78 research outputs found

    The first new species of European Ascocotyle Looss, 1899 (Digenea: Heterophyidae) described in more than half a century

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    Ascocotyle (Phagicola) trentinii n. sp. is described based on adults from experimentally infected ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) fed with metacercariae from the visceral serosa of the Mediterranean banded killifish, Aphanius fasciatus (Cyprinodontiformes: Aphaniidae), from coastal lagoons in northeastern Italy (Emilia-Romagna Region). The new species is placed into the subgenus Phagicola because of the presence of a single row of circumoral spines, vitelline follicles being confined between the ventral sucker and testes, and uterine loops not reaching anterior to the ventral sucker. Ascocotyle (P.) trentinii n. sp. differs from other members of the subgenus Phagicola, as well as other species of Ascocotyle, by the number (27–33) of circumoral spines which are 13.5–17 μm long and 3.5–5 μm wide, and by the morphology of a gonotyl which is composed of about 8 large refractile pockets. The occurrence of metacercariae in A. fasciatus indicates that the life cycle of the new species is completed in brackish water lagoons. It is the fourth species of Ascocotyle described in Europe and may be endemic to the Mediterranean region because its second (fish) intermediate host is endemic to this region

    Absence of anisakis nematodes in smoked farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) products on sale in European countries

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    The increase of global demand of aquaculture products as compensation for the lowering of fishery sustainability has shown a parallel awareness by the consumers on the importance of the safety and quality of fish products. Among these, salmon industry has reached a leading position demonstrating the negligible risk of presence of zoonotic helminths such as anisakis nematodes in farmed salmon. Despite the massive production of data in literature on parasitological surveys carried out on fresh salmon, no data are published on processed farmed salmon such as smoked products. In 2016, 270 slices of smoked farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and 13 smoked slices from wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) have been analyzed by visual inspection and UV-press method searching for the presence of anisakid nematodes. No parasites were detected in samples from farmed Atlantic salmon, while 10 out of 13 from wild salmon were positive for Anisakis simplex s.s. larvae. This first survey on the possible presence of anisakid nematodes in processed smoked salmon confirms that this risk in farmed Atlantic salmon products has to be considered negligible

    Parasitic infection in the scyphozoan Rhizostoma pulmo (Macri, 1778)

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    : Very little information is reported for parasites of cnidarians, therefore, the present work aimed to investigate parasitic infections in one of the most widespread jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea, Rhizostoma pulmo. The goals were to determine prevalence and intensity of parasites in R. pulmo, identify the species involved through morphological and molecular analysis, test whether infection parameters differ in different body parts and in relation to jellyfish size. 58 individuals were collected, 100% of them infected with digenean metacercariae. Intensity varied between 18.7 ± 6.7 per individual in 0-2 cm diameter jellyfish up to 505 ± 50.6 in 14 cm ones. Morphological and molecular analyses suggest that the metacercariae belonged to the family Lepocreadiidae and could be possibly assigned to the genus Clavogalea. Prevalence values of 100% suggest that R. pulmo is an important intermediate host in the life cycle of lepocreadiids in the region. Our findings also support the hypothesis that R. pulmo is an important part in the diet of teleost fish, which are reported as definitive hosts of lepocreadiids, since trophic transmission is necessary for these parasites to complete their life cycles. Parasitological data may therefore be useful to investigate fish-jellyfish predation, integrating traditional methods such as gut contents analysis

    Occurrence of Neobenedenia girellae (Monogenea: Capsalidae) in Gilthead Seabream Sparus aurata (Actinopterygii: Sparidae) Cultured in Portugal

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    Monogenean capsalids of the genus Neobenedenia are widespread parasites of wild and farmed marine fish, and represent a potential threat to mariculture due to their pathogenicity and ability to cause mortality in fish maintained in controlled conditions. The identification of Neobenedenia species and, consequently, the definition of their host specificity is often problematic due to their highly conserved morphology; therefore, in order to establish their specific identity, microscopic observation should be complemented with molecular analysis. The present work aims at characterizing Neobenedenia specimens infecting the skin of cage reared gilthead seabream Sparus aurata from Portugal. Parasite samples obtained from caged fish were processed for morphological analysis, through observation in light and scanning electron microscopy, and for molecular analysis, through amplification and sequencing of 28S rDNA and cytB, aimed at identifying them to the species level. Our results showed that the collected parasites belonged to the species Neobenedenia girellae; the susceptibility of S. aurata towards this pathogenic capsalid monogenean highlighted in the present work represents an important risk in the farming of this valuable fish specie

    Development and diagnostic validation of a one-step multiplex RT-PCR assay as a rapid method to detect and identify Nervous Necrosis Virus (NNV) and its variants circulating in the Mediterranean

