32 research outputs found

    An Integrated Big and Fast Data Analytics Platform for Smart Urban Transportation Management

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    (c) 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.[EN] Smart urban transportation management can be considered as a multifaceted big data challenge. It strongly relies on the information collected into multiple, widespread, and heterogeneous data sources as well as on the ability to extract actionable insights from them. Besides data, full stack (from platform to services and applications) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions need to be specifically adopted to address smart cities challenges. Smart urban transportation management is one of the key use cases addressed in the context of the EUBra-BIGSEA (Europe-Brazil Collaboration of Big Data Scientific Research through Cloud-Centric Applications) project. This paper specifically focuses on the City Administration Dashboard, a public transport analytics application that has been developed on top of the EUBra-BIGSEA platform and used by the Municipality stakeholders of Curitiba, Brazil, to tackle urban traffic data analysis and planning challenges. The solution proposed in this paper joins together a scalable big and fast data analytics platform, a flexible and dynamic cloud infrastructure, data quality and entity matching algorithms as well as security and privacy techniques. By exploiting an interoperable programming framework based on Python Application Programming Interface (API), it allows an easy, rapid and transparent development of smart cities applications.This work was supported by the European Commission through the Cooperation Programme under EUBra-BIGSEA Horizon 2020 Grant [Este projeto e resultante da 3a Chamada Coordenada BR-UE em Tecnologias da Informacao e Comunicacao (TIC), anunciada pelo Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao (MCTI)] under Grant 690116.Fiore, S.; Elia, D.; Pires, CE.; Mestre, DG.; Cappiello, C.; Vitali, M.; Andrade, N.... (2019). An Integrated Big and Fast Data Analytics Platform for Smart Urban Transportation Management. IEEE Access. 7:117652-117677. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2936941S117652117677

    A Path to the Stars: The Evolution of the Species

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    During the last years, a number of telescopes have been dedicated to the followup of the GRBs. But after the Swift launch, the average observed intensity of the GRBs showed to be lower than thought before. Our experience with the robotic 60 cm REM telescope confirmed this evidence, with a large number oflostGRBs. Then, we proposed to study the feasibility of a 4 m fast pointing class telescope, equipped with a multichannel imagers, from Visible to Near Infrared. In this paper, we present the main result of the feasibility study we performed so far

    An Intense and Short-Lasting Burst of Neutrophil Activation Differentiates Early Acute Myocardial Infarction from Systemic Inflammatory Syndromes

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    BACKGROUND: Neutrophils are involved in thrombus formation. We investigated whether specific features of neutrophil activation characterize patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) compared to stable angina and to systemic inflammatory diseases. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The myeloperoxidase (MPO) content of circulating neutrophils was determined by flow cytometry in 330 subjects: 69 consecutive patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS), 69 with chronic stable angina (CSA), 50 with inflammation due to either non-infectious (acute bone fracture), infectious (sepsis) or autoimmune diseases (small and large vessel systemic vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis). Four patients have also been studied before and after sterile acute injury of the myocardium (septal alcoholization). One hundred thirty-eight healthy donors were studied in parallel. Neutrophils with normal MPO content were 96% in controls, >92% in patients undergoing septal alcoholization, 91% in CSA patients, but only 35 and 30% in unstable angina and AMI (STEMI and NSTEMI) patients, compared to 80%, 75% and 2% of patients with giant cell arteritis, acute bone fracture and severe sepsis. In addition, in 32/33 STEMI and 9/21 NSTEMI patients respectively, 20% and 12% of neutrophils had complete MPO depletion during the first 4 hours after the onset of symptoms, a feature not observed in any other group of patients. MPO depletion was associated with platelet activation, indicated by P-selectin expression, activation and transactivation of leukocyte β2-integrins and formation of platelet neutrophil and -monocyte aggregates. The injection of activated platelets in mice produced transient, P-selectin dependent, complete MPO depletion in about 50% of neutrophils. CONCLUSIONS: ACS are characterized by intense neutrophil activation, like other systemic inflammatory syndromes. In the very early phase of acute myocardial infarction only a subpopulation of neutrophils is massively activated, possibly via platelet-P selectin interactions. This paroxysmal activation could contribute to occlusive thrombosis

    Impact of Optimized Breastfeeding on the Costs of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants

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    To estimate risk of NEC for ELBW infants as a function of preterm formula and maternal milk (MM) intake and calculate the impact of suboptimal feeding on NEC incidence and costs

    Malnutrition and Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Hospitalized Elderly Patients with and without Heart Failure

