20 research outputs found

    Schizophrenic patients’ expectations facing technology in a cognitive rehabilitation therapy environment

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    eTherapy can bring numerous advantages, however people have to adapt to a different discourse. It would be interesting to know patients’ expectations regarding to this type of therapy. A questionnaire was developed with the most studied factors proved to have an important role in technology acceptance. The results allowed highlighting some important factors that influence behavioral intention, and made it possible to verify that some of these factors may be linked or influence others among different dimensions

    Distance Multimedia Degree Studies. The Application of Multimedia Technology to Multimedia Studies

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    This paper describes the set of courses that make up the distance multimedia degree studies offered by the UPC in conjunction with the UOC. These courses are designed to meet the increasing demand for continued education by integrating the advances in information technologies currently arising from new paradigms in distance learning. The study plan has been specially designed and is fully interdisciplinary. The plan draws on three areas of knowledge: creation and design of the programme content, marketing and management of multimedia production, and computer and communications technology. The educational model seeks a balance between practical activities, similar to those students are likely to undertake in the workplace, and theory−based reading tasks aimed at furthering and consolidating their grasp of the concepts involved. The model is structured around three elements: self−access material, virtual activities, and real activities. The self−access materials and the assessment system give the student continued feedback on their progress. The average age of the students is 32'3 years (range 19−55). Most are men (77%), and 60% are pursuing university studies for the first time. A key element of the distance multimedia studies is the involvement of the teachers in the preparation of the multimedia teaching materials. This role means that they must be trained in materials design and must use models of specific contents. The activities of the course tutor and the general tutor combine a proactive attitude with rapid response to the questions that arise as part of the Distance Multimedia Degree.This paper describes the set of courses that make up the distance multimedia degree studies offered by the UPC in conjunction with the UOC. These courses are designed to meet the increasing demand for continued education by integrating the advances in information technologies currently arising from new paradigms in distance learning. The study plan has been specially designed and is fully interdisciplinary. The plan draws on three areas of knowledge: creation and design of the programme content, marketing and management of multimedia production, and computer and communications technology. The educational model seeks a balance between practical activities, similar to those students are likely to undertake in the workplace, and theory−based reading tasks aimed at furthering and consolidating their grasp of the concepts involved. The model is structured around three elements: self−access material, virtual activities, and real activities. The self−access materials and the assessment system give the student continued feedback on their progress. The average age of the students is 32'3 years (range 19−55). Most are men (77%), and 60% are pursuing university studies for the first time. A key element of the distance multimedia studies is the involvement of the teachers in the preparation of the multimedia teaching materials. This role means that they must be trained in materials design and must use models of specific contents. The activities of the course tutor and the general tutor combine a proactive attitude with rapid response to the questions that arise as part of the Distance Multimedia Degree

    PLEs from virtual ethnography of social web

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    En este artículo se presenta una investigación exploratoria basada en la etnografía virtual desde un entorno de investigación y aprendizaje con nuevas tecnologías. La etnografía es un método de investigación cualitativo de las ciencias sociales que es usado principalmente en la antropología socio-cultural, donde tiene su fundamento teórico. El objetivo fue explorar la web 2.0 y sus herramientas desde la etnografía virtual. El método de investigación es basado en la etnografía virtual y la observación participante, la cual se realizó participando en comunidades virtuales y por medio de un blog y otras herramientas 2.0. El resultado de la experiencia etnográfica es un modelo descriptivo de la web 2.0 basado en un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE).This article presents an exploratory research based on the virtual ethnography from an environment of research and learning including new technologies. The ethnography is a method of qualitative research of social sciences that is mainly used in the socio-cultural anthropology, where it has its theoretical basis. The target was to explore the web 2.0 and its tools. The process of participant observation is by means of a blog, other tools and virtual communities. The result is a descriptive model of the web 2.0 based on a Personal Learning Environment which developed in the ethnographic experience

