351 research outputs found

    Effect of Blumea balsamifera extract on the phase and morphology of calcium oxalate crystals

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    AbstractObjectiveCalcium oxalate crystals are found in majority of kidney stones with calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) as one of the primary types of kidney stones. Various methods of treatment exist, including herbal treatment in the Philippines that uses the medicinal herb Blumea balsamifera (B. balsamifera).MethodsThe effect of B. balsamifera extract on the morphology of calcium oxalate crystals was studied by light microscopy, image analysis, powder X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.ResultsThe extract decreased the crystal size by 5.22%–82.62% depending on the degree of supersaturation. Through analysis of the projected area of the crystals, the extract was found to shift the phase of the crystals from COM to calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD). This shift in phase is significant with a COM to COD shift of 88.26% at 0.5 mg/mL of extract and 91.53% at 1.0 mg/mL of extract. SEM images revealed aggregation of crystals at 0 mg extract/mL. At 1.0 mg extract/mL, the scanning electron micrographs showed discernible crystal unit boundaries.ConclusionB. balsamifera extract was observed to have decreased crystal size, shifted crystal phase from COM to COD and prevented the aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals

    Contribución al estudio litológico de los materiales empleados en monumentos de Córdoba de distintas épocas

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    En este trabajo se estudian los diferentes tipos de materiales de construcción en monumentos de Córdoba durante distintas épocas y culturas. Se han utilizado las técnicas habituales para la determinación mineralógica, química , petroestructural, etc. Los materiales más empleados son las biocalcarenitas del Mioceno. También se han empleado calizas cámbricas, calizas del Titónico, mármoles, granitos, esquistos, ladrillos, tierra prensada, etc. Se citan algunos monumentos realizados en las épocas: romana, árabe, s. XIII al XIX y s. XX.This work studies the different types of construction materials in monuments in Cordova during different eras and cultures. Usual techniques have been used to determine mineralogical, chemical and petrostructural elements, etc. The most used materials are biocalcarenites from the Miocene period. Other materials include Cambrian limestone, Tithonian limestone, marble, granite, slate, bricks, pressed earth, etc. Monuments are cited from Roman and Arabic eras, and from the 8th to the 19th and 20th century

    Mineralogical and textural characterization of Tartessian ceramics from Ategua (Córdoba, Spain)

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    El cerro de Teba situado en la Depresión del Guadalquivir, provincia de Córdoba (España), constituye uno de los yacimientos arqueológicos más interesantes de la época tartésica. En la falda de la colina de Ategua, se han encontrado restos prerromanos (precoloniales, tartesicos e ibéricos) con algunas estructuras de enterramiento y una gran riqueza de piezas cerámicas. Cerámicas de época tartésica hechas a torno (fases II y III “orientalizantes”) son las que se estudian en este trabajo. Se ha estudiado la mineralogía, composición química y la textura de estas piezas para obtener información sobre el posible origen de las materias primas utilizadas en la fabricación de las cerámicas. Algunos minerales así como los restos de fósiles son propios de ciertos ambientes, y su detección en las cerámicas permite abordar el origen de las materias primas con que se elaboraron las piezas. Determinar el origen es siempre uno de los objetivos que se plantea en este tipo de estudios, ya que los datos sobre las piezas y el entorno ayudan a abordar el problema de la autóctonía o aloctonía de las cerámicasTeba hill, located in the Guadalquivir depression (Córdoba, Spain), is one of the most interesting archaeological deposits from the Tartessian period. A number of pre-Roman (pre-colonial, Tartessian and Iberian) remains including some burial structures and a wealth of ceramic pieces have been found on the skirt of the Ategua hill. In this work, have been studied wheel-thrown ceramic pieces from Phases II and III (orientalizing). The mineralogical characteristics, chemical composition and texture of the pieces were used to identify the potential origin of the raw materials used in their production. Some minerals are as well as fossil remains in fact typical of specific environments, so their presence in a ceramic piece can help trace the origin of its components. Elucidating the origin of such materials is a common objective in these studies since accurate information obtained from ceramic pieces and their environment can help one determine whether they are autochthonous or allochthonous

    Controle da podridão cinzenta da maçã por produtos naturais biologicamente ativos

