32 research outputs found

    El marco urbano de la convivencia

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    Estudio caso - Sistema integrado de gestión sector terciario énfasis prestación de servicios públicos.

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    La empresa Emchinac E.S.P. Pertenece al rubro de prestación de servicios de limpieza, que consiste en diversos componentes como recolección de residuos, barrido, limpieza y corte de césped de lugares públicos y disposición final, que se realiza en relleno sanitario a los lugares donde estos residuos son enviados o dispuestos. además no cuenta con el protocolo adecuado de separación de servicios y el resto de servicios mencionados anteriormente, ya que no cuenta con un sistema certificado de gestión ambiental (ISO 14001 2015) que debe estar debidamente certificado, para este estudio en caso de tener con el objetivo de llegar al diagnóstico del estado de la empresa de manera clara y precisa. En segunda instancia y tomando como referencia la norma ISO 14001 de 2015 como regla comparativa de éxito en la implementación de sistemas de gestión ambiental, el propósito de este trabajo es establecer el grado de distanciamiento entre el sistema de gestión ambiental real de la empresa y la ISO 14001. de 2015 para el establecimiento de alternativas de mejora. Además, los trabajadores de la empresa, dependencias y áreas se involucrarán en el estudio de caso, que constituye y percibe la realidad que interactúa con el sistema de gestión ambiental y cómo se ve afectado o fortalecido. El principio es involucrar a toda la organización para hacer más visible la relevancia del SGA de la empresa. Finalmente, bajo la premisa de potenciar la alta dirección de la empresa, se fortalecerá el sistema de gestión ambiental (SGA), especialmente para la limpieza y cosecha de residuos.The Emchinac E.S.P company Belongs to the field of providing cleaning services, which consists in various components like harvesting of residuals, swept, cleaning and cutting of public places lawn and final disposal, which is made landfill to the places where these residuals are sent or disposed besides doesn’t have the right protocol of separating services and the rest of services mentioned above, as it doesn’t count with a certified system of environmental management (ISO 14001 2015) that must be properly certified, for this study in case it has the objetive of reaching the proper company state diagnosis in a clear and precise way. In second instance and taking reference of the norm ISO 14001 of 2015 as a comparative rule of success in implementation of environmental mamagement systems, the purpose of this paper is to establish the degree of estrangement between the real company system of evironmental management and the ISO 14001 of 2015 for establishing improvement alternatives. In adittion, the company employees, dependencies and areas will get involved in the study case, wich constitutes and perceives the actual thing that interact with the system of environmental management and how it’s affected or strengthened. The principle is to involve all the organization in order to make more visible the relevance of company’s SGA. Finally, under the premise of putting forward the company’s senior management, it will strenght the management of environmental system (SGA), especially for residual cleaning and harvesting

    The March of Universality? Religion-based Reservations to the core UN Treaties and what they tell us about human rights and universality in the 21st century

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    The United Nations human rights treaties fulfil a central function in the global human rights promotion and protection system. By voluntarily acceding to those treaties, States bind themselves into a comprehensive framework of human rights obligations. Then, working in dialogue and cooperation with the Treaty Bodies set up to monitor and promote compliance with the treaties, States take steps over time to bring national laws, processes and practices into line with universal norms. However, when acceding to international human rights treaties,States often enter 'reservations' that limit, either generally or partially, the scope of application of the treaty in domestic law. So, for example, a State may make a general reservation to only accept obligations under a treaty insofar as those obligations are compatible with the tenets of a given religion; or may make a partial reservation to limit the application of a certain article of a convention. These reservations have a significant negative impact on the on-the-ground enjoyment of human rights. If a State does not consider itself fully bound by a treaty to which it is Party, or does not consider itself bound by a certain article(s) of that treaty,then it is unlikely to take the necessary steps, at domestic level,to fully respect, protect or promote the right(s) in question. Between 2014-2016, the Universal Rights Group (URG) led a major international project to map all reservations to the core human rights conventions, and to better understand the extent and nature of these key checks on the universality of human rights. As part of the project, the URG was particularly interested in identifying and analysing reservations that are - or appear to be - motivated by doubts, on the part of the reserving State,as to the compatibility of the treaty in question with certain religious or belief systems. URG's analysis found that questions over compatibility of treaties or treaty provisions with religious belief, doctrine or dogma,are by far the most frequent reason, justification or basis for States' decisions to enter reservations to the UN human rights treaties. Indeed, religion-based or religion-influenced reservations account for over 40% of all reservations to the core international human rights treaties

    La Historia y su uso público: desde Guatemala

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    El artículo reflexiona críticamente sobre las distintas “batallas por la memoria” que se han impulsado en el espacio público de Guatemala, sobre su pasado reciente, como prácticas de búsqueda de la verdad o de negación, ocultamiento y tergiversación de ese pasado, que impiden una apropiación social crítica de su Historia contemporánea como condición para construir un proyecto de Estado y Sociedad genuinamente incluyentes