    Distance Multimedia Degree Studies. The Application of Multimedia Technology to Multimedia Studies

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    This paper describes the set of courses that make up the distance multimedia degree studies offered by the UPC in conjunction with the UOC. These courses are designed to meet the increasing demand for continued education by integrating the advances in information technologies currently arising from new paradigms in distance learning.The study plan has been specially designed and is fully interdisciplinary. The plan draws on three areas of knowledge: creation and design of the programme content, marketing and management of multimedia production, and computer and communications technology.The educational model seeks a balance between practical activities, similar to those students are likely to undertake in the workplace, and theory−based reading tasks aimed at furthering and consolidating their grasp of the concepts involved. The model is structured around three elements: self−access material, virtual activities, and real activities. The self−access materials and the assessment system give the student continued feedback on their progress. The average age of the students is 32'3 years (range 19−55). Most are men (77%), and 60% are pursuing university studies for the first time. A key element of the distance multimedia studies is the involvement of the teachers in the preparation of the multimedia teaching materials. This role means that they must be trained in materials design and must use models of specific contents.The activities of the course tutor and the general tutor combine a proactive attitude with rapid response to the questions that arise as part of the Distance Multimedia Degree.This paper describes the set of courses that make up the distance multimedia degree studies offered by the UPC in conjunction with the UOC. These courses are designed to meet the increasing demand for continued education by integrating the advances in information technologies currently arising from new paradigms in distance learning.The study plan has been specially designed and is fully interdisciplinary. The plan draws on three areas of knowledge: creation and design of the programme content, marketing and management of multimedia production, and computer and communications technology.The educational model seeks a balance between practical activities, similar to those students are likely to undertake in the workplace, and theory−based reading tasks aimed at furthering and consolidating their grasp of the concepts involved. The model is structured around three elements: self−access material, virtual activities, and real activities. The self−access materials and the assessment system give the student continued feedback on their progress. The average age of the students is 32'3 years (range 19−55). Most are men (77%), and 60% are pursuing university studies for the first time. A key element of the distance multimedia studies is the involvement of the teachers in the preparation of the multimedia teaching materials. This role means that they must be trained in materials design and must use models of specific contents.The activities of the course tutor and the general tutor combine a proactive attitude with rapid response to the questions that arise as part of the Distance Multimedia Degree

    Taxonomias e consideraçóes metodológicas sobre testes de usabilidade em sistemas interativos multimídia

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    In this work we present a study that comes to contribute with concepts and taxonornies for the development of a methodology of structuring, implantation and application of Usability Testing on interactive multimedia systems in distance education. The used case study is the » Metodología GIM para la formación a distancia» pro ject developed by the “Grup de Recerca Escola Multimedia UPC”. Previous works such as the selection of bibliographic references and a study about modelling, evaluation and improvement of the software process of this pro ject, were used as support material. The principal discoveries of our research include (1) the proposed taxonomy, and (2) the rnethodological considerations for the proceedings of Usability Testing application in the interactive multimedia systems used in distance education. We comment on the conclusions obtained from analysing the result of this research and we put forward sorne suggestions for future works.Neste artigo apresentarnos um estudo que contribui corn conceitos e taxonomias para o desenvolvimento de urna metodologia de estruturaçdo, irnplantaçdo e aplica çao de Testes de Usabilidade ern sisternas interativos multimídia para a forma çdo a distáncia. O estudo de caso utilizado em nosso trabaiho do pro jeto »Metodología GIM para la formación a distancia» desenvolvido pelo “Grup de Recerca Escola Multimedia UPC’ Trabaihos anteriores como a seleçdo de referéncias bibliográficas e urn estudo sobre modelagem, ayaliaçJo e melhora do processo de software do citado pro jeto, forarn utilizados corno material de apoio. Os principais resultados da nossa pes quisa incluern (1) a taxonornia proposta e (2) as considera çóes metodológicas para os procedirnentos de aplicaçáo dos Testes de Usabilidade ern sistemas interativos multirnídia para a formaçáo a distáncia. Comentamos as conclusóes obtidas através desta pesquisa e as propostas para trabalhos futuros

