37 research outputs found

    Test świadomego myślenia jako miernik myśli racjonalnej. Wyniki badań własnych

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    The article is the continuation of the literature review study of cognitive reflection test – CRT. After a short theoretical background of the subject, the authors present results of their empirical research conducted among over 500 students. The analyses show that CRT is a good predictor of rational behavior, and results from CRT depend from such determinants as sex or religion.Artykuł jest kontynuacją badań literaturowych dotyczących testu świadomego myślenia – CRT. Autorki, po zaprezentowaniu krótkiego rysu teoretycznego, analizują wyniki badań własnych przeprowadzonych na grupie ponad 500 studentów. Analizy dowodzą, że test CRT jest dobrym narzędziem prognozującym racjonalne zachowanie jednostek, a wyniki w tym teście są zróżnicowane w zależności od płci czy stosunku do wiary

    The impact of religiosity and gender on reflective and intuitive thinking : the case of Poland

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    PURPOSE: Cognitive styles are preferred modes of intellectual functioning that meet individual human needs. Among the most important, cognitive psychology includes impulsivity and reflexivity, which are revealed during cognitive problem solving. In this study, we examine the relationship between the tendency to think impulsively or reflectively and gender and declared religiosity.METHODOLOGY: In this study, we will use the Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT), a simple and widely used tool examining inclination for impulsive or reflective thinking. A total of 511 Polish participants (students on master’s studies in economic major) completed two types of CRT tests (3- and 7-question versions). Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, tauKendall correlation, Student's t-test, and Mann-Whitney test.FINDINGS: Results indicated that highly religious Polish survey respondents scored lower on the CRT compared to non-religious and that men scored higher on the CRT than women. Additionally, the CRT7 being less publicly known produced more impulsive (fewer correct answers) scores than the CRT3 version among both men and women.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results provide information that female and highly religious Poles surveyed in our study display an impulsive cognitive style, while male and low religious think more reflectively.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The results contribute to the diversity of research on the relationship between cognitive style and religiosity or gender by using tests of Polish survey respondents.peer-reviewe

    Znaczenie czynników behawioralnych w zarządzaniu kryzysowym

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    The recent events of the past two years indicate that effective crisis management cannot ignore behavioural factors. When analysing social reactions, it becomes clear that they are far from standard, rational behaviour in exceptional conditions such as a pandemic, a migration crisis, or the threat of an armed conflict. Effective economic and financial policies of a state should be based on predictions related to herd behaviour and the theory of nudge introduced by R. Thaler and C. R. Sunstein in 2017. According to this theory, the assumptions of behavioural economics can be utilised successfully in shaping public policies with appropriate tools (simplifications, default options, framing, approximation of consequences, design, or reference to social norms).The aim of this article is to review the use of behavioural economics tools in situations of extraordinary, unexpected, and large-scale crises. Examples of the use of behavioural innovations and herd behaviour in different contexts by the authorities from various parts of the world are presented. This review can serve as an inspiration for implementing new solutions based on the theory of nudges, herd behaviour, and the behaviour of altruistic individuals.The article uses theories from the field of behavioural economics (the prospect theory, nudge theory) and gift economy as well as media reports on methods to combat and mitigate the negative effects of crises in the healthcare system and forced migration in different countries, including those with different cultural backgrounds. This article provides an overview of such methods and presents the mechanisms of behavioural economics that underlie them, along with the positive effects of using these methods, thereby demonstrating their effectiveness.Wydarzenia ostatnich dwóch lat wskazują, że w zarządzaniu kryzysowym nie można pomijać czynników behawioralnych. Analiza reakcji społecznych prowadzi do stwierdzenia, że są one dalekie od standardowego, racjonalnego zachowania w warunkach wyjątkowych, takich jak: pandemia, kryzys migracyjny czy zagrożenie konfliktem zbrojnym. Skuteczna polityka gospodarcza oraz finansowa państwa powinna opierać się na predykcji powiązanej z zachowaniami stadnymi oraz teorii impulsu (szturchnięcia) wprowadzonej przez Thalera i Sunsteina w 2017 r. Ich zdaniem założenia ekonomii behawioralnej mogą zostać z powodzeniem wykorzystane w kształtowaniu polityki publicznej za pomocą odpowiednich narzędzi (uproszczeń, opcji domyślnych, ramowania, przybliżania konsekwencji, projektowania czy odwołania do norm społecznych). Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przegląd narzędzi ekonomii behawioralnej znajdujących zastosowanie w sytuacji zagrożenia nadzwyczajnym, nieoczekiwanym i wielkoskalowym kryzysem. Przedstawione w toku rozważań przykłady dotyczą wykorzystania innowacji behawioralnych i zachowań stadnych w różnym kontekście, przez władze państw z różnych stron świata. Niniejszy przegląd może stanowić inspirację do wprowadzenia nowych rozwiązań, uwzględniających teorię impulsu oraz zachowań stadnych i altruistycznych jednostek. W artykule wykorzystano ustalenia z zakresu ekonomii behawioralnej (teoria perspektywy oraz teoria impulsu) i ekonomii daru oraz doniesienia medialne na temat metod walki i niwelowania negatywnych skutków kryzysów w systemie opieki zdrowotnej czy przymusowej migracji w różnych krajach, także o odmiennych uwarunkowaniach kulturowych. W toku rozważań dokonano przeglądu tych metod oraz leżących u ich podstaw mechanizmów ekonomii behawioralnej wraz z pozytywnymi efektami ich zastosowania, dowodzącymi tym samym ich skuteczności

