91 research outputs found

    The Effect of Complexity of Natural Language Mediators and the Associability of Pairs on Paired-Associate Learning

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryJoint Services Electronics Program / DA 28 043 AMC 00073(E)ONR Nonr-3985(08

    Early-onset progressive retinal atrophy associated with an IQCB1 variant in African black-footed cats (Felis nigripes)

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    African black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) are endangered wild felids. One male and full-sibling female African black-footed cat developed vision deficits and mydriasis as early as 3 months of age. The diagnosis of early-onset progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) was supported by reduced direct and consensual pupillary light reflexes, phenotypic presence of retinal degeneration, and a non-recordable electroretinogram with negligible amplitudes in both eyes. Whole genome sequencing, conducted on two unaffected parents and one affected offspring was compared to a variant database from 51 domestic cats and a Pallas cat, revealed 50 candidate variants that segregated concordantly with the PRA phenotype. Testing in additional affected cats confirmed that cats homozygous for a 2 base pair (bp) deletion within IQ calmodulin-binding motif-containing protein-1 (IQCB1), the gene that encodes for nephrocystin-5 (NPHP5), had vision loss. The variant segregated concordantly in other related individuals within the pedigree supporting the identification of a recessively inherited early-onset feline PRA. Analysis of the black-footed cat studbook suggests additional captive cats are at risk. Genetic testing for IQCB1 and avoidance of matings between carriers should be added to the species survival plan for captive management

    Precision medicine in cats:novel niemann-pick type C1 diagnosed by whole-genome sequencing

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    State-of-the-art health care includes genome sequencing of the patient to identify genetic variants that contribute to either the cause of their malady or variants that can be targeted to improve treatment. The goal was to introduce state-of-the-art health care to cats using genomics and a precision medicine approach. To test the feasibility of a precision medicine approach in domestic cats, a single cat that presented to the University of Missouri, Veterinary Health Center with an undiagnosed neurologic disease was whole-genome sequenced. The DNA variants from the cat were compared to the DNA variant database produced by the 99 Lives Cat Genome Sequencing Consortium. Approximately 25× genomic coverage was produced for the cat. A predicted p.H441P missense mutation was identified in NPC1, the gene causing Niemann-Pick type C1 on cat chromosome D3.47456793 caused by an adenine-to-cytosine transversion, c.1322A>C. The cat was homozygous for the variant. The variant was not identified in any other 73 domestic and 9 wild felids in the sequence database or 190 additionally genotyped cats of various breeds. The successful effort suggested precision medicine is feasible for cats and other undiagnosed cats may benefit from a genomic analysis approach. The 99 Lives DNA variant database was sufficient but would benefit from additional cat sequences. Other cats with the mutation may be identified and could be introduced as a new biomedical model for NPC1. A genetic test could eliminate the disease variant from the population

    ホンヤク シン ジツザイロン テツガク ニ オケル キョウドウ ケンキュウ ジョブン

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    その他、フォーラム報告等(翻訳原稿)原著:Edwin Bissell Holt, Walter Taylor Marvin, William Pepperell Montague, Ralph Barton Perry, Walter Boughton Pitkin, Edward Gleason Spaulding, (1912),The New Realism : Cöperative Studies in Philosophy, New York The Macmillan Company.翻訳:豊泉, 俊大 / 磯島, 浩

    The Early Royal Society and Visual Culture

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    Recent studies have fruitfully examined the intersection between early modern science and visual culture by elucidating the functions of images in shaping and disseminating scientific knowledge. Given its rich archival sources, it is possible to extend this line of research in the case of the Royal Society to an examination of attitudes towards images as artefacts –manufactured objects worth commissioning, collecting and studying. Drawing on existing scholarship and material from the Royal Society Archives, I discuss Fellows’ interests in prints, drawings, varnishes, colorants, images made out of unusual materials, and methods of identifying the painter from a painting. Knowledge of production processes of images was important to members of the Royal Society, not only as connoisseurs and collectors, but also as those interested in a Baconian mastery of material processes, including a “history of trades”. Their antiquarian interests led to discussion of painters’ styles, and they gradually developed a visual memorial to an institution through portraits and other visual records.AH/M001938/1 (AHRC

    Applications and efficiencies of the first cat 63K DNA array

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    Correction, Volume: 8 Article Number: 8746 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26885-5 Published: JUN 4 2018The development of high throughput SNP genotyping technologies has improved the genetic dissection of simple and complex traits in many species including cats. The properties of feline 62,897 SNPs Illumina Infinium iSelect DNA array are described using a dataset of over 2,000 feline samples, the most extensive to date, representing 41 cat breeds, a random bred population, and four wild felid species. Accuracy and efficiency of the array's genotypes and its utility in performing population-based analyses were evaluated. Average marker distance across the array was 37,741 Kb, and across the dataset, only 1% (625) of the markers exhibited poor genotyping and only 0.35% (221) showed Mendelian errors. Marker polymorphism varied across cat breeds and the average minor allele frequency (MAF) of all markers across domestic cats was 0.21. Population structure analysis confirmed a Western to Eastern structural continuum of cat breeds. Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium ranged from 50-1,500 Kb for domestic cats and 750 Kb for European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris). Array use in trait association mapping was investigated under different modes of inheritance, selection and population sizes. The efficient array design and cat genotype dataset continues to advance the understanding of cat breeds and will support monogenic health studies across feline breeds and populations.Peer reviewe