    Proyecto de Investigación Interinstitucional sobre Competencias en la Formación de Contadores

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    Invitar a participar a las instituciones de educación superior, que sean miembros de CUDI en el Proyecto de Investigación Interinstitucional sobre Competencias en la Formación de Contadores, cuyo objetivo es determinar las diferencias entre la preparación de la universidad y las demandas del mercado laboral; y así identificar áreas de oportunidad en el currículo universitario en Contaduría.¿Existen diferencias entre lo que producen las universidades y lo que demanda el mercado? "Proyecto de Investigación Interinstitucional sobre Competencias en la Formación de Contadores" Jueves 27 de septiembre de las 10:00 a las 11:30 (hora de la Ciudad de México

    Cálculo de cantidad de residuos para generación de electricidad utilizando la gasificación de la madera; una solución para mitigar impactos ambientales

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    Sawmills have the characteristic of generating large amounts of waste in the process of exploitation and processing of wood. The waste generated from wood processing causes a big problem because these forest biomass accumulate and have no final destination and proper use. For this reason we aim to calculate the amount of waste generated in recent years for the generation of electricity using wood gasification technology taking into account that this renewable energy source requires the development of a series of studies designed to assess the volume of waste generated by the entity, potential and annual energy production. This work was developed in the Sawmill Pueblo Nuevo, it is located in the municipality of Imías, 4 km from the road that leads to Los Calderos, Guantánamo province. From the evaluation of the volume of waste with a total of 52 303 278.128 Kg per year, the potential generated by the entity for the generation of electricity in the studied time of 123 MW was established taking into account that by product of the gasification of wood 80% of the energy contained in forest waste is lost, and 25 MWh of clean energy is generated.Los aserríos tiene la característica de generar grandes cantidades de residuos en el proceso de explotación y elaboración la madera. Los residuos generados producto del procesamiento de la madera provocan un gran problema debido a que se acumulan estas biomasas forestales y no tienen un destino final y un uso adecuado. Por este motivo tenemos como objetivo el cálculo de la cantidad de residuos generados en los últimos años para la generación de electricidad utilizando la tecnología de gasificación de la madera teniendo en cuenta que esta fuente de energía renovable requiere del desarrollo de una serie de estudios encaminados a valorar el volumen de residuos disponibles generado por la entidad, potencial y producción de energía anual. Este trabajo se desarrolló en el Aserrío Pueblo Nuevo el mismo se encuentra ubicado en el municipio de Imías a 4 km de la carretera que conduce a Los Calderos, provincia Guantánamo. A partir de la evaluación del volumen de residuos con un total de 52 303 278.128 Kg anuales, se establecieron el potencial que ha generado la entidad para la generación de electricidad en el tiempo estudiado de 123 MW teniendo en cuenta que por producto de la gasificación de la madera se pierde el 80% de la energía que contiene los residuos forestales se generada 25 MWhde energía limpia

    Evolution and epidemiologic dynamics of dengue virus in Nicaragua during the emergence of chikungunya and Zika viruses

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    Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) comprise a significant and ongoing threat to human health, infecting hundreds of millions annually. Three such arboviruses include circumtropical dengue, Zika, and chikungunya viruses, exhibiting continuous emergence primarily via Aedes mosquito vectors. Nicaragua has experienced endemic dengue virus (DENV) transmission involving multiple serotypes since 1985, with chikungunya virus (CHIKV) reported in 2014–2015, followed by Zika virus (ZIKV) first reported in 2016. In order to identify patterns of genetic variation and selection pressures shaping the evolution of co-circulating DENV serotypes in light of the arrival of CHIKV and ZIKV, we employed whole-genome sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq platform of random-amplified total RNA libraries to characterize 42 DENV low-passage isolates, derived from viremic patients in Nicaragua between 2013 and 2016. Our approach also revealed clinically undetected co-infections with CHIKV. Of the three DENV serotypes (1, 2, and 3) co-circulating during our study, we uncovered distinct patterns of evolution using comparative phylogenetic inference. DENV-1 genetic variation was structured into two distinct co-circulating lineages with no evidence of positive selection in the origins of either lineage, suggesting they are equally fit. In contrast, the evolutionary history of DENV-2 was marked by positive selection, and a unique, divergent lineage correlated with high epidemic potential emerged in 2015 to drive an outbreak in 2016. DENV-3 genetic variation remained unstructured into lineages throughout the period of study. Thus, this study reveals insights into evolutionary and epidemiologic trends exhibited during the circulation of multiple arboviruses in Nicaragua