    Development of the Preferred Components for Co-Design in Research Guideline and Checklist: Protocol for a Scoping Review and a Modified Delphi Process

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    Background: There is increasing evidence that co-design can lead to more engaging, acceptable, relevant, feasible, and even effective interventions. However, no guidance is provided on the specific designs and associated methods or methodologies involved in the process. We propose the development of the Preferred Components for Co-design in Research (PRECISE) guideline to enhance the consistency, transparency, and quality of reporting co-design studies used to develop complex health interventions. Objective: The aim is to develop the first iteration of the PRECISE guideline. The purpose of the PRECISE guideline is to improve the consistency, transparency, and quality of reporting on studies that use co-design to develop complex health interventions. Methods: The aim will be achieved by addressing the following objectives: to review and synthesize the literature on the models, theories, and frameworks used in the co-design of complex health interventions to identify their common elements (components, values or principles, associated methods and methodologies, and outcomes); and by using the results of the scoping review, prioritize the co-design components, values or principles, associated methods and methodologies, and outcomes to be included in the PRECISE guideline. Results: The project has been funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Conclusions: The collective results of this project will lead to a ready-to-implement PRECISE guideline that outlines a minimum set of items to include when reporting the co-design of complex health interventions. The PRECISE guideline will improve the consistency, transparency, and quality of reports of studies. Additionally, it will include guidance on how to enact or enable the values or principles of co-design for meaningful and collaborative solutions (interventions). PRECISE might also be used by peer reviewers and editors to improve the review of manuscripts involving co-design. Ultimately, the PRECISE guideline will facilitate more efficient use of new results about complex health intervention development and bring better returns on research investments

    Ubóstwo energetyczne jako problem społeczny i sposoby jego rozwiązywania

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    Energy poverty as a social problem and the ways of solving this issueThe article is devoted to one of the social problem — fuel poverty, that is diffi culties with meeting energy needs. It provides the discretion of the issue, including the definitions which have been proposed by Brits and Poles. It also contains information about the scale of the problem in Poland in diff erent social groups, identification of the reasons of fuel poverty as well as the possible ways of solving it. The analyses of Polish legal acts related to this issue has been conducted and described. Energy poverty as a social problem and the ways of solving this issueThe article is devoted to one of the social problem — fuel poverty, that is diffi culties with meeting energy needs. It provides the discretion of the issue, including the definitions which have been proposed by Brits and Poles. It also contains information about the scale of the problem in Poland in diff erent social groups, identification of the reasons of fuel poverty as well as the possible ways of solving it. The analyses of Polish legal acts related to this issue has been conducted and described

    Role of Virulence Determinants in Candida albicans’ Resistance to Novel 2-bromo-2-chloro-2-(4-chlorophenylsulfonyl)-1-phenylethanone

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    We investigated the role of KEX2, SAP4-6, EFG1, and CPH1 in the virulence of Candida under a novel compound 2-bromo-2-chloro-2-(4-chlorophenylsulfonyl)-1-phenylethanone (Compound 4). We examined whether the exposure of C. albicans cells to Compound 4, non-cytotoxic to mammalian cells, reduces their adhesion to the human epithelium. We next assessed whether the exposure of C. albicans cells to Compound 4 modulates the anti-inflammatory response (IL-10) and induces human macrophages to respond to the Candida cells. There was a marked reduction in the growth of the sap4Δsap5Δsap6Δ mutant cells when incubated with Compound 4. Under Compound 4 (minimal fungicidal concentration MFC = 0.5–16 µg/mL): (1) wild type strain SC5314 showed a resistant phenotype with down-regulation of the KEX2 expression; (2) the following mutants of C. albicans: sap4Δ, sap5Δ, sap6Δ, and cph1Δ displayed decreased susceptibility with the paradoxical effect and up-regulation of the KEX2 expression compared to SC5314; (3) the immune recognition of C. albicans by macrophages and (4) the stimulation of IL-10 were not blocked ex vivo. The effect of deleting KEX2 in C. albicans had a minor impact on the direct activation of Compound 4’s antifungal activity. The adhesion of kex2Δ is lower than that of the wild parental strain SC5314, and tends to decrease if grown in the presence of a sub-endpoint concentration of Compound 4. Our results provide evidence that SAP4–6 play a role as regulators of the anti-Candida resistance to Compound 4. Compound 4 constitutes a suitable core to be further exploited for lead optimization to develop potent antimycotics

    The Antifungal Action Mode of N-Phenacyldibromobenzimidazoles

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    Our study aimed to characterise the action mode of N-phenacyldibromobenzimidazoles against C. albicans and C. neoformans. Firstly, we selected the non-cytotoxic most active benzimidazoles based on the structure–activity relationships showing that the group of 5,6-dibromobenzimidazole derivatives are less active against C. albicans vs. 4,6-dibromobenzimidazole analogues (5e–f and 5h). The substitution of chlorine atoms to the benzene ring of the N-phenacyl substituent extended the anti-C. albicans action (5e with 2,4-Cl2 or 5f with 3,4-Cl2). The excellent results for N-phenacyldibromobenzimidazole 5h against the C. albicans reference and clinical isolate showed IC50 = 8 µg/mL and %I = 100 ± 3, respectively. Compound 5h was fungicidal against the C. neoformans isolate. Compound 5h at 160–4 µg/mL caused irreversible damage of the fungal cell membrane and accidental cell death (ACD). We reported on chitinolytic activity of 5h, in accordance with the patterns observed for the following substrates: 4-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminide and 4-nitrophenyl-β-d-N,N′,N″-triacetylchitothiose. Derivative 5h at 16 µg/mL: (1) it affected cell wall by inducing β-d-glucanase, (2) it caused morphological distortions and (3) osmotic instability in the C. albicans biofilm-treated. Compound 5h exerted Candida-dependent inhibition of virulence factors

    Altruizm a racjonalność – badania z wykorzystaniem gry Dyktator i testu świadomego myślenia (CRT)

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    Artykuł porusza zagadnienie racjonalności ludzi w zestawieniu z ich postawami altruistycznymi. Badanie przeprowadzono na ponad 500 studentach. Składało się ono z trzech części: gier eksperymentalnych Dyktator, testu świadomego myślenia (CRT) oraz metryczki. Badano graczy pod kątem odruchów altruistycznych, poziomu ich racjonalności, płci oraz wiary. W ogólnym wyniku badania stwierdzono, że osoby bardziej racjonalne (wyższy wynik w teście CRT) zachowują się bardziej egoistycznie, pozostawiając sobie wyższe kwoty w grach Dyktator. Test świadomego myślenia okazał się dobrym estymatorem racjonalnego zachowania jednostek. Zaobserwowano również różnice międzypłciowe – kobiety dyktatorzy chętniej dzieliły się otrzymaną kwotą pieniędzy niż dyktatorzy mężczyźni. Artykuł zawiera także bardziej szczegółowe wyniki dotyczące różnic we wzorcu decyzji o podziale kwoty, stanowisku dyktatora czy jego stosunku do wiar

    Inwestowanie etyczne w religiach świata

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    Article presents the idea of faith-based investing, which is one of the components of the wider field i.e. Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). Authors show the attitude of the chosen religions towards such matters as finance and investing