    Libro blanco de diseño para todos en la universidad

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    Conscientes de que el logro de espacios accesibles para todas las personas depende, en buena medida, de que los profesionales relacionados con la construcción de los entornos físicos y virtuales cuenten con la formación necesaria para diseñar proyectos no excluyentes, el IMSERSO, la Fundación ONCE y la Coordinadora del Diseño para Todas las Personas, han elaborado un ambicioso proyecto formativo dirigido a los futuros estudiantes universitarios. Entre los objetivos de esta práctica herramienta están, por un lado, concienciar a los estudiantes universitarios de la necesidad de crear entornos respetuosos con la diversidad humana, incluyendo entre éstos al universitario, pero también dotar a quienes serán, futuros y futuras profesionales, de una herramienta que les permita abordar satisfactoriamente la accesibilidad dentro de sus proyectos. Para tal fin, este Libro Blanco incorpora diversos ejemplos de currículum orientado a las licenciaturas de arquitectura, ingeniería informática y psicología. En objetivo último es que en el futuro el concepto de Diseño para Todos forme parte de todos los proyectos relacionados con la actividad humana, dando así cumplimiento a la Resolución del Consejo de Europa sobre esta materia

    Prescripció infermera: posicionament i opinió dels professionals de salut a Catalunya sobre els seus beneficis

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    Prescripció infermera; Professionals de la salut; ConsensPrescripción enfermera; Profesionales de la salud; ConsensoNursing prescription; Health professionals; ConsensusLa publicació d'aquest informe té l'objectiu de mesurar el grau de consens entre els professionals de la salut implicats en el futur desplegament de la prescripció infermera a Catalunya. El document recull els resultats de la investigació en què van participar infermeres i infermers, metges i metgesses i farmacèutics i farmacèutiques en una enquesta basada en la metodologia Health Consensus

    Consensus on post COVID in the Spanish national health system: Results of the CIBERPOSTCOVID eDelphi study

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    Background: In 2021, the Spanish Ministry of Health launched the CIBERPOSTCOVID project to establish what post COVID was. The present study reports the level of agreement among stakeholders on post COVID and its clinical and diagnostic characteristics in the Spanish health system. Methods: The agreement on post COVID among clinicians, public health managers, researchers and patients' representatives was explored in a real-time, asynchronous online Delphi. In a two-wave consensus, respondents rated from 1 (total disagreement) to 6 (total agreement) 67 statements related to terminology, duration, etiology, symptoms, impact on quality of life, severity, elements to facilitate diagnosis, applicability in the pediatric population, and risk factors. Consensus was reached when 70 % of ratings for a statement were 5 or 6, with an interquartile range equal or less than 1. Findings: A total of 333 professionals and patients participated in this eDelphi study. There was agreement that post COVID was "a set of multi-organic symptoms that persist or fluctuate after acute COVID-19 infection and are not attributable to other causes" with a minimum duration of 3 months. The highest levels of agreement were found in the most frequent symptoms and its impacts on everyday activities. Aspects related to the diagnostic process and the measurement of its severity reached a lower level of consensus. There was agreement on the need to rule out previous health problems and assess severity using validated functional scales. However, no agreement was reached on the risk factors or specific features in the pediatric population. Interpretation: This policy-based consensus study has allowed the characterization of post COVID generating collective intelligence and has contributed to an operational definition applicable in clinical practice, health services management and useful for research purposes in Spain and abroad. Agreements are consistent with existing evidence and reference institutions at European and international level.The CIBERPOSTCOVID is a commissioned project of the Spanish Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Science and Innovation, funded through the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and CIBER -Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red- (ES21PI01).S