349 research outputs found

    Comportamiento inusual de un ejemplar de tortuga boba joven liberado en el Mar de Alborán

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    Un individuo juvenil de tortuga boba con problemas de flotabilidad fue capturado en el Mar de Alborán (Mar Mediterráneo, sur de España). Fue liberado 14 meses después de su curación. Seis días después de la liberación, la tortuga fue vista nadando a 42 km del punto de liberación, con un comportamiento inusual. Por este motivo fue recapturada y liberada de nuevo, a 95 millas náuticas de la costa cerca de la Isla de Alborán. Diez días más tarde, la tortuga llegó a la playa, cerca de donde se la había mantenido en cautividad. En la presente nota se discuten estos hechos en el contexto de la alteración de la conducta y la habituación de las tortugas en libertad. Los estudios centrados en la captura, marcaje y recaptura de las tortugas marinas, por ejemplo, deben de abordarse con cautela, ya que la manipulación de estos animales podría modificar su comportamiento habitual. Palabras claves: Tortuga marina, Captura–marcado–recaptura, Posliberación, Mar Mediterráneo.A juvenile loggerhead turtle with buoyancy problems was captured in the Alboran Sea (Mediterranean Sea, south of Spain) and released 14 months later after healing. Six days after the release, the turtle was seen swimming 42 km from the point of release, displaying unusual behaviour. We re–captured and released it again, 95 nautical miles offshore, near the Alboran Island. Ten days later the turtle arrived at the beach close to where it had been maintained in captivity. We discuss these findings in the context of behavioural alteration and habituation in released sea turtles. Capture–mark–recapture studies of sea turtles should be approached with caution as manipulated animals may modify their usual behaviour. Key words: Sea turtle, Captivity, Capture–mark–recapture, Post–release, Mediterranean Sea.Un individuo juvenil de tortuga boba con problemas de flotabilidad fue capturado en el Mar de Alborán (Mar Mediterráneo, sur de España). Fue liberado 14 meses después de su curación. Seis días después de la liberación, la tortuga fue vista nadando a 42 km del punto de liberación, con un comportamiento inusual. Por este motivo fue recapturada y liberada de nuevo, a 95 millas náuticas de la costa cerca de la Isla de Alborán. Diez días más tarde, la tortuga llegó a la playa, cerca de donde se la había mantenido en cautividad. En la presente nota se discuten estos hechos en el contexto de la alteración de la conducta y la habituación de las tortugas en libertad. Los estudios centrados en la captura, marcaje y recaptura de las tortugas marinas, por ejemplo, deben de abordarse con cautela, ya que la manipulación de estos animales podría modificar su comportamiento habitual. Palabras claves: Tortuga marina, Captura–marcado–recaptura, Posliberación, Mar Mediterráneo

    Serum biomarkers and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation (LT) is the only potentially curative treatment for selected patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) who are not candidates for resection. When the Milan criteria are strictly applied, 75% to 85%of 3- to 4-year actuarial survival rates are achieved, but up to 20% of the patients experience HCC recurrence after transplantation. The Milan criteria are based on the preoperative tumor macromorphology, tumor size and number on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging that neither correlate well with posttransplant histological study of the liver explant nor accurately predict HCC recurrence after LT, since they do not include objective measures of tumor biology. Preoperative biological markers, including alpha-fetoprotein, desgamma- carboxiprothrombin or neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-tolymphocyte ratio, can predict the risk for HCC recurrence after transplantation. These biomarkers have been proposed as surrogate markers of tumor differentiation and vascular invasion, with varied risk magnitudes depending on the defined cutoffs. Different studies have shown that the combination of one or several biomarkers integrated into prognostic models predict the risk of HCC recurrence after LT more accurately than Milan criteria alone. In this review, we focus on the potential utility of these serum biological markers to improve the performance of Milan criteria to identify patients at high risk of tumora

    Cloudy, increasingly FAIR; Revisiting the FAIR Data guiding principles for the European Open Science Cloud

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    The FAIR Data Principles propose that all scholarly output should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. As a set of guiding principles, expressing only the kinds of behaviours that researchers should expect from contemporary data resources, how the FAIR principles should manifest in reality was largely open to interpretation. As support for the Principles has spread, so has the breadth of these interpretations. In observing this creeping spread of interpretation, several of the original authors felt it was now appropriate to revisit the Principles, to clarify both what FAIRness is, and is not

    Provenance-Centered Dataset of Drug-Drug Interactions

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    Over the years several studies have demonstrated the ability to identify potential drug-drug interactions via data mining from the literature (MEDLINE), electronic health records, public databases (Drugbank), etc. While each one of these approaches is properly statistically validated, they do not take into consideration the overlap between them as one of their decision making variables. In this paper we present LInked Drug-Drug Interactions (LIDDI), a public nanopublication-based RDF dataset with trusty URIs that encompasses some of the most cited prediction methods and sources to provide researchers a resource for leveraging the work of others into their prediction methods. As one of the main issues to overcome the usage of external resources is their mappings between drug names and identifiers used, we also provide the set of mappings we curated to be able to compare the multiple sources we aggregate in our dataset.Comment: In Proceedings of the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 201

    First record of the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) extralimital presence in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The stranding of a harp seal on the beach in the municipality of Motril (southern Spain) represents the first record of this species in the Mediterranean Sea and the southernmost known report. It was a male which reached the beach very tired and sick, dying after two hours on the sand. The specimen presented three species of epibionts. This is the second species of Arctic seal recorded in the Mediterranean SeaPeer reviewe

    La Oscilación del Atlántico Norte y la temperatura superficial del mar afectan la abundancia de la tortuga boba alrededor del estrecho de Gibraltar

