662 research outputs found

    Priorização de Áreas para a Conservação da Biodiversidade no Cerrado Brasileiro: uma Ordenação Baseada na Distribuição de Táxons Ameaçados

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Ciências da Vida e Natureza da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas – Ecologia e Biodiversidade.A utilização dos recursos naturais de forma desmedida acarretou o que hoje podemos chamar de crise da biodiversidade. A Biologia da Conservação é uma ciência que busca desenvolver, de maneira categórica, soluções que auxiliem na preservação da natureza. A alocação de esforços deve seguir uma lógica mediada pela maximização de conservação sob recursos limitados, direcionando-os de forma estratégica a partir de um Planejamento Sistemático para a Conservação. O Cerrado é o segundo maior bioma brasileiro, resguardando em sua distribuição áreas com alto nível de endemismo de organismos, associados a complexa heterogeneidade ambiental. Somado a isso, a exorbitante exploração deste bioma, principalmente através da conversão de áreas naturais para terras agricultáveis, fez com que tal fosse classificado como um hotspot mundial da biodiversidade. As principais ameaças à biodiversidade são fruto da necessidade de expansão humana em busca de artifícios para a sobrevivência, como expansão de centros urbanos e agropecuária. A degradação das áreas de ocorrência das espécies contribui para a uma piora no seu status de ameaça, medido pela IUCN. Cerca de 91 espécies que estão distribuídas pelo Cerrado são classificadas nas 4 principais categorias de ameaça. A rede de unidades de conservação é o principal meio para promover a perpetuação das espécies ao longo do bioma, a partir da proteção de regiões cuja importância de conservação é mais acentuada. Considerando a distribuição dos 91 táxons classificados nas principais categorias de ameaça de extinção, este trabalho buscou indicar áreas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade terrestre do Cerrado. Para isso foi utilizado o programa computacional Zonation seguindo a regra de perda marginal atribuída pela Additive Benefit Function (ABF), pesando a prioridade de cada espécie através dos critérios de ameaça da IUCN (Criticamente ameaçada, Em Perigo, Vulnerável e Quase Ameaçada) e a sobreposição dos polígonos das 91 espécies no Cerrado brasileiro. Como critério de corte, apenas as células (com tamanho padrão de 0,25ºx0,25º) que apresentavam valor ⩾ 0,80 foram consideradas prioritárias. As áreas resultantes também foram contrastadas com as áreas protegidas existentes, sendo excluídas aquelas que já estavam sob proteção. Testes relacionados com a acurácia na escolha das áreas foram realizados, para comparação com escolha de áreas aleatórias e flexibilidade. Como resultado final, um mapa com 442 áreas prioritárias foi formado, distribuído pelas 13 unidades federativas que compõem o Cerrado. A maior porção ocorreu nos estados pertencentes à região Centro-Oeste (50,6%) e a menor na região Sul (0%). O estado que obteve maior quantitativo de sobreposição das áreas prioritárias em detrimento das células priorizadas foi o Tocantins (50%). A curva de desempenho e o histograma, lidos concomitantemente com o mapa, revelaram que a conservação destas áreas contemplaria toda a distribuição das espécies mais ameaçadas e pelo menos 10% das menos ameaçadas. As análises adicionais de flexibilidade e aleatorização concluíram que a escolha das áreas a partir dos critérios são as melhores possíveis para os recursos utilizados. Considerando os resultados dessa análise, uma proposta de estudos relacionado, por exemplo, a mitigação de impactos com foco em cada área prioritária, acentuando os principais impactos negativos da região, é recomendável

