces

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    This manuscript presents the results of field research aimed to identify the perceptions that condition the urban imaginaries addressing the green spaces in Quito, Ecuador. Two focus groups were carried out with experts in designing green spaces. The results were evaluated through discourse analysis, applying the dialectical hermeneutical method, to finally establish open, axial, and selective categories. Six categories allow the understanding of the imaginaries associated with the city's green spaces: conserved or intervened spaces, public and private spaces, and individual and collective subjectivity in relation to green areas; also relevant are the interventions of actors such as the state, the real estate market, and the community in the management of these spaces. In the city, conserved green spaces, such as urban and peri-urban forests, are for contemplative use and would be less attractive to the population than provoked green spaces, the latter of which are characterized by facilitating human interaction and by having the direct intervention of public institutions. The identification of public and private green spaces was related to potential forms of urban segregation. Participants stated that privileged social groups have direct access to customized architectural designs, whereas community organizations manage these spaces through social action

    Chemical profiling and cholinesterase inhibitory activity of five phaedranassa herb. (amaryllidaceae) species from ecuador

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    It is estimated that 50 million people in the world live with dementia, 60-70% of whom suffer from Alzheimer's disease (AD). Different factors are involved in the development of AD, including a reduction in the cholinergic neurotransmission level. The Amaryllidaceae plant family contains an exclusive, large, and still understudied alkaloid group characterized by a singular skeleton arrangement and a broad spectrum of biological activities. The chemistry and biodiversity of Ecuadorian representatives of the Phaedranassa genus (Amaryllidaceae) have not been widely studied. In this work, five Ecuadorian Phaedranassa species were examined in vitro for their activity towards the enzymes acetyl- (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE), and the alkaloid profile of bulb extracts was analyzed by GC-MS. The species Phaedranassa cuencana and Phaedranassa dubia showed the most AChE and BuChE inhibitory activity, respectively. To obtain insight into the potential role of the identified alkaloids in these inhibitory effects, docking experiments were carried out, and cantabricine showed in silico inhibitory activity against both cholinesterase structures. Our results show that Amaryllidaceae species from Ecuador are a potential source of new drugs for the palliative treatment of AD. © 2020 by the authors

    Quality assessment of controlled clinical trials published in Orthopaedics and Traumatology journals in Spanish: An observational study through handsearching and evidence mapping

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    Few Orthopaedics and Traumatology journals from Latin America and Spain are indexed in major databases; controlled clinical trials published in these journals cannot be exhaustively retrieved using electronic literature searches. We aimed to identify, describe and assess the quality of controlled clinical trials published in Orthopaedics and Traumatology journals from Latin America and Spain through handsearching and evidence mapping methods. We identified controlled clinical trials published in eligible Orthopaedics/Traumatology journals in Spanish until July 2017 by handsearching. Data were extracted for controlled clinical trials main characteristics and the Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess the controlled clinical trials methodological quality. In addition, we mapped the main findings of these trials. As a result, we assessed 5631 references in 29 eligible journals of which 57 were controlled clinical trials (1.0%). Controlled clinical trials were published between 1995 and 2017 at a rate of 2.5 per year. Journals from Spain and Mexico published around 63% of the controlled clinical trials identified. The median sample size of patients enrolled was 60 (range = 30–300 participants). About conditions assessed, 38.5% of controlled clinical trials assessed issues related to knee conditions, 15.7% about hip and 10.5% about trauma or spine. The risk of bias domains most affected was selective reporting bias and random sequence generation. In addition, only two and seven trials had low risk of bias in all items related to participant/personnel and outcome assessment blindings, respectively. More than 40% of studies did not report differences on benefits/harms between the interventions assessed. As a conclusion, the number of controlled clinical trials published in Orthopaedics/Traumatology journals from Latin America and Spain is low. These controlled clinical trials had important methodological shortcomings and were judged as unclear or high risk of bias. These trials are now available in CENTRAL for their potential inclusion in systematic reviews and other documents of synthesis

    Optical aptasensor for in situ detection and quantification of methylxanthines in Ilex guayusa

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    The present work pursued the development of a system to detect and quantify methylxanthines in Ilex guayusa. The system, called IPMA (In situ Plant Metabolite Aptasensor), is based on an optical aptasensor that integrates a DNA complex and a porphyrin (NMM IX). IPMA's ability to detect known amounts of theophylline and caffeine in solution and infiltrated in guayusa's leaves was evaluated. The detection limits determined were: 0.25 mM for theophylline in solution, 0.1 mM for caffeine in solution, and 130 mM for caffeine in I. guayusa leaves. These results demonstrate the potential of IPMA to detect and quantify metabolites of interest directly from biological samples. Developing this type of tool will provide a wide range of applications such as the in situ determination of physiological stress in plants and the characterization of plant varieties with a higher content of compounds of pharmaceutical or food interest. El presente trabajo buscó el desarrollo de un sistema para detectar y cuantificar metilxantinas en Ilex guayusa. El sistema, denominado IPMA por sus siglas en inglés (Aptasensor de Metabolitos de Plantas In situ), se basa en un aptasensor óptico que integra un complejo de ADN y una porfirina (NMM IX). Se evaluó la capacidad de IPMA para detectar cantidades conocidas de teofilina y cafeína tanto en solución como infiltradas en hojas de guayusa. Los límites de detección determinados fueron: 0.25 mM para teofilina en solución, 0.1 mM para cafeína en solución, 130 mM para cafeína en hojas de I. guayusa. Estos resultados demuestran el potencial de IPMA para detectar y cuantificar metabolitos de interés directamente de muestras biológicas. El desarrollo de este tipo de herramienta ofrece una amplia gama de aplicaciones como la determinación in situ de estrés fisiológico en plantas y la caracterización de variedades vegetales con mayor contenido de compuestos de interés farmacéutico o alimentario

    Quality assessment of controlled clinical trials published in Orthopaedics and Traumatology journals in Spanish: An observational study through handsearching and evidence mapping

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    Few Orthopaedics and Traumatology journals from Latin America and Spain are indexed in major databases; controlled clinical trials published in these journals cannot be exhaustively retrieved using electronic literature searches. We aimed to identify, describe and assess the quality of controlled clinical trials published in Orthopaedics and Traumatology journals from Latin America and Spain through handsearching and evidence mapping methods. We identified controlled clinical trials published in eligible Orthopaedics/Traumatology journals in Spanish until July 2017 by handsearching. Data were extracted for controlled clinical trials main characteristics and the Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess the controlled clinical trials methodological quality. In addition, we mapped the main findings of these trials. As a result, we assessed 5631 references in 29 eligible journals of which 57 were controlled clinical trials (1.0%). Controlled clinical trials were published between 1995 and 2017 at a rate of 2.5 per year. Journals from Spain and Mexico published around 63% of the controlled clinical trials identified. The median sample size of patients enrolled was 60 (range=30–300 participants). About conditions assessed, 38.5% of controlled clinical trials assessed issues related to knee conditions, 15.7% about hip and 10.5% about trauma or spine. The risk of bias domains most affected was selective reporting bias and random sequence generation. In addition, only two and seven trials had low risk of bias in all items related to participant/personnel and outcome assessment blindings, respectively. More than 40% of studies did not report differences on benefits/harms between the interventions assessed. As a conclusion, the number of controlled clinical trials published in Orthopaedics/Traumatology journals from Latin America and Spain is low. These controlled clinical trials had important methodological shortcomings and were judged as unclear or high risk of bias. These trials are now available in CENTRAL for their potential inclusion in systematic reviews and other documents of synthesis