24 research outputs found

    Brown trout thermal niche and climate change: expected changes in the distribution of cold-water fish in central Spain

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    This paper addresses the determination of the realized thermal niche and the effects of climate change on the range distribution of two brown trout populations inhabiting two streams in the Duero River basin (Iberian Peninsula) at the edge of the natural distribution area of this species. For reaching these goals, new methodological developments were applied to improve reliability of forecasts. Water temperature data were collected using 11 thermographs located along the altitudinal gradient, and they were used to model the relationship between stream temperature and air temperature along the river continuum. Trout abundance was studied using electrofishing at 37 sites to determine the current distribution. The RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 change scenarios adopted by the International Panel of Climate Change for its Fifth Assessment Report were used for simulations and local downscaling in this study. We found more reliable results using the daily mean stream temperature than maximum daily temperature and their respective seven days moving-average to determine the distribution thresholds. Thereby, the observed limits of the summer distribution of brown trout were linked to thresholds between 18.1ºC and 18.7ºC. These temperatures characterise a realised thermal niche narrower than the physiological thermal range. In the most unfavourable climate change scenario, the thermal habitat loss of brown trout increased to 38% (Cega stream) and 11% (Pirón stream) in the upstream direction at the end of the century; however, at the Cega stream, the range reduction could reach 56% due to the effect of a ?warm-window? opening in the piedmont reach

    Stream flow regime, temperature and climate change: the loss of fish habitat

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    This study is aimed at forecasting the changes in the suitability of brown trout habitat (Salmo trutta L.), caused by alterations in the stream temperature and the flow regime under climate change scenarios. The stream temperature and instantaneous flow in several streams in Central Spain were modelled from daily temperature and precipitation data. Logistic models were used for stream temperature modelling whereas M5? model trees were used to develop the precipitation-runoff models. These models were utilized to simulate the running flows under the climate change scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (5thIPCC). The resulting forecasts suggested a different response of the stream temperature to the atmospheric warming in accordance with the geologic nature of basins. At the same time, significant decreases in summer flow and increases in the frequency of zero-flow events were predicted. In the future, significant declines in summer flow could exacerbate the negative impact on trout populations of increased water temperature by reducing both the suitable spatial habitat and the warming resistance of the water mass


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    Director : Franco FerrarisEmpresa Juan A. PamiasFunción 'a beneficio con bandeja a favor de los empleados permanentes, porteros y acomodadoresIntèrprets : Jaume Aragall, Manuel AusensiRegidor d'escena : Diego Monjo ; Mestre de Cor : Riccardo Bottino ; Mestre apuntador : Àngel Anglada ; Coreògraf : Joan Magriny

    Detailed predictions of climate induced changes in the thermal and flow regimes in mountain streams of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The present study aimed at predicting the effects of climate change on the thermal and flow regime in the Iberian Peninsula, refining the resolution of previous studies. For this purpose, the study encompassed 28 sites at eight different mountain rivers and streams in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain). The daily flow was modelled using different daily, monthly and quarterly lags of the historical precipitation and temperature time series. These precipitation-runoff models were developed by means of M5 model trees. On the other hand water temperature was modelled at similar time scale by means of nonlinear regression from dedicated site-specific data. The developed models were used to simulate the temperature and flow regime under two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCPs) climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) until the end of the present century by considering nine different GCMs, which were pertinently downscaled


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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Director, Gianfranco Masini ; director d'escena, Diego Monjo ; interpretada per Juan Pons, Montserrat CaballéEmpresa: Juan A. Pamia

    Caterina Cornaro

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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Director, Carlo F. Cillario ; direcció d'escena Diego Monjo ; intèrprets Montserrat Caballé, Jaime AragallEmpresa: Juan A. Pamia

    Il Tabarro ; Suor Angelica ; Gianni Schicchi

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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Director: Anton Guadagno ; director d'escena, Diego MonjoEmpresa: Juan A. Pamia


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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Direcció de Paul Ethuin ; direcció d'escena Diego MonjoEmpresa: Juan A. Pamia

