98 research outputs found

    Occupational Nursing Intervention in cardiovascular assessment in health professionals in the Spanish Mediterranean area

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    Introducción: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la primera causa de muerte en el mundo y guardan una estrecha relación con diferentes factores de riesgo modificables a través de un cambio en el estilo de vida de las personas. Los profesionales sanitarios presentan riesgo para su salud por ser una profesión ejercida bajo estrés y desgaste profesional. Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de riesgo cardiovascular según el grupo de profesional sanitario. Materiales y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo y transversal en 8475 profesionales sanitarios (6645 mujeres y 1830 varones) del área mediterránea española. Se valoran variables antropométricas relacionadas con riesgo cardiovascular, índices aterogénicos, síndrome metabólico, escalas de riesgo cardiovascular y escalas de riesgo de diabetes tipo 2. Se realiza análisis multivariante mediante regresión logística y se determinan las odss ratio. Resultados: La mayor prevalencia de riesgo cardiovascular se obtiene en auxiliares y la menor en Enfermería. Los varones presentan mayor riesgo que las mujeres en todos los parámetros analizados. El hábito tabáquico, consumo de alcohol y obesidad afectan negativamente al riesgo cardiovascular. La realización de ejercicio y una alimentación saludable afectan de manera positiva. Discusión: La existencia de diferentes factores de riesgo cardiovasculares en personas aparentemente sanas muestra la necesidad de más estudios para proporcionar las medidas preventivas más adecuadas. Es importante la figura del especialista en Enfermería del Trabajo, crucial para realizar una adecuada vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores y detectar posibles patologías y alteraciones desconocidas en ese momento.Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world and are closely related to different modifiable risk factors through a change in people’s lifestyle. Health professionals are in risk for their health because it is a profession exercised under stress and professional wear. Objective: To identify the level of cardiovascular risk according to the group of health professionals. Methods: Retrospective and transversal study of 8475 health professionals (6645 women and 1830 men) in the Spanish Mediterranean area. Anthropometric variables related to cardiovascular risk, atherogenic indexes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk scales and risk scales of developing type 2 diabetes are evaluated. A multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression and odss ratios were estimated. Results: The highest prevalence of cardiovascular risk is obtained in auxiliaries and the lowest in Nursing. Males are at higher risk than females in all parameters analyzed. Smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity negatively affect cardiovascular risk negatively. Physical exercise and healthy eating affect positively. Discussion: The existence of different cardiovascular risk factors in apparently healthy individuals shows the need for more studies to provide the most appropriate preventive measures. It is important the figure of the specialist in Occupational Nursing, essential to develop an adequate monitoring of the health of the workers and to detect possible pathologies unknown at that moment

    Nanomechanical properties of composite protein networks of erythroid membranes at lipid surfaces

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    Erythrocyte membranes have been particularly useful as a model for studies of membrane structure and mechanics. Native erythroid membranes can be electroformed as giant unilamellar vesicles (eGUVs). In the presence of ATP, the erythroid membrane proteins of eGUVs rearrange into protein networks at the microscale. Here, we present a detailed nanomechanical study of individual protein microfilaments forming the protein networks of eGUVs when spread on supporting surfaces. Using Peak Force tapping Atomic Force Microscopy (PF-AFM) in liquid environment we have obtained the mechanical maps of the composite lipid-protein networks supported on solid surface. In the absence of ATP, the protein pool was characterized by a Young’s Modulus Epool ≈ 5–15 MPa whereas the complex filaments were found softer after protein supramolecular rearrangement; Efil ≈ 0.4 MPa. The observed protein softening and reassembling could be relevant for understanding the mechanisms of cytoskeleton reorganization found in pathological erythrocytes or erythrocytes that are affected by biological agents

    A trait-based approach reveals the feeding selectivity of a small endangered Mediterranean fish

