60 research outputs found

    Interpreting the variability of space-borne CO<sub>2</sub> column-averaged volume mixing ratios over North America using a chemistry transport model

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    We use the GEOS-Chem chemistry transport model to interpret the sources and sinks of CO2 that determine variability of column-averaged volume mixing ratios (CVMRs), as observed by the SCIAMACHY satellite instrument, during the 2003 North American growing season. GEOS-Chem generally reproduces the magnitude and seasonal cycle of observed CO2 surface VMRs across North America and is quantitatively consistent with column VMRs in later years. However, it cannot reproduce the magnitude or variability of FSI-WFM-DOAS SCIAMACHY CVMRs. We use model tagged tracers to show that local fluxes largely determine CVMR variability over North America, with the largest individual CVMR contributions (1.1%) from the land biosphere. Fuel sources are relatively constant while biomass burning makes a significant contribution only during midsummer. We also show that non-local sources contribute significantly to total CVMRs over North America, with the boreal Asian land biosphere contributing close to 1% in midsummer at high latitudes. We used the monthly-mean Jacobian matrix for North America to illustrate that:~1) North American CVMRs represent a superposition of many weak flux signatures, but differences in flux distributions should permit independent flux estimation; and 2) the atmospheric e-folding lifetimes for many of these flux signatures are 3–4 months, beyond which time they are too well-mixed to interpret. These long lifetimes will improve the efficacy of observed CVMRs as surface CO2 flux constraints

    Radical chemistry and ozone production at a UK coastal receptor site

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    OH, HO2, total and partially speciated RO2, and OH reactivity (kOH′) were measured during the July 2015 ICOZA (Integrated Chemistry of OZone in the Atmosphere) project that took place at a coastal site in north Norfolk, UK. Maximum measured daily OH, HO2 and total RO2 radical concentrations were in the range 2.6–17 × 106, 0.75–4.2 × 108 and 2.3–8.0 × 108 molec. cm−3, respectively. kOH′ ranged from 1.7 to 17.6 s−1, with a median value of 4.7 s−1. ICOZA data were split by wind direction to assess differences in the radical chemistry between air that had passed over the North Sea (NW–SE sectors) and that over major urban conurbations such as London (SW sector). A box model using the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.3.1) was in reasonable agreement with the OH measurements, but it overpredicted HO2 observations in NW–SE air in the afternoon by a factor of ∼ 2–3, although slightly better agreement was found for HO2 in SW air (factor of ∼ 1.4–2.0 underprediction). The box model severely underpredicted total RO2 observations in both NW–SE and SW air by factors of ∼ 8–9 on average. Measured radical and kOH′ levels and measurement–model ratios displayed strong dependences on NO mixing ratios, with the results suggesting that peroxy radical chemistry is not well understood under high-NOx conditions. The simultaneous measurement of OH, HO2, total RO2 and kOH′ was used to derive experimental (i.e. observationally determined) budgets for all radical species as well as total ROx (i.e. OH + HO2 + RO2). In NW–SE air, the ROx budget could be closed during the daytime within experimental uncertainty, but the rate of OH destruction exceeded the rate of OH production, and the rate of HO2 production greatly exceeded the rate of HO2 destruction, while the opposite was true for RO2. In SW air, the ROx budget analysis indicated missing daytime ROx sources, but the OH budget was balanced, and the same imbalances were found with the HO2 and RO2 budgets as in NW–SE air. For HO2 and RO2, the budget imbalances were most severe at high-NO mixing ratios, and the best agreement between HO2 and RO2 rates of production and destruction rates was found when the RO2 + NO rate coefficient was reduced by a factor of 5. A photostationary-steady-state (PSS) calculation underpredicted daytime OH in NW–SE air by ∼ 35 %, whereas agreement (∼ 15 %) was found within instrumental uncertainty (∼ 26 % at 2σ) in SW air. The rate of in situ ozone production (P(Ox)) was calculated from observations of ROx, NO and NO2 and compared to that calculated from MCM-modelled radical concentrations. The MCM-calculated P(Ox) significantly underpredicted the measurement-calculated P(Ox) in the morning, and the degree of underprediction was found to scale with NO

    Ultrafine particles in four European urban environments: Results from a new continuous long-term monitoring network

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    To gain a better understanding on the spatiotemporal variation of ultrafine particles (UFPs) in urban environments, this study reports on the first results of a long-term UFP monitoring network, set up in Amsterdam (NL), Antwerp (BE), Leicester (UK) and London (UK). Total number concentrations and size distributions were assessed during 1e2 years at four fixed urban background sites, supplemented with mobile trailer measurements for co-location monitoring and additional short-term monitoring sites. Intra- and interurban spatiotemporal UFP variation, associations with commonly-monitored pollutants (PM, NOx and BC) and impacts of wind fields were evaluated. Although comparable size distributions were observed between the four cities, source-related differences were demonstrated within specific particle size classes. Total and size-resolved particle number concentrations showed clear traffic-related temporal variation, confirming road traffic as the major UFP contributor in urban environments. New particle formation events were observed in all cities. Correlations with typical traffic-related pollutants (BC and NOx) were obtained for all monitoring stations, except for Amsterdam, which might be attributable to UFP emissions from Schiphol airport. The temporal variation in particle number concentration correlated fairly weakly between the four cities (rs = 0.28 0.50, COD = 0.28 0.37), yet improved significantly inside individual cities (rs = 0.59-0.77). Nevertheless, considerable differences were still obtained in terms of particle numbers (20-38% for total particle numbers and up to 49% for size-resolved particle numbers), confirming the importance of local source contributions and the need for careful consideration when allocating UFP monitoring stations in heterogeneous urban environments