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    Nervous Necrosis Virus (NNV) represents one of the most threatening pathogens for Mediterranean aquaculture. Several NNV strains are currently co-circulating in the Mediterranean Basin with a high prevalence of the RGNNV genotype and the RGNNV/SJNNV reassortant strain and a more limited diffusion of the SJNNV genotype and the SJNNV/RGNNV reassortant. In the present study, a one-step multiplex RT-PCR (mRT-PCR) assay was developed as an easy, cost-effective and rapid diagnostic technique to detect RGNNV and the reassortant RGNNV/SJNNV strain and to distinguish them from SJNNV and the reassortant SJNNV/RGNNV strain in a single RT-PCR reaction. A unique amplification profile was obtained for each genotype/reassortant enabling their rapid identification from cell culture lysates or directly from brain tissues of suspected fish. The method's detection limit varied between 10 2.3 and 10 3.4 TCID ml -1 depending on viral strains. No cross-reacitivty with viruses and bacteria frequently associated with gilthead seabream, European seabass and marine environment was observed. The mRT-PCR was shown to be an accurate, rapid and affordable method to support traditional diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of VNN, being able to reduce considerably the time to identify the viral genotype or the involvement of reassortant strains

    <i>Mycobacterium chelonae</i> associated with tumor-like skin and oral masses in farmed Russian sturgeons (<i>Acipenser gueldenstaedtii</i>)

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    Background: Non-tuberculous mycobacteria responsible for piscine mycobacteriosis usually produce visceral granulomas in both freshwater and marine species. In this study, the first occurrence of Mycobacterium chelonae associated with tumor-like lesions in the Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) is reported. Fifteen sturgeons from an Italian fish farm showing skin and oral cauliflower-like masses were investigated by histopathology, bacterial culture and molecular analyses. Results: A total of 20 masses different in size located in the mouth and in pectoral and caudal fins (characterized by abundant calcium deposits and by mild to moderate granulomatous inflammation) were observed with a significant different degree of histological severity. All internal organs of the fish were negative for mycobacteria, Ziehl-Neelsen was positive in only one of the oral masses, whereas bacterial and PCR analyses detected the presence of M. chelonae for almost all the skin and oral masses. Based on these results, a calcinosis of dystrophic origin associated with a chronic granulomatous inflammation was considered as a primary diagnosis consequent to tissue injury in areas susceptible to trauma. Conclusions: We hypothesized that the occurrence of M. chelonae in farmed sturgeons was only a secondary event related to its presence in a stressful rearing environment and subsequent to a dystrophic calcinosis occurred in previously damaged tissues

    Digenean trematodes in Hungarian freshwater aquacultures

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    Occurrence of metacercariae of potentially zoonotic trematodes (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) in the musculature of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L. 1758) was monitored in four Hungarian aquacultures. Four geographically distinct fish farms (located in the Northwestern, Southwestern, Northeastern and Southeastern parts of Hungary) were selected for the investigation. From each farm, a total of 258 one-summer-old fingerlings were sampled and examined in the years 2016 and 2017. In addition, in 2017, we examined 60 market size specimens (30 two-summers and 30 three-summers) sampled from the most infected aquaculture in the Northeastern part of Hungary. The fish were euthanized and decapitated whereafter their musculature (fillets) was digested in a pepsin solution to isolate metacercariae from the tissue whereafter morphological and molecular analyses (PCR and sequencing of ITS region) were performed. Opisthorchiid metacercariae were not recovered but in one of the farms numerous metacercariae were detected in the musculature of carp. They were identified as cyathocotylid trematodes based on their morphological characteristics and by sequencing the ITS region. The infection levels proved to be remarkably different among the four fish farms. Carps from the Northeastern farm were infected by large numbers of cyathocotylid metacercariae, while 8 Posthodiplostomum cuticola metacercariae were detected in the Northwestern aquaculture. In the other two farms (Southwestern and Southeastern) no infection was recorded. The infected farm is located close to a protected natural wetland habitat populated by a rich fauna of aquatic birds (potential final hosts) and snails (first intermediate host) which may create a higher risk of infection in the neighbouring fish farms

    Anisakid and Raphidascaridid parasites in Trachurus trachurus: infection drivers and possible effects on the host’s condition

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    This study investigated the distribution of nematode larvae of Anisakidae and Raphidascarididae (genera Anisakis and Hysterothylacium) in Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Ligurian and central-northern Tyrrhenian Seas. The relationship between the number of parasites and the length and weight parameters of the fish was assessed, and the possible effect of the parasites on the condition factor was evaluated. A total of 190 T. trachurus specimens were collected in July 2019. Parasites were found in 70 individuals. A total of 161 visible larvae were collected in the viscera. Morphological analysis revealed the presence of Anisakis spp. in 55 fish and Hysterothylacium spp. in 15 fish, while 5 fish showed coinfection with both genera. The specimens subjected to PCR (n = 67) showed that 85% of the Anisakis larvae analyzed belonged to the species A. pegreffii, while the remaining 15% belonged to hybrids of A. pegreffii-A. simplex (s.s.). A total of 58% (n = 7) of the Hysterothylacium larvae analyzed belonged to the species H. fabri, while 42% belonged to the species H. aduncum. Our results support the hypothesis that infection with these parasites does not affect the condition of the fish host analyzed, and that body size and depth are major drivers in determining infection levels with Anisakid and Raphidascaridid nematodes

    Dirofilaria repens testicular infection in child, Italy

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    Testicular Dirofilaria repens infection was identified and confirmed by sequence analysis in a child in northeastern Italy. Because human dirofilariasis is emerging in southern and eastern Europe, this parasitic infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of scrotal swelling in disease-endemic countries to avoid unnecessary interventions, such as orchiectomy