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    Functional traits are growing in popularity in modern ecology, but feeding studies remain primarily rooted in a taxonomic-based perspective. However, consumers do not have any reason to select their prey using a taxonomic criterion, and prey assemblages are variable in space and time, which makes taxon-based studies assemblage-specific. To illustrate the benefits of the trait-based approach to assessing food choice, we studied the feeding ecology of the endangered freshwater fish Barbus meridionalis. We hypothesized that B. meridionalis is a selective predator which food choice depends on several prey morphological and behavioral traits, and thus, its top-down pressure may lead to changes in the functional composition of in-stream macroinvertebrate communities. Feeding selectivity was inferred by comparing taxonomic and functional composition (13 traits) between ingested and free-living potential prey using the Jacob's electivity index. Our results showed that the fish diet was influenced by 10 of the 13 traits tested. Barbus meridionalis preferred prey with a potential size of 5-10 mm, with a medium-high drift tendency, and that drift during daylight. Potential prey with no body flexibility, conical shape, concealment traits (presence of nets and/or cases, or patterned coloration), and high aggregation tendency had a low predation risk. Similarly, surface swimmers and interstitial taxa were low vulnerable to predation. Feeding selectivity altered the functional composition of the macroinvertebrate communities. Fish absence favored taxa with weak aggregation tendency, weak flexibility, and a relatively large size (10-20 mm of potential size). Besides, predatory invertebrates may increase in fish absence. In conclusion, our study shows that the incorporation of the trait-based approach in diet studies is a promising avenue to improve our mechanistic understanding of predator-prey interactions and to help predict the ecological outcomes of predator invasions and extinctions

    México y Jalisco en la coyuntura : segundo semestre de 1998

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    Análisis de coyuntura sobre los principales sucesos del segundo semestre de 1998 en Jalisco y México. El caso del FOBAPROA, la seguridad pública, los derechos humanos, las elecciones efectuadas en el período y las estrategias de los partidos políticos en Jalisco son analizados por autores diversos. Se estudia también el caso de la industria electrónica en Guadalajara y la relación de los grupos de la sociedad civil con el gobierno.ITESO, A.C

    México y Jalisco en la coyuntura : primer semestre de 1998

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    Análisis de coyuntura sobre los principales sucesos del primer semestre de 1997 en Jalisco, a nivel político, económico y social: la situación en el estado de los tres principales partidos políticos (PAN, PRI y PRD), la cuestión laboral, los derechos humanos y el problema de abastecimiento de agua en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara.ITESO, A.C

    Effectiveness of Fosfomycin for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infections

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    IMPORTANCE The consumption of broad-spectrum drugs has increased as a consequence of the spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli. Finding alternatives for these infections is critical, for which some neglected drugs may be an option. OBJECTIVE To determine whether fosfomycin is noninferior to ceftriaxone or meropenem in the targeted treatment of bacteremic urinary tract infections (bUTIs) due to MDR E coli. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This multicenter, randomized, pragmatic, open clinical trial was conducted at 22 Spanish hospitals from June 2014 to December 2018. Eligible participants were adult patients with bacteremic urinary tract infections due to MDR E coli; 161 of 1578 screened patients were randomized and followed up for 60 days. Data were analyzed in May 2021. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomized 1 to 1 to receive intravenous fosfomycin disodium at 4 g every 6 hours (70 participants) or a comparator (ceftriaxone or meropenem if resistant; 73 participants) with the option to switch to oral fosfomycin trometamol for the fosfomycin group or an active oral drug or pa renteral ertapenem for the comparator group after 4 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was clinical and microbiological cure (CMC) 5 to 7 days after finalization of treatment; a noninferiority margin of 7% was considered. RESULTS Among 143 patients in the modified intention-to-treat population (median [IQR] age, 72 [62-81] years; 73 [51.0%] women), 48 of 70 patients (68.6%) treated with fosfomycin and 57 of 73 patients (78.1%) treated with comparators reached CMC (risk difference, -9.4 percentage points; 1-sided 95% CI, -21.5 to infinity percentage points; P = .10). While clinical or microbiological failure occurred among 10 patients (14.3%) treated with fosfomycin and 14 patients (19.7%) treated with comparators (risk difference, -5.4 percentage points; 1-sided 95% CI. -infinity to 4.9; percentage points; P = .19), an increased rate of adverse event-related discontinuations occurred with fosfomycin vs comparators (6 discontinuations [8.5%] vs 0 discontinuations; P = .006). In an exploratory analysis among a subset of 38 patients who underwent rectal colonization studies, patients treated with fosfomycin acquired a new ceftriaxone-resistant or meropenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria at a decreased rate compared with patients treated with comparators (0 of 21 patients vs 4 of 17 patients [23.5%]; 1-sided P = .01). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This study found that fosfomycin did not demonstrate noninferiority to comparators as targeted treatment of bUTI from MDR E coli; this was due to an increased rate of adverse event-related discontinuations. This finding suggests that fosfomycin may be considered for selected patients with these infections