    Riego-Asesor: gestión del riesgo hídrico y planificación sostenible del agua en la agricultura

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    La eficiencia en el uso de los recursos naturales es una prioridad para garantizar la sostenibilidad económica y ambiental de la agricultura. El proyecto Riego-Asesor analiza las relaciones entre la variabilidad climática y las necesidades requeridas en la gestión hídrica agrícola para así diseñar una batería de buenas prácticas de riego en base a pronósticos meteorológicos. El proyecto además desarrolla modelos semi-mecanicisticos de cultivos que permiten predecir el balance hídrico y simular así el déficit hídrico existente además de cuantificar la respuesta productiva frente al agua aplicada. Un aspecto importante de Riego-Asesor es la implementación de un sistema de predicción meteorológica que se adapta a las características microclimáticas de cada punto. Mediante la implantación de este sistema se esperan importantes beneficios en el ahorro y eficiencia de agua, incrementos de rendimiento y reducción del gasto energético, entre otros, gracias a la mejora de la predicción de la precipitación y de la evapotranspiración de referencia.The efficient use of natural resources is a priority to ensure economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture. Riego-Asesor project analyzes the relationship between climate variability and the needs required in agricultural water management in order to design a set of good irrigation practices based on weather forecasts. The project also develops semi-mechanistic crop models for predicting water balance and thus simulate the existing water deficit. In addition, these models try to quantifying the productive response to applied water. An important aspect of Riego-Asesor is the implementation of a weather forecasting system that adapts to the microclimatic characteristics of each point. By implementing this system important benefits are expected in water savings and efficiency, yield increases and reduced energy expenditure, among others, through the improved prediction of precipitation and reference evapo-transpiration.El proyecto Riego-Asesor está financiado por el MINECO con co-financiación FEDER a través del proyecto Retos Colaboración RTC-2015-3453-2: “Asesor virtual para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones sobre estrategias de riego sostenibles”

    Riego-asesor: gestión del riesgo hídrico y planificación sostenible del agua en la agricultura

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    Ponencia presentada en: X Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Alicante entre el 5 y el 8 de octubre de 2016.[ES]La eficiencia en el uso de los recursos naturales es una prioridad para garantizar la sostenibilidad económica y ambiental de la agricultura. El proyecto Riego-Asesor analiza las relaciones entre la variabilidad climática y las necesidades requeridas en la gestión hídrica agrícola para así diseñar una batería de buenas prácticas de riego en base a pronósticos meteorológicos. El proyecto además desarrolla modelos semimecanicisticos de cultivos que permiten predecir el balance hídrico y simular así el déficit hídrico existente además de cuantificar la respuesta productiva frente al agua aplicada. Un aspecto importante de Riego-Asesor es la implementación de un sistema de predicción meteorológica que se adapta a las características microclimáticas de cada punto. Mediante la implantación de este sistema se esperan importantes beneficios en el ahorro y eficiencia de agua, incrementos de rendimiento y reducción del gasto energético, entre otros, gracias a la mejora de la predicción de la precipitación y de la evapotranspiración de referencia.[EN]The efficient use of natural resources is a priority to ensure economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture. Riego-Asesor project analyzes the relationship between climate variability and the needs required in agricultural water management in order to design a set of good irrigation practices based on weather forecasts. The project also develops semi-mechanistic crop models for predicting water balance and thus simulate the existing water deficit. In addition, these models try to quantifying the productive response to applied water. An important aspect of Riego-Asesor is the implementation of a weather forecasting system that adapts to the microclimatic characteristics of each point. By implementing this system important benefits are expected in water savings and efficiency, yield increases and reduced energy expenditure, among others, through the improved prediction of precipitation and reference evapo-transpiration.El proyecto Riego-Asesor está financiado por el MINECO con co-financiación FEDER a través del proyecto Retos Colaboración RTC-2015-3453-2: “Asesor virtual para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones sobre estrategias de riego sostenibles”