    Van der Waals-like State Equation for Atmosphere

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    In this paper, we first analyze the atmosphere as a gas mixture per unit mass, which is governed by Van der Waals equation, considering the main components of the air and their respective critical properties (critical temperature TC and critical pressure pC ). After adjusting the corresponding constants and calling them I and D, we find Van der Waals state equation for the atmosphere in this context. Next, we analyze the order of magnitude of the terms in that equation and propose a Van der Waals-like form state equation depending only on D, which we call WD state equation. Additionally, we consider a physical approach for Van der Waals equation for the atmosphere, studying the pressure terms concerning intermolecular forces of repulsion and attraction in the air, and once again we find the previous WD state equation. With this new proposal, we verify that the potential temperature and the equivalent potential temperature hold for the same expressions as those set forth in atmospheric thermodynamics under the analysis of the ideal gas law. However, we discover corrections that depend on D in both the alternative form of the first law of thermodynamics and the virtual temperature.In this paper, we first analyze the atmosphere as a gas mixture per unit mass, which is governed by Van der Waals equation, considering the main components of the air and their respective critical properties (critical temperature TC and critical pressure pC ). After adjusting the corresponding constants and calling them I and D, we find Van der Waals state equation for the atmosphere in this context. Next, we analyze the order of magnitude of the terms in that equation and propose a Van der Waals-like form state equation depending only on D, which we call WD state equation. Additionally, we consider a physical approach for Van der Waals equation for the atmosphere, studying the pressure terms concerning intermolecular forces of repulsion and attraction in the air, and once again we find the previous WD state equation. With this new proposal, we verify that the potential temperature and the equivalent potential temperature hold for the same expressions as those set forth in atmospheric thermodynamics under the analysis of the ideal gas law. However, we discover corrections that depend on D in both the alternative form of the first law of thermodynamics and the virtual temperature

    Educação Ambiental: A importância deste debate na Educação Infantil

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    This research aims to present some concepts of Environmental Education and therelationship with the Early Childhood Education. To generate asustainable quality of life it is necessary to rethinkthe environment, the actions of man and his habitat. Based on this context, it is necessary to initiate the formation of conscious citizens with the preservation of the environment from the Early Childhood Education, where the maingoal is to educate students about the importancethat the environmenthas for yourlife. Through contactwith the environment, linking theory to practice,is thatassimilatescontentwidely andcontinuously. For this research we usedthebibliographicresearch andcase study, whichanalyzesthe project’s activitiescalled “A magia do plantar: reestruturando o espaço vazio trazendo cores, cheiros e sabores”, within a Municipal Early Childhood Centerin the city of Ponta Grossa. The study of environmental education is facing the ethical education of the citizen.O presente trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar alguns conceitos de Educação Ambiental e a relação com a Educação Infantil. Para gerar uma qualidade de vida sustentável, se faz necessário um (re)pensar sobre o meio ambiente; das ações do homem e o seu habitat. Tendo por base este contexto, faz necessário iniciar a formação de cidadãos conscientes com a preservação do meio ambiente desde a Educação Infantil, onde o principal objetivo é conscientizar o aluno da importância que o meio ambiente tem para a sua vida. Através do contato com o meio ambiente, associando a teoria à prática é que se assimila o conteúdo de forma ampla e contínua. Para realização deste trabalho recorreu-se a pesquisas bibliográficas e estudo de caso, onde foram realizadas análises nas ações do projeto “A magia do plantar: reestruturando o espaço vazio trazendo cores, cheiros e sabores” dentro de um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil na cidade de Ponta Grossa. O estudo da Educação Ambiental está voltado para a formação ética do cidadão

    A nanocarrier system that potentiates the effect of miconazole within different interkingdom biofilms

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    Background: Novel and new therapeutic strategies capable of enhancing the efficacy of existing antimicrobials is an attractive proposition to meet the needs of society. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the potentiating effect of a miconazole (MCZ) nanocarrier system, incorporated with iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) and chitosan (CS) (IONPs-CS-MCZ). This was tested on three representative complex interkingdom oral biofilm models (caries, denture and gingivitis). Materials and methods: The planktonic and sessile minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of IONPs-CS-MCZ against different Candida albicans strains were determined, as well as against all represented bacterial species that formed within the three biofilm models. Biofilms were treated for 24 hours with the IONPs-CS nanocarrier system containing MCZ at 64 mg/L, and characterized using a range of bioassays for quantitative and qualitative assessment. Results MIC results generally showed that IONPs-CS-MCZ was more effective than MCZ alone. IONPs-CS-MCZ also promoted reductions in the number of CFUs, biomass and metabolic activity of the representative biofilms, as well as altering biofilm ultrastructure when compared to untreated biofilms. IONPs-CS-MCZ affected the composition and reduced the CFEs for most of the microorganisms present in the three evaluated biofilms. In particular, the proportion of streptococci in the biofilm composition were reduced in all three models, whilst Fusobacterium spp. percentage reduced in the gingivitis and caries models, respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, the IONPs-CS-MCZ nanocarrier was efficient against three in vitro models of pathogenic oral biofilms, showing potential to possibly interfere in the synergistic interactions among fungal and bacterial cells within polymicrobial consortia