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloBiorend SC (chitosan), BC-1000 EC (grapefruit extract plus bioflavonoids) and ECO-100 SC (bioflavonoids plus organic acids, citric phytoalexins, fatty acids, glycerides and sugars), respectively, suppressed grey rot of apple caused by B. cinerea by 80.1%, 79.0% and 76.5% when used as post-harvest treatments under controlled conditions. When applied as combined pre- and post-harvest treatments Biorend SC inhibited fruit rot by 49.9 %, while BC-1000 EC and ECO-100 SC were ineffective. None of the products inhibited fruit rot when applied as pre-harvest treatments under controlled conditions or as post-harvest treatments under commercial conditions. The algal polysaccharide ulvan used in post-harvest treatments suppressed grey rot by 56.0% under controlled conditions, but had no inhibitory effect on combined pre- and post-harvest treatments. The inability of products to activate defense mechanisms (chitinase and peroxidase) of fruits was consistent with the unsuccessful control of rot by pre-harvest treatment. The results suggest that the natural products used have potential for use in integrated management of Botrytis rot when applied after harvest.Biorend SC (quitosana), BC-1000 EC (extrato de toranja mais flavonóides), e ECO-100 SC (bioflavonóides mais ácidos orgânicos, fitoalexinas cítricas, ácidos graxos glicerídeos e açúcares) inibiram em 80,1%, 79,0% e 76,5%, respectivamente, a podridão causada por Botrytis cinerea quando utilizados no tratamento pós-colheita de frutos de maçã sob condições controladas.Tratamento combinado de Biorend SC, com aplicação tanto em pré como no pós-colheita, proporcionou 49,9% de inibição da podridão, enquanto BC-1000 e ECO-100 EC não foram efetivos. Nenhum desses produtos inibiu a podridão cinzenta, quando utilizados em tratamento de pré-colheita em condições controladas ou em tratamento de pós-colheita em condições comerciais. O polissacarídeo algal ulvana, utilizado nos tratamentos de pós-colheita, reduziu em 56% a podridão cinzenta das maçãs em condições controladas, mas não teve efeito inibitório nos tratamentos combinados de pré e pós-colheita. A incapacidade dos produtos em ativar mecanismos de defesa (quitinases e peroxidases) nos frutos, após o tratamento em pré-colheita, foi consistente com a falta de controle da podridão nesse tipo de ensaio. Pelos resultados, sugere-se que os produtos naturais utilizados apresentam potencial para a utilização no manejo integrado da podridão de Botrytis quando aplicados em pós-colheita.http://ref.scielo.org/kcxb9

    Enfoques de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la medicina. El caso del programa de Medicina de la Universidad del T olima

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    enseñanza  y  aprendizaje  que  se  privilegian  en  los  procesos  de  formación  en  el  programa  de Medicina de la Universidad del T olima, con el fin de generar nuevos conocimientos que redunden  en  la  calidad  de  la  formación  del  médico  de  esta  institución  educativa.El estudio encontró que la  concepción predominante en relación con la  enseñanza se caracterizó  como  aquella  de  tipo  expositivo  y  unidireccional;  el  profesor  trata  de  transmitir sus conocimientos por medio de clases magistrales y le da gran importancia a la manera cómo  se  presentan  los  contenidos.  En  cuanto  al  aprendizaje,  se  halló  una  importante tendencia  hacia  la  superficialidad,  de  tipo  memorístico  no  reflexivo  y  reproductivo.Las particularidades de la enseñanza del profesor repercuten con clara influencia en el enfoque de aprendizaje adoptado por el estudiante y en la calidad de los resultados, por lo cual es de importancia la reflexión sobre cómo se enseña. Dentro de esta perspectiva, se debe  estimular  la  motivación intrínseca  para  que  el  estudiante  adopte  estrategias  profundas de  aprendizaje  con  el  fin  de  lograr  aprendizajes  de  calidad

    Estromatolitos pelágicos fosfatados relacionados con discontinuidades estratigráficas en el Cretácico del Penibético (provincia de Málaga)

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    En relación con discontinuidades estratigráficas en el Cretácico del Penibético se encuentran estromatolitos pelágicos fosfatados, constituidos por apatito criptocristalino (3 al 45 %). Muestran dos tipos  de morfologías: a.- Oncoides en el seno de sedimentos. b.- Recubrimientos de superficies de paleokarst con morfología nodular, LLM o laminar. Son estructuras organosedimentarias constituidas por asoci aciones simbióticas de bacterias y foraminíferos encostrantes que se formaron en un alto fondo marino, en medio reductor, a profundidades próximas al nivel de mínimo contenido en oxígeno y en una zona afectada por corrientes ascendente