    Recommendations for treatment with recombinant human growth hormone in pediatric patients in Colombia

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    En Colombia, actualmente no existen parámetros claros para el diagnóstico de pacientes con talla baja, ni sobre el tratamiento de esta población con hormona de crecimiento recombinante humana (somatropina), lo cual se ve favorecido por la diversidad de programas de formación de profesionales en endocrinología pediátrica. En respuesta a esta problemática se realizó el primer acuerdo colombiano de expertos en talla baja liderado por la Asociación Colegio Colombiana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (ACCEP); este trabajo contó con la participación y el aval de expertos clínicos de importantes instituciones de salud públicas y privadas del país, además de expertos metodológicos del instituto Keralty, quienes garantizaron la estandarización del uso de la somatropina. Después de realizar una minuciosa revisión de la literatura, se propone la unificación de definiciones, un algoritmo diagnóstico, los parámetros de referencia de las pruebas bioquímicas y dinámicas, una descripción de las consideraciones de uso de la somatropina para el tratamiento de las patologías con aprobación por la entidad regulatoria de medicamentos y alimentos en Colombia y, por último, un formato de consentimiento informado y de ficha técnica del medicamento.In Colombia there are no guidelines for diagnosis and management of patients with short stature and for the use of recombinanthuman growth hormone, mainly caused by the diversity of training centers in pediatric endocrinology. In response to this situation,the Asociación Colegio Colombiana de Endocrinología Pediátrica leds the first colombian short stature expert committee in order tostandardize the use of human recombinant growth hormone. This work had the participation and endorsement of a consortium ofclinical experts representing the Sociedad Colombiana de Pediatría, Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá- Subred Integrada deServicios de Salud Suroccidente, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas, Universidad de los Andes and some public and private healthinstitutions in the country, in addition to the participation of methodological experts from the Instituto Global de Excelencia ClínicaKeralty. By reviewing the literature and with the best available evidence, we proposed to unify definitions, a diagnostic algorithm,biochemical and dynamic tests with their reference parameters, a description of the considerations about growth hormone use amongthe indications approved by regulatory agency for medications and food in Colombia and finally a proposal for an informed consentand a medication fact sheet available for parents and patients.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7856-7213https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2241-7854Revista Nacional - Indexad

    STOP ODIO. Instagram como punto de encuentro ético para la detección y análisis de delitos de odio en redes sociales

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    Este proyecto de innovación docente busca crear un espacio en las asignaturas y en redes sociales, donde el alumnado pudiera detectar, analizar y denunciar delitos de odio, producidos y publicados en esas mismas redes sociales. El alumnado de Grado sería de Periodismo, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, y Comunicación Audiovisual, tanto de asignaturas obligatorias (Teoría de la Información, Ética y Deontología Profesional), como de asignaturas optativas (Comunicación Política, Comunicación y Género)