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    The aim of this study was to explore the possible link between variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and sea surface temperature (SST) and the abundance of loggerhead turtles around the Strait of Gibraltar, using stranding data for the Andalusian coastal area as a proxy for abundance. The annual average SST (from November to October) in the Gulf of Cadiz was negatively associated with the total number of loggerhead strandings each year from November 1997 to October 2006 in the Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea. The average NAO index was positively associated with the number of strandings in the Gulf of Cadiz in the following year. Prevailing westerly winds during positive NAO phases and the subsequent delayed decrease in SST may lead to turtles from the west Atlantic accumulating in the Gulf of Cadiz and unsuccessfully attempting to return. Secondary causes, such as buoyancy, cold stunning, longline fisheries, net fisheries, debilitated turtle syndrome, and trauma may also increase the number of turtle strandings.El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la posible relación entre las variaciones de la Oscilación del Atlántico Norte (NAO) y la temperatura superficial del mar (SST), y la abundancia de tortugas bobas alrededor del Estrecho de Gibraltar, utilizando los datos de varamientos como sustituto de la abundancia. La SST promedio en el Golfo de Cádiz se relacionó negativamente con el número total de tortugas bobas varadas durante cada año (de noviembre a octubre) desde 1997 hasta 2006 en el Golfo de Cádiz y en el Mar de Alborán, mientras que el promedio del índice NAO se relacionó positivamente con el número de varamientos en el Golfo de Cádiz durante el año siguiente. Vientos predominantes del oeste durante las fases de la NAO positiva, y su posterior retraso en la reducción de la SST, pueden provocar la acumulación en el Golfo de Cádiz de las tortugas que entran desde el Atlántico occidental y, las que sin éxito, tratan de regresar a sus playas de origen. Debido a causas secundarias (como problemas de flotabilitdad, enfriamiento, la pesca con palangre, la pesca con redes, DTS, y traumatismos) aumenta el número de tortugas varadas

    The glutathione biosynthetic pathway of Plasmodium is essential for mosquito transmission

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    1Infection of red blood cells (RBC) subjects the malaria parasite to oxidative stress. Therefore, efficient antioxidant and redox systems are required to prevent damage by reactive oxygen species. Plasmodium spp. have thioredoxin and glutathione (GSH) systems that are thought to play a major role as antioxidants during blood stage infection. In this report, we analyzed a critical component of the GSH biosynthesis pathway using reverse genetics. Plasmodium berghei parasites lacking expression of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCS), the rate limiting enzyme in de novo synthesis of GSH, were generated through targeted gene disruption thus demonstrating, quite unexpectedly, that γ-GCS is not essential for blood stage development. Despite a significant reduction in GSH levels, blood stage forms of pbggcs− parasites showed only a defect in growth as compared to wild type. In contrast, a dramatic effect on development of the parasites in the mosquito was observed. Infection of mosquitoes with pbggcs− parasites resulted in reduced numbers of stunted oocysts that did not produce sporozoites. These results have important implications for the design of drugs aiming at interfering with the GSH redox-system in blood stages and demonstrate that de novo synthesis of GSH is pivotal for development of Plasmodium in the mosquito

    Theoretical and technological building blocks for an innovation accelerator

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    The scientific system that we use today was devised centuries ago and is inadequate for our current ICT-based society: the peer review system encourages conservatism, journal publications are monolithic and slow, data is often not available to other scientists, and the independent validation of results is limited. Building on the Innovation Accelerator paper by Helbing and Balietti (2011) this paper takes the initial global vision and reviews the theoretical and technological building blocks that can be used for implementing an innovation (in first place: science) accelerator platform driven by re-imagining the science system. The envisioned platform would rest on four pillars: (i) Redesign the incentive scheme to reduce behavior such as conservatism, herding and hyping; (ii) Advance scientific publications by breaking up the monolithic paper unit and introducing other building blocks such as data, tools, experiment workflows, resources; (iii) Use machine readable semantics for publications, debate structures, provenance etc. in order to include the computer as a partner in the scientific process, and (iv) Build an online platform for collaboration, including a network of trust and reputation among the different types of stakeholders in the scientific system: scientists, educators, funding agencies, policy makers, students and industrial innovators among others. Any such improvements to the scientific system must support the entire scientific process (unlike current tools that chop up the scientific process into disconnected pieces), must facilitate and encourage collaboration and interdisciplinarity (again unlike current tools), must facilitate the inclusion of intelligent computing in the scientific process, must facilitate not only the core scientific process, but also accommodate other stakeholders such science policy makers, industrial innovators, and the general public

    Aplastic Anemia Complicating Orthotopic Liver Transplantation for Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis

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    Aplastic anemia developed in 9 of 32 patients (28 percent) undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation for acute non-A, non-B hepatitis, at one to seven weeks after the procedure. No patient previously had evidence of hematologic dysfunction or conditions known to be associated with aplastic anemia. No other cases of aplastic anemia were identified among 1463 patients undergoing liver transplantation for all other indications at the four centers participating in the study (chi-square = 415, P<0.001; 95 percent confidence interval for the incidence of aplastic anemia after transplantation for non-A, non-B hepatitis, 13 to 44 percent, vs. 0.00 to 0.13 percent for all other indications). The operative and postoperative treatment of these patients was not otherwise different, indicating that the aplastic anemia was a complication of the hepatitis, not of the transplantation procedure. Four of the nine patients died of complications due to infections. Three of the surviving patients have been followed for less than six months, one for one year, and one for two years. The two patients followed the longest have recovered marrow function to an appreciable degree, and two of the others have evidence of early recovery. We conclude that patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation for non-A, non-B hepatitis are at a high risk for the development of aplastic anemia. (N Engl J Med 1988; 319:393–6.) © 1988, Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved