27 research outputs found

    CHOPCHOP v3: expanding the CRISPR web toolbox beyond genome editing

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    The CRISPR–Cas system is a powerful genome editing tool that functions in a diverse array of organisms and cell types. The technology was initially developed to induce targeted mutations in DNA, but CRISPR–Cas has now been adapted to target nucleic acids for a range of purposes. CHOPCHOP is a web tool for identifying CRISPR–Cas single guide RNA (sgRNA) targets. In this major update of CHOPCHOP, we expand our toolbox beyond knockouts. We introduce functionality for targeting RNA with Cas13, which includes support for alternative transcript isoforms and RNA accessibility predictions. We incorporate new DNA targeting modes, including CRISPR activation/repression, targeted enrichment of loci for long-read sequencing, and prediction of Cas9 repair outcomes. Finally, we expand our results page visualization to reveal alternative isoforms and downstream ATG sites, which will aid users in avoiding the expression of truncated proteins. The CHOPCHOP web tool now supports over 200 genomes and we have released a command-line script for running larger jobs and handling unsupported genomes. CHOPCHOP v3 can be found at https://chopchop.cbu.uib.nopublishedVersio

    Efficient Mutagenesis by Cas9 Protein-Mediated Oligonucleotide Insertion and Large-Scale Assessment of Single-Guide RNAs

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    The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been implemented in a variety of model organisms to mediate site-directed mutagenesis. A wide range of mutation rates has been reported, but at a limited number of genomic target sites. To uncover the rules that govern effective Cas9-mediated mutagenesis in zebrafish, we targeted over a hundred genomic loci for mutagenesis using a streamlined and cloning-free method. We generated mutations in 85% of target genes with mutation rates varying across several orders of magnitude, and identified sequence composition rules that influence mutagenesis. We increased rates of mutagenesis by implementing several novel approaches. The activities of poor or unsuccessful single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs) initiating with a 5′ adenine were improved by rescuing 5′ end homogeneity of the sgRNA. In some cases, direct injection of Cas9 protein/sgRNA complex further increased mutagenic activity. We also observed that low diversity of mutant alleles led to repeated failure to obtain frame-shift mutations. This limitation was overcome by knock-in of a stop codon cassette that ensured coding frame truncation. Our improved methods and detailed protocols make Cas9-mediated mutagenesis an attractive approach for labs of all sizes

    Vg1-Nodal heterodimers are the endogenous inducers of mesendoderm

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    Nodal is considered the key inducer of mesendoderm in vertebrate embryos and embryonic stem cells. Other TGF-beta-related signals, such as Vg1/Dvr1/Gdf3, have also been implicated in this process but their roles have been unclear or controversial. Here we report that zebrafish embryos without maternally provided; vg1; fail to form endoderm and head and trunk mesoderm, and closely resemble; nodal; loss-of-function mutants. Although Nodal is processed and secreted without Vg1, it requires Vg1 for its endogenous activity. Conversely, Vg1 is unprocessed and resides in the endoplasmic reticulum without Nodal, and is only secreted, processed and active in the presence of Nodal. Co-expression of Nodal and Vg1 results in heterodimer formation and mesendoderm induction. Thus, mesendoderm induction relies on the combination of two TGF-beta-related signals: maternal and ubiquitous Vg1, and zygotic and localized Nodal. Modeling reveals that the pool of maternal Vg1 enables rapid signaling at low concentrations of zygotic Nodal

    Conserved regulation of Nodal-mediated left-right patterning in zebrafish and mouse

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    Nodal is the major effector of left-right axis development. In mice, Nodal forms heterodimers with Gdf1 and is inhibited by Cerl2/Dand5 at the node, and by Lefty1 in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). Studies in zebrafish have suggested some parallels, but also differences, between left-right patterning in mouse and zebrafish. To address these discrepancies, we generated single and double zebrafish mutants for; southpaw; (; spaw; , the; Nodal; ortholog),; dand5; and; lefty1; , and performed biochemical and activity assays with Spaw and Vg1/Gdf3 (the Gdf1 ortholog). Contrary to previous findings,; spaw; mutants failed to initiate; spaw; expression in the LPM, and asymmetric heart looping was absent, similar to mouse; Nodal; mutants. In blastoderm assays, Vg1 and Spaw were interdependent for target gene induction, and contrary to previous results, formed heterodimers. Loss of Dand5 or Lefty1 caused bilateral; spaw; expression, similar to mouse mutants, and Lefty1 was replaceable with a uniform Nodal signaling inhibitor. Collectively, these results indicate that Dand5 activity biases Spaw-Vg1 heterodimer activity to the left, Spaw around Kupffer's vesicle induces the expression of; spaw; in the LPM and global Nodal inhibition maintains the left bias of Spaw activity, demonstrating conservation between zebrafish and mouse mechanisms of left-right patterning

    CHOPCHOP v2: a web tool for the next generation of CRISPR genome engineering

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    In just 3 years CRISPR genome editing has transformed biology, and its popularity and potency continue to grow. New CRISPR effectors and rules for locating optimum targets continue to be reported, highlighting the need for computational CRISPR targeting tools to compile these rules and facilitate target selection and design. CHOPCHOP is one of the most widely used web tools for CRISPR- and TALEN-based genome editing. Its overarching principle is to provide an intuitive and powerful tool that can serve both novice and experienced users. In this major update we introduce tools for the next generation of CRISPR advances, including Cpf1 and Cas9 nickases. We support a number of new features that improve the targeting power, usability and efficiency of CHOPCHOP. To increase targeting range and specificity we provide support for custom length sgRNAs, and we evaluate the sequence composition of the whole sgRNA and its surrounding region using models compiled from multiple large-scale studies. These and other new features, coupled with an updated interface for increased usability and support for a continually growing list of organisms, maintain CHOPCHOP as one of the leading tools for CRISPR genome editing. CHOPCHOP v2 can be found at http://chopchop.cbu.uib.n

    CHOPCHOP v2: a web tool for the next generation of CRISPR genome engineering

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    In just 3 years CRISPR genome editing has transformed biology, and its popularity and potency continue to grow. New CRISPR effectors and rules for locating optimum targets continue to be reported, highlighting the need for computational CRISPR targeting tools to compile these rules and facilitate target selection and design. CHOPCHOP is one of the most widely used web tools for CRISPR- and TALEN-based genome editing. Its overarching principle is to provide an intuitive and powerful tool that can serve both novice and experienced users. In this major update we introduce tools for the next generation of CRISPR advances, including Cpf1 and Cas9 nickases. We support a number of new features that improve the targeting power, usability and efficiency of CHOPCHOP. To increase targeting range and specificity we provide support for custom length sgRNAs, and we evaluate the sequence composition of the whole sgRNA and its surrounding region using models compiled from multiple large-scale studies. These and other new features, coupled with an updated interface for increased usability and support for a continually growing list of organisms, maintain CHOPCHOP as one of the leading tools for CRISPR genome editing. CHOPCHOP v2 can be found at http://chopchop.cbu.uib.no

    CHOPCHOP v2: a web tool for the next generation of CRISPR genome engineering

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    In just 3 years CRISPR genome editing has transformed biology, and its popularity and potency continue to grow. New CRISPR effectors and rules for locating optimum targets continue to be reported, highlighting the need for computational CRISPR targeting tools to compile these rules and facilitate target selection and design. CHOPCHOP is one of the most widely used web tools for CRISPR- and TALEN-based genome editing. Its overarching principle is to provide an intuitive and powerful tool that can serve both novice and experienced users. In this major update we introduce tools for the next generation of CRISPR advances, including Cpf1 and Cas9 nickases. We support a number of new features that improve the targeting power, usability and efficiency of CHOPCHOP. To increase targeting range and specificity we provide support for custom length sgRNAs, and we evaluate the sequence composition of the whole sgRNA and its surrounding region using models compiled from multiple large-scale studies. These and other new features, coupled with an updated interface for increased usability and support for a continually growing list of organisms, maintain CHOPCHOP as one of the leading tools for CRISPR genome editing. CHOPCHOP v2 can be found at http://chopchop.cbu.uib.n

    Internal guide RNA interactions interfere with Cas9-mediated cleavage

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    The CRISPR/Cas system uses guide RNAs (gRNAs) to direct sequence-specific DNA cleavage. Not every gRNA elicits cleavage and the mechanisms that govern gRNA activity have not been resolved. Low activity could result from either failure to form a functional Cas9-gRNA complex or inability to recognize targets in vivo. Here we show that both phenomena influence Cas9 activity by comparing mutagenesis rates in zebrafish embryos with in vitro cleavage assays. In vivo, our results suggest that genomic factors such as CTCF inhibit mutagenesis. Comparing near-identical gRNA sequences with different in vitro activities reveals that internal gRNA interactions reduce cleavage. Even though gRNAs containing these structures do not yield cleavage-competent complexes, they can compete with active gRNAs for binding to Cas9. These results reveal that both genomic context and internal gRNA interactions can interfere with Cas9-mediated cleavage and illuminate previously uncharacterized features of Cas9-gRNA complex formation

    A pendulum swung too far

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    The revival of empiricism in the 1990s was an exciting time. We never imagined that that e ort would be as successful as it turned out to be. At the time, all we wanted was a seat at the table. In addition to everything else that was going on at the time, we wanted to make room for a little work of a di erent kind. We founded SIGDAT1 to provide a forum for this kind of work. SIGDAT started as a relatively small Workshop on Very Large Corpora in 1993 and later evolved into the larger EMNLP Conferences. At rst, the SIGDAT meetings were very di erent from the main ACL conference2 in many ways (size, topic, geography), but over the years, the di erences have largely disappeared. It is nice to see the eld come together as it has, but we may have been too successful. Not only have we succeeded in making room for what we were interested in, but now there is no longer much room for anything else. Figure 1 illustrates the dramatic shift from Rationalism to Empiricism with no end in sight. According to Hall et al. (2008), the shift started in 1988 with Brown et al. (1988) and Church (1988). Hall et al. (2008) came to this conclusion based on an analysis of the ACL Anthology, a collection of 16,500 published papers in Computational Linguistics from the 1970s to the