60 research outputs found

    Estudios de diario en la investigación sobre emociones, empleo, desempleo y género: estado de la cuestión.

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    Introducción: El creciente interés por la investigación de los procesos que ocurren en el corto plazo y en contextos naturales ha propiciado un incremento de los estudios de diario en áreas como salud y estrés. En esta línea, dentro del proyecto «Calidad de vida en jóvenes: importancia de la regulación emocional en empleados y desempleados», contemplamos la realización de un estudio de diario. Objetivo: Revisar la bibliografía publicada sobre metodología de estudios de diario y su aplicación en diferentes contextos. Metodología: Búsqueda de información en bases de datos científicas del ámbito de la psicología a través de palabras clave relacionadas con nuestra temática de investigación. Resultados: Se ha elaborado una tabla resumen de publicaciones que incluye preguntas de investigación, muestra, procedimiento, variables, medidas, formato, análisis y resultados. Las ventajas más recalcadas de los estudios de diario han sido el estudio en contextos naturales y la reducción de los errores de la retrospección. Las investigaciones que utilizan estudios de diario en el campo del desempleo son más reducidas que en el ámbito laboral, y más aún si se tiene en cuenta la variable género. Los estudios suelen estar basados en eventos o experiencias y se centran en obtener los datos al final del día o varias veces al día. Discusión: Este estudio nos ha permitido extraer las ideas principales de lo que es un estudio de diario, así como resaltar la importancia de diseñar estos estudios para dar respuesta a las preguntas de investigación.Introduction: The growing interest in investigating processes that occur in the short term and in natural contexts has led to increasingly more diary studies in areas like health and stress. In line with this, the project «Quality of Life in Youth: Importance of Emotional Regulation in Employed and Unemployed People» includes a diary study. Aim: To review the published literature on the diary study methodology and its daily application in different contexts. Methods: We searched for information in scientific databases in the psychology field using keywords related to our research topic. Results: We developed a summary table of publications that includes: research questions, samples, procedures, variables, dimensions, formats, analyses and Results: The most stressed advantages of diary studies are that that they are conducted in natural contexts and they reduce retrospection errors. Fewer research works have used diary studies in the unemployment field than in the workplace, and fewer still exist when we consider the gender variable. Studies are often based on events or experiences, and focus on collecting data at the end of the day or several times a day. Discussion: This study allowed us to draw the main ideas of what a diary study is, and to highlight the importance of designing studies that centre on answering research questions

    El pan en la alimentación de los españoles

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    El pan ha sido y probablemente seguirá siendo la base de nuestra alimentación. Sin embargo, factores como el grado de desarrollo de la sociedad, la estética corporal y la falsa creencia de que su contenido en nutrientes es muy pequeño, han determinado una importante disminución en su consumo. Este cambio, junto con otros que afectan también a otros alimentos de origen vegetal, ha dado lugar a un deterioro de la calidad nutricional de la dieta, concretamente del perfil calórico, con una importante reducción en el aporte de carbohidratos complejos que pueden tener consecuencias negativas para la salud. Después de un breve repaso histórico sobre hábitos de consumo de este alimento, el libro, utilizando datos representativos de la población española, analiza la evolución del consumo en nuestro país desde la década de 1960s, la influencia de numerosas variables socioeconómicas, el aporte nutricional y las repercusiones en la calidad de la dieta. Incluye también un apartado con recetas de la cocina regional española en las que el pan es un ingrediente relevante y la valoración nutricional de las mismas

    Concepto y objeto. La caja de artista como recurso interdisciplinar en educación primaria

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    This article presents «The Box» as an artisticobject conceptualized as a didacticmaterial. Based on the Boîte-en-Valise byMarcel Duchamp and the foundations ofconceptual art, the box as an artistic objectis conceived, within the teaching-learningprocesses, as an active tool that canbecome a container of concepts. In thisway, the «Artist Box» project aims to processcurricular aspects from an open, creativeperspective that promotes the achievementof basic skills. After studying theemergence and development of the box asan artistic element throughout the twentiethcentury, the results of a study carriedout with students of the Master’s Degree inPrimary Education at a Valencian Universitywill be reported. Drawing on the projectscarried out in the area of Artistic Education,the creation process occurred isdescribed together with an the evaluationwhich students provided by completingquestionnaires along the implementationof the experience. The present study alsoreports on some issues emerging from theimplementation of the same experimentby Primary Education Degree studentswith Primary School students at a Valencianschool. Finally, a questionnaire sentto the teachers of that school are analyzedin order to extract a series of considerationson this artistic proposal as a possibledidactic material.El presente artículo plantea “La Caja” como objeto artístico conceptualizado como material didáctico. Tomando como antecedente la Boîte-en-Valise de Marcel Duchamp y las bases del arte conceptual, la caja como objeto artístico plantea, dentro de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, una herramienta activa que puede llegar a ser contenedora de conceptos. De este modo, el proyecto “Caja de artista” pretende procesar aspectos curriculares desde una óptica abierta, creativa y que promueva la consecución de competencias básicas.Tras un acercamiento a la aparición y desarrollo de la caja como elemento artístico a lo largo del siglo XX, se exponen los resultados de un estudio realizado con estudiantes de Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria de una Facultad de Magisterio y Ciencias de la Educación de laComunidad Valenciana. En base a los proyectos realizados en el área de Educación Artística se describe el proceso de creación así como una evaluación sobre diferentes aspectos en el desarrollo del mismo en base a cuestionarios cumplimentados por los estudiantes.Así mismo, se exponen cuestiones referentes a una puesta en práctica llevada a cabo por estudiantes de Grado en aulas de educación primaria de un CEIP de la Comunidad Valenciana. Para finalizar, se analiza un cuestionario lanzado a los profesores del centro educativo implicados con el fin de extraer una serie de consideraciones sobre esta propuesta artística como posible material didáctico