    Estromatolitos pelágicos fosfatados relacionados con discontinuidades estratigráficas en el Cretácico del Penibético (provincia de Málaga)

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    En relación con discontinuidades estratigráficas en el Cretácico del Penibético se encuentran estromatolitos pelágicos fosfatados, constituidos por apatito criptocristalino (3 al 45 %). Muestran dos tipos  de morfologías: a.- Oncoides en el seno de sedimentos. b.- Recubrimientos de superficies de paleokarst con morfología nodular, LLM o laminar. Son estructuras organosedimentarias constituidas por asoci aciones simbióticas de bacterias y foraminíferos encostrantes que se formaron en un alto fondo marino, en medio reductor, a profundidades próximas al nivel de mínimo contenido en oxígeno y en una zona afectada por corrientes ascendente

    Biocalcarenites as construction materials in Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba, Spain

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    Para la caracterización litológica y determinación del grado de alteración de los materiales pétreos se han empleado las siguientes técnicas: difracción de rayos X (método del polvo), microscopía petrográfica (sobre lámina delgada) y microscopía de barrido con EDS (energía dispersiva de rayos X), para determinar la composición química. El estado de degradación del material pétreo se ha cuantificado a partir del índice químico de alteración (CIW). Se han realizado cartografías sobre la fachada oeste: a) de las litologías presentes y b) de los diferentes tipos de alteración observados. La comparación de muestras del edificio con las de antiguas canteras ha permitido identificar la del Naranjo como la posible cantera de origen.This study consisted in characterizing the materials used to build Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba and locating the original quarries. The techniques used in the lithological and chemical characterization included XRD, petrographic microscopy and electron dispersive scanning microscopy. The chemical index of weathering (CIW) was used to quantify the state of stone decay. The lithology and different types of alterations observed were mapped. A comparison of the material on the building to ancient quarries identified “Naranjo” as the possible site where the stone was originally quarried

    Sexual Behaviors and Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in a Heterosexually active adult Population at increased Risk For HIV infection

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually acquired infection in the US. Vaccination is effective against infection with high-risk HPV strains, yet HPV vaccine coverage is lower in the US than the national target. This study aimed to determine the relationship between sexual behaviors and HPV vaccination in a heterosexually active population at increased risk for HIV infection. Data from 380 participants aged 18-45 years obtained from the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system increased risk heterosexuals cycle 5 (2019) in Houston, Texas, was analyzed. RDS-Analyst was used to generate population-based descriptive statistics. Modified Poisson regression models clustered on recruitment chain were conducted in SAS 9.4 to assess the relationship between sexual behaviors and HPV vaccination. Only 11.5% of participants had received at least one dose of the HPV vaccine. Regarding behaviors within the past 12 months, 44.8% reported having condomless casual sex, 51.3% reported having concurrent sexual partnerships while in their most recent relationship, 14.5% reported exchanging sex, and participants had an average of 4-5 sex partners. Further, those who exchanged sex had a significantly lower prevalence of HPV vaccine uptake when compared to those who did not exchange sex (adjusted prevalence ratio 0.23; confidence interval 0.10-0.52), while all other measures of sexual behavior were not significantly associated with HPV vaccination. More research is needed to understand the relationship between exchange sex and low prevalence of vaccination, specifically in women who bear the highest burden of poor HPV-related morbidity and mortality

    Exploring Preventive Healthcare in a High-Risk Vulnerable Population

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    This study describes preventive care behaviors and explores opportunities to deliver preventive sexual healthcare to a high-risk vulnerable population. Data from the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) system high-risk heterosexuals (HET) cycle (2019) in Houston, Texas, was used to describe preventive care utilization and assess the relationship between healthcare utilization and sociodemographic characteristics. More than 47% reported having no usual source of healthcare, and 94.6% reported receiving no non-HIV STI testing in the past 12 months. Additionally, many sociodemographic factors were associated with healthcare utilization and having a usual source of healthcare. Future efforts should be targeted at increasing preventive healthcare utilization among high-risk vulnerable populations as well as implementing more preventive sexual healthcare services in the community health centers where these populations most frequently encounter healthcare