    Susceptibility of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata biofilms to silver nanoparticles in intermediate and mature development phases

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    Purpose: Silver nanoparticles (SN) have been studied as antibiofilm agents, to prevent Candida-associated denture stomatitis. Consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the intermediate and maturation stages of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata biofilms development in the susceptibility to SN. Methods: SN (5 nm) suspensions were synthesized via reduction of silver nitrate by a solution of sodium citrate. These suspensions were used to treat, during 5 h, Candida biofilms grown on acrylic surfaces for 24- (intermediate stage) and 48-h (maturation stage), and their efficacy was determined by total biomass (using crystal violet staining) and colony forming units (CFU) quantification. Results: SN promoted significant reductions (p 0.05), when the different stages of biofilm development (24 or 48 h) were exposed to SN. Comparing the number of CFUs between 24- and 48-h biofilms treated with SN, a significant difference (p < 0.05) was found only for the strain C. albicans 324LA/94. Conclusions: It was concluded that, in general, the intermediate and maturation stages of biofilm development do not interfere in the susceptibility of C. albicans and C. glabrata biofilms to SN regarding. These findings are essential for the deployment of new therapies aimed at preventing denture stomatitis.This study was supported by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil, process 2009/15146-5. The authors are indebted to LIEC-CMDMC and INCTMN/FAPESP-CNPq in the name of Andressa Kubo for preparing and characterizing the colloidal suspensions of silver nanoparticles. We also thank Dr. David Williams (Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK) for providing the strain 324LA/94, and George Duchow for the English review

    Semiclassical theory of magnetotransport through a chaotic quantum well

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    We develop a quantitative semiclassical formula for the resonant tunneling current through a quantum well in a tilted magnetic field. It is shown that the current depends only on periodic orbits within the quantum well. The theory explains the puzzling evolution of the tunneling spectra near a tilt angle of 3030^{\circ} as arising from an exchange bifurcation of the relevant periodic orbits.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, epsf, 2 PostScript Figures (1 with color


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    Objective: Determine the validity of the TRT_S2012 software in to assess the total reaction time (TRT) with a simple visual stimulus (TRTSimple) and mental fatigue from TRT (TRTFatigue). Methods: Three types of validation were applied: a) concurrent, for determining the correlation between the TRT_S2012 Software and Vienna Test System (VTS), b) content of a sample of adults, and c)mechanical, using a robot that performs a mechanic motion to respond to a light stimulus.The study included 216 young adults, college students aged 17 – 45 years (x = 24.0 ± 6.0) and a robot. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for performance on TRT obtained by young adults and robot in two software. Results: The intra-class correlation in the adults TRT showed strong correlation between VTS and TRTSimple (R = .72). Identification of the proposed initial stimulus in TRTFatigue presented intermediate correlation with VTS (R = .56) and the final stimulus presented low correlation with VTS (R=.35).The robot TRT showed standard deviation ranging .5 ms (on average) between the highest and lowest.The standard error of the mean ranged from .23 to .28 and the distributions were homogeneous between 8.2 to 9.7%. Conclusion: The results confirmed the validity of the software TRT_S2012 2012. It is a reliable cognitive test that can be applied to young adults for measuring the TRT with simple visual stimuli and for evaluating the influence of mental fatigue from the TRT. however, the delays caused by the computer resources used should be considered and measured with a resource like the robot. We conclude that the TRT_S2012 software is valid for assessing the TRT and cognitive fatigue in healthy adults