    Chiral recognition by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization NMR spectroscopy

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    The recognition of enantiomeric molecules by chemical analytical techniques is still a challenge. A method based on d-DNP (dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization) NMR spectroscopy to study chiral recognition was described for the first time [1]. DNP allows NMR sensitivity to be boosted by several orders of magnitude, overcoming one of the main limitations of NMR spectroscopy [2]. A method integrating d-DNP and 13C-NMR-aided enantiodifferentiation using chiral solvating agents (CSA) was developed, in which only the chiral analyte was hyperpolarized and selectively observed by NMR. The described method enhances the sensitivity of the conventional NMR-based procedure [3] and lightens the common problem of signal overlapping between analyte and CSA. As proof of concept, racemic metabolite 13C-labeled DL-methionine was enantiodifferentiated by a single-scan 13C-NMR experiment. This method entails a step forward in the chiral recognition of small molecules by NMR spectroscopy; it opens new possibilities in situations where the sensitivity is limited, for example, when low analyte concentration is available or when measurement of an insensitive nucleus is required. The advantages and current limitations of the method, as well as future perspectives, are discussed

    Contacto de Linguas, Hibrididade, Cambio : Contextos, Procesos e Consecuencias

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    Optimized polarization build-up times in dissolution DNP-NMR using a benzyl amino derivative of BDPA

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    The synthesis of two novel BDPA-like radicals, a benzyl amino (BAm-BDPA, 7) and a cyano (CN-BDPA, 5) derivative, is reported and their behaviour as polarizing agents for fast dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) is evaluated. The radical 7 is a promising candidate for DNP studies since it is soluble in neat [1-13C]pyruvic acid (PA), and therefore the use of an additional glassing agent for sample homogeneity is avoided. In addition, a 60 mM sample of 7 offers optimum 13C NMR signal enhancements using fairly short polarization times (about 1800 s). It is shown that DNP-NMR measurements using 7 can be performed much more efficiently in terms of the signal enhancement per polarization build-up time unit than when using the reference OX63 or BDPA radicals. These enhanced features are translated to a substantial reduction of polarization times that represents an optimum temporary use of the DNP polarizer and allow economized liquid helium consumption.This research was supported by the DGI Grants “POMAs” (CTQ2010-19501) and “Be-Well” (CTQ2013-40480 R), MINECO (CTQ2012-32436), AGAUR Grant (2014SGR-0017) and MINECO Grant (PTA 2011-5037-I) for the subprogram Personal T´ecnico de Apoyo. We also thank the Networking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient´ıcas for the JAE Grant, and Amable Bernab´e for his work in MALDI spectrometry. NMR studies were carried out at the joint NMR facility of the Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona and CIBER-BBN (Cerdanyola del Vall`es).Peer reviewe

    Widely power-tunable polarization-independent ultrafast mode-locked fiber laser using bulk InN as saturable absorber

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    The growing demand of ultrafast mode-locked fiber lasers in the near infrared has boosted the research activity in this area. One of the most convenient ways to achieve passive mode locking consists of inserting a semiconductor saturable absorber in the laser cavity to modulate the losses. However, in such a configuration, the limited power range of operation is still an unsolved issue. Here we report the fabrication of an ultrafast, high-power, widely power-tunable and non-polarization-dependent mode-locked fiber laser operating at 1.55 μm, using an InN layer as saturable absorber. With post-amplification, this laser delivers 55-fs pulses with a repetition rate of 4.84 MHz and peak power in the range of 1 MW in an all-fiber arrangement

    A new ultrafast and high peak power fiber laser operating at 1.5 μm using In N as Saturable Absorber

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    This work describes a novel ultrafast (<250 fs) fiber laser operating at 1.5 μm and based on InN as saturable absorber (SA). This SA accommodates much higher fluencies than comparable semiconductor or graphene-based SA

    Two-step method for the deposition of AlN by radio frequency sputtering

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    This paper presents a detailed study of the influence of deposition conditions on structural and morphological properties of AlN thin films synthesized on c-sapphire substrates by radio frequency (RF) reactive sputtering. After the optimization of deposition parameters such as RF power and substrate temperature, the substrate bias has been identified as a critical variable to improve the structural properties of the AlN layers. The use of negative bias leads to a decrease of the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the rocking curve of the AlN( 0002) x-ray reflection and an increase of the grain size. However, 2θ/ω x-ray scans of layers grown under negative bias reveal lattice disorder at the AlN/sapphire interface, which is attributed to the highly accelerated positive ions (Al+, N+, N2 +) arriving to the substrate at the initial stages of the deposition process. In order to prevent this interface degradation, we propose a twostep deposition methodwhich consists of starting the growth with an unbiased AlN buffer layer, at least 30 nm thick, followed by AlN deposition under negative bias. This procedure results in high-quality AlN layers with FWHM of the rocking curve of the (0002) reflection of 1.63°, grain size of ~40 nm and root-mean-square surface roughness of 0.4 nm