176 research outputs found

    Regional identity and territory construction in Mendoza (Argentina): memories and strategic forgetfulness

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    El presente trabajo analiza la construcción de la identidad regional en Mendoza, Argentina, un territorio periférico en el que el interjuego de las fuerzas locales y globales se expresa claramente. Se examinan los procesos sociales sobre los que la identidad se construye, para lo que indaga sobre la utilización que los actores hacen de la memoria y la presencia de identidades contrastivas y valores en disputa. Pero estos análisis constituyen una vía para explorar la preocupación central del trabajo: los vínculos entre esas identidades y la construcción del territorio de Mendoza. Si la identidad regional adscribe -por naturaleza- a un ámbito territorial, en Mendoza la dimensión territorial establece con esa identidad regional un doble vínculo, ya que la configuración y el ordenamiento de su territorio constituyen las principales líneas argumentales en torno a las cuales se organizan las memorias y los olvidos, confirmando presunciones respecto del territorio como objeto de luchas identitarias y políticas.Ce travail analyse la construction sociale de l’identité régionale à Mendoza, Argentine, un territoire périphérique où le jeu des forces locales-globales est clairement exprimé. Les processus sociaux sur lesquels les identités sont construites sont examinés en analysant l’utilisation que les acteurs font de la mémoire et la présence d’identités en contraste et des valeurs en conflit. Ces analyses constituent le moyen d´ aborder la préoccupation centrale du travail : les liens entre ces identités et la construction du territoire à Mendoza. L’identité régionale est attachée — par nature — à un cadre territorial. Mais à Mendoza la dimension territoriale établit avec cette identité régionale un double lien, puisque la configuration et l’aménagement du territoire constituent les principales lignes argumentaires autour desquelles sont organisées les mémoires et les oublis, en confirmant les présomptions d’un territoire qui est objet de luttes identitaires et politiques.This work analyzes the construction of regional identity in Mendoza, Argentina, a peripheral territory where the interplay of local and global forces is clearly expressed. The social processes on which identities are constructed are examined by analysing the social uses of memory, as well as the presence of contrasting identities and values in dispute. But these analyses are a way to explore the central preoccupation of the work: the bonds between those identities and the territory construction in Mendoza. If regional identity refers —by nature— to a territory, the bonds between identity and territory appeared to have doubled in Mendoza, since territorial configuration and planning constitute the main argumentative lines around which memories and forgetfulness are organized, confirming presumptions of the territory as being an object of identity and political fights.Fil: Montaña, Elma Carmen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Gape size influences seasonal patterns of piscivore diets in three Neotropical rivers

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    We examined diets of four piscivores, two in the order Perciformes (Cichla temensis and C. orinocensis) and two in the order Characiformes (Boulengerella cuvieri and B. lucius), from the Cinaruco, La Guardia, and Ventuari rivers in Venezuela throughout the wet-dry seasonal cycle. The four piscivores consumed a phylogenetically and morphologically diverse group of fishes, reflecting the overall diversity of fish species in these rivers. At the start of the falling-water period, Cichla consumed large prey, especially the abundant, migratory, fish of the genus Semaprochilodus. As these relatively large prey became depleted during the dry season, Cichla tended to consume smaller prey. For Boulengerella, gape limitation precluded consumption of larger, seasonally abundant, fishes, and so prey sizes were more consistent throughout the seasonal cycle. Our findings show how prey abundance and gape limitations interact to influence seasonal patterns of predator-prey interactions

    Comparison of fish assemblages in two littoral habitats in a Neotropical morichal stream in Venezuela

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    Morichales are lowland streams in South American savannas with riparian forest dominated by the moriche palm (Mauritia flexuosa). We sampled littoral habitats from ten flooded vegetated patches (dominated by Mauritiella aculeate) and six sand banks in two months of the dry season (Feb-Mar 2005) in a stream in the savannas of Apure State, Venezuela. We collected samples that compromised 12,407 individual fishes of 107 species. Small-bodied fishes (\u3c 100 mm), representing diverse trophic and life history strategies, were abundant. The most abundant species were in the families Characidae and Cichlidae. Fish assemblages from flooded vegetated patches differed significantly from those on adjacent sand banks. High structural complexity along vegetated shoreline habitats of morichal streams likely contributes to species richness and affects assemblage composition

    Classification of Alzheimer's patients through ubiquitous computing

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    Functional data analysis and artificial neural networks are the building blocks of the proposed methodology that distinguishes the movement patterns among c?s patients on different stages of the disease and classifies new patients to their appropriate stage of the disease. The movement patterns are obtained by the accelerometer device of android smartphones that the patients carry while moving freely. The proposed methodology is relevant in that it is flexible on the type of data to which it is applied. To exemplify that, it is analyzed a novel real three-dimensional functional dataset where each datum is observed in a different time domain. Not only is it observed on a difference frequency but also the domain of each datum has different length. The obtained classification success rate of 83% indicates the potential of the proposed methodologyThis work was partially supported by project PAC::LFO of the Spanish Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia under grant MTM2014-55262-P, and by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under grant MTM2014-56235-C2-2-P. We gratefully acknowledge the “Asociación de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer en Cantabria” and Pablo Cobo García for their participation in the various studies

    Body size–trophic position relationships among fishes of the lower Mekong basin

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    Body size is frequently claimed to be a major determinant of animal trophic interactions, yet few studies have explored relationships between body size and trophic interactions in rivers, especially within the tropics. We examined relationships between body size and trophic position (TP) within fish assemblages in four lowland rivers of the Lower Mekong Basin in Cambodia. Stable isotope analysis (based on δ(15)N) was used to estimate TP of common fish species in each river, and species were classified according to occupation of benthic versus pelagic habitats and major feeding guilds. Regression analysis yielded strong correlations between body size and TP among fishes from the Sesan and Sreprok rivers, but not those from the Mekong and Sekong rivers. The Mekong fish assemblage had higher average TP compared with those of other rivers. The relationship between body size and TP was positive and significantly correlated for piscivores and omnivores, but not for detritivores and insectivores. The body size–TP relationship did not differ between pelagic and benthic fishes. Body size significantly predicted TP within the orders Siluriformes and Perciformes, but not for Cypriniformes, the most species-rich and ecologically diverse order in the Lower Mekong River. We conclude that for species-rich, tropical fish assemblages with many detritivores and invertivores, body size would not be an appropriate surrogate for TP in food web models and other ecological applications

    Diet-Morphology Correlations in the Radiation of South American Geophagine Cichlids (Perciformes: Cichlidae: Cichlinae)

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    Genera within the South American cichlid tribe Geophagini display specialized feeding and reproductive strategies, with some taxa specialized for both substrate-sifting and mouth brooding. Several lineages within the clade also possess an epibranchial lobe (EBL), a unique pharyngeal structure that has been proposed to have a function in feeding and/or mouth brooding. A recently published genus-level phylogeny of Neotropical cichlids was used as the evolutionary framework for investigating the evolution of morphological features presumably correlated with diet and mouth brooding in the tribe Geophagini. We tested for possible associations between the geophagine epibranchial lobe and benthic feeding and mouth brooding. We also addressed whether the EBL may be associated with unique patterns of diversification in certain geophagine clades. Tests of binary character correlations revealed the EBL was significantly associated with mouth brooding. We also tested for a relationship between diet and morphology. We analyzed stomach contents and morphometric variation among 21 species, with data for two additional species obtained from the literature. Principal Components Analysis revealed axes of morphological variation significantly correlated with piscivory and benthivory, and both morphology and diet were significantly associated with phylogeny. These results suggest that the EBL could be an adaptation for either feeding or mouth brooding. The EBL, however, was not associated with species richness or accelerated rates of phyletic diversification

    Análisis de Déficit de Atención en Estudiantes De 11 – 14 Años, Institución Educativa “Las Mercedes” Municipio de Chiscas - Boyacá, para proponer Estrategias de Aprendizaje en Actividades Artísticas y Lúdicas.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación en la especialización de arte de los procesos de aprendizajes, está enfocado a analizar los procesos de déficit de atención en estudiantes de 11 a 14 años de edad en la Institución Educativa “Las Mercedes” municipio de Chiscas, para proponer estrategias de aprendizaje enfocadas a actividades artísticas y lúdicas. En este sentido se pretende a portar bajo el enfoque de Escuela Nueva las herramientas a los docentes con el fin de mejorar la atención y concentración en los procesos de aprendizajes en los niños y niñas. Es por ello que se realizó una intervención tomando antecedentes de la problemática presentada en la Institución Educativa las Mercedes municipio de Chiscas – Boyacá, evidenciada en los grados sexto y séptimo de secundaria de los cuales un gran porcentaje de niños y niñas presentaba dificultades en la atención a las clases, por consiguiente se estableció una propuesta pedagógica para la realización de estrategias artísticas y lúdicas, teniendo en cuenta las técnicas de recolección de la información encuestas y entrevistas, las cuales arrojaron porcentajes de déficit de atención dispersa, partiendo del nucleo familiar y trasladándose a la institución que no han permitido un rendimiento académico.This research work in the art specialization of learning processes is focused on analyzing the attention deficit processes in students aged 11 to 14 at the Educational Institution "Las Mercedes" municipality of Chiscas, to propose strategies of learning focused on artistic and recreational activities. In this sense, it is intended to bring the tools to teachers under the Escuela Nueva approach in order to improve attention and concentration in the learning processes in boys and girls. That is why an intervention was carried out taking antecedents of the problem presented in the Educational Institution Las Mercedes, municipality of Chiscas - Boyacá, evidenced in the sixth and seventh grades of secondary school, of which a large percentage of boys and girls presented difficulties in attention to the classes, therefore a pedagogical proposal was established for the realization of artistic and playful strategies, taking into account the techniques of collecting information, surveys and interviews, which showed percentages of dispersed attention deficit, starting from the family nucleus and moving to the institution that have not allowed an academic performance

    A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Method for Human Movement Patterns Classification in Alzheimer?s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) constitutes a neurodegenerative pathology that presents mobility disorders as one of its earliest symptoms. Current smartphones integrate accelerometers that can be used to collect mobility data of Alzheimer’s patients. This paper describes a method that processes these accelerometer data and a convolutional neural network (CNN) that classifies the stage of the disease according to the mobility patterns of the patient. The method is applied in a case study with 35 Alzheimer’s patients, in which a classification success rate of 91% was obtaine

    Factores de riesgo ergonómicos que inciden en las lesiones osteomusculares de los entrenadores de un centro médico deportivo de Cartagena - 2019

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    La actividad laboral que desempeñan los entrenadores en los centros médicos deportivo, gimnasios y/o clubes les genera diversas posibilidades de desarrollar una lesión osteomuscular, las cuales casi siempre se asocian con factores de riesgo ergonómicos derivados de técnicas inadecuadas. Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo ergonómicos que inciden en la aparición de lesiones osteomusculares en los entrenadores del Centro Médico Deportivo de Cartagena. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, transversal, con fase correlacional, cuantitativa en 51 entrenadores de un centro médico deportivo de Cartagena. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante el instrumento “Ergopar”, guardando características de rigor ético y metodológico correspondiente. Resultados: Dentro de la muestra la mayor prevalencia fueron los hombres, cumpliendo jornadas laborales de más de 4 horas en una prevalencia significativa, y las lesiones más frecuentes fueron dolor o molestias a nivel de la zona de los pies y de la región lumbar junto con los factores de riesgo donde las posturas prolongadas, movimientos repetitivos y manipulación- levantamiento de cargas fueron los más relevantes en los trabajadores, encontrándose una asociación significativa entre el factor de riesgo y daños o afección a la salud, mostrando (P-valor=0, 033), OR para las dos variables 3,164 en relación a Molestias – dolor en zona de los pies y p-valor=0,014. OR para las dos variables 0,206 en la zona lumbar. Discusión y Conclusión: Los resultados encontrados, aunque no se pueden comparar debido a la poca evidencia disponible en la literatura, muestran que los entrenadores se exponen constantemente a factores de riesgos relacionados con la postura y el movimiento que les genera lesiones osteomusculares. Es necesario que se establezcan medidas de prevención e intervención desde áreas afines que ayuden a disminuir estas afecciones o daños a la salud que podrían aumentar los indicadores de ausentismo e incapacidades en las empresas.The work carried out by coaches in sports medical centers, gyms and / or clubs generates different possibilities of developing a musculoskeletal injury, which are almost always associated with ergonomic risk factors derived from inadequate techniques. Objective: To determine the ergonomic risk factors that affect the appearance of musculoskeletal injuries in the coaches of the Sports Medical Center of Cartagena. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study, with correlation phase, quantitative in 51 coaches of a sports medical center in Cartagena. The data were collected through the "Ergopar" instrument, keeping characteristics of corresponding ethical and methodological rigor. Results: Within the sample, men were the most prevalent, working days longer than 4 hours in a significant prevalence, and the most frequent injuries were pain or discomfort in the area of the feet and lower back along with risk factors where prolonged postures, repetitive movements and manipulation-lifting loads were the most relevant in workers, found a significant association between the risk factor and damage or health condition, showing (P-value = 0, 033), OR for the two variables 3,164 in relation to discomfort - pain in the foot area and p-value = 0.014. OR for the two variables 0.206 in the lumbar area. Discussion and Conclusion: The results found, although they can not be compared due to the little evidence available in the literature, show that coaches are constantly exposed to risk factors related to posture and movement that generates osteomuscular injuries. It is necessary to establish prevention and intervention measures from related areas that help reduce these conditions or damage to health that could increase the indicators of absenteeism and disability in companies