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    Heart failure (HF) is highly prevalent among older subjects and it is associated with poor prognosis. HF frequently coexists with malnutrition. Objectives of our work were to assess nutritional status of old inpatients with and without HF and to study the association of malnutrition markers with echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular function and geometry. We enrolled 165 patients (72 men, 93 women; mean age: 80±7 years) consecutively admitted to Cardiology ward of our geriatric research hospital. For all subjects we performed clinical examination, echocardiogram and laboratory tests. Nutritional status was assessed evaluating anthropometric and laboratory markers of malnutrition (BMI ≤ 24 kg/m2 and/or serum albumin ≤ 3.2 g/dL). We found high prevalence of HF (67.3%) and malnutrition (28.5%). Mean serum albumin and mean BMI were 3.6±0.5 g/dL and 25.8±5.2 kg/m2 respectively. T-Student tests showed lower values of serum albumin in patients with HF compared with patients without HF (3.5±0.6 g/dL vs 3.7±0.4 g/dL; p:0.043). Conversely BMI values were not significantly different. We found significant association between serum albumin and ejection fraction (EF) of left ventriculum (r:0.311; p:0.001). An independent correlation between EF and serum albumin was confirmed by multivariate analysis (β:0.301; p:0.027). Our study highlights that malnutrition is common among elderly inpatients with HF. Lower albumin was associated with worse systolic left ventricular function. Efforts should be made in the research setting to better understand the pathophysiology of malnutrition in HF and to identify useful management strategies for nutritional assessment and supplementation

    Percepciones de bienestar social relacionadas con la producción de cerdos de traspatio en zonas peri-urbanas

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    Se analiza la metodología de modos de vida en productores de porcino de traspatio. Se busca incorporar un valor numérico a los capitales con el fin de poder comparar y discriminar su peso y jerarquía en el conjunto.Se evaluó las percepciones de bienestar social, alineados con la propuesta de bienestar de modos de vida. Se realizaron entrevistas y monitoreo de indicadores evaluados y los datos fueron analizados con estadísticas descriptivas y análisis de frecuencias. Los capitales físicos, social, humano y financiero, en ese orden, son los más importantes en los modos de vida de este tipo de productores.CONACyT: Beca de Doctorado de Leonel Santos Barrios. Proyecto: Análisis de los inventarios y las asimetrías productivas ambientales y económicas de los sistemas ganaderos. Clave: 4219/2016S

    Social work training in Brazil : challenges for its academic-politicaland socioprofessional patrimony.

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    Este texto tiene por objeto la formaci?n en Trabajo Social en Brasil. Se?ala las repercusiones de las determinaciones macrosc?picas en la formaci?n de los profesionales y docentes en Trabajo Social, enfatizando algunos de sus desaf?os para la concreci?n de un perfil profesional cr?tico, te?ricamente consistente, comprometido con los valores humanos gen?ricos, y competente t?cnica y pol?ticamente. Parte de la consideraci?n de que el proyecto educativo brasile?o, especialmente el de la ense?anza universitaria, hist?ricamente se ha sometido a los imperativos del capital nacional y a las demandas inmediatas del mercado de trabajo. Es importante que el conjunto de los sujetos implicados (profesionales, docentes y estudiantes) sean conscientes de que la lucha contra la precarizaci?n de la formaci?n profesional conlleva algo m?s que la mera lucha contra las propuestas gubernamentales vigentes; conlleva tambi?n la lectura de la realidad actual; una aprehensi?n cr?tica de los retrocesos, as? como un an?lisis responsable de los avances, reconociendo siempre las conquistas obtenidas hasta ahora, teni?ndolas en consideraci?n en el establecimiento de las salidas y estrategias en defensa del proyecto de formaci?n.The object of this paper is social work training in Brazil. It examines the repercussions of macroscopic decisions for the training of social work professionals and teachers, emphasising some of the challenges in developing a critical and theoretically consistent professional profile that is committed to universal human values and technically and politically competent. The premise is the observation that particularly in terms of university education, the Brazilian education programme has historically been subject to the imperatives of the national capital and to the immediate demands of the labour market. It is important for the range of participating subjects (professionals, teachers and students) to be aware that the fight against precariousness of professional training entails more than merely opposing current government policies. It also involves examining contemporary reality, with a critical understanding of setbacks as well as a responsible analysis of advances. There should always be a recognition of the achievements to date, which should be taken into consideration in establishing outcomes and strategies for defending the training programme

    Matemática Básica-CE76-201202

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    El curso brinda al alumno el uso de nociones básicas de proporcionalidad porcentajes interés simple y compuesto ecuaciones lectura de gráficos y funciones que le permiten resolver situaciones y problemas numéricos reales en su día a día. El curso de desarrollará a través de problemas y ejercicios aplicado

    Matemática Empresarial-CE102-201602

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    Matemática Aplicada a los Negocios es un curso de tercer nivel en la formación profesional de los estudiantes de Administración de la UPC con el que se busca desarrollar la competencia de razonamiento cuantitativo y a través del cual el alumno aprende a aplicar herramientas matemáticas en la solución de situaciones del contexto real que son esencialmente de naturaleza cuantitativa como: determinación de precios cálculo de costos ingresos utilidad etc. que corresponden a su entorno profesional futuro.El curso desarrolla herramientas matemáticas básicas: funciones y lectura de gráficas derivadas e integrales. Cada tópico se presenta a través de aplicaciones a temas estrechamente relacionados con su carrera: curva de oferta y demanda función costo y utilidad punto de equilibrio marginalidad etc. Estos casos son puntos de partida para análisis cuantitativos posteriores que se desarrollarán a lo largo de su formación profesional